Abby's Vampire (7 page)

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Authors: Anjela Renee

BOOK: Abby's Vampire
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Chapter 15

Sally sat on the oversized chair and had her feet up on the footstool while reading. The first floor library was her favorite room to read and relax. She read a book she normally wouldn't read and she felt quite guilty. It was a Vampire Romance and not a very good one either. She knew the series was ridiculous but everyone was going crazy over the books and the movies. She’d finally given in and decided that it wouldn't hurt to just read a little bit. The phone rang in the study and it startled her. She answered to find Javon's voice.

“Hello?” Sally answered.

“Sally, it’s me. Javon”

“Hey, where are you?”

“I'm at Abby's. There was an incident. I think it's Maurice. I think he sent someone to grab her, but she got away. I tried to get her to come to our house but she refused so I'm staying with her tonight.”

“Alligator balls!” Sally cursed “Do you need me to come?”

“No, I'll be fine. Just be on alert in case he tries something with you.”

“He wouldn't dare. I would feed him his own balls. He must be trying to get back at you; he never forgave you for turning him. This is why turning should be carefully planned and not done on a whim.”

“Sally, are you forgetting my turning?”

“That was different. I had been watching you; I already had you planned.”

“How sweet. I had my own personal stalker.”

“Very funny. Do you need blood?”

“No; I ate already, but I will need more in the morning.”

“I'll have someone bring you blood tomorrow. Do you need anything else?”

“No; I’m fine. Thank you, Sally.”

Javon hung up the phone and settled into his bed for the night. It was 3 am, and still a few hours until dawn. He did some channel surfing until he finally gave up and decided to play angry birds on his Smartphone. Soon enough, the sun came up and sleep took him.


Abby woke with the sun bright and blaring in her face. After last night and the kiss to end all kisses from Javon, she tossed and turned before finally falling asleep well past 3:00 am. She looked at the clock and saw it was 12:30 pm. She groaned. That meant she would have to work late, making up the missed hours. It took her a moment until she realized that it was Sunday and she didn’t have work.

Abby stretched and forced herself out of bed and took a quick shower. She put on what she normally wore while working from home: comfortable sweat pants and a v-neck t-shirt. She threw her hair in a ponytail and ventured out into the living room. She saw Javon was already awake and had a visitor. He just closed the door, standing there with a cooler in his hand. Abby noticed it had a padlock and thought it was strange to have a lock on a cooler.

“A messenger just brought by my medicine, for my sun allergy. I take injections so it needs to stay cold.”

“Do you need help?”

“No; I just need privacy. Needles make me nervous enough without an audience.”

“You can use my room.”


Javon nodded to Abby and took his small cooler into the bedroom. He locked the door and took out a bag of blood. He pierced the bag with his fangs and drank it down. He preferred warm blood, but he was so starved that the cool blood was refreshing and immediately quenched his hunger. After putting the empty blood bag into the cooler, he came out of the bedroom. Abby was at the kitchen table eating a late breakfast of orange juice, bagel with cream cheese, and some fruit.

He sat down with her and smiled. “What would you like to do today?”


Abby looked at Javon, a little surprised. She didn't realize he would want to spend the day with her. “I don't know. I thought you would be going home.”

“Sally mentioned the Detroit Institute of Art had a fascinating exhibit on Ancient Egypt.”

“That actually sounds like fun. I can't remember when I've been there last. Do you need to go by your place for clothes?”

“The courier brought some with my medication.”

“Great. Let me grab my coat and we can get going.” Abby ran out of the kitchen with obvious excitement.

Abby held Javon’s hand the entire time as they walked through the museum. She thought it was sweet and made her feel special. She wished to herself that he would do more than just hold her hand. They walked along the displays of Egyptian jewelry. Everything was beautiful and fascinated her. Javon gave her quite a bit of history and information about many of the artifacts.

“Why do you know so much about Egypt?”

“Sally has a doctorate in Ancient Egyptian History; she has a ton of books and I like to read so I picked up a few things.”

“You sound like you should be teaching Egyptian History, Professor Bouvier,” Abby joked.

“And would that make you my student?”

“I have much to learn, Professor,” Abby said seductively.

Abby pressed her body against his and knew immediately she wasn't the only one who wanted a private lesson. She spotted a door that read authorized personnel only. Abby tried the door and found it unlocked. She pulled Javon inside and locked the door behind them; it was a small storage room with mostly office supplies and a few cabinets that held files. Javon was immediately on her, kissing her voraciously, his tongue mingling with hers.

Javon pressed Abby against the wall and kissed his way down her neck. Abby moaned, loving the way his tongue and lips felt on her. He reached under her t-shirt and slipped his hand under her bra. Her nipples were hard and erect. He caressed her breast, taking a nipple between his fingers, and teasing it gently.

“Oh my, Javon, yes,” Abby whispered.

She couldn't believe they were doing this, in a closet, in a museum of all places. She had never been one for sex in public but with Javon she was more than willing to explore that side of her. Something about just being around him just made her do things and think about things she had never considered before.

Javon made his way to Abby's pants and tugged them open. He got onto his knees and pulled down her panties. Javon just stared at her pussy, completely open to him. He appreciated that she wasn't shaven like many women thought was stylish. He loved his women neatly trimmed but natural; the way they were meant to be.

Abby couldn't believe Javon was between her legs. He kissed her thighs and parted the folds of her slick pussy with his tongue. He gently explored all her flesh with his tongue. He sucked her clit gently and Abby gasped at the sensation. She started to scream and Javon put a hand over her mouth.

Javon got up and whispered in her ear. “As much as I would love to hear you scream until you voice is hoarse, I would hate to be interrupted by security.”

Abby nodded, took a deep breath, and Javon went back to work on her pussy. She put her fist in her mouth as he licked her and then inserted two fingers. He stroked her G-spot as his mouth latched onto her clit. She rode his fingers until her body couldn't take any more and her orgasm took over. He body trembled and her pussy contracted until the final wave dissipated.

Abby was breathing heavily, her legs weak. Javon helped her pull up her jeans and panties. He held her in his arms until he felt she would be able to walk. Abby kissed him gently, the taste of her juice still on his lips.

“That was extraordinary,” she whispered.

“It was my pleasure, to give you pleasure,” he replied.

“It's your turn,” Abby said, getting onto her knees.

Javon helped her back up. He hugged her gently and whispered in her ear. “This was just for you, Beautiful. Let’s go.”

Abby was confused. Why didn't he want her to give him a blow job? She knew he wanted her. Did he change his mind?

Javon led Abby out of the closet and they walked the rest of the displays, but all he could think about was getting her alone again.




Chapter 16

Mary was in her room getting ready for bed. She had on a long nightgown—white with red trim; her favorite. She was performing her nightly ritual of brushing her hair. After the hunting trip with her father, Maurice had never come to say goodbye. It worried her, but she tried her best to put it out of her mind. She hoped her father would never do anything to harm him. She couldn’t imagine life without Maurice; he was her everything. Her way out of her father’s house, and away from the abuse. There was a knock at the door.

“Who is there?”

“It’s your father. I must speak with you, Daughter.”

“Can it wait until morning? I am in my nightclothes.”

“I am your father. Let me in.”

Mary reluctantly unlocked the door and her father entered her room. He was still wearing the same clothes he’d gone hunting in. They were all wrinkled and he smelled of alcohol. Mary made a face; she hated the smell of alcohol and her father always touched her inappropriately when he drank. She thought once she married Maurice, she could escape him once and for all.

“Sweet Mary, come sit on Daddy’s lap.”

“I prefer to stand.”

“Have it your way. I have some unfortunate news for you.” Herald gave Mary a wicked smirk.

“I gave your suitor, Maurice, a test to see how much he cares for you. I offered him one hundred acres of land in the south and a generous sum of money, if he would leave and never return. He accepted and left an hour ago.”

“You are lying. Maurice would never leave me! He promised never to leave! What did you do?”

“I only tried to protect you; he was more than willing to take the deal.”

Mary began crying, her tears stinging her eyes.

“I will leave you. Crying is so childish,” Herald replied dryly.

Mary didn’t believe Maurice would just leave without word. She would not let this go so easily. She would find him one way or another.


Sally was quite pleased, everything was going as planned, and she had sent Javon with Maurice ahead to Greece. All that was left was to get a delicate situation taken care of. She went to visit an old friend to help take care of some things in her absence.

She knocked on the door of a modest cottage. Just by looking, you would never know the occupant was filthy rich. Enri was all about never attracting attention. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

“Can I help you?” A young woman answered the door, obviously a maid and possibly a blood donor. She was dressed in a plain blue dress, with her blonde hair tied back. She held a broom in her hand and smiled at Sally.

“I am here to see Enri,” Sally said to the woman.

“Is he expecting you, Madam?”

“No, but he will see me; I am an old friend.”

“Come in, Madam.”

The young maid showed her to an ordinary sitting room. As Sally waited, she noticed that even though he lived in a modest house, he still displayed all his trinkets from around the world.

“Sally, my love,” Enri said once he entered the room. He reached her and gave her a friendly hug with a kiss on each cheek.

“Enri, I am so happy to see you again.”

“You sound as if we live a continent away.”

“I know. We haven’t visited with each other enough.”

“So, what brings the most stunning creature I have ever known to visit a miserly fellow like myself?”

“I am leaving for a time, and I need your help with something of the utmost importance.”

“You know I owe you my life. What can I do?”

“Javon has turned a local.”

“Oh my, wasn’t expecting that.”

“He was shot and left for dead in the woods. Javon took it upon himself to help him.”

“What you saw in that tenderhearted fool I will never know.”

“Do I detect a bit of jealousy?”

“You know you broke my heart. I loved you dearly.”

“Oh Enri, it wasn’t meant to be; that was so long ago.” Sally loved Enri at one time, but she was young and didn’t want to bond with anyone—and still didn’t.

“It was wrong of me to bring up the past. What do you need of me?”

“The man Javon turned was courting Mary, my dear friend, and she is not taking his disappearance very well.”

“What does she believe happened to him?”

“Her father told her he paid him to leave town. Mary isn’t buying it. I think her father is the one that shot him.”

“How intriguing. What would you like me to do?”

“I want you to keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.”


“I must go now. I am leaving for Greece tomorrow. I have much to do.”

“Take care, Sally, my dear friend.”


It was after midnight when Enri watched Mary outside her bedroom. He watched as Mary cried herself to sleep. Her father left after doing horrible things; he was a monster and must be stopped.

He wondered if Sally knew what was going on. Probably not. She wouldn’t stand for this. He waited outside in the dark behind some trees. Enri watched as Mary’s father came out, and rode away in a carriage. This was so much more than what he thought this favor would be.

Enri was mesmerized by her beauty and innocence, and at that moment he knew he would die for her without question. She finally stopped crying and was asleep, her arms tightly wrapped around a porcelain doll. Enri now sat in her room, watching over her while she slept. Mary wasn’t some silly girl; she was a woman with a big problem. And he planned on taking care of that problem as quickly as possible.

Enri left and found Mary’s father. He found him in a tavern, in a bad part of town. The sick bastard was having one drink after another. He was sitting with two prostitutes, no doubt buying their company. Enri watched as the provocatively dressed women hung on Mary's father, whom he now knew was named Herald. He could see Herald didn’t even bother to try and show even a little bit of propriety; everyone in town must know of his philandering. The thought made Enri clench his fist in anger—the shame her mother must feel at his behavior. Enri decided, since he didn’t know him or anyone else in the village, a personal approach would be okay. As Enri approached the Tavern, he noticed the stench of stale ale and urine. The place stood for everything he hated about humans; lack of self-control and gluttony.

He sat in the corner, obscured by the shadows with the hood of his cloak pulled over his face. The bar wench approached to take his order; he ordered an Ale just so he wouldn’t stand out too badly. He had no intention of drinking anything in this disgusting place. He watched as Mary’s father ordered another drink. He whispered to the prostitute and she nodded her head and she left with him. Enri knew where they were headed. There was a hotel across the street where prostitutes often took their customers. He waited a moment and followed, knowing he would have to use his Vampire gifts to ensure no one would remember him.

Enri waited in the shadows until he thought it was safe. The fewer people that saw him, the better off he would be. He entered the hotel, put the clerk in a trance, and found out what room Mary’s father was in. He put the suggestion in the clerk’s head that he was never there.

Stopping outside the door of the room, he could hear moaning and grunting, suggesting that he and the prostitute were already engaged in activity of a carnal nature. Enri waited around the corner until they were finished, and the prostitute left. Enri then entered the room.

“What are you doing in here?” Mary’s father yelled.

He was unable to utter another word—Enri was on him in a flash. His hand covered his mouth while he tore into his neck, drinking down his blood as quickly as he could. Mary’s father quickly passed out as Enri continued to feed until his heart stopped beating. Enri licked his lips, feeling a bit woozy from all the alcohol that was in the blood. He decided leaving Mary’s father in the hotel would be bad for the family name so he dressed the body and put his arm around him. Suggesting he was merely drunk and getting help from a friend, Enri pulled his hood down and walked out of the hotel. The clerk waved, barely looking up from his book. Enri took the body into a nearby alley where he took his money and watch, making it look like a robbery gone wrong. Enri left quite pleased with himself; it had been awhile since he’d helped mankind.


It had been a month since the problem of Mary’s father had been taken care of. He was found and everyone assumed that he had too much to drink and was mugged and murdered. It wasn't uncommon in that part of town. Enri watched Mary every night through her bedroom window. Once she was asleep, he would enter her room and watch her and listen to her breathe as she slept. Mary was so beautiful and he desperately wanted to touch her, to feel her skin against his as he held her in her time of need. With the additional loss of Mary's father, she was falling deeper into a depression; he feared what she may do next.

He watched as Mary brushed her golden brown hair and took care to tie it with a blue ribbon. She dressed in a white nightgown with matching blue trim. Mary walked down the stairs and out the servant's entrance. Enri followed her from a discreet distance. He was puzzled as to what she was doing out in the middle of the night in her nightclothes. He stayed back as she lit a candle for light. He waited a few minutes and then approached the stables. He looked inside and was horrified. Mary’s lifeless body was hanging from the rafters. He quickly released her, put his ear to her heart, and could still hear it faintly beating. If he was going to do something he had to hurry. She wouldn't be alive much longer.

“I will save you, Mary. I won't let you die.”

Enri wasn't sure what was wrong with him. He was actually crying, and the thought of a world without her was more than he could bear. He knew he only had one option: he had to turn her. He only hoped she had enough life left to accept the change. He bit his wrist and held it to her open mouth and let the liquid run down her throat; simultaneously he bit her neck and drank down her blood. Mary awoke, gripped his wrist and drank it down, suckling like a baby. He did it! Mary was saved.

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