Abby's Vampire (3 page)

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Authors: Anjela Renee

BOOK: Abby's Vampire
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Chapter 6

It was Saturday and Abby woke to see it was 10:00 a.m. She loved working from home as a coder and thought herself lucky. She was very excited about her date with Javon. She was still replaying the erotic dream she had last night. It had felt so real. Getting ready for her day, she showered and put on her glasses. Today, she wore the ones with purple frames. She put on a v-neck black T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and gathered her hair in a ponytail. She decided to call Jenny to see if they could meet for lunch.

“Jenny, it's me, Abby.”

“Hey, what's up?” replied Jenny, sleepily.

“You sound tired. Late night with Jeff?”

“You have no idea what that man is like. He acts like the energizer bunny; he keeps going, and going, and going.”

“Okay I get it, Jen. TMI!” said Abby, jokingly.

“You want to grab some lunch?”

“Sure; how about at Dimitri’s in 30 minutes?”

“I'll be there,” Abby replied as she shut her phone.

Abby arrived at the restaurant to find that Jenny was already there, sitting at a table. Jenny looked like a supermodel—tall and thin with shiny auburn hair in a messy upsweep. She wore jeans and a V-neck pink sweater. The restaurant wasn't too busy, considering it was a Saturday afternoon.

“So, how did your night go with Jeff?” Abby asked.

“It was AWWWWESOME—he is insatiable.”

“Did you ever leave your bedroom?”

“Nope; it was a perfect night,” Jenny replied. “So, what did you do last night?”

“Well, actually, I met a guy,” Abby replied, trying to sound like it was no big deal.

“Oh my God! That's great news. Tell me all about it,” Jenny replied excitedly.

“Well, there isn't much to tell. We've just met. We have a date tonight so I guess I'll find out if he's really interested or not.”

“Of course he's interested! He asked you out, didn't he?”

“I know, but he just seemed too interested. What if we go out and I wake up with a missing kidney or something?”

“Abby, you’re being ridiculous. Stop looking at things negatively; a cute guy asked you out.”

“You know, you’re right. Starting right now, I'm going to look only at the positives in each situation. Javon is handsome and likes me—that’s all that matters.”

Jenny smiled at Abby's declaration. “It’s about fucking time. Let’s eat.”


Jenny insisted on helping Abby get ready for her date, and Jenny’s idea of helping was drinking wine on the bed and critiquing her wardrobe choices.

“It’s official; I hate everything I own,”Abby said exasperatedly. “I should have gone shopping.”

“Don’t be silly. I have an idea; take out the black dress.”

“You mean my funeral dress?”

“Don’t call it that. It’s a classic black dress and we can jazz it up. You’ll see.”

“I’m having a hard time keeping my own promise to keep out the negativity.”

“Abby, what are those?”


“Your panties: it’s like something my grandma would wear. You need to change that, pronto.”

“Who cares what my underpants look like?”

“It’s all about preparing for every situation and knowing that underneath you have something he would love to take off.”

“Jenny! I’m not sleeping with him on the first date.”

“Here; I found these in your drawer. By the way, you need new under-things.”

Abby picked up the red lace bra and matching panties. She remembered buying them on a whim but then never wearing them. They even still had on the price tag. She changed into the new bra and panty set then put on the black dress. She started buttoning up the front when Jenny took over. She left most of the buttons unbuttoned and helped put on a necklace.

“So much better. You’re hot! I dare him to keep his hands to himself.”

“Is this too much cleavage?”

“You can never have enough cleavage. Now, for the hair and make-up.”

Abby groaned. She liked hanging out with Jenny, but constant attention was making her insane. “I think I can handle the rest on my own,” Abby said, hoping that Jenny would take the hint and let her be.

“Am I getting on your nerves?” Jenny asked.

Abby pinched her fingers together. “Just a little bit.”

“I’m sorry; I haven’t seen you much and I’m having a blast helping you. I will let you do the rest. I will sit here with my other best friend, White Zinfandel.”

Abby gave her best friend a peck on the cheek and ran into the bathroom to fix her hair and make-up. Abby took off her glasses and applied her make-up and decided on a simple up-do for her hair. She came out of the bathroom to find Jenny sprawled out on the bed. Obviously she had over indulged with the wine. She smiled drunkenly and jumped off the bed, flinging herself at Abby.

“Abby,” she slurred. “You look so pretty. Your hair and make-up look great.”

Abby had to stifle her laugh. She hadn’t seen Jenny drunk in a while and it was a familiar scene.

“I have an idea. Why don’t you lay in my bed, have more wine, and I can tell you all about my date when I get back?”

“OMG, Abby, that’s a great idea; just like old times when we were roommates. I miss living together,” Jenny declared.

“I know, Sweetie. Me too.”

Jenny hopped into Abby’s bed and then the door buzzer went off. She knew that must be Javon.

Abby suddenly felt sick to her stomach with nerves.

“Hello?” she said into the intercom.

“It's Javon, and I'm here to pick you up.”

“I'll be right down.” Abby walked out the front door of her apartment building.


Javon watched Abby walk out of her building. He knew he wanted her under him in a bad way. It was going to be very difficult not to take her before the date was over. He got a hard on instantly! He closed his eyes and thought about the ninety year old woman who lived next door while he and Sally lived in Switzerland. She liked to dance naked in her backyard at night; and, lucky him, he had a perfect view from several windows. His hard on subsided and he hoped Abby didn't notice.





Chapter 7

“Abby, you look stunning tonight,” Javon said.

“Thank you,” Abby replied as a blush went to her face.

He gave me a compliment. He likes me. This is good. Be confident,
she thought, giving herself a mental pep talk. Years of her mother telling her she just wasn’t thin enough, pretty enough, or just good enough had taken its toll. Jenny always said ignore the haters but it was easier said than done.

Javon's car, which was a black Lexus and was by far the nicest car she had ever been in. Javon opened the door and Abby slid inside. The seats had that distinct leather smell. The interior was black with shiny brown trim. Very expensive looking in her opinion. Javon hit a button and the seats instantly warmed up.

“So, where are we going?” Abby asked as her butt got nice and toasty.

“A friend of mine owns a very exclusive club downtown. I thought we could go have a drink.”

“O--Okay. Sure; sounds like fun.” Abby was never really into the club scene, but it would be fun to try something new. It was about a thirty minute drive until they reached the destination. They pulled up to a plain brick building. Abby was surprised. She was expecting something a little flashier. A very plain, small sign on the door read: “

Odd name for a club; maybe it's a Goth club,
Abby thought. Javon knocked on the door and a very scary bald guy with a bald eagle tattoo covering his neck and shoulder answered the door.

“Hey, Javon. How are ya doing, Buddy?”

“Hey, Pierre. We just came for a drink.”

Pierre. Really? He looks more like a Butch or Killer.

“She looks delicious.” He was looking at Abby like she was dessert on the buffet table. Javon made what sounded like a growl. “Back off, Pierre; she's off limits,” Javon hissed.

“No offense, Man. She's hot and I can't help it.” Pierre gave Abby a smile.

She smiled back, trying to be polite more than anything.

They walked into the club, which wasn't as busy as the ones she had been to in the past. The music was thumping in the background, almost too loud to have a conversation. The decor was very modern in shades of red and black, and there were comfortable looking couches with throw pillows around the place, as well as tables with little black candles in the middle. It was very cozy. Javon led her to the back of the club, and they went through a black curtain. Behind it was a smaller room with several booths. He led her to one in the far corner.

“This is much better,” Javon stated as they sat down. The music was not as loud. A waitress walked up to them as they were seated to take their orders. She was tall with black hair in a ponytail and had lots of eyeliner. Her uniform, which consisted of skintight leather pants and a T-shirt with “BLOODLUST” on the front, was very revealing.

“I'm Vera, and I'll be your waitress for tonight. What will be your pleasure?”

Normally, Abby would start comparing herself to the hot waitress, but she wouldn't allow it. She knew by the way Javon stared at her, barely glancing at the waitress, that he really liked her.

“I'll have an OJ with a shot of B positive.” He told the waitress too low for Abby to hear. “What would you like, Abby?”

“Rum and Diet Coke, please.”

“I just need your credit card for your tab and your V membership card.”

“Here.” Javon handed the waitress the plastic card with a big red letter V. “Abby isn't a member; she's my guest,” Javon stated.

“I'll have to get it approved by The Master,” Vera replied, as she walked away.

“Who is The Master?”

“It's what they call the owner of the club. It's a Vampire theme,” Javon added to avoid suspicion.

Javon reached over and took Abby's hand. She liked the feel of his hand; it was warm and made her feel all cozy and safe. She thought about their kiss from last night and wanted to kiss him again. They studied each other and nothing else. Abby looked when she noticed a man walking up to the table. He was just above six feet with shoulder length black hair, brown eyes, a goatee. Abby never really liked goatees on men, but thought it suited him well.

“Javon, twice in two days! What brings you back here already?”

“Nice to see you again, Enri. This is my date, Abby. Abby, this is my old friend, Enri. He owns the club.”

Vera put their drinks on the table.

“I love your club, Enri. I love the whole Vampire vibe.”

“Yes; that's what I was going for, a Vampire
.” Enri laughed. “You are an absolute delight, Abby. I bet you taste as good as you look.”

Abby looked at Enri strangely. The way he was looking at her like she was a meal and not a person made her uneasy.

“That is a rather rude and personal question. Back off, Enri,” Javon snapped.

“I’m just kidding around. I apologize if I have offended you. Drinks are on the house tonight. Tell Vera I said so,” Enri replied as he slapped Javon on the back and strutted away.

“Your friend is rather odd.”

“I guess that's one way of putting it.” Javon laughed. “I think it’s safe to say my oldest friends are also the most strange. Let’s forget about him and concentrate on each other.”

Abby felt an uncontrollable desire to kiss Javon. She wasn't normally very bold or daring but couldn't help herself. Abby leaned over him and put her lips against his. She kissed him voraciously, tasting him like it was her last kiss. Javon touched her face tentatively, stroking her face as they kissed. His hands were slightly rough and she wished he would touch her all over. His lips were soft and the things he was doing with his tongue were exquisite. She loved it and never wanted it to end. It was very erotic, and she felt her panties get wet. Abby pulled away, out of breath.

“My sweet Abby. You surprise me at every turn,” Javon said with a glint in his eyes.

“Is that a bad thing?” she asked mischievously.

“Of course not; I love surprises. Don't you?”

“I guess it depends on the surprise.” Abby looked down at her drink and realized it was gone. Javon had barely touched his.


“Would you like another, Abby?” he asked. Javon waved down Vera and placed another order. He loved the way Abby looked at him. The heat in her eyes showed him she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. In fact, he loved everything about her. Abby's second drink arrived. He noticed she was looking a little pink in the cheeks. “Are you okay, Abby? You're looking a little flushed.”

“It's the alcohol. It always makes my cheeks red.”

“You wear it quite well; you look lovely. Would you like to dance? I'm not very good, but I think it would be fun.”

“I'm not very good either. Rhythm has eluded me my whole life. But tonight, I don't care. Let's dance.”

Javon and Abby walked out on the dance floor as the song turned slow. Javon pulled Abby close to him and took her hand. She laid her head against his chest. Javon felt his chest tightening. Every touch of his just ignited her passion and was becoming more difficult to control. Javon swayed with her until the song ended. Abby looked up at him and he thought they might kiss but then the music started again; a fast pumping beat. The other dancers danced wildly and Abby tried her best to mimic what she saw around her. They danced a few more songs until Abby was out of breath. She looked up into his eyes.

“I want to leave and be alone with you.” Abby said to Javon, but as soon as the words left her mouth, he could tell she felt embarrassed as she blushed and looked away.

Javon smiled. “I thought you'd never ask.”



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