Abby's Vampire (9 page)

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Authors: Anjela Renee

BOOK: Abby's Vampire
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Chapter 20

Connor sat in his office. It was late for most of the human population, but for him, this was when things would just start to heat up. Whoever heard of a Vampire attack in broad daylight? It was turning out to be a relatively quiet night so far. A couple Vampires were reported to be feeding without permission, but nothing too serious. The intercom on his phone buzzed.

“Mr. O’Connor, Miss Persian is here to see you, and she does
have an appointment,” the receptionist sneered.

“That’s fine; send her back.”

As he hung up the phone, he quickly straightened his desk, brushed back his hair, and gave himself a squirt of breath spray. Sally was so hot. He knew he didn’t really have a chance, being a werewolf, but you couldn’t blame a guy for trying. Having a job working for Vampires put him in an awkward position with his kind. The females thought him a traitor so they weren’t interested and human females were just too delicate.

Sally entered the office, looking beautiful. He smiled while thinking about all the dirty things he would love to do to her. She looked much more casual than she did at their last visit. She wore skinny jeans and a green top with a deep V-neck. She had small breasts with just a hint of cleavage. He could see enough to imagine what they would look like.

“Sally, how nice of you to stop by. What can I do for you?” He motioned for her to take a seat. She just stood defiantly.

Conner smiled. Sally had spunk, and he liked a woman with a little fire. If he ever had a chance, he would love to mate with her.

“It’s Maurice,” Sally said.

“Of course. What has our un-favorite Vampire done now?” He laughed. However, he could see by Sally’s face she wasn’t amused in the least.

“Sorry; please continue,” Connor said.

“This is no joke. He is a dangerous man and must be stopped. How long do you think it will take before he exposes all Vampires to the humans? He kidnapped Abby, Javon’s future mate. Is this proof enough or will you continue to sit on your tail and do nothing?” Sally leaned over the desk where Connor was seated. He couldn’t help but take a peek down her shirt. Sally noticed. “Are you enjoying the view?” She stood up straight, pulling her shirt up a bit.

“Quite a lot, actually.” He growled, very happy the desk was covering his hard on. He let out a frustrated breath and then answered. “Let me guess, no proof.”

“Will you help me now, or do I have to drag in a dead body to be taken seriously?”

“I do have some discretion in these matters and I’m inclined to believe you. I am issuing a warrant and with any luck, he’ll be in custody in a few days. I’m also going to take extra precautions and send out his information to all the Vampire bars in the area. The warrant will be sent to every bounty hunter in this part of the country.”

“Days? He will kill her by then.”

“I'm sorry, Sally. I wish I could do more. Do you have any idea where he's been hanging out, who his friends are?”

Sally sat down in the chair—the first time since arriving. She decided the best thing would be to tell all she knew about Maurice, no matter how terrible it was to relive the past. “Maurice was, well, unhappy would be putting it mildly. He hated Javon and he hated me. More than once, he tried starving himself only to go on a killing rampage, and he blamed us for that, too.”

“Why do you think he was so unhappy?”

“Love,” Sally replied.

Connor looked at her questionably. “I don't understand.”

“He was in love when he turned. He lost her and blamed us and every other Vampire for his misery. We forced him to stay with us for fifty years but then when it seemed hopeless, Javon released him and hoped for the best.”

“What happened after he left?” Connor asked.

“He wasn't right in the head. He preferred to stay in abandoned buildings and houses. We heard stories that he enjoyed killing prostitutes. We tried to help him but he wouldn't let us. He enjoyed being miserable and feeling sorry for himself.”

“We failed him but now you must do what is necessary for the safety of all of us.”

“Sally, thank you for sharing this with me. I know it can be hard to admit your failures, but this isn't a failure on your part. Maurice chose to be miserable and to go on the wrong path. I have your number. I will keep you updated.”

“I appreciate that.”

“It's been a pleasure, as usual. I hope to see you again. I just hope next time it will be in a more social situation.”

“Are you mad? Are you actually hitting on me?”

“Well, now that you mention it, I am.”

“I think I will just leave and pretend you didn’t.”




Chapter 21

Lizzy sat in her small, one bedroom apartment with her black cat, Spooky. She’d started having visions and dreams about Brian since the night they met.

She first started having visions when she was five years old. When she was ten, she saw the girl in her class, Lacy, who was sick a lot that year. In her vision, she saw her dying in the hospital when she was a few years older. There were tubes everywhere and her parents were by her bedside

Lizzy's visions abruptly stopped on her thirteenth birthday. It was a relief not having to see death and everything that was wrong in the life of her friends, family, and even strangers.

They came back the night after she met Brian. She knew she was meant to help him find his way back. He was at a crossroads between good and evil. If she couldn't help him, he would be lost forever.

Lizzy’s roommate, Prena, came home and rushed over to Lizzy.

“Lizzy, are you okay? You look pale. Are you sick?”

“It's the visions. The ones I had when I was little; they came back. It’s different from last time, too. I can control it better.”

“What can I do to help?” Prena had always accepted what Lizzy told her about her visions even though she had her doubts. Prena’s family originally came from China; her grandmother was an herb practitioner. She had seen things that allowed her to have a more open mind.

“We need to help him.”

“Who? Who do we need to help?”

“Brian; he's done something horrible.” Lizzy sat up and cleared her throat. “Prena, we need to help him.”

“Lizzy, you're starting to freak me out.”

“Come with me. Together, we can save everyone.” Lizzy began having another vision. She saw a woman; she was fixing her make-up in a mirror, and then she saw a needle. It was Brian, and he stuck her with a needle then took her. The woman was in a room now and she was locked inside with no way out.

“Lizzy, are you okay? You had like a seizure or something. You weren't answering me and you had a blank look on your face.

“Let's go. I think I can find him.”


“There's no time to explain; come on.”

Lizzy and Prena were driving west of Detroit. Prena had a very old car with no working heat; she was just hoping her car would make it to wherever they were headed.

“So, are you going to tell me where we're going?”

Aunt Annie's Dairy Farm

“That place closed ten years ago!”

“I know, but that's where we need to go.”

“Okay, chickee; Aunt Annie's, here we come.”


They continued driving and Prena was more confused than ever. She always had an open mind about things, but this was pushing it for her.

“Lizzy, you ready to really tell me what’s going on; and I mean everything?” Prena stared straight ahead, waiting for a reply.

“Okay; good thing we have a little while longer in the car.”

Lizzy told Prena the whole story, from meeting Brian at the Vampire bar, to having sex with Maurice, and finally the visions. When she was done telling Prena the story, they pulled off the freeway onto the ramp. They traveled down a dirt road to where the closed dairy farm was located. There was a sign that had a big
across it at the entrance.

“Prena, you believe me, don’t you?” Lizzy asked, as they pulled over to the side of the road.

“I choose to believe until you give me reason not to; that’s the best I can do.”

Lizzy gave Prena a big hug. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Usually this would be where our friendship ended,” Lizzy said as she nibbled her nails nervously.

Prena smiled as she continued driving the car past the gate. The whole farm was apparently neglected. They parked the car behind an old barn, hidden from the main road.

“We park here and go the rest of the way by foot,” Prena stated.

“I agree. I saw a sign to the main house; the woman I saw in my vision is being held there.”

They began walking the short distance to the main house. Lizzy was remembering when she was ten years old and came here on a class field trip. A ghost of an old woman followed her around; Aunt Annie herself. Kept asking for help, but Lizzy just ignored her. All she wanted was to be normal.

They reached the main house. They could see a dim light from the front room and some movement from the upstairs window as well.

“Now what?” asked, Prena.

“I’m not sure. We just watch for now. Let’s see who’s in the house.”

“Is he dangerous? Brian?”

“I don’t think so, but he’s desperate to be turned so he could do something stupid.”




Chapter 22

Brian was well on his way back to the house. He felt excited. He’d actually done it; he’d kidnapped Javon’s female. This was just what he needed as leverage to finally get Maurice to turn him. This time he would demand to be turned instead of just trying to please Maurice and hope he would offer to turn him. His pocket started to vibrate so he grabbed for his phone and answered it.

“Hello?” he answered as he picked up his phone.

“Brian, it’s Lizzy.”

“Lizzy! I did it. I think I've finally figured out a way to get Maurice to turn me,” Brian blurted out before he realized what he said.

“What do you mean; turn you?”

“Never mind, it's none of your business. Why do you keep calling me?” he said irritably.

“You want to be turned into a Vampire, don't you?”

“Lizzy, I don't have time for this.”

“Brian, don't do it. What I did with Maurice was a drunken mistake. I know you’re in a bad situation, but I know you're not bad. Maurice is really bad; like evil bad. I know you may think I'm crazy but I have visions, I can see things, and I started having them about you. I've seen what your future will be if you don't stop.”

Brian hung up the phone, not caring what Lizzy thought. He used his rearview mirror to keep an eye on the girl as they drove, not that she would be waking up for a little while longer. He needed to call Maurice with his demands; it needed to be done carefully or it could all blow up in his face and he would wind up dead.

“Maurice, this is Brian,” he said as Maurice answered.

“Where are you? I'm at the house.”

“I have her; I've got the girl.”

“Excellent, bring her to me immediately.” Maurice laughed.

“Not so fast. Before I bring her anywhere, I want what is owed to me.”

“And what would that be, my pet?”

“You will turn me, or I'm letting her go.”

“No, you won't. Let her go and you will cease to exist, and no one will even miss you.” Brian suddenly thought back to Lizzy. She seemed to care. Perhaps she would miss him.

“Don't try to scare me, Maurice. I know all your tricks. You have one hour to decide.” He hung up and was shaking. This was the most scared he’d ever been. Maurice was dangerous; he saw firsthand what he was capable of. If this worked, it would all be worth it. He would finally be immortal.

Brian had gone out and done a little shopping for supplies; the house had a little furniture but no heat, water, or electricity. He had bought some camping gear to make himself more comfortable—a portable stove, some lights, sleeping bag, and of course some food. Now that he had what he needed it was time to call Maurice again.

“Hello, Maurice,” Brian answered smugly.

“Bring me the female and all will be forgotten,” Maurice replied in a sinister tone.

“No; she stays where she is until I am turned into a Vampire.”

“And if I refuse?”

“She gets returned safe and sound, and I search for someone else to turn me.”

“It takes days to complete a turn; she will be dead by the time it is complete.”

“I will give you the address after the first twenty-four hours.”

“You know nothing. The first day will be filled with horrible nightmares and so much pain you won’t be able to see straight.”

“That is a chance you will have to take.”

“Ugh…I will call you in one hour.” The line was dead.

Brian smiled. He couldn’t believe it was really going to happen. It looked like it was going to work; he would soon be a Vampire. Brian walked up the creaky old stairs to the room where his captive was being held. The one area he didn’t skimp on was an alarm for the room she was being held in. He installed it himself. It only opened two ways: by handheld remote or a code. If it went off? A light and alarm would flash on a necklace he wore. He had it planned out perfectly. He reached for the door and hit the remote, entering to find her huddled in a corner crying.

“Are you hungry? I can bring you a sandwich,” Brian asked as he entered the room.

“Please let me go. I don’t know what you want with me.”

“I don’t want anything; it’s my master, Maurice, who has a hard on for your boyfriend, Javon. He hates him for some reason. I’m sure he will explain it all when you see him tomorrow. It will all work out, you’ll see.”

“I don’t see this turning out very well for either of us, “Abby replied with tears still in her eyes.

Brian shut the door, engaged the lock, and set the alarm. He decided to make Abby a sandwich and bring her a sleeping bag to make her more comfortable.


Abby opened her eyes, feeling groggy and sick to her stomach. The first thing that hit her was the smell of mildew and sweat. She was lying on an old mattress on the floor of a bare room. She sat up and was hit with a monstrous headache. Giving herself a moment before she tried to stand up, she slowly tried, mostly leaning on the wall. She made it over to the door and tried turning the knob. It was locked, no surprise there. She wobbled over to the window and looked out. She was on the second floor in an old house and all she could see was a cornfield and an old propane tank with
Aunt Annie's Dairy Farm
written on it. No neighbors in sight. She checked the closet for anything she could use to get out but it was empty. She was having trouble standing so she sat on the floor, not wanting to sit on the filthy mattress.

“I see you're awake,” Said the man as he entered the room.

“What did you give me?” Abby asked in an almost incoherent voice.

“Just a mild sedative, perfectly safe.”

“Who are you, and why did you take me?” she asked as she forced herself to stand.

“I am Brian. My boss is very interested in meeting you. He will be here soon.”

“Who would that be?”

“Maurice, but none of that matters now. I brought food in case you get hungry.” He set the bag of food on the dresser.

“Please just let me go,” Abby pleaded as she started to cry.

“I'm sorry this had to happen, but it will all be over soon.” He left and locked the door after him. Abby was left to wonder if she would make it out alive. She heard a noise outside the window.

It had been an hour since she’d heard any noise from downstairs. It was dark again. She knew she had to get out or she may not make it out alive. She looked out the window in the dark. She could see someone moving toward the house. She couldn’t tell who was down there; it was too dark, and all she could see were shadows. She really hoped it wasn’t the boss. She considered trying to lift the window but knew that damn alarm would go off. She had an idea; it would be risky because she wasn’t sure if Brian had left or not. She had no choice; she took out a dresser drawer and broke it on the floor. She then used one of the wooden planks to break the glass out of the window.

“Help me!” Abby yelled down to the shadows.

“We’re coming now,” the dark figures answered.

Abby heard footsteps running up the stairs. She ran to the door.

“Did Brian leave?” Abby asked through the door.

“Yes, about an hour ago. We needed to be sure he was really gone and no one else was here.”

“He has an alarm on the door and window—if you tamper with it, his necklace alarm will go off.”

“Who are you?” Abby asked.

“I am Lizzy and this is my friend is, Prena. What’s your name?”

“I’m Abby. Please hurry.”

“I have an idea. We’ll be right back.”


Abby waited and was getting more nervous by the minute. She heard a loud noise outside the window. She looked to see a ladder and then a girl dressed in Goth style, appeared in the window.

“Come on; let’s get out of here. Be careful of the glass.” Abby crawled out the window, trying her best not to cut herself on pieces of the broken glass. She got a few scrapes from the glass, but nothing that serious. She stepped down the ladder to the bottom where another woman who she learner was named Prena was waiting with a car.

“Let’s hurry; he could be back anytime,” Lizzy woman yelled. Abby and Lizzy got in the back and the car took off before they fully shut the door. As soon as they were on the way out, Abby started sobbing and hugged Lizzy.

“Thank you for saving me,” Abby said as she began crying.

“I just wish I could’ve saved Brian, too. I think he’s gone evil.”

“I just don't understand. Why would he take me?”

“He wants to become a Vampire and had this stupid plan to get Maurice to change him.”

Abby wasn't really sure what Lizzy was talking about. Far as she knew, Vampires weren't real. “What are you talking about? Vampires aren't real. Is he delusional?”

“Abby, Vampires are real and you somehow got caught up in it. I just don't know how.” Lizzy didn't like that she had to welcome another person to her wacky world of the supernatural, but Brian left her little choice.

“Javon; he took me because Maurice hates Javon,” Abby replied.

“Javon is your boyfriend?”

“I guess you could say that. We just started dating.” Abby hadn't really thought about what he was to her, but she supposed she could call him her boyfriend.

“It's a pretty good chance your Javon is a Vampire, too.”

“Lizzy, don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re nuts.”

Lizzy started laughing. That wasn't the first time someone called her that but the way Abby said it didn't sound bad. Not like when she was little and the other kids were frightened of her and called her Crazy Lizzy.

“It's okay, if you don't believe yet.”

“How did you know I was there; how did you know to save me?”

“I met Brian a few days ago. I knew something was going on. When I found out he took you, I came to release you.” Lizzy knew that was a loose interpretation of the facts but it was what she thought Abby could handle.

“So Brian is your friend?” Abby asked.

“Not really, but I was hoping it was headed that way,” Lizzy replied with sadness in her voice.


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