Read Accidentally Wolf Online

Authors: Erin R Flynn

Tags: #Suspense

Accidentally Wolf (16 page)

BOOK: Accidentally Wolf
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Sera, I

ve had other masters before

Tristan turn
his hand in mine so that our palms touched. Then he brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it.
I couldn

t help but take note of the softness of his lips.


ve never wanted any of my other masters the way I want you. I want to touch you, kiss every inch of your body, then make love to you. This has nothing to do with the vampire/
thing, as you put it. It has everything to do with me being a man who wants the beautiful woman in front of him.

I didn

t really have a reply for that
, plus he had leaned down closer to my face as he spoke
, and I felt his warm breath on my skin.
I stared intently into his
losing myself in their blue depths
. Leaning in eve
further slowly, giving me enough time to stop him had I wanted to, he kissed me softly. Pulling away, he looked into my eyes for a moment before kissing me again. This time it was still soft
but filled with a lot more heat.

When he slid his tongue over my lips, I found myself opening them, letting him in. Tristan

s tongue explored my mouth tentatively as I reached up with my other hand and ran it through
on the back of his head
. He seemed to take that as a green light, intensifying the kiss until we both had to come up panting for air.

We stared at each other for a moment, his intense
blue eyes showing the lust he had for me. Without a word, he pulled back the sheet and moved to
beside me. He ran his hand through my hair again
and I couldn

t help but pull him down for a kiss. It had been forever since I

d felt that kind of heat in a kiss, one that I felt down to my toes.
After several minutes of
keeping things simple, Tristan started kissing down my jaw.

He starting licking where my neck met my shoulder and I shivered, loving the feel of it. Moving slightly so he was over me between my legs
, he pulled my
camisole off and started kissing my breasts.
I squirmed as he started licking my right nipple while teasing my left one with his hand.

I grabbed his hair with one hand, keeping him where he was, sucking and nibbling on my nipple before switching to the other. My other hand I ran down his broad, muscular shoulders and back.
Coming back up, he mashed his mouth down to mine, passionately thrusting his tongue in my mouth as his hand started to move lower.
I parted my legs slightly when his hand dipped below my shorts and found the apex between my legs.


re all wet, Sera,

he whispered against my lips as he pushed one finger in between my folds.

And you

re bare.

I like the feeling of being shaved down there,

I panted
gripping his shoulders tightly as his drew his hand up and massaged my hard nub.

Oh fuck, Tristan, right there.

You like that?

e asked
smiling down at me as my hips started moving against his hand as if they had a mind of their own. I couldn

t find words, so I simply nodded, answering his question. Tristan took it as a sign I was close and his fingers started moving faster against me. I moaned my pleasure loudly, holding on to him for dear life. Stiff
ing a moment before I cried out my release, sinking my nails into his skin and scratching his back.

As I was still coming down from my orgasm, I felt cool air brush across me as he pulled off my shorts.
Then I felt his length push against my thigh, somewhere I missed when he had lost his boxers as well.

Say yes, Sera,

lowering his face down to kiss me again.

Say you

ll let me have you.


I answered
and at that point, wild horses couldn

t have dragged me away from him.

Fuck, you

re so tight,

he groaned as he started to push into me. Lifting my legs over his
so he was in a better position,
gently working himself inside of me
Tristan was going to
slow for me
I thrust my hips up, both of us moaning as he
finally seated all the way in.


re perfect, Sera.


I cried as he started moving his hips faster
. I could tell he was still holding back, trying to be gentle with me. Wrapping my legs around him, I pulled his head down to kiss him.
I met him thrust for thrust with my hips, causing friction against my nub, which spurred me on even more.

Oh god, Sera, you feel so good,

he grunted as he
started moving faster.
The closer he got to his peak
the more I could feel his emotions. Tristan wanted to be owned. After centuries of feeling on the outside of everything
he wanted somewhere to belong. A home. He wanted to matter to someone more than he

d ever wanted blood. And my inner evil bitch
or whatever new magic was going on
wanted to give it to him and then take it away, hurting him.

What the
? I wasn

t a bad person. I didn

t like hurting people. He pulled me out of my thoughts when he swirled his hips for a moment, hitting inside of me differently. I liked it.

The faster he went
the closer I got to coming
, finally I screamed as it swept over me.
He shuddered above me, inside me, and I felt his release, and that made me cry out all over again.
I lost all control as I rode wave after wave of my release
digging my nails into
the smooth skin of
his back.

Sera, stop,

Tristan screamed, bringing me back out of my haze. It was only then I realized I wasn

t using my nails on his back
y hands had shifted into claws

Oh my god, Tristan,

I cried out and not from pleasure this time. I gently released him
and as soon as he moved off to the side
I scrambled off the bed and ran into
the bathroom.
My breathing had become erratic and I could feel my heart pounding. Finally reaching the bathroom and l
ocking the door behind me
, I fell to the floor
reaching for a towel
which I ended up shredding.
I gave up after shredding a second towel
, crawling into a ball on my side
and feeling the cool tiles against my exposed skin

As hard as I tried to calm down and focus, I couldn

t get my claws to shift back to hands.
Instead I just lay there, crying
, even when I heard Tristan knocking on the bathroom door.

Sera, let me in, please,

he begged, still knocking gently.


m fine, really. Please let me in, Sera, or I

m going to break the lock.

I was crying so hard, I couldn

t have answered him even if I had a clue as to what I would say. What is proper protocol to handle this situation? I

m pretty sure it wasn

t anything Emily Post ever covered.
Tristan turned the door
knob sharply
breaking the lock, then opened the door slowly, probably to make sure he didn

t hit me
when opening the door

Oh, Sera, it

s okay,

he cooed as he
kneeled on the floor next to me.
He reached forward and stroked the side of my face.

Please don

t cry
love, I really am fine.

I can

t change back,

I choked out in between sobs.


m so sorry, Tristan. I didn

t know I could hurt you. The reports I read didn

t really cover what could happen during sex.


ll change back when you calm down, I promise

told me
softly as he pulled me into his lap.


m already healed up, it

s okay.

This is so far from okay, Tristan, it

s in a whole other zip code,

I cried.

A few weeks ago I was a normal human. Now I

m a monster who claws up the vampire she had sex with.


re not a monster, Sera.

was being so calm
, playing with my hair, trying to soothe me.


re just new to being a shifter

ll learn to control it. Already you have it so much under control it

s astounding. Accidents happen
love, it

s part of the

If you were human, I could have killed you

he tears finally
slowing down.

Yes, but I

m not.
For me it was just a little rough sex

e chuckled. I think it was his attempt at humor,
it really didn’t work.

I loved being with you, Sera. I

m not sorry we made love

ll learn control.

I don

t know if I can do this,

I whispered
snuggling against his chest.

Do what? Be a shifter?

Yes, I can

t handle this.

I wip
away tears again, realizing this time that my claws had shifted back to hands.

At least I have hands again.

I didn

t want to point that out
I wasn

t sure if you would be happy
it would set you off again.

I think I

m too tired for anymore hysterics.

BOOK: Accidentally Wolf
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