Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC (32 page)

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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She shivers and gives me a wicked grin, “Bring it on lover boy!” She bites her bottom lip, fuck she’s seriously trying to kill me, groaning as I bring her close to me kissing her wicked mouth. As she tastes herself on my lips, she moans.

“Oh I will bring it, don’t you worry about that.”

As soon as we get to her sister’s place, she tries to open the truck door, but I stop her. I get out and run around the car and open her door. Holding my hand out to her, she smiles.

“What a gentleman.” I smile at her, knowing she loves it.

“Well I try.” She grabs my hand and hops down out of the truck. She notices here parents’ car is in the driveway. She looks at me with a raised brow.

“What is going on Ace?” She asks as she looks at the apartment and then back to me. I can’t keep quiet any longer. I need to tell her what I have planned for today.

“When you walk in there, Tammy will be getting you ready for something special that will be taking place today.” I mention. Her eyebrows squint together as she tries to understand what I’m trying to say.

“I don’t understand; Ace what do you mean get me ready for something special?” Her sister and mother come out of the apartment building to greet us. I grab her hands with mine giving them a light squeeze.

“Since I got out of the hospital, I’ve been busy with planning something for both of us. I can’t wait any longer. I want you to become Mrs. Hawke today. I planned our whole wedding. We’re getting married at three thirty,” I watch to see if I get a reaction out of her.

Her face is blank. Shit that’s not what I thought her reaction would be. I thought she would be mad or at least happy but void of any emotion what-so-ever is not something I was prepared for.

“Alison, say something please,” I begin to worry. She holds her finger up asking for a second.

“I’m happy, don’t get me wrong. I was just letting it sink in. I don’t have a dress or anything to wear that would pass for a wedding dress and on top of that I’m a fat whale for Christ’s sake,” she mumbles out as she waves her hands in front of her indicating her size.

I start shaking my head as I chuckle, fuck is that all she is worried about is her dress? Letting out the breath I was holding, I sigh as I lean my forehead to hers.

“Peaches, don’t worry about a dress. Tammy has it taken care of. And you don’t look like a whale, you’re beautiful. Knowing our baby is growing inside you, makes you even sexier,” I nip at her lips before kissing her.

She grins against my lips, “Did you really plan all this for me?”

I nod my head, “Of course I did. I love you and I want to make you my wife,” I reply excitedly as she turns her head, squealing as her mother and sister walk up.

“I’m getting married!” She squeals as she hugs her mother and sister. They begin walking towards the apartment, I run up to Alison stopping her; she gives me the sweetest smile.

“Peaches, I can’t wait to see you walking towards me in your wedding dress baby,” I say softly as I give her a quick kiss. I wave to Donna and Tammy as I head to the truck. I turn around and mouth “I love you” to Alison as I get into my truck. I have to get my ass home to get ready.



I can’t believe Ace planned our wedding in just a few days. He must have been on the go nonstop. God, I love that man. I walk into my sister’s apartment. I see my father standing there trying on his tux, and I lose it, I start to bawl.

My father walks up to me and holds me against him. “Are you happy baby girl?” He leans back and glances down at me. I nod my head because I don’t think I can even form any sentences right now.

“We have one other surprise for you baby girl, your mother and I wanted to be closer to you and your sister. Seeing as the baby will be here in a few months, your mother wanted to be here for you. We bought a house down the road from here.” I squeal as I hear the news.

“Oh my God, Daddy! You guys are really going to move down the road?” I ask, stunned because that would be amazing if they moved here. He nods his head, smiling.

“Yes baby girl, were moving here.”

I’m so happy. I can’t believe I’m going to get married today, I was a little shocked at first when he told me but it’s because I always thought I would be planning my wedding with my sister and mother. I’m sure what Ace has planned will be truly amazing.

Looking at the time on the clock on the wall it reads one thirty, Tammy jumps up as if she just noticed what time it was.

“Shit, Alison you have to go take a quick shower and then we have hair and makeup to do!” She exclaims as she runs out of the room, I hear the shower turn on and Tammy yelling from the bathroom, “Hurry up!”

My father chuckles as he lets me go. “You better hurry up, you don’t want to have the wrath of Tammy,” he mentions as he takes off his tux jacket.

My father looks really handsome in his tux. I never seen him wear anything other than T-shirt and jeans before, to say I was stunned to see him dressed up is an understatement. I see the looks my mother is giving my father right now, I shake my head grinning. I head to the bathroom to take my shower before Tammy comes and drags my pregnant ass in.

I get in the shower, the water hitting my body feels like heaven. I soak for a bit after washing up, it feels amazing.

“Hurry your ass up woman! You’re getting married in two hours!” Tammy shouts outside the door.

Well so much for relaxing in the shower. I turn off the water, I step out grabbing a towel and I start drying myself off.

“Once you’re dried off there’s a robe behind the door for you,” she adds. I grab the robe off the door, wrapping it around my body. Well, I guess it’s time to get my hair and make-up done.

Tammy and my mother fuss with my hair and make for forty-five minutes. After they’re done, I look at myself in the mirror, tears threatening to fall as I stare at myself. Thank God Tammy used waterproof mascara.

My mother comes up behind me with a dress bag, “You ready to get your dress on?” She asks lightly with a smile on her face.

“Yes, I can’t wait to see the dress.” My mother unzips the bag letting it fall to the ground, there stood in her hand, a simple but yet elegant white wedding dress, it’s beautiful.

“Oh Mom, its perfect,” I say as my voice begins to waver from all the emotions I’m feeling right now. I can’t believe they got the perfect dress, I couldn’t have chosen a better dress myself.

“Ace is going to flip when he sees you in this dress sweetheart,” my mother states as she helps me get the dress on. Tammy comes walking in, she stops and stares at me for a second and then her hands go to her mouth as she gasps.

“Oh my God, Alison you look beautiful! Ace isn’t going to know what hit him,” she says with a huge smile as she gives thumbs up.

I turn around and let out a loud squeal as I look in the mirror. I can’t wait to be walking toward him and to see how handsome he looks in his tux.

My father knocks on the door to come in, “Come in,” My father opens the door, stopping as he sees me his eyes begin to water, and he blinks repeatedly to clear his eyes.

“Baby girl, you look so beautiful,” he says as he wipes the tear that has fallen down his cheek.

“I love you, Daddy,” I walk up to him and give him a tight hug.

“I love you too Baby girl, always and forever,” he replies as he holds me.

The Wedding

Standing in front of all of our family and friends feels surreal. I would never have pictured myself here.

Viper slaps me on the shoulder, “You ready man?” He raises a brow. What the hell? Does he think I’m not ready? I’ve been ready since Alison came into my life.

“Yes I’m ready. You’ve asked me about ten times now, cut it the fuck out. I was ready the first ten times you asked and I’m ready now,” I snap out as he raises his hands and backs away.

“Was just checking, this is a big step you’re taking,” he mentions.

“I couldn’t be any more ready than I am now,” I reply.

Viper gives me a grin and nods as he stands beside me. Music begins to play softly in the background, and my eyes automatically go toward the back porch, where Alison will be coming through minutes from now.

I feel Viper stand straighter as he clears his throat looking at Tammy, who’s walking toward us. She looks up at me and then to Viper, he gives her a wink and she blushes as she stands at the opposite side of the makeshift altar.

Viper mouths “You look beautiful” to her. She smiles, looking away and Viper grins.  Just then the wedding march starts. The nerves start racking my body. Jesus I didn’t think I would be this nervous, I hope I don’t pass out. I won’t be able to live that down with the guys.

As soon as the back doors open and I see Alison step outside with her father beside her, all the air in my lungs disappears and all the nerves leave my body. Holy fuck she’s beautiful, the dress seems to be made for her. I try to suck in a breath of air because I’m getting light headed. Viper slaps me on the shoulder.

“You alright man?” He asks as he squeezes my shoulder. I nod my head a few times as I stare at the woman who has captured my heart.

“Yeah,” I croak out as the love of my life walks slowly towards me. 

My hands start to sweat a bit, as she slowly makes her way to me.
Man, I need to get a grip.
I’m snapped out of my thoughts as Viper clears his throat, nudging me. I shake my head, and I see Alison and her father standing in front of me.
Shit that was fast.

The reverend begins to speak. “Who gives this young woman to this man?” Her father gives me a smirk, and I swallow loudly and Alison giggles at my reaction.

“Her mother and I do.” He pulls the veil over her head, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Love you baby girl,” he whispers. Alison whispers it back as she tries not to cry. Her father walks over to her mother, who’s sitting down with tears in her eyes. I put my hand out for Alison. She takes my hand, as we walk up the makeshift altar she looks at me, her eyes shining bright as she gives me the brightest smile.

The wedding went by with a blink of an eye. The reception is in our backyard which is decorated in wedding decorations. I was in awe the whole time as I stared at my bride and watched her reaction to everything I’ve done. I’m staring at my wife now from across the yard as she laughs with Joe and his date.

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