Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC (29 page)

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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“Don’t think like that baby girl. Ace is one strong man, and he would never leave you, but right now you need to stop thinking negative about it Alison. You need to have faith that he is strong enough to come out of this.” My father mentions. I nod my head, I just pray to God that he’s going to make it; he’s lost so much blood.

As I look down where Ace is he’s no longer there he’s on a stretcher. Pit comes up with worry written all over his face, “Alison, you can ride with Ace to the hospital, we’ll meet you there.” He says as he brings me close to him, hugging me softly.

“Don’t worry your pretty head too much about it, he will make it, he’s stubborn as hell, he won’t give up without a fight. He loves you so much and the baby, that right there is something to live for,” He says to me as he gives my father a nod.

He turns around and makes his way over to Gale who is sobbing uncontrollably she looks at me, she sobs even more.

“Are you okay to ride in the ambulance with Ace, baby girl?” My father asks as he looks toward the ambulance and then back down to me.

“Yes, I can’t leave him, Daddy.” I utter out as I close my eyes taking a deep breath. I need to be strong for Ace he needs me right now.

I make my way to the ambulance, I see Ace hooked up to a machine to help him breathe, my lip starts to tremble as I take in the state he’s in, I shake my head taking a deep breath, I need to stay positive.

As soon as we got to the hospital, they rushed Ace into the emergency. I go to follow them but a nurse stops me and asks me for Ace’s information.

I’m not sure what his information is, I feel completely lost. She asks “Does he have any insurance?” I bite my bottom lip, I should know this, but it’s not something that has come up when we’ve talked. I feel like an idiot, standing here not knowing.

“I don’t have his information… His father will be here soon he will know it,” My voice becomes erratic as I try to calm down. The shock of everything that has happened today has finally begun to settle in on my body. I get a sharp pain in my stomach, my eyes widen as I look up at the nurse, and she takes a step toward me.

“Are you alright Miss?” She asks with concern written on her face.

“I just got a really sharp pain,” I suck a breath in, please God no, I can’t lose my baby. My world comes crashing down at that second as I fear; I will be losing the two things in this world that mean so much to me.

She takes me into a room and asks me some questions, like who my doctor is and how bad the pain is. She checks me over and brings a doctor in; the doctor said that everything seems to be fine; it’s just the stress of today that has taken a toll on my body.

The doctor told me I need to rest and try not to stress, I tell her why I’m here and she me a sympatric smile. I leave the room to return to the waiting room. I walk around the corner, I see everyone is there waiting with worried expressions on their faces, my mother and sister run up to me.

“Where have you been? We were worried,” My sister says as my mother hugs me softly. 

“I need to sit,” I pace toward an empty chair in the waiting room, I need to rest my feet. I don’t want to do anything that can cause me to lose this baby. Tears spring to my eyes, blinking repeatedly trying to rid them from my eyes as I sit down.

My mother and sister come and sit on opposite sides of me, “The reason I wasn’t in the waiting room when you got here is because when Ace got rushed into the emergency room, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.  The nurse that was standing there asking my about Ace’s medical information…She wanted to get me checked out to make sure everything was fine with me and the baby,” I place a hand on my stomach, trying my hardest not to cry.

“The baby is fine but my body after what happened today has taken a toll, she says I need rest,” I release a shuddering sigh.

My mother and sister sit there with concerned looks on their faces, grabbing both of their hands; I look between both of them.

“I will be fine. I am not going to lose this baby. Today has just been a lot on me, as soon as I know that Ace has been taking care of and he’s stable. I’m going to head home and rest for a few hours, and then I will head back here,” I coax out as I lean back in the chair closing my eyes.

Two Hours Later….

The doctor finally comes out, which feels like hours later. I stand as he walks out of the emergency room and looks around at everyone waiting.

“The family of Hayden Hawke,” He says loudly, everyone stands, the doctor is taken back by the number of people standing, and his eyes widen as he clears his throat.

Pit walks up, “I’m Hayden’s Father, is Hayden alright?” He asks as he holds Gale to his side who is sobbing uncontrollably, “And this here is Alison, Hayden’s Fiancé,” He adds.

“Well Hayden was touch and go for a bit, he’s heart rate dropped a fair amount. We had to give him a blood transfusion because of the amount of blood he lost. We stitched up his wound, which he was lucky the knife didn’t hit any organs, if it had been an inch to the left; it would have hit his kidneys.  Right now he’s stable, and it seems he will have a full recovery.” The doctor mentions.

I release the breath I was holding; he smiles at me “He’s been asking about you as soon as he came to a few moments ago.”

Pit puts his hand on my shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze. I make my way toward the room they placed him in, as I walk in he’s lying there sitting up with his eyes closed, his head leaning back on the pillow. Just seeing him in the bed and knowing that he’s going to be fine, I break down crying, thanking God for not taking him from me.

Ace’s eyes open and his head snaps up as he stares at me, he smiles as he puts his hand out for me to join him.

“I was so scared,” I whisper out as I sit on the bed, taking in his features. He’s breathtaking even lying in bed recovering from a stab wound; he still makes my breath hitch.

“I love you Peaches, I would never leave you,” He whispers as he places a kiss on my forehead. Smiling, I place a kiss on his sweet lips… Lips I thought I would never be able to kiss again, I hear a throat clearing behind us; I turn to see who it is, and I see Porsche standing there in the doorway looking heartbroken as she stares at Ace.

Oh hell no,
out of all the days for her to come back into our lives, it’s today.

I give Ace a tight smile as I get up from my sitting position and walk over to Porsche, her eyes widen as she takes me in as I make my way to her.

“Get the fuck out of here,” I grab her arm and remove her from the doorway.

“You’re not welcomed here; you caused enough bullshit for us. He’s asked me to marry him, and we’re having a baby. He doesn’t want you. Leave us ALONE!” I exclaim, as Viper and Blaze walk up.

“Get this bitch out of here please,” I growl out in frustration. Porsche begins to protest as Viper and Blaze begin to walk her away from the room.

She turns around, “You stupid bitch, you think he loves you, he’s only going to marry you because of that bastard child in your stomach,” She roars out.

Oh hell no,
there is no way in hell I’m going to let her get away with calling my baby a bastard  I march up to her, she has a smirk on her face, I give her a grin, before I could even stop myself. I slap her across the face so hard her head jerks to the side. She turns to look at me, her eyes wide as they start filling up with tears.

“Never, and I mean NEVER call my baby a bastard ever again. If I so much as hear those words come from you again, I will do a lot worse to you than slap you,” I snap out as I turn around and return to Ace.

Ace told me to go home and rest after three hours of being in his room, he must have noticed how much today has taken out of me, and I know he was right. I didn’t want to leave him, but I need to think about my well-being as well as the baby’s.

I so badly need to take a shower and wash away the events of today. Blaze was ordered by Ace to take me home to make sure I rest. I had to giggle at the stern look he gave Blaze.

Once I got home, Blaze went into the living room to watch some TV as I went to take my shower. I hope Ace will be able to get out of the hospital in a few days, I don’t think I can sleep by myself for a few weeks, just not having here with me now I’m lonely, the house is too quiet.

Snapping out of it, I shake myself from my depressing mood and head to the bathroom it’s an amazing bathroom, the shower is killer, and it’s huge. I remember the first time Ace made love to me in the shower; just thinking about it gives me shivers.

After getting out of the shower, I dry myself and look down at my naked pregnant belly. A smile break out on my face as I know we will all be okay, things will work out for us. Ace is okay, and the baby is fine.

I was so scared that he wasn’t going to survive… The wound he lost so much blood that he was unconscious. When I heard that he was going to be fine, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I look at myself in the mirror, I see the shiny necklace hanging from my neck; I remember the day Ace gave it to me. It was my birthday, and he wanted to do something special for me, and he did just that, it was truly the most amazing night of my life.

Today is my birthday party at the club. Ace had told me, no if’s and’s or but’s there will be a party, I couldn’t argue.

When we were in his room at the club, he tells me to take a seat on my bed, while he grabs my present from his dresser. I stare at his ass in those tight jeans, biting my lip to stop myself from moaning. I’ve been so horny lately, who would have thought being pregnant gives you a boost in your sex drive. He turns around, and walks over to the bed taking a seat beside me.

As I look up into his eyes, I see there’s so much love there, and it fills me with happiness. He hands me a little black velvet box.

“I love you Peaches, today, tomorrow for infinity,” He whispers in my ear, I try to contain the sob that threats to escape my throat, he stays sitting beside me, I smile as I open the box, and the air leaves my lungs as I stare down at the beautiful necklace that’s is lying inside the box.

A peach diamond pendant on a beautiful chain, the shape of the diamond makes more tears escape my eyes, a peach!

“Peaches…Do you like it?” He asks hesitantly as he looks at me for reassurance, what the hell? Why in the hell would I hate it? It’s the most amazing thing anyone has ever given me.

“I love it so much, thank you,” I say as I jump into his lap making him fall on his back on the bed, he chuckles as he sees the huge smile on my face.

I lean down placing a soft kiss to his lips, I lean back moving toward his ear and whisper, “It's
amazing Ace, I truly love it. I will never take it off.”  We made love all night, best birthday EVER!!

I will remember that night for the rest of my life; it’s incredible how he made my body sing all night.

Smiling at myself in the mirror, I get dressed. Well, I’m getting hungry, I should check to see if Blaze is hungry. I head out of the bathroom into our room and I stop dead in my tracks as I see Porsche standing there, with an evil smile displayed on her lips. 

“What are you doing here?” I say as I make my way toward the door to leave to get Blaze, but I’m halted mid-step as she raises a gun and points it at me.
Oh dear God no
. She’s going to kill me. My hand goes right to my stomach, praying she doesn’t hurt my baby.

“Don’t you fucking even think about moving an inch toward the door; you won’t make it very far. Oh and Blaze is taking a little nap,” She snickers, my eyes widen, oh no she killed Blaze.

“Calm you’re fucking tits… I didn’t kill Blaze; I just knocked him out with the butt of the gun. He won’t be able to help you,” She hisses as she walks around the room looking at the photo of Ace and me on the night stand.

“Ugh, seriously,” She grabs the photo and tosses it across the room.

I jump as the glass shatters against the wall. “What do you want?” I ask calmly as I can, but with her pointing the gun at me, my nerves are on high alert.

“You know you’re not too smart; he will never stay with you. What the hell did you think was going to happen when you got me taken out of the hospital room by Viper and Blaze? Huh? Did you really think I would let you get away with that, well guess again bitch there is no one here to save you,” She screams, she’s standing in from of my bedroom door now. I catch a glimpse of Blaze behind her; I try to keep a straight face, so she doesn’t expect anything.

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