Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1] (4 page)

BOOK: Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1]
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She shook her head. She might not get her money today, but she would get it. The company wouldn’t care for the bad publicity her screaming about not being reimbursed for being refused annual leave would cause. And it was all so silly. There was no reason not to permit her to take the leave owed to her. They weren’t very busy at all anymore. It was just his way of proving he was in charge of them all.

At four thirty she left her office and went around the department saying good-bye to everyone. Some asked what she was planning to do and she just smiled. She didn’t really want anyone to know she already had a job to go to. She would tell people only after she’d actually begun working at the clinic. When she returned to her own office for the last time and checked her e-mail, there was a note from the human resources manager to say her bank account had been credited with the salary owing to her, plus cash to replace her annual leave, and also a bonus she’d been entitled to but that her boss had never signed off on. “That goatish, fly-bitten maggot pie. How dare he hide that from me? I wonder how many other people he’s prevented from getting bonuses!”

She sent back a quick thank-you note, logged off the computer for the last time, and changed into her leathers and boots, then picked up her cardboard box and her purse and left. She’d miss her friends, but not the company and most definitely not her boss.

It was time to start thinking about her new boss, the panty-drenchingly delicious Dr. Oscar Thorne, and his equally hunky associate, Mr. Danny Davies. Just looking at their fine physiques was going to be enough to keep her happy for the foreseeable future.

* * * *

Ambrielle looked up when she sensed someone in the doorway to her little office. It had taken her a few days to sort out the mess the paperwork was in, but now she was starting to feel relaxed here, and she knew most people’s names and their positions in the clinic.

Her heart almost missed a beat when she saw it was the oh-so-yummy carpenter.

“Hi, Danny. Have you run out of lumber again?” Almost she’d wanted to ask him if he had enough screws, but that was too close to what her body would like to do with his.

His shoulder-length brown hair was tied back with a piece of leather, and his brown eyes sparkled at her. She wanted to think he liked the look of her as much as she appreciated his lean, stringy, runner’s build, but much more likely was that he was just glad she ordered his building supplies on time.

Oh how she’d like to supply a few other things for him. Once again her naughty mind was linking words like hammer and nailed. She refused to dwell on thoughts below her waist and kept her gaze on his face.

His eyes seemed approving somehow, and kind and thoughtful, but there was lust in them as well, she was sure. It was such a shame nothing could happen since they worked together.

“I just dropped in to tell you I’m off to town to pick up more paint. I watched Valentino Rossi training for the MotoGP season on the TV last night. Have you ever considered racing your motorcycle?”

Now that was interesting. She’d never expected him to ask her that kind of question. Still she was happy to answer honestly.

“When I was seventeen or eighteen I rode in a few races. But if you look at the crowds watching, most of the bikers have broken legs and arms, or have suffered even worse injuries. I decided I like my bones just the way they are, so I stick to regular riding.”

“It’s still more dangerous than driving a car, though.”

“Sure, but you can get run over by a bus just crossing the road.”

Danny laughed.

“Are you keeping my office administrator from her work again?” Oscar had appeared in the doorway behind Danny.

“Nope. Just saying I’m off to pick up some more paint.”

Ambrielle decided she knew these two men well enough to tease them just a little bit. “Danny, you really need to buy Tickle-Me Pink or Cherry Blossom Pink. All this cream and pale blue is boring.”

“Tickle-Me Pink? That’s a color?” asked Oscar.

“It’s a genuine shade of pink,” answered Ambrielle. Then she sat back and watched as the men exchanged glances before looking back to her. She kept a straight face but was unsurprised when they both pulled out their cell phones to check.

“Holy shit! There’s even Barbie Pink!” The loathing in Oscar’s voice was so obvious Ambrielle laughed.

Danny looked at her and she laughed harder. “You’re teasing us.”

“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help it.”

“Well you’d better watch out or I’ll paint your office gray,” replied Danny.

This time they all laughed. Suddenly Ambrielle felt at home. Content. And she knew she belonged here, in this job, with these people. Especially with these two men.

* * * *

The first two weeks with Ambrielle as the office manager went past in a blur for Danny. Every time he saw her his dick went wild with joy, but his head—his other head—was also happy because she was relieving Oscar of so many jobs he just hadn’t had time to do. Not only were the accounts all paid on time, they never ran out of toilet paper, or coffee, or anything anymore. People almost immediately got in the habit of telling her what they wanted, instead of telling Oscar or leaving notes on his desk, and like magic, whatever was needed appeared.

There were other changes, too, and all of them were good. Vases of flowers on the reception desk to welcome patients and families into the building. Neat spreadsheets for everything from who had booked the lounge room for a rehabilitation session, to whose turn it was to wash the dishes in the staff lunchroom.

He found himself smiling every time he thought of her and grateful that Shaun had never shown up nor apologized for not coming to his interview. She was perfect. Smart, neat, efficient, and easygoing, fun to talk to, and always willing to lend a hand with the chores. Not to mention so beautiful he had a permanent hard-on and ever-aching dick. A dick he didn’t know what to do with. Well, apart from the usual, that was. How could he say to her, “Can I fuck you?” when he knew that’s what Oscar wanted as well? Plus it’d be all kinds of stupid to bed the staff just to scratch an itch. Besides she was damn good staff, not just any staff, and a thoroughly nice person as well. But she was also sexy, and dammit, he wanted her so bad his dick was in agony almost all day long.

There was only one solution. He was going to have to talk to Oscar about her. Them.

* * * *

Some days Oscar could hardly concentrate on what he should be doing. All he wanted to do was stand and watch Ambrielle. To touch her shiny black hair flowing free down her back or tied up in a French pleat or a simple ponytail that made him crazy with the desire to undo it and run his fingers through her tresses.

Her voice was never harsh, but always friendly and pleasing. In fact, every inch of her was pleasing, from her sharp brain, all the way down to her solid biker boots. Just this morning he was watching her change out of her leathers and he longed to pick up her foot and kiss each toe before she shoved them into her plain black pumps. He wanted to undress her and kiss every inch of her from head to toe and then turn her over and do it again. She was a drug in his blood, a fever in his brain, an itch under his skin. He wanted her so much he hurt all over, not just in his cock, which kept trying to force its way out of his pants and into her pants.

In two short weeks she’d made his office, hell the entire clinic, run smoothly. There were no more crises of things missing, or not purchased, of people not knowing where they should be and when and what for. Every day flowed smoothly under her guiding hand. It’d never occurred to him before, but the office manager was just as important as the doctor in a clinic. He couldn’t do his job unless she did hers. It was a revelation. All these years and he’d never known that until now.

All of which meant…Ah hell, he was falling in love with her. He wanted her for himself, but he knew Danny felt exactly the same.
Well, over the years we’ve talked about sharing a woman. I guess now is the time to stop talking and start doing. Can two Doms share a woman? Is it possible? Especially when we both want her and love her? Well, possibly love her. No, it’s much too soon to talk of love. That’s crazy talk. It’s just lust. She’s as sexy as hell and we both want her.

Oscar waited until Ambrielle had ridden off home to her apartment on her motorcycle. He waited until he’d done his evening rounds and checked on all his patients, taking the time to talk to each one personally and check on how they felt about their progress. He waited until he was sure Danny would have completed his evening ritual of showering and changing and flinging himself in front of his television. Only then did he fill his insulated mug with coffee and climb the stairs and knock on Danny’s door.

“’S open.”

Oscar pushed the door wide then quietly closed it behind himself. They were both very aware of the patients on this floor and of the need to not be too noisy in case they were already asleep. Or trying to sleep. That was something else they needed to talk about. Starting construction upstairs on their own apartment or apartments. Actually that was a damn fine idea. Once they had their own apartment upstairs, where they could make a bit of noise, they’d be able to invite Ambrielle for a sleepover.

Danny turned the sound right down on the television, just leaving the picture so they could watch the ball game as they talked. “’S up, dude?”

Oscar dropped down into a chair and said, “We really need to talk about Ambrielle. We both want her, but it’s going to be a challenge to get her. But just as I got here I thought maybe we should move ahead and build our apartment upstairs first, because then we’d have somewhere private to take her. I mean, our rooms are no good. We can’t be noisy and we don’t want to have to go to a hotel just to talk.”

“We both want to do a whole lot more than just talk to her, but we don’t know what she wants. You’re her boss. We want her, but does she want us?”

“You mean she may just be acting nice to keep her job? I don’t think that’s right. She’s nice to everyone. I think she’s a genuinely considerate sort of person. She shows her true character. She isn’t just playing a role. I know she can be quite definite and firm as well. A couple of times I’ve wondered if I’ve been a bit too forceful, a bit too Dom-ish if you like, because she’s given me a very straight look that’s said quite clearly I’m moving into her space, but she’s always polite and helpful, never rude or dismissive,” objected Oscar. He was sure of that. He knew she wasn’t just pretending. She was invariably polite at any time of day, even when she was interrupted in the middle of something or seemed to think he was interfering in her work.

“I’m not disagreeing with you. I’ve seen how patient she is when people on the phone say stupid things. I was meaning more that she might not be prepared to tell us to get lost because you’re her boss. She likes her job but doesn’t want a relationship with you or me.”

“Nah, that can’t be right. She looks at us sometimes the way we look at her. Like there’s a bowl of chocolate sauce the table and someone just needs to hand her a spoon,” said Oscar.

“Yeah, but looking is different from doing. Especially for a woman.”

“Damn.” Oscar knew that was right. Women liked to think about things. Men wanted to get in and do them. “Okay, so we need to invite her out. Date her. Show her we want to get up close and personal with her, but in a way she can back away if that’s what she wants. Hell, I’ve got the perfect administrator. I don’t want to lose her even if my balls turn blue!”

“Mine already are blue,” groaned Danny.

They both laughed. “Okay a date. What kind of date? Dinner? A movie? Dancing?”

“Somewhere the food is good and the atmosphere romantic. The kind of place a woman will like. Then after dinner we’ll dance and hopefully we’ll dance her straight into bed.”

“What’s the name of that place up the mountain? You know, man, where the restaurant revolves and diners look out over the city lights.”

“Observer? Vista? No, City View. That’s a great idea. Why don’t you book it for Friday night? Unless you have surgery scheduled for then?”

“Friday’s good, and we’ll be able to pick Ambrielle up from her apartment because she’ll need to get changed after work. So that’s a bonus, too,” said Oscar.

“Assuming she agrees to go out with us.”

“Fuck, yes.” Oscar’s heart lurched with fear. He hadn’t even thought of that. What if they planned a romantic night and she didn’t want to date them at all? She had to. She couldn’t possibly turn them down flat. Could she? He refused to think about it. “Okay, I’ll make all the bookings. Now, let’s talk about our apartment upstairs. When can you start work on that?”

* * * *

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