Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1] (6 page)

BOOK: Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1]
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Oscar wondered if she knew they were both Doms. BDSM was not a subject that had ever been raised among the spreadsheets and patient care of their daily lives. He and Danny had planned to only introduce it in the most minor of ways tonight, assuming their dreams came true and she agreed to spend the night with them. Tonight was more about romancing her, showing her they appreciated her as a person and as a potential partner, and getting her to agree to spend personal time together with them in the future.

Then Danny was bringing Ambrielle back to their table. She was smiling and happy and Oscar could only hope gathering her into his arms for his dance with her didn’t cause his cock to explode. He wanted her so badly, needed her so much, but had to keep forcing his mind back on the “this is a just a date” track. He hadn’t asked her for anything more than a date, and it wasn’t yet time to talk about the next step. Right now was for romance, no matter how much his cock wanted it to be about fucking.

“My dance now, please? You aren’t tired yet?” he asked.

Ambrielle’s dark brown eyes were sparkling with happiness. “No, I’m not tired. Of course I’ll dance with you.”

Oh, good. He didn’t think he could wait another minute to hold her in his arms. Where she belonged. She was his. Oscar blinked. Was she really his? Did he really feel that strongly about her?
Yes, I do. She’s mine, well, ours. I’ll think about it later. Right now I need to concentrate on making this good for her.

Oscar led Ambrielle back to the dance floor then pulled her gently into his arms. Automatically she rested her head on his shoulder, and his wolf sat up and howled with joy. His cock was standing up and howling, too, but it’d have to wait a while longer. He breathed the scent of her shiny black hair deep into his lungs. Ah, so sweet. Sort of florally and girly but perfect for her.

She fit in his arms perfectly, her body pressed against his as they moved slowly around the dance floor. Oh, how he wanted her. He smoothed his hand down her back and felt her shiver and press closer to his chest. He breathed deeply, enjoying the smell and feel of her. She was so right, so perfect resting against him like this. He had to force his legs to move, because all he wanted to do was stand here holding her, but they were supposed to be dancing. Slowly he rotated them around the dance floor. She made no attempt to speak to him, but she also didn’t try to pull away from him. So he had to guess she was happy like this. He sure as hell was. The only thing that would make him happier was getting her into their bed.

Oscar had no idea how he managed to survive the dance with Ambrielle. On the one hand, it seemed like the longest five minutes of his life, because he wanted to touch her in ways that were sure to get him arrested. On the other hand, it was heaven just holding her in his arms, and he wanted to stay like that forever. Finally the music stopped and he led her carefully back to where Danny was waiting for them. Danny gave him a decisive nod as they approached, so Oscar guessed he’d already called for the bill. Good. Oscar was more than ready to move the evening into the hotel bedroom.

He kept hold of Ambrielle’s hand as they sat down. Her hands were a lot smaller than his, soft, too, but still evidently the hands of a person who was active. They weren’t soft in an overprotected kind of way, but just in a feminine way. He couldn’t really explain it to himself, but to him they said woman, rather than couch potato. Possibly the sparkly blue nail polish helped make them more feminine. He hadn’t really noticed before, but now he thought about it, she wore lots of different colored nail polishes.

Danny picked up her other hand and she glanced from Oscar to Danny and back to Oscar again. He hoped he looked positive and encouraging, not scared stupid she would say no. At least Danny was smiling in a regular, friendly sort of way.

Oscar cleared his throat and said, “This has been a wonderful evening, Ambrielle. Thank you for being with us tonight.”

She focused on him, looking into his eyes with just the tiniest smile at the corner of her mouth and the edges of her eyes.

“But we don’t want you to leave us yet. Will you stay with us a while?” asked Danny.

“Stay with you, as in stay here?” asked Ambrielle.

But Oscar knew what she was really asking them both. Her smile had deepened, become more obvious, and her hand was resting unmoving in his palm, not sweaty or fidgeting at all. He just hoped she didn’t get angry at him when he told her what he’d done. He thought she wanted to be with them, too. Her body had been completely accepting of his touches, but she was a woman and sometimes he didn’t understand females at all.

Danny cleared his throat and looked at him. Oscar nodded.

“We’ve reserved a suite at the hotel for tonight. We both really hope you’d like the evening not to end here,” Oscar said. His voice sounded calm and confident, but inside he was anything but calm or confident. Superstitiously he crossed his toes inside his shiny black loafers for good luck.

Ambrielle looked searchingly into his face, then at Danny. Seeming content with what she read there, slowly she nodded. “Okay,” she said.

“You’ll come with us?” asked Danny, reaching out to stroke the back of her hand, with the hand that wasn’t holding it.


In his mind, Oscar pumped his fist in the air, jumped, and shouted, and high-fived Danny. But all he said was a quiet and controlled, “Thank you.”

* * * *

He and Oscar had talked at length about what they’d do tonight. Neither of them knew how Ambrielle felt about BDSM, nor did they know how sexually experienced she was, so they were sticking with the theme of romance. They didn’t want her to feel threatened or pushed out of her comfort zone so no whips, chains, or floggers, not even a set of handcuffs, although they might try a little spanking just using their hands if it seemed like a good idea at the time.

But tonight would be all about pleasing her, sending her crashing into several orgasms, exploring her body, finding out what turned her on. If this relationship was to last they needed to know about her physically as well as mentally, so tonight needed to be about pleasing her. Danny just hoped his balls didn’t drop off before he got to use them. It seemed like he’d been as hard as a rock ever since he’d met Ambrielle, and he was sure his balls were permanently blue with longing to be with her properly.

He glanced around the hotel suite cursorily. It looked fine to him, but what did he know about what women liked? The bed was a big one, which was his main concern. Neither he nor Oscar were small men and he planned to do more than lie neatly at her side, that’s for sure.

Danny watched Ambrielle enter the room. She didn’t hesitate or seem overly coy, so it seemed to him she was on board with the plan. She laid her purse down on a chair and stood still.

He stood back, letting her adjust to simply being alone in a bedroom with them both. He knew what he wanted to do—fuck her blind—but he also knew Ambrielle was much too special a person to rush straight into bed. It seemed to him she was okay though. She was standing quietly and calmly, not shuffling around or pacing the room, or doing anything else that might tell him she was on edge. He suddenly realized she was the calmest, most collected and self-possessed woman he knew. Not in a negative sense, but in the sense that she understood herself, and her own needs and desires, and didn’t require anyone else to validate her personal decisions. It made her even more desirable in his eyes.

Danny glanced over at Oscar. He was leaning with one shoulder against the wall. His eyes were heavy lidded and his gaze was focused on Ambrielle. Oh yeah. Oscar wanted her as much as he did. It was about time to get this scene moving.

Danny stepped into her personal space and whispered, “Shall we begin with kissing?”

Without waiting for her to reply he pulled her body against his slowly and gently, then held her head between his hands and started to kiss her. First he kissed her forehead, smoothing away a line there. Next he moved to her eyebrows, and when she closed her eyes he kissed the lids. Danny pushed one of his legs between hers, and she rested her body against his. Good. Now he kissed along her cheekbones, then down her jawline, and finally he kissed the point of her nose. Only then did he press his lips to hers, let go of her head, and haul her body tight against his as he licked along the seam of her mouth. As soon as she opened her lips he thrust his tongue inside and began fucking her mouth, telling her as clearly as he could what he wanted to do with the rest of her body.

Only when he was bordering on oxygen deprivation did he lift his mouth from hers. She looked up at him, her eyes glazed with lust and her fingers holding tight to his shoulders. Did that mean she was aroused? He sure hoped so, because his dick was so hard it ached. It seemed to him it always ached in her vicinity, but right now it really, really ached.

Oscar stepped up right behind Ambrielle. He looked at Danny and asked, “My turn now, man?”

Danny nodded. Hell, yes. Oscar had been more than patient and it was time for him to join the party.

Between them they turned Ambrielle so she was facing Oscar. Danny could see the mix of longing and lust in Oscar’s eyes and knew Ambrielle would understand how hard it was for them both to take this so slowly. But Danny also knew slow was the only way to go. She had to crave the next step as much as they did.

Oscar dropped to his knees, surprising Danny, then pushed the side of Ambrielle’s long dress up a few inches. Oscar kissed her leg, pushed the dress up a bit farther, and kissed his way up, up, up, gradually reaching her knee.

Danny gently massaged her shoulders as Oscar kissed a path higher and higher, stopping just short of the Holy Grail and standing up. “I think it’s time to get undressed now.” Oscar’s voice was husky with lust. Danny was glad he didn’t have to speak. His throat was so dry with longing he wasn’t sure he would have been able to enunciate a word at all.

Ambrielle seemed to wobble a bit, almost as if she was coming out of a trance. Danny kept a grip on her shoulders for the brief few moments it took her to seem to orientate herself back in the room, then she stepped away from them over to the chair where she’d left her purse.

He managed to get his brain out of his pants and unglue his tongue from the roof of his mouth. “Do you need help with the zipper of that dress?” he asked, not sure whether he wanted her to say yes or no. If she said yes, he’d be free to touch her lovely skin. But if she said no he’d get to watch, which likely would be just as arousing. Not that he thought he could get any more aroused without bursting into flames.

“But if I let you undo my zipper that wouldn’t be very fair to Oscar, now would it?” And she flashed him the naughtiest glance ever from under her eyelashes before turning her back to both men, reaching up high and wiggling her ass while she slowly drew the zipper down.
I was wrong. I could get more aroused. My dick just grew another inch.

She stepped out of the dress and turned, holding it in front of her body. “Aren’t you both going to get undressed, too?” she asked with an innocent voice and the world’s sexiest smile on her face.

She stood there, not letting them see any more of her body, and waited. Danny managed to assemble his last remaining two or three brain cells—the rest had been fried by her ass-wiggling act—and shrugged out of his suit coat. He unknotted his necktie and dropped it and the coat onto a chair and kicked off his shoes. Then, heaving a sigh of relief, he unzipped his pants and let his poor aching dick have some space and fresh air. Not that it wanted space and fresh air. It wanted the clenching heat of her cunt. Or her ass. Danny wondered if she’d agree to anal sex. Some women loved it, but others didn’t. If they were to truly be together though, the absolutely best way was with one of them in her cunt and the other in her ass. But still, this was their first date. Any sex at all would be a bonus.

She looked at his cock and grinned. Danny felt male pride surge through him. He knew it wasn’t the size of a man’s cock that mattered, but how he used it to pleasure a woman. But still, it felt good to know she approved of what she could see so far.

Ambrielle turned her head to look at Oscar, so Danny did, too. Oscar was still standing there, unmoving, watching them both. As Ambrielle turned, he seemed to come to life as if someone had pressed a button to turn him on, and Oscar quickly stripped off his jacket, necktie, shirt, shoes, and sox, and pulled his belt out from the loops, laying them all neatly over the top of the television.

That was reasonable. They certainly hadn’t come here to watch the ball game.

Danny picked up the pace now, removing the rest of his clothes and dropping them on top of the pile he’d put on the chair. In no time at all he and Oscar were both naked. Oscar rummaged in his pants pockets, pulling out a string of condoms, a tube of lube, and a medium-sized butt plug still in its sealed wrapper, which he placed on the nightstand.

“Snap!” said Danny, adding more condoms and lube to the pile on the nightstand.

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