Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1] (7 page)

BOOK: Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1]
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Ambrielle laughed. “So that’s why you invited me here,” she teased them.

“Only if it’s what you want,” Danny answered seriously.

“That’s the truth. Tonight is about you,” added Oscar.

“I understand. I’m happy with your agenda for this meeting.”

“Truly?” Danny took the dress out of her hands, laid it across the chair that held her purse, and tilted her head to read her face properly. There was no fear or distaste in her expression. But there was a hint of excitement, and need.
Oh, good, because I sure as hell need her.

Chapter Four

When Danny and Oscar had asked her to spend the night with them, Ambrielle had almost sagged with relief. They’d been perfect hosts, seeing to her comfort, keeping the conversation flowing with topics she could join in and share about, then dancing with her. But she’d always been the tiniest fraction on edge, wondering what might happen next. She knew what she wanted, even though it could end badly. But she didn’t know what they wanted.

She was willing to risk sleeping with them and take the pain of knowing it was a one-night stand, or the risk that it turned into a brief affair that ended up with her needing to find a new job. The two men had ensnared her with their good looks, their charm, and their delightful personalities. Just this one evening out had provided her with so many wonderful memories—talking to them as an equal, laughing, and joking, dancing, and being held in their arms. But she really, really, wanted to be closer to them both, skin-to-skin closer. And it wasn’t just idle curiosity to find out what participating in a ménage would feel like. It was because she truly was attracted to them both. And it’d be totally worth it if one night was all it turned out to be. She’d just hope she could maintain a calm and professional demeanor at work, because she loved working at the clinic, too, and didn’t want to have to leave unless life there became too messy because the men had gotten tired of her, or had rejected her.

She was an adult and would deal with whatever happened after tonight. She’d hope they could carry on as before, relaxed and happy around each other. She was quite willing to do her part not to weigh them down or burden them with tears or remorse if it didn’t work out.

She licked her lips. The two men were quite different, but both totally perfect in their own way. Because Danny worked outdoors a lot, his arms were tanned and none of his skin was pale excepting only the strip around his underwear. He must work out in the sun shirtless and in shorts sometimes. Or maybe he swam a lot in summer. But his chest, back, and legs were brown. A lighter color than his arms, but still quite tan. His hair was brown, too, and a bit long. It almost touched his shoulders although he tended to have it tied back when he was working. He was taller and leaner than Oscar, his build more like that of a runner.

Oscar’s body was a perfect triangle. His shoulders really were as broad as they’d seemed under his jackets and coats. That was all bone and muscle, not shoulder pads.

Danny had pulled the quilt off the bed and dropped it on the floor. Obviously he was the untidy one of the pair. But equally obviously she couldn’t stand here forever, holding her dress in front of her body.

It’ll be interesting to know if the men are as perceptive as they’ve seemed to be.
Once again she turned her back, stepped out of her sandals, undid the catch of her bra, dropping it on the chair, and pulled her turquoise lace panties down off her hips, stepping out of them and letting them rest on her shoes. She had a clean pair to put on tomorrow after her shower. Or tonight, if that’s how things ended.

Then she took a deep breath and turned around, ready to outstare them. But there were no surprised looks, only admiring ones.
Good. Or maybe they haven’t noticed yet.

Oscar was the first to lower his gaze to her left hip. He looked at her skin for a moment then nodded. “That was done by a very talented artist indeed.”

“Oh. What? Oh, yes. It’s a cat,” said Danny.

Ambrielle released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She had a tribal tattoo on her hip, just below her panty line. A viewer had to look closely at it before they would see the cat shape hidden in the tribal markings. “It’s for my aunt, and all her friends,” she explained.

“Yeah, I guessed that.” Oscar came over and kissed her lips. He was a much more demanding kisser than Danny. He drew a response from her, lighting fires inside her that had hardly had time to burn down from the touching and kissing that had been happening ever since they’d arrived in this suite.

Then she gasped as he swung her into his arms and carried her over to the bed, placing her in the very center of it.

Immediately he sank down her body and began licking her clit and her slit. This time she gasped louder, audibly. His tongue was slightly rough, rasping over her tender flesh, and it was going to send her flying real soon if she didn’t deliberately hold herself back a bit.

Then her brain kicked into gear. He’d never actually said, “I’m a shape-shifter,” to her. Nor had Danny. But they’d both said things like, “our wolves.” She couldn’t remember right now, but they might have even said “we wolves,” although she rather thought that would have stuck in her mind. But endless hints had been present right from the beginning. When she’d so instantly recognized Fergus they must have assumed she’d recognized them, too, but she’d been blind and lust-ridden instead of attentive. But now she understood. Oscar’s tongue was a little rough because he was a wolf. So she was not only about to experience her very first ménage, she was also about to be fucked by two wolves. Well, wow!

Oscar’s tongue was damn talented as he flicked it over and around her clit, then along her slit and inside her pussy. It was taking all her efforts not to relax into his touch and let herself explode.

Danny lifted her head and placed it on his lap, then bent over to kiss her. After a few sweet and gentle kisses on her lips his hands began teasing her breasts and nipples. Ah hell, she’d never be able to hold on at this rate.

Danny cupped the globes, teasing along the sensitive skin of their undersides, then used his thumbs on her nipples while his palms teased the rest of her breasts. She looked up into his eyes, the exact brown of rich, dark, chocolate and just as decadent. He smiled as he touched her, whispering, “Do you like this?” before moving his hand slightly.

“I like everything both of you are doing. I like it so much I might not be able to hold on much longer.”

Oscar lifted his head to gaze into her face. “There’s no need to hold on. Let yourself fly.” Her cream glistened on his chin, and that, coupled with his tangled black curls and cheeky grin, were very nearly too much for her control.

Danny dropped his head to her breast and took almost her entire globe into his mouth, sucking hard, then flicking his tongue over the nipple. His tongue was slightly rough, too. The thought that two men, two wolves, were making love to her—two men who she admired, appreciated, and may even be falling in love with—was all it took to throw her off the cliff.

Ambrielle shuddered as her orgasm burst through her and her cream poured from her cunt where Oscar’s fingers and tongue were driving her higher and higher. She pushed her breast into Danny’s mouth and her hips up into Oscar’s face as her body shook and quivered with her release.

She expected one of them to plunge his cock straight into her pussy while she was still convulsing, but the men surprised her by crawling up the bed and holding her tightly between their bodies. Danny’s cock pressed into her ass crack, a thick, hard line resting between her butt cheeks. Oscar’s cock pressed into her belly as they soothed her. “I thought men didn’t cuddle,” she said, confused. Then she bit her lip hoping she didn’t sound totally self-centered and stupid. That wasn’t what she meant at all. She was appreciative of being cuddled, just surprised.

“Wolves like to snuggle together,” explained Oscar.

“Yes. We’re used to being in a pack,” agreed Danny.

“Just as well I found me some wolves then, isn’t it?”

Danny pressed kisses along her shoulders and on the back of her neck. He pushed his cock deeper between her ass cheeks. “Have you had anal sex before?” he asked.

“Yes, but it’s been a while.”

“We both want to take you, together. If that’s too much for you, especially so quickly, that’s okay, but I’m just saying it because it’s what we’d like.”

Her cunt clenched tightly and more cream dripped onto her inner thighs. “It’s what I want, too.”

“Are you sure?” asked Oscar.


Once again, she expected to be flipped over onto her front immediately, and her ass opened with the butt plug they’d brought with them. But once again she was wrong. They continued to hold her and pet her, stroking her skin, kissing her in unusual places, just being together.

Finally Danny moved back from her a little way, lifted her upper leg over his, and began to play with her ass. He was very slow and gentle, teasing her more than anything else, arousing her using the many nerve endings surrounding her rosette.

Almost imperceptibly another orgasm began to build deep inside her. By the time he was thrusting his fingers in and out of her ass, she was whimpering and wanting so much more.

Oscar, who’d been playing with her breasts, hips, and stomach, sat up and rolled a condom on his cock, then he slid a leg between her lower leg and the mattress, and pushed his cock into her pussy. Oh, yes, that felt good. She was stretched, filled, satisfied at last.

He wiggled his hips against hers, and pressed his pelvis into her mound. Hell, yes, now that was even better. Behind her Danny was moving around, then she felt the head of his cock at the entry to her rear channel. Not the butt plug, his cock. She was more than happy to skip a step and move directly to the main game.

“Are you ready, man?” asked Oscar.

“Just about. Give me a moment or two. Ah, now that’s better.”

Danny thrust his cock deep inside her. If she’d felt full before she was tight, stretched, overfull now. But not in a painful way. In an exciting way that screamed possession, belonging, contentment. She was also desperate for the men to move. Having them both inside her at once was like being possessed by a huge itch that simply had to be scratched. “Move, dammit,” she begged.

“Shh,” Danny soothed her, stroking his hand up and down her arm.

“In a minute,” Oscar echoed, wiggling his cock deeper into her cunt.

Then they were moving at last, sliding in and out of her in a pattern so that one was always in while the other was out. Trying to follow what they were doing was almost enough to scramble her brain permanently, so she gave up analyzing what was happening and let them take control, let them direct the action and just floated in limbo, moved this way and that, her body their plaything as the orgasm within her grew ever larger, more powerful, and more demanding.

This must be what BDSM sex is all about. Letting the Doms decide. Relaxing and trusting them to know what will please me. Well this sure pleases me.

But will other things please me? What if they start ordering me to wear a collar and eat out of a dog dish or even just tell me I can’t ride my motorcycle?

Ah, fuck. I can’t think about that at the moment. All I can think about is them and how they make me feel, right now, tonight. I’ll worry about it later, if this turns out to be more than a brief relationship. I need them way too much this very minute to plan and think and strategize.

Hands dug into her shoulders and hips now as the men pounded into her faster and harder. She was so close, so very close to exploding.

And then it happened. “Oh, yes,” she whispered as her body disintegrated under the impact of the hardest orgasm she’d ever known. Behind her closed eyes she saw sparks and colored lights like a fireworks display. Her arms and legs shook and her entire body quaked as if she was trying to stand outside in the middle of a storm. Then her mind went blank for a few moments as her breath came in harsh gulps. She felt both men shaking with her and went limp between them as her toes and fingers curled, and still the orgasm kept coming.

It seemed like hours later, but was probably only a few minutes, when her mind cleared again and she began to untangle her body from the position it’d taken as she came. “Wow! That was amazing. Thank you,” she whispered, kissing the arms that surrounded her.

Although she’d never seen their arms bare before she instantly knew which was which, Danny’s tanned, and Oscar’s with dark hair peeping out of his skin here and there. Actually that was a conundrum she’d have to think about later, when her brain was working again. Since Danny was so tanned he must work bare armed and bare chested outside. But she’d only ever seen him fully clothed. Well, now she’d be able to imagine him hammering and sawing in the sunshine, wearing only cut-off jeans!

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