Addicted to Pearls (Revised) (Pearls Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Addicted to Pearls (Revised) (Pearls Series)
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“Clint, I’m sorry I seem to be having a pity party day and don’t want to subject you to it, can I have a rain check please?” she asked him trying to stem the flow of tears.   That’s when Betty stepped around Clint, gently pushed the door in a little and engulfed the mother of her grandchild in her arms.  She clucked and hugged Tori tighter, th
n lead her to the small sofa.  “Clint, go get those bags please,” she asked her son and patted Tori’s hand.  Tori wasn’t sure but was thinking this must be Clint’s Mom and Vic’s step-mom.  Betty confirmed it when she introduced herself to Tori with another hug.  

“Now don’t be upset at Clint for telling me the situation.  Like the smart young man he is, he knows that I
want to be involved and that there are times when a woman needs a Mom with her, even if it’s a substitute Mom.”   When Clint walked in with several bags of groceries, Betty turned again to Tori.  “I was starving and thought maybe I could cook up something while we got to know each other.”  With that she bustled into the kitchen and began putting more groceries away than Tori had bought in the last month it seemed.  Betty looked through cupboards and found what she wanted to cook with and began making a soup that
later tasted like heaven to Tori.

The woman was a natural nurturer and soon Tori felt relaxed and was smiling.  She was a bit worried when Betty wanted her to tell her about the baby and Vic.  But Tori took some deep breaths and with a
few tears as possible told her what Clint, who Betty had sent home in a cab, had explained.  Then the older woman hugged Tori again and told her in no uncertain terms that from now on she had family and that she couldn’t wait until she could hold her grandson in her arms.  Betty gave Tori her contact numbers and made her promise to call if she needed anything and when the time to have the baby came.  Then hugged her goodbye as she left, letting Tori know she would be dropping by again soon.

Tori wasn’t sure how she felt about this new turn of events, but in ways it was wonderful.  Just having a motherly type hug her and take over even for an hour was so touching.  She couldn’t help but think that this woman would make a warm and loving grandmother.  Her baby boy was so lucky, even if he wouldn’t have a father in his life. 


Chapter 2

Tori was nearing the last two weeks of her pregnancy when Betty called and told her they were having a family barbeque
the next day and she was expecting
Tori to attend.  She was informed that Clint would be picking her up at 11 am and to expect to be there several hours.  Tori started to try and beg off, but Betty wouldn’t have it and told her that Vic had said he would be working and would not be there, so she had no excuses.  Besides, the family needed to get to know her since she was going to be bringing their newest member into the fold soon.

On the other side of town
Vic sighed as he hung up the phone.  His Step-mother was up to something but he wasn’t sure what.  As he thought about the last few months he realized he really had neglected his family.  Clint had been downright cold to him the last few times he’d seen him and he didn’t know why.  He had probably said something he shouldn’t.  Vic knew he’d been a bear lately.  He was frustrated, no doubt about it.  His mind wandered, as it still did way
often, to Tori.  He had been an ass and when he realized his mistake had once again not been able to find her.  What was it about that woman that made him so crazy?  He’d had women more beautiful, definitely more experienced but they all seemed to pale in comparison.  Damn it, he missed her and wanted that closeness he’d felt with her back.  Wasn’t every man entitled to a little commitment fear once in a while? 

Vic couldn’t understand where
he could have gone
he had pulled up stakes

he humiliation of what had happened when they had gotten mistakenly arrested
had to be the reason why
.  Vic had learned that the council had asked for her resignation.  He was so angry that he went to the next town meeting demanding a formal printed apology for Tori.   The council, realizing they had a lawsuit situation in the making, quickly agreed and in the apology even offered Tori back her job.   According to the Chief though, she hadn’t contacted any of them since she’d left town, which left Vic feeling even
.  Tori hadn’t even told Gloria where she was going.

Vic pounded his hand on the desk with a growl.   He wanted the woman back, now.  He stood and stormed back into the squad room.   “I want her found,” he growled.  They knew who he meant even though he wasn’t talking to them.    Vic’s workmates missed the laughing, easier to work with man that seemed to have left once Tori had disappeared on him again.  Even though this wasn’t technically work related some even tried to help by searching for her and everyone hoped he found her soon.

Tori and Clint walked around the yard to the back and Tori stopped just outside the gate, listening to the sound of a family gathering.  “I can’t do this,” she turned and walked right into Clint.  He caught her before they both stumbled and laughed.   “
just nervous, don’t worry
I will be here and Mom loves you so you
golden.”  Tori sighed, squared her shoulders, patted her large belly and whispered “ok son,
go meet the family.”

Clint chuckled and opened the gate.  There was none of the stopping to whisper or pointed looks that Tori was expecting.  Clint walked her around the yard introducing her and he would
pat her belly and say, “and this is my nephew.”  Tori was hugged, teased and pampered.  Betty and Ben caught up to them and Ben gave Tori a hug.  He was obviously emotional at seeing her heavy with his grandchild and no son, well
the wrong son
at her side.  He was proud of Clint though
and had told him so earlier
when Betty had told him about the baby.  Ben still couldn’t believe that Vic wanted no part of the being the baby’s father.  It was a bitter disappointment to him that his son had abandoned this woman in her condition.  He was even more disappointed that Vic hadn’t even talked to him about it.

He knew Vic had been having a hard time the last few months.  Vic’s mood had been rough but he just told his dad that he was busy at work and that he’d work it all out.  Now Ben understood that there was more to it than that.  He sure hoped this scheme of Betty’s didn’t backfire.  Maybe the guilt trip she’d heaped on his oldest son wouldn’t take hold and Vic wouldn’t show up. 

Vic was back sitting at his desk when he looked at his watch and realized the family was probably just about to sit down to barbeque.  He groaned
was right he really should take some time off.  His folks weren’t getting any younger and he had hardly seen them lately.  Maybe he should surprise Betty and show up.  With a smile he thought, at least he’d get some good food and maybe have a beer or two and figure out what he’d done to tick his little brother off.

When Vic pulled up there were cars parked all over the place.  Looks like the whole clan showed up for this one, he thought.  He parked and walked through the house stopping at the fridge and getting a beer.  He looked out the kitchen window and smiled at his laughing family as they ate, played games and generally just enjoyed each other’s company.  He finally spotted his
sitting at the outdoor table eating with a woman by his side.  Vic chuckled, thinking his little brother has a woman and then looked at her to see just what kind of female would catch the

It took Vic a minute to realize who he was looking at.  She was smiling and
leaned close to her his hand disappearing under the table where Vic couldn’t see it.  He was touching her, intimately.  What the hell was going on, that was his woman.  Why was Tori here, why was she with Clint?  Why wasn’t she with him?  His mind was racing, his heart was beating fast and his anger was boiling.   He’d been looking for her for months and here she was at his family home, with his brother, looking happy and so damn beautiful it made his hands clinch at his sides.

He tipped the bottle and drank the rest of the beer, then with
oath his Mother would have smacked him for, he slammed out the back door.  His angry growl and scowling face was enough to have family members stepping back as he stomped his way toward the couple. 

Tori and Clint were laughing when the silence was noticed.  They both stopped and looked up at Vic at the same time.  Clint’s face went red with anger but, Tori’s went white.  She really had thought he wouldn’t show up, she wasn’t ready to see him.  Her eyes looked him over noticing the weight loss the dark circles under his eyes and even though she was stunned she
couldn’t help the worry that something was wrong with him.

“What the hell is going on here?” Vic almost screamed at them.  Betty ran up to him and touched his arm.  “Son, don’t yell at them and watch your tongue.” she told him trying to take some of the steam out of his anger.   He turned his head slowly and looked at her, then without a word turned back to Tori.  He wanted to strangle that woman for driving him so crazy.  Hell he wanted to drag her onto the table, strip her and take her like he’d been dreaming of, right here right now, family or not.  But he couldn’t get the image of Clint’s hand touching her beneath the table cloth and what that meant.

Vic and Clint were glaring at each other when Clint stood up and told his brother “
ou’re not welcome here.” 

Vic was livid, “
hat the hell do you mean, I’m not welcome here?  This is my home too little brother and that’s not your woman.”

“She should be, at least I’m taking care of her better than your sorry ass has been,” Clint yelled back at him. 

“Stop it, just stop it,” Tori cried.   She tried to scoot back and stand but couldn’t and Clint out of habit helped her, then offered his arm to her knowing she’d need help getting up.  Vic was even more livid, seeing his brother touch her again.  “Get your hands off her,” he said again.  That was when Tori stood up.  Vic was so intent on Clint that it took a moment for him to look back at Tori.

Then his eyes scanned her body then snapped to her face then back down to her large belly, staring, trying to comprehend what that meant.  He looked back up into her eyes.  She looked like a doe in caught in the headlights.  The woman was pregnant, very pregnant.  Vic was so stunned that some of his anger
away.  “It seems there’s something we need to talk about,” he said i
a quiet low voice that his family knew was much more dangerous than his previous yelling.

Tori couldn’t believe he was acting mad, what gave him the right to act like she had done something wrong.  “You and I have nothing, I repeat nothing
to talk about.  You had your chance to talk a long time ago, so just leave me alone,” she told him with her hands on her hips, glaring, her eyes sparkling with anger.  

Vic stalked around the table and took Tori’s arm pulling her along with him. “Yes, we do woman and we’re going to do it right now.”

Clint rounded the table and stood in Vic’s way.  “Leave her alone, haven’t you done enough to hurt her?  She’s with me now, let her go,” he said pushing his older brother. 

Vic looked at Clint then to Tori.  “Is it mine?” he growled.  The sharp pain filled intake of breath from Tori was answer enough.   That Vic would ask that of Tori was enough to set Clint off.  He took a swing at Vic.  Vic easily ducked it and slammed Clint down to the ground using
his own momentum.  Tori screamed and dropped to the ground near Clint.  Her hands frantically touching his face asking him if he was ok.  She turned and glared up at Vic who was beyond feeling sorry for his brother.  His emotions were
raw, too close to the surface after being held in check for so long.

“This baby is my son, not your

little problem

as you called him.  You gave up any right to have anything to do with him,” she yelled up at Vic continuing to fuss over Clint.  

“That didn’t answer my question and I want answers, damn it,” Vic said towering over his still prone brother and the woman he’d been searching for months for.

He leaned down and took her arm again, surprisingly gently but
lifting her and with an oath turned and headed to the house.  Ben was down near Clint by now and was relieved to see he was sitting up and fine.  Clint started to get up to go after them when his father’s hand stilled him.  “You’ve been a hell of a man during all this, but now it’s time for all of us to let them talk,” he told his younger son, then helped him stand.  Clint wasn’t happy, but saw that there was no give in his father’s words.

Vic walked Tori into the house and then back out the front door.  He didn’t want to be where she could walk away.  He put her in his car, strapped her in and walked around to the
side.  He stood there a moment trying to settle his mood a little.  When he opened the door and got in, he looked at Tori.  He saw the uncertainty and maybe even a little fear in her eyes before she turned from him to stare out the window.  With a frustrated growl he started the car and headed for his apartment.

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