Addicted to Pearls (Revised) (Pearls Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Addicted to Pearls (Revised) (Pearls Series)
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When Tori began actually wrapping the pearl along his shaft he couldn’t control the groan of need.   Once the pearls were wrapped fully around him, Tori moved and while holding just one end of the strand she slowly lowered herself onto his engulfed shaft.  There wasn’t anything Vic could do except hold on and enjoy the ride.   Tori was in complete control, ever so slowly sliding up and down.   It registered in Vic’s mind that only because she got so slick could she do this.   He’d never been with a woman that was th
responsive before and he loved it.  Just when Vic thought he was gaining a bit of control, Tori began sliding the pearls off him little by little with each stoke.  She pulled them through her wet slit and let them tease her further as they slid over her sensitive tissue.   They were both lost in the pleasure, nothing but what they were feeling registering.  That’s when the hotel door came crashing open.

Tori saw the men that came busting in first since she was facing the door.  Three police officers had just burst through the door with their guns drawn.  Chief Darius was first, with
Owen and Jeff coming in behind him.  

earch warrant
” the
Chief barked as the couple froze.   The three officers seemed to be as
as Vic and Tori.  They were
shocked to find the couple like this.  Seeing Tori with Vic obviously deep inside her, her back arched and breasts heaving, her nipples hard and rosy.   None of the officers noticed that Tori’s hand was still near where the couple were joined or that she held the end of the strand of pearls.  That was just
much more to register.  The group just stared at each other no one moving for a moment when Tori noticed a very young man staring through the open doorway at her.    She was mortified, “Oh my God, we are putting on quite a show, can you at least close the door?” Tori said to the Chief.  He turned and saw the young man, with an oath kicked the door shut and glared at the pair. 

Vic tried to sit up and ask what was going on when the Chief barked at him to “shut the hell up and remain still“.   Vic’s slight movement under Tori was the wrong thing to have happen, she was just
close to coming and those little movements finished the job.   With a strangled groan Tori’s body clinched, she arched back pulled a little at the pearls and felt the pleasure rush through her.   Even having an audience couldn‘t stop the electric pleasure.  Vic could feel her inner muscles milking him and he thrust up hard once and came as well with another wrenching growl.   It was erotic and unavoidable.  The officers were in
.   Owen had lost all sense of where he was, he was stroking himself through his pants, his face a mask of lust, gun hanging limply at his side.  Jeff had come in his pants just from seeing them and was chanting, “Oh my God“.  The Chief was hard and got even harder when he realized that Tori was now staring at the bulge in his uniform.  The situation had gotten completely out of control. 

The Chief elbowed both other officers and barked at Tori and Vic.  “I want those pearls, we
find them and you two are
oing down for bringing them into my town,” he told the couple.   Vic and Tori looked at each other not sure what the Chief was talking about.   “You want the pearls?” Tori asked shaking her head.   “N
“, the Chief
at them
.  Tori started to lift up off Vic to pull the rest of the pearls from her body but the Chief lifted his gun higher and told her to freeze again.  “You just tell me where they are and I’ll get them,” he said.  

“The hell you will,” Vic snarled.  No other man was
his woman especially as intimately a touch as it would be to retrieve
those pearls

“Not going to happen, Chief” Tori told him and this time lifted very slowly pulling the strand from around Vic’s now somewhat softened shaft.   She had to move a little to allow them to slide from her.  The officers were mesmerized watching the process as none of them had previously noticed the strand of pearls in her fingers.  When the last pearl was free, Tori whimpered a little as it slid over her sensitive flesh and out.    “Here they are Chief, but I really don’t understand,” Tori told him, holding the strand away from her body, the evidence of the
pleasure glistening on each pearl.

Just as the Chief started forward to take the strand, Vic growled again.  “Get a fucking evidence bag and don’t you dare touch those pearls.  They are mine and no man but me has
that right.”  

who was used to taking order rushed to do Vic’s bidding even before he realized it wasn’t his boss giving the orders.   Once Tori had slid the pearls into the bag, the chief took the bag and lifting it to his nose, groaned when he smelled the essence of the couple.  He couldn’t have told if there was any other smell but the evidence of their passion.  “I can’t tell what kind of drugs these are, we’ll have to have them tested,” he said. 

Drugs? What was he talking about? Vic and Tori were both confused.  “What drugs
” Vic finally asked
  “The pearls that your addicted to, packing
a gun
to protect and
into my town to distribute,” the Chief snarled at him.  Tori actually snickered, Vic opened his mouth but nothing came out.  They had to be kidding
he thought.   Vic felt the vibrations of Tori’s rising mirth and gave her his sternest look.  “Don’t you dare laugh,” he told her.   It was hard, but she settled for a very smirky grin that would have clued most men into the fact that they had screwed up big time.  But these three officers were not done, and there was just
much nakedness in front of them to think more reasonably. 

We’re taking you two in, the Chief told them and ordered Tori to stand up.  “You don’t move a muscle,” he told Vic.  Tori rose over Vic, hearing the sound of his softening shaft slipping from her. 
She stood near the bed and with a measure of confidence that came from knowing the officers were wrong told the Chief that he was just going to have to wait a moment for her to clean up and get dressed. 

“You are NOT hauli
ng me down to the station naked
for no reason.” She told him and when he protested she scathingly told him to back off mentioning that it would be a bit hard to hide a gun on her person.  She wet down a rag, cleaned up as best as she could and got dressed quickly and efficiently with the officers watching.  Vic noticed that all three officers were paying way more attention to Tori dressing than the naked man on the bed.  If he had been a drug dealer, he probably would have pulled his piece and shot one or two of them by now. Maybe he should
he thought with his rising anger, but knew he wouldn’t risk that one of these hot shots wouldn‘t panic and pull their trigger.  Once Tori was dressed, she rinsed the rag, wringing it out again and slowly walked to Vic.  She cleaned him up as they all watched.  Then she turned to the Chief again.  “He will also be dressed, I don’t share well and
not going to parade him around naked for just any passing female to see,” she told him with her hands on her hips.   That made Vic chuckle, he liked this in charge woman that was so out of character for Tori.

“Owen, get his pants, make sure there’s nothing in them and hand them to him.  “You’ll get dressed slow and careful, wouldn’t want anyone to get shot for making any moves they shouldn’t,” the Chief told Vic.   Once Vic was dressed the three officers seemed to have a better handle on the situation and soon the couple were handcuffed and sat watching as the officers began searching the room.  Jeff found the case with the few guns and
Vic had brought with him and showed the Chief.   “This is going to send you to prison for a long time,” the Chief told Vic.  Tori was still smiling and Vic was looking more and more irritated.   Finally the couple was led through the lobby
and the crowd that had gathered there
and put into the back of the squad car
Vic was still muttering.  

Chapter 1

As they all made their way into the police station, Vic had started to calm down.  At least Tori thought he had as he didn’t look quite as angry as he had at the hotel.   But the couple didn’t speak as they were read their rights and taken to separate rooms for questioning.   The Chief was so upset at Tori that he decided he would talk to Vic first.  He walked into the room where the large man was cuffed to the table and his legs shackled to the bolted down chair.  He turned on the recorder to begin his interrogation. 

“What is your name for the record?" he asked.  
Vic looked up at this older man, smiled and gave him his full name.  T
he Chief frowned at the
sound of it, thinking maybe the man was wanted since his name sounded familiar. 
“How long have you been dealing drugs for your boss?” the Chief asked.  
“Oh, I’ve handled the drug side of things for a few years now.  I think you should call my boss and see just how happy he’s been with my work,” Vic added, with a viscous grin at the older man.

“And I suppose
going to just give me your boss’s name and number, huh?  Chief Darius asked.  

“Yep,” Vic answered and proceeded to rattle off his chief’s name and the number for his police department.    With a frown and a growing sense of things not being quite right, the Chief used his cell phone and dialed the number. 

Police department,

the operator greeted the caller.  With a full
on sense of dread, the Chief gave the operator the name Vic had given him.   When Vic’s chief was on the line, Chief Darius asked about Vic and groaned as the Captain’s description of Vic’s excellent police work and job duties were given.  With a thank you and a frown, Chief Darius hung up and looked at the now smug Vic.

“Things a little clearer now, Chief?” Vic asked.   

“Damn it, why didn’t you say something,” he asked Vic.   

“Just when did you give me a chance to say anything?” Vic countered.   

Knowing this was a disaster and that things were going to go from bad to worse, the chief stood and un-cuffed Vic then sat again and asked a few questions to find out how this mess had gotten started. 

When Vic and the Chief walked out the door half an hour later, the two junior officers were shocked to see Vic without cuffs and looking less angry than he had been.   But, Vic knew he was going to work these boys over good on Monday when his training started so that this type of thing didn’t happen again.  

“Let Tori out“, the chief told Owen.   It was a testament to the Chief’s authority that his
demand was answered without question.  When Tori came out of the interrogation room and saw Vic she automatically walked to him and he engulfed her in his arms.   

“Ready to go?” Vic asked her with a smile.   “Definitely, but first I want my pearls back,” she said looking at the Chief.   She almost chucked as he turned beet red and went to get the evidence bag for her.  Without comment he handed the bag over and the couple left with Owen driving them back to the hotel. The snarl Vic gave Owen when he started to question the couple was enough to keep the younger man from talking any more on the way to the hotel.

There were several disapproving looks given to the couple as they arranged to move to a new room.  Tori knew this was going to be town gossip for some time and realized that she would have to tell her Mother and sister soon, before they heard elsewhere, if they hadn‘t already.  Her life had just changed in ways she would not fully realize for some time to come.

Chapter 1

left the hotel soon after they had arrived back, going home to call her Mother and sister.   “You have
disgraced us and ruined our family,” her Mother yelled and then refused to talk to her any further.  It didn’t go much better with Lisa, as she just cried and asked how Tori could do such a thing as have relations with a man she wasn’t married to especially in a hotel.   Tori’s mood was somber and she felt so alone after the conversations.  She realized though that she had made her own decisions and that life would continue.  She had her work and had found Vic again, she dreamed of marriage and children with the man that she knew beyond a doubt she had somehow fallen in love with. 
was upset with her family but still believed that the last few weeks were the best in her life.  She had lived, loved and now that she and Vic were together again she had great belief in her future.

Tori and Vic spent the weekend laughing and enjoying the time alone together.   They found out that they had a lot more in common than they thought they would.  Not only that but being together was easy and fun.   Monday was harder.

Vic was not easy on the officers during training and stressed the fact that jumping the gun and not getting all the facts right could open the department to lawsuits and mistakes.   Owen, Jeff and the Chief were quiet during most of the training.    Although Jeff and the Chief didn’t like it they took the situation
and their
part in it
better than Owen.   Owen didn’t like being shown
up and having someone telling him what he had
done wrong.  His youth and arrogance caused him to get angry instead of learning from the situation.   On Friday afternoon
after Vic had left
got his cell phone out and sent a few email

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