Alien Universe (4 page)

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Authors: Don Lincoln

BOOK: Alien Universe
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The article goes on to say that the astronomers left the telescope and went to bed, only to be awakened the next day to find that the telescope had inadvertently lined up with the sun and the resultant image started the building on fire. Luckily no serious damage had been done, but it took several days for the soot and mess to be cleaned up, by which time the moon was no longer found in the night sky. Herschel then turned to studying the rings of Saturn, which he found to be debris of two worlds that had collided.

Herschel was busy cataloging his observations of stars he had seen, so his assistants looked again at the moon, this time seeing an even superior form of Vespertilio-Homo. “They were of infinitely greater personal beauty, and appeared in our eyes scarcely less lovely than the general representations of angels by the more imaginative schools of painters.” The author (one of Herschel’s assistants) then closed by saying that he would defer discussion of these angelic bat people until Herschel could write something himself.

Needless to say, the real Herschel had no part in this. He actually was doing research south of the equator and was more than a bit aggrieved when he later heard the liberties that had been taken with his reputation.

So ended the six columns in the
. What impact did these columns have on the public? Well, quite simply, it was huge. The
sold out of its total circulation of about 20,000. Further, the competing papers in New York reprinted the story. Approximately 100,000 copies of the article were printed in New York City alone (at a time in which the population of New York was only about 300,000). With no radio, nor even telegraph, the story travelled across the country relatively slowly, although it arrived in the other major Eastern cities like Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore in a matter of days. It took a couple of weeks to make it to the Midwest and a month to Europe. English and French journals reprinted the articles, without naming the source of the material as a penny press newspaper in the United States. The story was even reprinted in Edinburgh. Given that the
attributed the original source to the
Edinburgh Courant
, presumably the Scottish people knew it was a fake, but they reprinted it anyway.

While the
’s circulation didn’t change dramatically with the story, they did print a pamphlet containing all six columns, accompanied by several lithographs showing imagined renditions of Herschel’s discoveries. One of these is reproduced in
figure 1.1
. While the
never disclosed how many pamphlets were sold, later writers estimated the number to be about 60,000. At a cost of twelve cents a pamphlet, the
did end up making a fair bit of money.

This lithograph did not appear in the newspapers but was included in a subsequent pamphlet printed by the New York
, which included all six articles detailing the moon hoax of 1835, as well as several figures that gave dramatic emphasis to the text.
New York

With 100,000 copies of the story printed in New York, along with a very large number printed elsewhere across the United States and the world, the moon hoax of 1835 was one of the first media events and something that would have been impossible just five years prior. The invention of steam-powered presses, along with less expensive paper, made it economical to produce newspapers in great quantities. When this was combined with the business model that sold the papers for a penny and utilized, for the first time, newsboys on street corners to sell them, large numbers of people could be reached quickly. The hoax also had an impact on journalism as a whole, starting a discussion on the question of standards in journalism and whether reporters had an obligation to report the truth.

It was not very long before the
’s report was generally conceded to be a hoax, but there was a brief period of time when the broad public was transfixed by the idea of extraterrestrial life. The scholars of the day still debated
the question of whether the moon might host life. The evidence was rather strongly against, most notably by watching the moon pass in front of stars. The image of the stars in telescopes remained crisp until the very last second, suggesting that the moon had no atmosphere. Air on the moon would have made the stars’ images blurry. However, while the debate continued among the community of scholars, the question was less mentioned among the public. The
’s story brought it to the fore. Thinking about Aliens was now mainstream.


While the moon hoax of 1835 was entirely a fictional event, the question of life on Mars remained scientifically reputable for a much longer time. For one thing, Mars is much farther from Earth, making it much more difficult to image. In addition, the diameter of Mars is twice as large as the moon, making the planet more Earth-like. Polar ice caps were observed on Mars as early as the middle of the seventeenth century and studied in some detail by William Herschel (the father of John Herschel of moon hoax fame). In fact, speculation on the question of life on Mars (especially intelligent life) reached a fevered pitch in the late 1800s.

Perhaps the best place to start our story is with French astronomer Camille Flammarion. He was a popularizer of science, although his readers were equally likely to be academics as members of the educated general public. His first book
La Pluralité des mondes habités (The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds
) was published in 1862 and put forth the idea that there were many inhabited worlds in the universe. He was not the first to suggest the idea, but he was among the first to suggest that extraterrestrials might be truly alien, as opposed to mere variants on humans. In two of his books, he proposed several exotic species, including sentient plants.

His book
Astronomie populaire
was published in 1880 and translated into the English
Popular Astronomy
in 1894. The book is full of speculation about extraterrestrial life, both lunar and Martian, and sold more than 100,000 copies in French. His 1892 book
La Planète Mars et ses conditions d’habitabilité
(The Planet Mars and Its Conditions for Life) supported the idea of Martian canals built by an advanced civilization.

Flammarion was not the originator of the idea of Martian canals. That distinction came from Italian scientist Giovanni Schiaparelli. And to understand that tale requires that we learn some basic astronomy.

The orbital period of Mars is 687 Earth days, and its orbit is also highly
eccentric, ranging from 129 million miles to 155 million miles from the sun. Consequently, about every two years Mars and the Earth are relatively close at opposition. This term means that Mars was opposite the sun and thus could be seen directly overhead at midnight. When the Earth’s orbit is taken into account, about every 15 years the two planets are especially close. Because of these astronomical factors, the years 1877, 1892, and 1909 were especially auspicious for viewing Mars, as it appeared to be about twice as wide than it did in more pedestrian years.

While astronomers had watched Mars for millennia, it was in 1877 that the Martian chronicles heated up, for that was the year that Giovanni Schiaparelli reported observing “canali” on Mars. Canali is an Italian word that means “channels,” but it was mistranslated into English as “canals.” And “canals” has an important implication. It means an artificially dug water course. In an era when the Suez Canal had recently opened (1869) and the digging of the Panama Canal had begun (1881), it is inevitable that the word would excite the imaginations of people who heard it. In the 15 years between the oppositions of 1877 and 1892, there was speculation on the nature of the canals and even bitter disagreement on whether they existed at all. The telescopes of the day were typically refractors and consequently were relatively small. It was rather difficult to clearly resolve features on Mars, and so the question of whether canals were observed was necessarily a subjective one. While observations in subsequent years were not under the optimal conditions of 1877, other astronomers also reported seeing canals at observatories across the world. Others didn’t and the debate raged within the astronomical community.

The question of artificial canals on Mars was a pressing one, and astronomers looked forward to the next optimal opposition in 1892 to hopefully resolve the issue. Camille Flammarion’s 1892 book on Martian habitation and Schiaparelli’s 1893
La vita sul pianeta Marte
—which literally meant
Life on the Planet Mars
—were timely. A budding scientist’s receipt of Flammarion’s book as a Christmas present had an unanticipated large impact on the debate on Martian canals and the awareness of the public of the question.

Percival Lawrence Lowell was born into an affluent family in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 13, 1853. His family made their money in the Lowell textile industry, and he was a sixth-generation student at Harvard University. Lowell was a brilliant student and interested in science. At his college graduation in 1876, he gave a speech on the “Nebular Hypothesis” describing the formation of the solar system. After graduation and the obligatory tour of Europe, Lowell attended to his family’s business affairs and traveled extensively
in the Far East, where he wrote several books about Japan that were well received back in the United States.

In 1893, the year in which Schiaparelli’s provocatively named book came out, Lowell received the present that brought little green men to the public. After devouring Flammarion’s book, he decided to become a full-time astronomer and to focus on the planet Mars. In mid-January of 1894, the Boston papers reported that Lowell had decided to finance an observatory in Arizona. The location was selected because of its altitude and dark and clear skies. Flagstaff, Arizona, became the center of Martian research.

Research began rapidly, for if they missed the 1894 opposition, the next favorable opposition was 15 years in the future. Lowell’s observatory went up quickly, and he turned his telescopes to Mars. Initially, he and his team used two temporary telescopes, one 12 inches and one 18 inches. He saw canals and lots of them. Eventually 183 canals would be reported by Lowell and his associates; the first article came out in late summer of 1894 (
figure 1.2

This article not only described the canals he observed, but it went much further, revealing his underlying motivation. For, while traditional astronomers might want to understand Mars, it was clear that Lowell had already made up his mind. He was confident that he was seeing the signature of Martian civilization. Mars was thought to be an older and dying world, dry and increasingly desolate. He believed that the ancient civilization of Mars had built a vast network of canals to bring water from the polar ice caps to the mid-latitude and equatorial areas in an attempt to survive. Dark patches that were observed in the telescopes were thought to be oases in which pockets of Martians continued to eke out a harsh and desperate existence. Lowell detailed his ideas in three books:
Mars and Its Canals
(1907), and
Mars as the Abode of Life

Lowell was not merely an amateur astronomer. He was a scion of a wealthy Boston family, charming when he wanted to be, and passionate about his interests. In addition to observing the heavens, Lowell moved in fashionable circles. His name and wealth gave him access to the movers and shakers of the day. He was invited to the “A-List” parties, where he would dazzle the attendees with his ideas on Mars. Publishers of newspapers and magazines who were in attendance knew a good story when they heard one. The stories showed up in print. Lots.

Lowell has been aptly called the most influential popularizer of astronomy before Carl Sagan. Stories about him were splashed conspicuously across leading periodicals. For instance, on December 9, 1906, the Sunday edition of the
New York Times
ran a column about Lowell that took up well over 80% of the front page, with the title “There Is Life on the Planet Mars.” The author was rather taken by Lowell: “This discovery is due to the brilliant genius, the persistent energy, and the marvelous power in research of Percival Lowell.”

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