Read All Good Things Exposed Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

All Good Things Exposed (23 page)

BOOK: All Good Things Exposed
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But, the decision was made for me when my phone rang and Jace's name lit the screen. I answered on the third ring.

"Hello," I knew I sounded like someone took away my candy, but damn. I couldn't keep the fear from my tone.

"What's wrong?" He sounded attentive. I knew he was.

"My savior sent me a gift." I said sarcastically.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at work. Jace, I don't want you to come."

"Tough shit. I'm already on my way."

"Jace, I'm afraid for you." I cried as I stood to pace the length of my office. "Please don't come to me. He threatened you again. I can't,"

"Angel, I'll be fine. I've got to go. I need to call Gabe." There was patience in his tone despite the fact I knew he was anything but. He was anxious. I remembered clearly the way he'd looked after reading the first set of letters. I didn't want to have to see his face like that again. It broke my heart. He cared for me so much…even I could see that. Trisha could see that. Why the hell couldn't my savior?

"Jace, please." I begged. My eyes misted with tears and he sighed.

"You're my life, Olivia. Do you understand that?"

I nodded even thought I knew he couldn't see me. "You're my life." I whispered in response.

"I'll call Gabe to meet me there. Stay where you are."

I didn't respond. The tears were already streaming down my face. I hated feeling so utterly helpless and I didn't trust coherent words to sound from between my lips. Jace sighed at my lack of response. "I love you, Angel. Just stay at work. You're safe there."

With that, the phone line went dead. Jace thought I was safe here, but how could that be when my savior delivered a gift to this very place. He knew where I worked. He knew where I lived. He knew I spent my nights with Jace. He knew everything about me. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin; violated beyond belief at the sight of the pictures I hadn't seen anyone take of me on my desk. I wanted to scream and cry and scratch out the sick twisted man's eyes. He deserved it. He was screwed up beyond belief and yet he thought he was helping me. He thought he was saving me.

I wondered if maybe I found a way to communicate with him - if I was just able to tell him of my love for Jace - would he leave me alone? Would he admit he had no right meddling in my private affairs and back off? I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try. I had to know I'd done everything I could short of leaving Jace again. I couldn't do that. I absolutely refused to live without him.

My eyes flickered down to the sickening pictures and I swallowed my nausea as I studied them. I hadn't been living when I sent Jace from my life. I'd been existing. Nothing more.

I wanted to live. I wanted to live with Jace. He brought my soul to life when it was merely existing. He breathed fire and life into my lungs. He showed me how to believe in love and to trust in another soul to know what mine needs. He is my other half. Losing him is simply unbearable. It's impossible.

The door to my office opened quickly, interrupting my thoughts with a quick rise of fear. The wave of fear fell away as Jace stepped into the room. I stopped pacing and ran to him. I didn't think twice about it. His arms were opened wide as he stepped toward me and I collided with his front. I wrapped my arms around him before heaving myself up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I held to him like a spider monkey, unable to unlatch myself as hot tears fell from my eyes to burn the skin of his neck.

His hand weaved in my hair as he held me. "Shh," he rubbed my back. "I'm here. You're safe."

"Jace," I sighed his name, breathing in the scent only he possessed. "I'm not afraid for me. Please hear me when I say this. I'm not afraid for me. I'm afraid for you."

"I'm not in any danger, Angel." Jace assured. But he didn't know. He just didn't know.

"You are." I tightened my hold on him. "If anything happened to you - I wouldn't be able to go on living."

His arms tightened almost unbearably around me. "Don't say shit like that. You have a life to live with or without me."

The meaning of those words stabbed at my heart and I sobbed. "No, Jace." I shook my head, clutching to him. I wished I could get closer. I wanted him inside me. I wanted him wrapped around me so I knew without doubt he was here with me. "I couldn't live without you." I pulled back to meet struggling blue eyes. "So don't do anything stupid. Promise me you'll take a bodyguard."

After a long moment where I knew he was trying to stare me down and I didn't relent even for a second, he sighed and nodded. "I'll speak to Gabe."

"Promise me." I begged fiercely.

"Olivia, I promise if you allow Gabe to be yours then I will get myself a bodyguard."

"But Gabe's the best."

Jace frowned. Obviously, he was failing to see the issue in giving me Gabe. "Yes he is."

"Well, then he has to protect you."

"Oh no, Angel." Jace shook his head as understanding settled in. "You're the one I care about. This fucker has chosen to harass you, not me. You're the one who needs the best bodyguard."

"No I don't." I shook my head, wanting to pull out my hair…or maybe his. Whatever worked. "He's not threatening me. He is threatening you."

"Olivia." He barked. "This is not up for discussion."

"Yes it is."

"No." His blue eyes were hard and fierce, daring me to continue. "It's not."

My mouth opened with words of argument on the tip of my tongue when Gabe appeared in the doorway. I started to wriggle in Jace's grasp, but he didn't put me down. He focused his attention on Gabe.

"Franco took the delivery." Gabe stated.

"Yes, I know." I said and Gabe's eyes flickered to me before settling on Jace again.

"He didn't recognize the man. He gave me a description and said he got," Gabe quoted his fingers as he spoke the words. "The creeps."

"Hmm." Jace nodded. "What was the description?"

"Dark brown hair. Five foot eight. Medium build. Strong jaw. That's about it."

"Eye color?" Jace asked.

Gabe shook his head. "He was wearing sunglasses."

Jace shifted and I knew he was looking at me. I was staring at the floor. "Does that sound like anyone you know?"


Jace stiffened. "Who?"

I looked up into his eyes. "A lot of people, Jace." I scoffed. Did he seriously expect me to start pointing fingers? Was he insane? "A lot of people have brown hair, are decently tall, and have strong jaws. I mean," I laughed. It was a hysterical sound. "What's classified as strong anyway?"

Jace sighed heavily. He looked to Gabe. "We need to talk."

Gabe nodded. "We do."

"Olivia, can you give us a minute?" Jace asked. I recoiled.

"No." I spluttered. "Why the hell would I give you a minute to talk about this? It involves me, Jace."

"I realize that. But I'd like a moment with Gabe." His voice was stern and I felt my cheeks taint red.

With a clipped nod, I untangled myself from his arms. I walked to my desk and snatched my purse. "I'll be outside."

"Thank you." Jace said gently as I slammed the door.


It had been five minutes that they'd talked in the office without me. In my office! I was so mad I was vibrating. I wanted to go home. I wanted the familiar smells of my home and I wanted to snuggle Moo-moo. I hadn't seen him in what felt like forever.

I needed a taxi, but I didn't feel quite safe in this city that housed crazy people by the cartload. There was one crazy person who decided to target me. And I didn't feel much like putting myself directly in their target sight. I rummaged through my purse for the card of a trusted cabbie I'd met while in a time of need and yipped in glee when I felt it between my fingers. I pulled it out, dialed the number and waited.

"Bill here." A gruff, old voice rumbled through the phone.

"Hi Bill. It's Olivia LeRoux. You picked me up two months ago and gave me your card," I sighed. What had I been thinking? He wouldn't remember me.

"I've been hoping to hear from you." He barreled. "How have you been doing? No more runs in the rain I hope."

I smiled, feeling relieved and honored that such a beautiful soul as his would remember me when I'd been so broken. "I'm good. And no, I've not been running through the rain."

"Good to hear! Where are ya?"

I rattled off my address. "You know I can catch another taxi if you're not close by."

"I'm just a few minutes away. You sit tight and I'll be there."

"Thank you." I said sincerely.

"I told ya to call. I meant it. Just didn't think it'd take you so long." He chuckled. "I'll see ya soon."


The clock hadn't passed two minutes by the time I saw his old grinning face through the windshield. My heart instantly warmed and I walked toward the car and jumped in the front passenger seat. I knew he'd be offended if I were to take the back seat.

I turned to him. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been good. My daughters just told me I'm soon to be a granddad." He beamed as he pulled the car into the bustling traffic.

"Wow," I breathed. "Congratulations. You'll make an amazing grandfather."

"Oh, I'll be mediocre."

"Oh no." I disagreed. "You will love the child like crazy. That's anything but mediocre."

He looked over at me with shimmering eyes. "Thanks kid."

I laughed. I don't remember ever being called kid. But hey, what did I mind. It made me feel safe and safe was something I was severely lacking right now. "So, your daughter is married then?"

"No," he shook his head. "She's engaged."

"Oh, I see." I smiled. Huh, the way life worked. Sometimes miracles just can't wait.

He laughed. "So how about you? What's your Facebook relationship status?"

My eyes bugged. I can't believe he just asked that! "Well, I don't do the whole Facebook thing. So there's no status there. But," I smiled. "I'm in a relationship."

"By that angel grin I see, I'm goin' to assume it's love."

I nodded with a blush. "Yeah, it's love. He's infuriating as all hell, but it's love."

"Well, if he didn't make you boil with anger you'd just go and get bored now wouldn't you?" He teased.

I shrugged. "There's no getting bored of this man."

He laughed. "Take if from me," his eyes turned dreamy. "I've been with my wife for almost fifty years. She drives me crazy, infuriates me, antagonizes me, and all the rest - but I love her more than anything else in this world." He turned sheepish. "Sometimes, I poke and pick until she yells at me, just so I can kiss her and make up. The woman keeps my heart young. That's what love is."

I wanted that. And, I think I had it. "Sounds beautiful." I whispered.

"It is." He pulled to the curb. "I believe this is your stop."

"It is." I sighed. "Thank you again." I started digging into my purse, but he swatted my hand.

"Nope." He shook his head. "I ain't taking no money from you."

"Bill, please."

"No." He shook his head. "You're my kind deed of the day."

"Fine," I huffed. "I'll buy you a coffee next time."

He beamed. "I'll hold you to it."

I opened the door and stepped out. "Thanks again."

"Have a good day and keep smiling."

"I will." I shut the door and walked into the building.



Chapter 19

I opened the door of my apartment and stepped into the warm familiar smells of my home. My. Home. Not Jace's. Mine. It relaxed my frayed senses almost immediately and I moved into the kitchen of my home. The place I adored.

Suddenly, the realization I'd told Jace I would marry him flooded to the surface of my mind. He thought we would be married by the end of November. This wouldn't be my home for all that much longer. Well, unless Jace said no to Moo-moo moving in. In that case, I would be forced to keep this place for my little munchkin. Because there was one thing I knew for certain. Moo-moo would never be hungry again.

As though on queue, the little black fur ball came prancing into the kitchen from where he'd been curled up on the couch. In all honesty, he wasn't so little anymore. He was getting mighty pudgy. But that was okay. He was just so cute that way. More to love!

"Hey Moo-moo," I greeted as I rounded the island to the fridge where I kept his wet food. His dish of dry never saw the bottom, but he only got wet food once or twice a day. I didn't know if Trisha already gave him his breakfast, but I didn't care. I was home for the first time in what felt like forever and I was feeding him.

He head-bunted my legs as I bent to drop a scoop of food into his dish, purring all the while. I patted his head, running my hand down his body and along his tail before standing and walking away, replacing his dish of food in the fridge.

I looked at my purse on the counter and sighed in frustration. Jace hadn't even bothered to call me yet! Hadn't he noticed I was missing? Or was he still in
office talking to Gabe?

Mumbling to myself, I rummaged through my bag of belongings for my phone. I pulled it out and gasped at the screen. Sixteen missed calls. All from Jace! My phone was on silent. I thought about ignoring the fact that he'd called, but I didn't want him flying in a rage through New York City. He would turn over every building, scour through every street and trample over every person that got in his way of finding me. I knew he would, just as well as I knew the sun would rise in the morning.

With a sigh, I called him back. It rang once. "Olivia?"

"Hi," I squeaked. Jeez, could I sound more meek?

"Where are you? Are you all right?" His tone was commanding, but beneath the expected control he exhumed I could hear his obvious fear. It was a fear for me. Something I was certain he wasn't used to exercising. Jace Rush didn't fear for people. Through all the Google articles I'd read about him over the past few months since meeting him, this was something I knew with certainty. Jace Rush didn't allow himself to care enough to fear. But he cared for me.

"I'm fine." I promised.

"Where are you?" He growled into the phone. I thought I heard the roar of his engine in the background and I wanted to scold him for his distracted driving, but it would be pointless. In reality, scolding him would only prolong the inevitable - telling him where I was.

BOOK: All Good Things Exposed
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