All Good Things Exposed (25 page)

Read All Good Things Exposed Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Exposed
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"You know, he's going to have to get used to me sooner or later." Jace said as he slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me in close to him. He pressed his lips to the top of my head and I sighed contentedly.

"He will. Give him a few months. Cat's have a hard time adjusting."

Jace smiled and brought his lips to mine. The contact instantly made me melt. I'd felt robbed of him all day. With the letters and threats, we hadn't been able to enjoy our first official day of engagement. Not that we'd told anyone. But I didn't mind. If he didn't tell anyone, maybe I wouldn't feel so pressured to tie the knot in only two short months.

"Are you sure we have to host dinner tonight? I would rather ravish you." I tempted against his lips and he hissed in a breath.

"My little temptress, I'm sure we have to host dinner." He said with a grin. "But you can ravish me later."

I smiled. "For dessert?"

"For dessert." He confirmed. My purse started ringing, demanding my attention. I wriggled away from Jace and ran to the phone.

"Trisha!" I gasped for air when Jace caught me from behind, pulling me back into his chest.

"Yeah, it's me. What's wrong with you? You aren't running are you?"

"God no." I smiled. "Did you get my text?"

"Yeah, after I got home and noticed all your stuff was gone and mine was packed. What the hell is going on?"

"You're stuff is packed?" I looked up at Jace in time to see him wince. What did he do?

"Yeah," She sounded mad.

Jace snapped his finger in front of my face, holding his palm out for the phone. I thought about biting it off. "I think Jace wants to talk to you."

I handed him the phone and listened to him speak to her. "The writer is back. You're no longer safe living there. I've paid out your lease and found you a new place. You will be living in the same building as me and Olivia only a few floors below. So you will still be able to see her whenever you want." He paused and I felt him nod. "That was the deal."

What was the deal? I tried to turn and face him, but he held me tightly in place. I grumbled a moan and he chuckled, handing me back the phone.

"What was the deal?" I snapped.

Trisha laughed. "That when and if you moved in with him, I got to live close and see you whenever I wanted. He had to promise he wouldn't take you away from me. We're family."

I wanted to cry. "I love you."

"I love you too, chick."

"I know." I smiled. "So, are you coming over for dinner?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"All right," she sighed a heavy, fake sigh. "I suppose I'll be there. But I'm bringing Trey."

"That's fine." I said excitedly. "I haven't seen him in a while."

"You haven't seen me in a while. You're always with the ogre."

"His name is Jace."

"Oh, I know." She huffed. "I'm only teasing. He's really not so bad."

"That means more than you know, Trisha." I said softly. Jace's hands moved slowly from my waist to my back. He rubbed each knot of stress from my body as I talked on the phone. It made me want to crawl into bed.

"I know, Hun. Believe me, I know." I thought I could hear her smiling. "Well, I better come over and check out my new place."

"I suppose you should."

"Talk to you later."

"Buy." I hung up and turned to face Jace. He had the same shit-grin on his face that he had every time he thought he was going to be in trouble for something.

"You bought her a condo?" I asked incredulously.

"No." He shook his head. "I already owned it."

"Pardon me?"

"I own this entire building." He stated factually and I swear my mouth dropped to the floor.

"You own every condo in this building?"

"No. I've sold a few, but I rent out a lot." His grin widened. "You didn't know Rush Industries built this condo complex?" he asked mischievously. I instantly narrowed my eyes. Where was he going with this? "I thought surely you would have read up on that on Google."

Ohhh! He caught me red handed. And red faced! "If you told me more about yourself, I wouldn't have to Google you."

"Touché." He laughed. "But you know you can just ask."

I cocked my head, "Can I?"

"You can." His tone was serious. "I want you to be able to ask me anything."

"I want you to be able to tell me anything. I don't want to have to ask."

"I'm getting there, Angel." He promised and I nodded. Because I knew he was.


I wiped a hand over my brow as I hung the last of my clothes in Jace's closet. He refused to allow me to put my clothing in the room he'd originally set aside for me, instead, he shifted his clothing around so I had half his closet. Even with all my clothing and the clothing he bought me, I still only used a small portion of the space he'd given me.

Jace walked into the closet with a grin on his face. "I love seeing your stuff with mine."

I chuckled. "I'm sure you'll love it when I start taking over your half of the closet too." I was joking. That would never happen. I would never have that much clothing.

"I would love that." Jace said. I thought he would scowl, but instead of finding the idea ridiculous like I'd hoped, he seemed to revel in it. I scoffed. "I want to have it all with you. I want the hair in the drain, the makeup powder in the sink, the shoes strewn haphazardly over the floor and the hairbands under every piece of furniture. I want it all."

I was breathless. I couldn't believe he said that. My voice croaked when I spoke and I coughed. "You're insane."

He caught me up in his arms, nuzzling my neck. "I'm insane over you."

"You're cheesy." I accused.

"I thought you liked cheesy." He murmured, pulling back to look offensive.

I laughed, claiming his lips in a hot kiss. "I do." I admitted.

He moaned, his hand moving quickly over my backside. "You're tempting me when we have limited time."

"You don't have time to love me?" I asked breathily.

"I always have time for that." He assured and I wrapped my legs tighter around his hips, grinding into his now hard cock. "Angel,"

"Take me, Jace." I moaned into his mouth. "It's been too long."

"It has." He agreed. Even though I'd had him this morning, it really had been too long.

With those words, he carried me from the closet into the bedroom. Our bedroom.
In our home.
At the thought, I smiled against his lips and kissed him deeper, making love to him with my mouth. He didn't separate our bodies as he laid me down on the bed. His tongue continued to swirl with mind as he plucked each button on my blouse open, slipping his hand around my back to unclasp my bra. I lifted my shoulders from the bed as he shoved my shirt from my shoulders before pulling on the bar. My breasts fell free from the lacy material and he moaned at the sight before taking one into his mouth.

It was utter ecstasy to have his tongue swirl around my nipple, tasting me. "You're beautiful. Everything about you calls to me."

His words made me feel hot and I dove my fingers into his hair, pulling his face back up to mine. My tongue darted between his lips and he moaned. For once, I swallowed his sound and reveled in the sweet taste of it. It was euphoric.

"Let me love you." It wasn't a question. It was a statement and I nodded excitedly. I needed him as badly as he needed me. He was the one who quelled my fear, spoke to my dreams and touched my soul. He was perfect.

"Make love to me, Jace." I whispered my command as I pulled at his shirt, exposing a hard chest. My hands immediately went to his pants. I unzipped the zipper and pushed my hands into his boxers, instantly finding his swollen cock. I wrapped my hand around the base, holding him tightly as I stroked him. His eyes heated, filling with molten desire and he watched me pull my lip into my mouth, scraping my teeth over it as I released it. Instantly, my lip was in his mouth. He sucked it before scraping his teeth over it's now swollen redness.

Jace pulled away, stripping himself of his remaining clothing before pulling at the leggings I wore and throwing them to the floor.

"I love your skin." He murmured breathily. "So beautiful."

"All yours."

"Mine." He said immediately, eager to confirm my statement.

My heart fluttered. I loved this man so very much. It was a love that was bursting with feeling so immense it bordered on painful. I was so full with feeling for him I couldn't imagine a moment where I would love him anymore than I did. He was my whole heart and soul. He was everything and more I ever dreamed I would find in a man, a companion. He was my protector, my lover, my friend and my trusted confidant. I knew I was lucky, probably the luckiest woman in the world to find everything she needed in such a beautifully packaged man.

Jace claimed my mouth again as he pushed inside me, filling me to the hilt in only one thrust. I gasped and he swallowed my sound, eager for more as he started an easy rhythm that took me to the edge of the world and back again.

I felt him swell as he found his climax, bringing me higher with him until I couldn't take another moment and I shattered around him as he poured himself into me. Filling me with his need, his desire, and his love. And I took it all with no reservations at all. In this moment, I was his as I hoped I would forever be.

I held his face in my hands and looked into the most beautiful blue eyes I would ever stare into. "I love you."

He smiled. "I'm in love with you, Olivia. I will always be in love with you."

And my heart thundered in my chest as I took in the meaning of his words and what it took for him to say them. Jace was not a man of spoken emotions, but for me, he spoke them. And I would forever value those whispered words for as long as I lived.

He owned my pleasure and my pain. He had the power to give me complete bliss wrapped in love. This man was everything I ever dreamed I could possess. And he possessed me. He owned me in my entirety. But I owned his heart. Of that I was certain.



Chapter 21

I stepped out of the shower, dried and padded into the closet bare ass naked. The instant I spotted Jace, my mouth started watering. Literally.

Holy freaking shit! My man was sexy beyond sexy in jeans!

"Wow," I breathed, licking my lips.

Jace laughed heartily. "Again? So soon?" He closed the distance between us, walking with long strides. Again, I licked my lips.

"You know I would if I wasn't expecting your family to arrive within the hour." I moaned, glaring at him. "Why don't you wear jeans more often?"

"You like them?" His gruff, husky fuck-me tone had my stomach clenching.

"Are you joking?" I shook my head. "On second thought, don't wear jeans. Never."

"What?" He frowned, cocking his head. "Why not?"

"Because, I don't particularly revel in the idea of peeling panting women from my man." I scowled, trying to pull myself from him. He refused to release me.

"Is my woman possessed by the green eyed monster?" He teased.

"No. Your woman is practical." I replied tightly. "And she needs to get dressed."

Jace laughed, but he released me. I walked deeper into the closet and jumped with a loud yelp as his hand meet with the bare flesh of my ass.

"Damn you're sexy when you squirm." His eyes glittered and I couldn't help but smile.

"Play nice or I'll be forced to have a talk with your mother." I threatened.

He grinned. The shit-grin. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh," I smiled devilishly. "I would."

"Huh," he folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, abs flexing with the movement. I wished he'd put a shirt on. It was almost painful to stare at him and not touch him. With my fingers…my tongue. Jace snapped his fingers. "Up here, Angel. My eyes are up here."

I huffed. "See what jeans do?" I moaned.

"I don't think that was the jeans." He teased.

"Oh really?" I plucked a soft gray knit sweater from a hanger along with a gray undershirt and placed them on the stool that sat in the center of the closet before shoving my feet into a pair of leggings. Apparently we were going casual tonight.

"Really." He stated confidently. "It was my abs wasn't it?"

I chewed the inside of my cheek. "As if you need me to answer that question. You're ego might explode."

"No," he shook his head. "It has room to grow, I assure you."

I laughed, shaking my head at him. "You're ridiculous."

"I know. But I love you." He shoved his arms into a black dress shirt and I frowned. I thought we were going casual. He caught onto my frown and worry rose in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I pulled out the comfy clothes." I said on a huff.

"So did I." Jace said, obviously failing to see the problem.

"That's your comfy clothing?"

He nodded. "I don't do the whole sweats thing."

"Oh, well what about the whole t-shirt thing?" I asked hopefully.

He shrugged. "Sometimes."

"Well, what about tonight being one of those times?" I proposed.

He shook his head. "Nope. Tonight I wear this, Angel." I felt my mouth form into a pout and I gave my foot a small stomp. I didn't want to dress up. I really wasn't feeling it. My long sweater over leggings was all I wanted to wear. But I would look like a slob next to Jace and his pristine outfit. "What's wrong with what I plan on wearing?"

"I can't wear what I want to wear if you wear that."

"Why not?" He looked to the sweater on the stool. "I like that sweater."

Of course he did. He bought it for me. "Jace, you're wearing dark, sexy, very sexy jeans and an even sexier dress shirt. How am I supposed to wear that frumpy sweater?"

He stepped closer to me, bringing me into his chest. My naked breasts pressed against the smooth fabric of his shirt. "First off, I must say that I do love how sexy you think I am. And second, that sweater is anything but frumpy. I like it. It's the perfect kinda sexy cute." He leaned down to kiss my nose. "It makes me want to hold you all night long."

"In that case," I breathed. "I can't not wear it."

He grinned, releasing me to finish clothing myself for dinner. "Happy to be of service."

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