All He Desires: The Complete Series (10 page)

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Authors: Erin Lark

Tags: #collar, #submissive, #bdsm, #bdsm romance, #erotic romance, #exhibition, #submission, #erotic bdsm, #bdsmerotica, #collaring, #bondage

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I hugged my arms around my chest and shivered for warmth. Once we were washed and dried, Jake handed me my clothes so I could change.

And by the time I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was beyond starved.
God, I sure hope he has some food in this place.

Chapter Twelve

woke the next morning in a bed that was way too big to be mine. Without opening my eyes, I moved my arm across the mattress, but the area beside me was bare. Confused as to why I couldn't remember where I was, let alone what day it was, I opened my eyes.

I winced at the sunlight streaming in the windows and grumbled as I pulled the covers back over my head. That's when I realized I had nothing on. This normally wasn't a problem, but in someone else's bed?

I threw off the covers, frantically searching the room for something I could wear. A robe hung on the bed post, and beyond that, my clothes sat folded on a dresser.
Well, at least I remembered who I was with. As to how I got here or why I stayed was beyond me.

After changing back into yesterday's clothes, I made my way down from the second level of the house to the living room. Going with instinct alone, I somehow found my way into the kitchen where Jake stood in the doorway.

He pushed back my hair and kissed me on the lips. "Nice of you to join the living." He turned away to work on whatever it was he had on the stove.

I eyed a box sitting on the table and went to join him. "A butler and a cook? Wow, can't say I've seen that before."

"I try." He frowned as he turned an egg over on its unfinished side.

"Do you dust too? If so, my apartment could use a good scrub."

"I'll ignore that," he said, waving his spatula at me. "I don't dust, do windows or carpets. That's left for those I hire to come in and do it for me."

"So...every six years then?" I walked over to the coffee pot and took one of the mugs I found there.

"No. About every month or so."

"Doesn't the dust bother you?"

"Have you seen any dust?"

", not really." I opened a few of the cabinets, but couldn't find the sugar.

"Bottom cupboard," Jake said, idly turning over another egg.

"Found it." I lifted it up for him to see. "You aren't having any?"

"Already did, but you can make me another. Black."

I grimaced at the imagined bitter taste and shrugged. "Suit yourself."

"Not a fan of black coffee?"

"Or tea for that matter. I don't need bitter first thing in the morning, thanks."

He grinned. "I don't do it for the flavor, sweetie."

"Yeah? Well, I do." I added some sugar and creamer to my coffee before returning to the table. "So, that dust I can't seem to find. You could've just had someone over. In fact, I bet you did. Trying to impress a girl." I hid my face when he glared at me. "So there
a girl."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Trade secrets."

I eyed the box again. "What's this?"

"Open it, and find out." He sat a plate of foodstuffs in front of me before setting a place for himself.

I ignored my hunger for the moment, finding a greater interest in whatever was hidden within the cardboard box. I tore at the packaging and peered inside. Digging under some packing peanuts, I found a new box of teas, one of which was the orange spice Jake drank in my kitchen, along with a pair of cuffs much like the ones I had back home.

I removed both items from the packaging and set them on the table. "I...I don't think I understand."

He dropped the wrapping on the floor. "I liked the tea quite a bit, so decided to get some for myself."

"And these?" I held the cuffs, trying to ignore the knot in my stomach.

"For you to wear." His expression softened when I set them back down. "What is it?"

You were fine with the cuffs last night. How's this any different?
It wasn't. Well, it was...kind of.
Not really.
I took one of the cuffs in my hand and undid the Velcro. The harsh sound grated on the few nerves I had left.


"I...I had..." I shook my head. "I have a pair, just like this one."

His eyes widened, almost as if he'd just realized what I was trying to tell him. "The ones Dennis used?"

I nodded.

Jake got up from his chair and came over to join me, hugging me to his chest. "I'm so sorry. Had I known—"

"Had you known, you never would've asked me to be your sub."

He took the cuffs from me and set them back in the box. "That's not true. Just because a sub, or any woman for that matter, has faced some abuse, that doesn't mean she's damaged. You aren't damaged, Kira, and any Dom would be lucky to have you—just as I am."

I looked around him at the cuffs thrown carelessly into the box. "What are they for?"

Jake blocked my view. "They
a way for you to become more comfortable with bondage. I'd planned on having you wear them around the house. That way, when we played, you wouldn't have felt so nervous."

I met his gaze. "Let me try them. Please. isn't that bad, really."

"So long as you're sure."

"I am."

He nodded to my plate. "Eat before it gets cold, then we can talk about these masks you want to make."

We ate in silence, stealing looks from one another like a pair of lovesick teenagers. I couldn't remember the last time I was this interested in someone. I was sure I'd felt this way before, otherwise what was the point of dating? But this was different. I wasn't the only one who was interested. If anything, Jake was just as concerned with what I was doing as I was with him.

There were a handful of times where I almost asked him what he was thinking, but I kept it to myself. Even if we weren't in the dungeon or doing a scene, I'd agreed to be his sub, and if he didn't speak whatever was on his mind, it probably wasn't any of my business.

After breakfast, he set our dishes in the sink and then we headed out a side door. I hadn't noticed yesterday, but his place was far away from the main roads, surrounded by trees. Following a walkway made from slabs of stone, Jake led me to a one-story house. It was probably bigger than my entire apartment combined, but compared to the house I'd just slept in, this one could've passed as an oversized shed.

It was small, but cute. And best of all, it was just my size.

I was busy admiring the decorative latticework around one of the windows when Jake removed a set of keys from his pocket.

"Here," he said, handing them to me.

I looked from the keys to the door, then to him. "Mind telling me why we spent all night in the mansion when we could've had our own cabin in the woods?"

He smirked. "For starters, I haven't turned the electric or the heat on yet. Secondly, it's more of a pool house than a cabin, and these woods are pretty small."

"Still, look at it." I pointed at the door. The tiny peep hole. Hell, even the steps out front were adorable. "You should live here."

"But it isn't mine."

I paused when I slipped the key into the lock. "It's not?"


"But then—"

"It's yours, Kira." His smile widened. "This is the guest house—the house I offer to my sub. That is, if you'll have it."

"'s mine?" Still taken aback by the generous offer, I couldn't keep my hands from shaking. "I...but what about my apartment?"

Jake took my hands in his. "You remember how I told you my subs need a hobby?"

"Of course. You mentioned my hobby at breakfast, too."

"That I did. This house here, it's your workspace. Most of its been gutted out and remodeled since my last sub. I'll have to order your supplies later on today so you have them by the end of the week." He took my hand and helped me turn the key. "Would you like to take a look inside?" 

The door opened, and if it weren't for Jake standing right behind me, I would've fallen back. Spacious wasn't the right word, but it was close. He wasn't kidding when he said he'd gutted the place. There were no walls, just one very long room.

The few things he'd kept in place included a double sink, a counter that spanned almost the full length of one wall, cabinets, drawers and what appeared to be a drying rack for large paintings.

"You paint?" I asked, making my way over to the unique piece of furniture.

"I've been known to scribble, yes." He set a hand on the rack. "I figure you can use this to hold different lengths of material, so we'll keep it where it is. Now, let's see." Rubbing his stubble, he walked down one side of the guest house before turning back for the front door. "I figure we can put a cutting table there. A few mannequins here, and possibly a..."

I didn't hear anything after that. It wasn't my intention to tune him out, but it happened anyway. There was plenty of natural light, even with all the trees. At some point, Jake must've installed skylights. Yet another thing I was sure he'd fix before it was fully up and running.

"I'll get up there with a leaf blower later," he explained, gesturing to the covered skylights. "We'll have to cover them in a few months because of the snow. Don't need them breaking when you're in here."

I nodded and ran my hand across one of the counters. "You dusted in here recently."

"Those I hired did, yes. I might not be using it, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be tended to."

"And the electric?"

"One short call to the company, and you'll be set to go. Well, that and the water, of course." He came up behind me and set his hands on my shoulders. "Do you like it?"

My mind was reeling. "I love it, but I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything."

I turned toward him and dropped my gaze. "My apartment..."

"If you're afraid I'm asking you to move in with me, don't worry. I'm not. Besides, it's much too soon. However, as promised, I plan to put new locks in just as soon as we head back over there. As for the restraining order against Dennis, it's been filed. I'm just waiting on some papers to come back."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure. Listen, I have a few things I need to tend to in the office. Will you be okay here?"

"I should be." After finishing my inspection of the room, I glanced outside. "I might head over to my place and grab a few things though."

"No," Jake almost snapped. "I don't want you going alone. Wait until I get back, then we can head on over there. Please, Kira, do this for me, okay?"

Dennis wasn't that bad, was he?
You should know. You did date the guy after all.
I may have dated him, but I don't think he'd ever hurt me on purpose.
Tell that to the booze he can't seem to stop drinking.

I let my shoulders drop, defeated. "Okay."

He kissed me on top of my head, then my lips. "I'll be back in a couple hours. Your set of keys has one to the house as well, just make sure you lock up here when you're done." He reached for the door, then pulled me to him again. "If you have time, try and figure out what supplies you need. Make a list, and we'll look over it later."

After a kiss that was probably longer than it needed to be, he left. And once I was sure he was gone, I headed back inside the main house.
Now, to find that west wing of his.

Chapter Thirteen


I smiled at the petals strewn all over the floor as I reached for the light, flicking on the switch in what could've been considered the west wing of Jake's house. Somewhere on the third floor, I stood in awe at the large canopy bed and heavy blinds covering the windows.

All the other rooms had been used for storage or were locked. But this one was different.
So, Master Logan has a sense of humor after all.
And here I thought he was joking when he dared me to look for roses inside the house.

But there they were, or at least the petals were, and by the look of it, they were fairly new. Walking over to one of the windows, I drew back the blind, shielding my face from the sun. It was still just as bright outside as it had been when I stepped into the house not an hour earlier.

I'd considered revisiting the dungeon, but that would've meant stripping down. It was tempting, if only to get a second chance to look at his toys. Sadly, Jake would be back soon, and the last thing I wanted was for him to find me in his dungeon, disobeying orders.

Catching a hint of red on the other side of the room, I made my way over to a dresser, not particularly surprised when I found various lengths of rope lying there. I picked up one of the ends, feeling it between my fingertips.
I decided, remembering what Jake had said about preferring it as opposed to cotton back at
The Limelight.

Folding the length of rope in half, I tried to remember the knot Master Devlin had used on his sub, Marisa, but the memory was lost to me.
No thanks to Dennis's interruption.
I rolled my eyes at that.

Leave it to my ex to ruin a perfectly good evening with a man he had no right talking to, much less threatening with a lawsuit. My stomach twisted. I knew he meant well, but Jake's promise to file a restraining order for me was a little disconcerting.
It's supposed to help.
But it was only a slip of paper.

And if I knew anything about Dennis, it was how he hovered above the law. The man could lie through his teeth and still get away with murder if he'd wanted to.

"I see you found the west wing," Jake said as he paused in the doorway.

"I did." I clutched the rope in my hands, but I didn't face him.

"Find everything you were looking for?"

"I wasn't really looking, honestly."

"Oh?" He closed the space between us, stopping once he was behind me. "Then why are you acting like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, hmm?"

I placed the rope back on the dresser and sighed. "It's the restraining order."

"What about it?"

"It won't work." My shoulders dropped. I didn't try to hide it from him.

"I know."

Now I did face him, my eyes wide. "Then why go through all this?"

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