All That I Desire (10 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

BOOK: All That I Desire
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She passed Conner and Henderson on the way back to the tent. They could have hung
back for any number of reasons. She wasn’t sure Rio wanted his men to know their relationship
had changed. She’d try to be circumspect, but she wasn’t sure about her willpower
where Rio was concerned.

The man just did it for her.

*   *   *

Rio’s conclusion that Skylar was a dangerous woman proved correct as the morning lengthened.
She was in a playful mood, laughing and joking with the men, teasing and flirting
with him. Every chance she got when she thought his men weren’t looking, she’d touch
him or rub against him. If he took an item inside, she’d offer to go “open the door”
or help.

Rio would have put a stop to her tempting him, except for two things: He liked seeing
her smile, and he knew looking at the tapes would bring back memories of the night
she was followed.

He placed the sculpture that Phoenix Bannister-Grayson had delivered by special courier
on the table as assigned. Morgan’s wife was world-renowned as a sculptress. This piece
was very sensual. It was of a man standing behind a woman, his arms around her waist,
his lips against her neck. Her arms were folded over his, her eyes closed, her head
leaning to one side.

Skylar walked up beside him. She reached out a finger and traced it over the arms
of the couple. “My paternal grandparents wanted to bid on this piece. You can feel
the love and happiness of the couple.
Pure Bliss
is aptly named.”

“That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

She stepped in front of the sculpture and faced him. “I want you, however and for
as long as I can have you.”

He shook his head. “That isn’t you.”

She glanced toward the closed door, then placed her hands on his chest. “Have you
ever wanted and waited for something really important for a long, long time, hoping
for a chance to have it? But each day you seemed farther away than the day before,
until you were almost afraid to hope any longer?”

A true friend,
he almost said. “Yes.”

“Did you ever get what you wanted?”

He’d met Blade and Shane in training for the Army Rangers. They’d known almost from
the first that they would be lifelong friends. “Yes.”

She smiled tenderly up at him. “Didn’t it make up for all the time you’d waited? Wouldn’t
you have done anything to keep it?”

They’d been to hell and back on missions in some of the toughest, most remote places
in the world, and always together. No way would one have left the others behind. They
all came home or none of them did. “Yes.”

“Then you should understand.” She palmed his cheek. “I don’t know if whatever it was
you wanted still means anything to you, but I do know that, if it was truly important,
it helped shape you into the man you are today. You’re not a whim. I looked for two
years before I leaped. I want this time with you, and I intend to have you.”

A brow lifted. “Regardless of how I feel?”

“I’m hoping I can talk you into it now that I have your attention.”

His finger traced the zipper in the back of her dress from the neck to the waist.
“You wore this on purpose?”

“I didn’t want you to change your mind about the cookout,” she told him.

“This shouldn’t be happening.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Nothing much is happening.”


“Grandmother Carrington said the truth is the truth.” She stepped back and took his
hand. “
Pure Bliss
was the last delivery of the day. I’ll fix a quick lunch and then we can go look
at the tapes.”

He ran his thumb across the top of her hand. “Are you all right with this?”

“As long as you’re with me, I can face anything.”

The weight of her words didn’t bother him. The way they made him feel—protective—did.


Chapter 7

Rio and Skylar left to meet Dakota immediately after lunch. Skylar had been circumspect
and kept her hands and lips to herself. She hadn’t wanted to do anything that might
make Rio consider backing out of their cookout.

However, on the drive there she found herself wanting to touch him again. This time
she didn’t see any reason for restraint.

“Things are coming along great for the auction, don’t you think?” She casually placed
her hand on his thigh.

Rio glanced at her hand on his leg, then at her. “Skylar.”

“Remember when we talked about things we’d longed to do or have? This is one of mine,”
she told him. “I’d tell you the rest, but I think I should just wait.”


“Yes, Rio.”

“We’re about five miles from Dakota’s office. If you don’t want me to embarrass myself,
remove your hand.”

“Rio, I—” she started, then looked down, gulped, snatched her hand back, and faced
forward for all of four seconds before cutting her gaze downward. He certainly was

“That’s not helping.”

She looked away. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

Silence reigned until they reached the police department. Rio got out of the Jeep
and went around to open Skylar’s door. Head down, she got out wearing slim-fitting
jeans, a tailored blouse, and a jean jacket with gold buttons. She’d traded the tall
boots for a midcalf pair. She hadn’t wanted to waste time changing clothes when they
returned. “Thank you.”

He didn’t move back. Her gaze stayed in the middle of his impressive chest. “What
did you think would happen?”

She finally lifted her gaze to his. She couldn’t read his expression, but he wasn’t
looking through her. “Not that,” she managed. His sensual lips quirked.

“What kind of men have you been dating?” His tone was partly curious, partly derisive.

She didn’t think he’d like her answer. “The regular kind.”

Rio grunted, took her elbow, and started for the police station. “I spoke with Dakota
while I was waiting for you to come downstairs after lunch. They’ll have a room set
up for us. One of his officers will run the tape.”

“Then you’re still staying with me?” She had been afraid he wouldn’t after what happened
in the Jeep.

“You’re stuck with me until we find this guy.”

But what about afterward,
Skylar wanted to ask. For once she kept her mouth closed. She wasn’t sure she’d like
the answer.

*   *   *

Looking at the tape was as boring as Rio had told her. Even the possibility of identifying
the fifth man wasn’t enough to keep her mind sharp, her shoulders from sagging. The
uncomfortable chair didn’t help. Neither the policeman on one side of her or Rio on
the other seemed to mind the tedious tape search or the chairs.

“You want me to get you something to drink?” Rio asked.

“No. I’d rather keep going.” They’d been at it over two hours. Rio and Dakota decided
for her to view the film from two hours before she arrived to thirty minutes after
she left. Occasionally they could speed up the tape, but other times they had to go
at regular speed, even slow down or zoom in.

She propped her elbow on the table and put her chin in the palm of her hand. Her sigh
just slipped out.

“Please stop the film.” Rio stood and reached for her chair. “Stand up and stretch.”

She stood up and promptly yawned. She slapped her hand over her mouth.

“Let’s go get you some sugar.” Taking her arm, he led her down the hall.

“You seem to know your way around here.” She followed him inside a room that had
on the door.

He fed money to the machines. “It’s important that I have a good working relationship
with the authorities in whatever city Blade plans to be in for any length of time.”
He gave her a candy bar and a Pepsi.

“What about you?”

“Wouldn’t want to ruin my appetite for later on.”

Nothing could have revived her more. She unwrapped her Baby Ruth. “We can’t have that.
Let’s go finish so we can get out of here.”

*   *   *

“He’s not there,” Skylar said when the tape ended. She looked at the disappointment
in the faces of Dakota, who had joined them thirty minutes earlier, and Rio beside
her. “I’m sorry.”

“Me, too.” Dakota put his large hands on his hips. “It was a long shot, but worth
a try. He might have taken off the jacket.”

From Rio there was nothing. “I hate that I can’t identify him, but it was probably
random and he’s forgotten about me.”

“A random pursuit wouldn’t have been so persistent,” Rio said, his gaze finally meeting

She didn’t want to hear that. “Like you said, I have no connections here except for
the auction. Why would anyone be after me?”

“That’s what I’m going to find out.” Rio got to his feet and reached for her chair.
“Let’s get out of here.”

Skylar stood on unsteady legs. She’d made herself believe the car following her had
been random.

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” Rio vowed, his gaze intense.

“I know.” She faced Dakota. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.”

“We’ll keep looking,” he said.

Skylar knew that without more information, there was pitifully little either Dakota
or Rio could do. “If anything comes up or if you need me, you know where to find me.”

“Yes, I do.” He glanced at Rio. “Let’s stay in touch.”

Rio sent him a curt nod and opened the door for Skylar. “You have the list of what
you want from the store?”

“Men hate shopping,” she told him.

“Maybe, but I’m hungry.”

He was sticking with her until the man was found. She stepped through the door he’d
opened and felt his callused hand in the small of her back as they continued down
the sidewalk.

“Want to add some burgers or links?” He unlocked the passenger door and stepped back.

He was trying to take her mind off the fact that somewhere there was a man who wanted
to harm her. “I’m all right.”

The back of his fingers glided down her cheek. “I’ve seen you look better.”

Despite the shiver that raced through her at his touch, she screwed up her face. “You
certainly have a way with words.”

His hands gently rested on her tense shoulders. “I’ll never lie to you. You deserve
to have it straight. I gave it to you because I know you can handle it. I know what
kind of strength you have. You won’t buckle or let that bastard make you afraid to
live your life. You’re a warrior.”

Her eyes shut for an instant while she gathered her strength. “Thank you for reminding
me of that.” Her chin lifted. “Let’s find a grocery store.”

*   *   *

“Maybe we should order something for takeout.”

“I want to grill.” Skylar craned her neck, trying to spot an open parking space in
the crowded parking lot of the large grocery store. People were going into the store
and cars were in front of and behind them. “Let’s try over there.”

“We’ve been around twice already,” Rio said but he continued down the aisle in the
direction she’d pointed.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, help us find a parking space.” Skylar leaned forward in
her seat. “It’s worked in the past when I’ve been desperate.”

“Have you thought what it will be like on the inside if it’s this busy out here?”
He turned the corner in front of the store. People were coming out, but seemingly
none on their aisle.

“I want to grill,” she repeated, then sat up and pointed. “Brake lights up ahead.”

Rio flicked on his signal and slowed. “I see it.”

“Told you,” she said with satisfaction as the car backed out. Then she grasped his
arm as a car coming from the opposite direction—the wrong way—sped up.

Rio whipped into the spot. The man in the small sports car laid on his horn, gesturing
wildly with his hand. Rio ignored him. “Mark this down because it’s not happening

He glanced in his rearview mirror to make sure the jerk had continued on, then got
out to open Skylar’s door. She met him at the back bumper. “Thank you, Rio. I’ll be
as fast as I can.”

He grunted, snagged a shopping cart between two cars, and continued toward one of
the store’s three double doors. Inside, people were waiting for carts and the manager
on the loudspeaker was asking for available staff to retrieve them. People were in
front of the deli, the flower shop, the restaurant, the gelato stand. Every cashier’s
line was open.

“Welcome to The Market,” a young man said, handing them a circular.

Skylar took the folded paper. “Is it always this busy?”

“Saturday and Sunday are our busiest days. Big game on TV tonight and tomorrow. Plus
we have great prices.”

“Thank you.”

“This way.” Rio headed past the deli line.

“I should have asked where the meat and bread aisles were located.”

“Bread to the left. Meat on the other side.”

“Have you been here before?” Skylar asked, hurrying to keep up with him. He wheeled
expertly around people and carts.

“I see the bread. Overhead sign for meats.”

Skylar finally saw the bread, but had to squint before she could read the overhead
sign for meat. “I’m glad my teachers in high school didn’t have your vision.” She
pulled four packages of hot dog buns, four packages of sesame seed hamburger buns,
and three loaves of bread from the shelf and stacked them in the back of the cart.

“Aren’t you overdoing it?”

“I told you I wanted to cook for your men.”

He stared at her a moment. “Grab another package of each.”

Smiling, she did as he requested, then stepped beside him. “Thank you.”

“You aren’t the wandering-off type when you shop, are you?”

“No, but I could stick my hand in your back pocket if you really want me close,” she
told him.

“Then we’d have the same problem we had when you put your hand someplace else.”

She looked up at him through a sweep of her lashes. “I’ll just have to wait until
we’re not planning on going out.”

“There’s your meat.”

She lifted herself on tiptoe and whispered in his ear, “Just wait until I get you
home.” Humming, she went to the view the selection.

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