All That I Desire (12 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

BOOK: All That I Desire
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“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow at eleven. Rio knows the address. Good night, Skylar.”

“Good night.” Skylar disconnected the phone. “She said you’d know the address of the
church. What time should I meet the man you’re going to assign to me so we won’t be

“Ten twenty if you want to find a parking space where you don’t have to walk a mile.”
He started the movie.

“Told you, I can take or leave exercise.” Skylar settled back against him.

Rio sat up and stopped the movie. “Mrs. Grayson doesn’t do anything last-minute.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Rio hit the
button. Skylar promptly hit
. “If we mess up Blade and Sierra’s control, they won’t be happy.”

“I can fix anything electronic,” was his answer. He hit

She reached for the control.

He held it out of reach. “I thought you wanted to see this.”

“I’m more interested in hearing why you made that comment about Mrs. Grayson. It almost
sounded as if you thought she had an ulterior motive.”

“I didn’t say that.”

Skylar rolled her eyes. “Rio, I’m not an idiot. So talk.”

He stared at her and she stared right back. He leaned back on the sofa to watch the
movie. “Mrs. Grayson has a habit of trying to marry off people she likes,” he said

Skylar’s heart lurched. “You?”

“It will be a cold day—” He stopped abruptly. “You’re missing the movie.”

The movie was the farthest thing from Skylar’s mind as she leaned back against Rio.
She recalled Mrs. Grayson’s comment,
No man should walk alone,
and all her help, but that didn’t mean she was trying to help Skylar with Rio. She
could be trying to find another woman for Rio. Abruptly, Skylar sat up. “How successful
has she been?”


She didn’t like the sound of that. Mrs. Grayson had specifically mentioned that Rio
knew the address, indicating she expected him to bring her. Rio was hers! “Maybe you’re
wrong. She probably intended to invite me and just forgot.”

“She’s as sharp as they come,” Rio told her.

Skylar’s brow furrowed, and not because a building had just blown up in the movie.
Suddenly she was glad Rio wasn’t going with her. She liked Mrs. Grayson, but no woman
was taking Rio from Skylar.

*   *   *

Rio walked Skylar to her room once the movie was over, but she didn’t get the good-night
kiss she’d expected. She was preoccupied with thoughts of some woman trying to get
her hooks into Rio. That was not happening. “I’ll be ready to go at ten twenty.”



She went into her room and activated the lock. It might do Rio some good to have to
work to get her, she thought, then quickly discarded the idea. The man was gorgeous,
with a dangerous charisma that drew women like bees to honey. All he had to do was
show up, and that was before he said anything. When he was aroused, his voice was
a sexy growl that made her shiver and hunger for his mouth and his hands on her.

Which wasn’t going to happen tonight, but there was always tomorrow.

Skylar went to her closet to look for a dress designed to keep a man’s eyes on her.
She didn’t think Rio was going to church with her, but no doubt she’d see him before
she left. She was going to make sure he remembered.

*   *   *

Seventeen minutes after ten Sunday morning, Skylar went downstairs to wait for her
driver/bodyguard. Her long black hair was in a sleek bun. Pearls graced her ears and
throat. A scoop-neck black jersey dress sculpted her body. On her feet were black
five-inch heels with the toes in and one thin strap high above the ankle. Her black
python-leather clutch purse was the perfect choice.

At the bottom of the steps, she wasn’t sure if she should wait inside or out. She
headed for the door on the chance that Rio would be around and they could talk for
a bit. As usual, he hadn’t eaten breakfast with her. If she hadn’t been a strong woman,
she might have been discouraged.

Outside, she saw a titanium Maserati coupe and wondered who it belonged to. The door
opened and Rio stepped out, staring at her on the top step. He had on a black expertly
tailored suit and looked dangerously handsome. Any woman breathing would want him.
That wasn’t happening if she could help it.

She continued down the steps. He rounded the car and opened the passenger door. “Good

“Good morning.” Her hands clamped on her purse. “You don’t have to take me. I know
how busy mornings are for you.”

He didn’t move a muscle. “Nice of you to be concerned.”

“I don’t want to impose.”

“Since when?”

Her eyes glinted. True, but he didn’t have to remind her. She opened her mouth, but
he cut her off.

“You’re going to be late and, since Mrs. Grayson knows the parking situation, more
than likely she’ll arrive early and be waiting for you,” he told her.

Telling Rio he’d better not be eyeballing another woman didn’t seem the thing to do.
She got into the car and fastened her seat belt.

He got inside, the car accommodating his long legs. The car rumbled to life. He shifted
it into gear and pulled off.

She tossed him a glance. The nine garages all had individual doors, and they were
always down. “Is this your car?”

“Blade’s, but Sierra mostly drives it when they go out together.” He passed the entry
gate and hit the highway with a burst of speed.

She frowned. Rio wasn’t the type of man to try to impress a woman. “Then why are you
driving it?”

He glanced at the slim-fitting skirt of her dress, then back at the road as he passed
a truck. “I didn’t want you struggling in and out of the Jeep.”

Nothing he could have said would have put her more at ease. Rio wasn’t easily led—if
at all. She knew that. No matter what woman Mrs. Grayson paraded in front of him,
it wouldn’t matter. “Thank you, Rio.”

He didn’t say anything, just continued to drive. Skylar crossed her legs and relaxed
back into her seat. She could enjoy church services with a clear conscience and without
malice toward the woman waiting for Rio.

*   *   *

Rio spotted Mrs. Grayson before Skylar did. She stood near the bottom step of the
church alone. She wore a stylish magenta suit that Sierra referred to as her mother’s
“power clothes.” Rio felt an itch in the back of his neck. She was up to something
all right. At least they’d found a parking space in the church’s parking lot, but
from the long line of cars behind him, it would fill up quickly.

“This way,” Rio said, steering Skylar around a group of men who were staring at her
with open admiration. It was worse when all the Graysons and their spouses went to
church together. When Brandon Grayson’s wife’s two brothers were in town with their
wives, men seem to lose their minds over the beautiful women.

He’d never be that pitiful.

“Good thing you have height and great vision,” Skylar said. “I don’t see her.”

Rio kept walking. Skylar was apparently oblivious to the sudden cessation of conversation
when she passed some of the men. He wasn’t.

“I see her.” Skylar waved her arm and hurried to embrace Ruth. “Good morning. Thanks
again for inviting me.”

“Good morning, Skylar. Rio,” Mrs. Grayson greeted. “It’s good seeing both of you again.”
She glanced beyond them. “We’re waiting for another person.”

Being right was no consolation to Rio. The real questions were: Was it a man or a
woman? And was it a ruse to make one or the other jealous, or a real attempt at matchmaking?
That’s what made Ruth Grayson so dangerous. She had a tactical mind that saw a person’s
weakness, his desire, and then she set it before him and waited for nature to take
its course.

“Over here.” Ruth waved her hand.

Rio saw Skylar tense, then relax as a nice-looking, well-dressed man in his midthirties
came into view. Rio recognized him immediately.

“Hello, Jonathan. I’m glad you could make it,” Ruth greeted.

Jonathan dragged his wide-eyed gaze from Skylar and clasped Mrs. Grayson’s hand. “Thank
you, Professor Grayson. I’m sorry to be a bit late.”

Mrs. Grayson waved his words aside. “Nonsense. You’re right on time.” She took Skylar’s
arm and drew her closer to the new arrival. “Skylar Dupree, I’d like you to meet Jonathan
Douglas, a professor in my music department. You already know Rio.”

Jonathan nodded briefly to Rio and extended his hand to Skylar. “Ms. Dupree, it’s
a pleasure to finally meet you. I was unavoidably delayed the day you were on campus.”

Smiling, Skylar shook the man’s hand. “Then I’m glad we’re finally meeting.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” he said, still holding her hand.

“Why don’t we go in?” Mrs. Grayson suggested. “Rio, please walk with me, and Jonathan
and Skylar can become better acquainted.”

For a moment, he didn’t move. Mrs. Grayson had that warm, patient look, but Rio knew
her brain was busy. He didn’t like to call a woman he respected—and sometimes feared—devious,
but she was.

“Rio, are you all right?” Skylar asked, reaching toward him.

“Fine.” He took Mrs. Grayson’s arm and started up the steps. Not by the blink of an
eyelash had she reacted to Skylar’s concern. She was too intuitive not to have heard
the anxiety in Skylar’s voice. He just had to figure out if she was trying to nudge
him in Skylar’s direction or Skylar’s into the professor’s. Rio stopped beside the
pew Mrs. Grayson and her children always occupied.

“Please, Rio, go in first. I want to sit beside Skylar, since I invited her.” As if
it was settled, she turned and waited for Skylar and Jonathan, who were walking slowly
behind an elderly couple.

Jonathan had his hand on the small of her back. She laughed softly, but Rio heard.

He was unaware of his eyes going cold, his facial features deadly until Skylar looked
at him. She stopped abruptly.

Rio turned to take a seat. Skylar was free to do what she wanted. He glanced around
as Mrs. Grayson lightly touched his arm. “I haven’t forgotten.”

Rio took his seat and stared straight ahead as Mrs. Grayson sat beside him and Skylar
and the professor took their seats. She was at it again, but if she thought she could
manipulate him, she had better think again. As for Skylar, if she was that easily
swayed, she wasn’t the woman he thought she was.

*   *   *

Skylar had never known a person could seethe with anger while his face remained emotionless.
Rio hadn’t said one word to her since they’d entered the church, and very few to Mrs.
Grayson or Jonathan.

A block away from the church, she could no longer stand the tense silence. “All right.
What is it?”

He stopped at a signal light. “Nothing.”

She wouldn’t call him a liar, but it was on the tip of her tongue. “Ever since Mrs.
Grayson’s phone call you’ve been in a crummy mood. Are you disappointed she didn’t
have a woman waiting for you?”

“You wouldn’t have noticed,” he bit out.

It only took a second to process his retort. He was jealous! She trembled. “P-please
pull over.”

He threw a quick look at her, then whipped into a strip shopping center. The car had
barely come to a halt before he was around the car opening her door and unbuckling
her seat belt. “What’s the matter? You feel sick?”

She curved her arms around his neck. He didn’t hesitate to pick her up and sit in
the seat she’d vacated. “Skylar, what’s the matter?”

She looked up at his strong features, the fierceness in his eyes now tempered with
tenderness. “I just needed a hug. Nobody gives hugs like you.”

He opened his mouth, snapped it shut, and pulled her closer. “Why do you insist on
giving me gray hair?”

She angled her head and kissed his chin. “You’d look even more handsome with a couple
strands of gray.”

Standing again, he placed her in her seat. “You sure you’re all right?”

“With you, always.” He still stared at her. “Jonathan wanted me to go out with him.
I told him I was already interested in another man. I just thought you should know.”

He looked away, then back at her. “Maybe you shouldn’t have.”

“If I thought you meant that, I’d drive off and leave you stranded,” she told him,
her lips pursed.

His face morphed into a smile. “You would, too, wouldn’t you?”

“In a heartbeat.” She buckled her seat belt. “Come on, Mrs. Grayson is probably wondering
where we are.”

The smile vanished. “I wonder.”

“Wonder what?”

“Nothing.” He got into the car and drove off.

*   *   *

“Looks like Mrs. Grayson has company.” Skylar unbuckled her seat belt as he stopped
behind a big black truck.

“Her sons and their wives.” He switched off the motor. “If her children are in town
they’ll eventually show up on Sunday.” Since church was usually over in the early
afternoon, Blade and Sierra came without him or with her bodyguards. He’d been invited,
but always declined. He didn’t like the way Mrs. Grayson watched him.

“Are we going in?” Skylar teased.

Rio opened his door and came around the car. As usual, she was already out. She curved
her arm though his. He paused and glanced at their entwined arms.


He wasn’t about to admit that he was concerned that Mrs. Grayson would jump to the
correct conclusion—if she hadn’t already. If she’d picked out Jonathan for Skylar,
she wouldn’t change her mind. Once she set her mind on a course of action, she was

“Rio?” There was impatience in Skylar’s voice.

“Just thinking.” He started up the walkway. If Mrs. Grayson had tried to pull a fast
one and he and Skylar were her targets, she was doomed to experience her first failure.
He rang the doorbell.

Mrs. Grayson opened the door and warmly greeted them as Skylar then Rio entered the
house. “I was beginning to worry. Please come in.”

Skylar smiled up at Rio. “My fault. I’m sorry.”

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