All That I Desire (13 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

BOOK: All That I Desire
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“You’re here.” She linked her arms with both of them. “Rio knows everyone, but I want
you to meet my sons and their wonderful wives.” Ruth led them into the kitchen. “Everyone,
this is Skylar Dupree, the brilliant event planner that I’ve been telling you about.
You’ve met Brandon, my third son. On his right is his wife, Faith. Next to her is
my oldest, Luke, and his wife, Catherine. On Brandon’s left is Morgan, my second son,
and his wife, Phoenix.”

“Hi, Skylar, Rio,” they greeted.

“Hi,” Rio greeted. He noted that the professor wasn’t there. If he had been the one
Mrs. Grayson wanted for Skylar, she wouldn’t have missed this opportunity to further
advance a relationship between them. Or was she trying to pull a fast one and spring
the professor later?

Skylar smiled warmly. “Hello. I feel as if I know you. Mrs. Grayson talks so much
about you.”

“Bored you, huh?” Brandon said, stirring something in a pot on the stove.

Chuckles came from around the room. “Hardly. I want to thank you for your donations
to the auction.” She went to Phoenix. “
Pure Bliss
came Friday. It’s one of the most sensual works of art I’ve ever seen.”

“Thank you.” Phoenix looked up at Morgan. “I have inspiration.”

“Always willing to help the art world.” Morgan kissed her on the lips.

“Catherine, your offer to use the name of a child under twelve for the main character
in your next book series has gotten a phenomenal response.” Skylar turned to Faith.
“So has four nights in the honeymoon suite of your hotel. All of your generosity has
been absolutely amazing. Thank you.”

“Thank you for helping Mrs. Grayson and her Music Department.” Catherine looked at
her husband, Luke. “I get to benefit from her talent when Luke plays the guitar for

Faith blinked. “Brandon played the trumpet for me, then proposed.”

“Music can communicate in ways that transcend race and language,” Ruth said. “I wanted
each of my children to have that talent.”

“I just wish Pierce hadn’t chosen the drums,” Morgan quipped. “The only reason he
practiced was to irritate us.”

More laughter around the room.

“How are things going, Rio?” Luke asked.


“Probably a lot better since you don’t have to deal with Sierra trying to have her
way,” Brandon said.

Rio glanced at Skylar. “You’d think.”

Skylar blushed.

“It takes a strong woman to walk in today’s world,” Mrs. Grayson said. “I’m blessed
to have five in my family, and I’m looking at another.”

Skylar hugged Mrs. Grayson and high-fived Catherine, Phoenix, and Paige.

“Green beans are ready. Everyone take a seat.” Brandon drained the fresh green beans
and put them in a serving dish.

“Skylar, please sit here next to me. Rio, you can sit by Skylar.” Ruth took her seat
while Brandon and Faith set down beautifully prepared plates of Cornish hens, dressing,
green beans, and yams glistening with brown sugar and cinnamon.

“Can I help?” Skylar asked.

There was a chorus of “no,” the loudest from Brandon. Mrs. Grayson explained, “Brandon
is a rather temperamental cook. He only allows Faith to help him.”

“That’s because she understands what a true genius I am in the kitchen.” Brandon placed
the last plate on the table, then held Faith’s chair for her to sit down. He took
the seat next to her.

Mrs. Grayson bowed her head. “Master of Breath and God, thank you for this day, for
family and friends. May we be in your perfect will. Lead and guide us as we help those
we see in need of our help. Amen.”

Rio heard Brandon’s groan. Mrs. Grayson was definitely on another mission to marry
someone off. He lifted his head and stared straight into Mrs. Grayson’s unblinking

“Mama, please,” Brandon said. “Not again.”

“Save your breath, Brandon.” Morgan picked up his knife and fork. “She’ll only remind
you of how happy we all are.”

“Which is the truth.” Luke looked at Catherine with complete love.

Brandon cut into his Cornish hen, cooked to a perfect golden brown. “Who is it this

Mrs. Grayson forked in a bite of meat and smiled. “Delicious as always, Brandon and

“Forgive me if I’m being nosy, but what are you talking about?” Skylar asked.

Brandon opened his mouth, but closed it when Faith put her hand on his arm. “Not your

Mrs. Grayson placed her knife on her plate. “Skylar, forgive us. Don’t think us rude
for bringing up a subject you know nothing about. Rio is already a part of this family
and I feel as if you are as well, therefore we all speak freely around you.”

Skylar nodded, but lines still furrowed her forehead.

“I had a small hand in helping my children find their special someone. Although they’re
all happy, they’d rather not, shall we say, ‘help’ anyone else.” Ruth picked up her
glass of iced tea and looked at her middle son. “Right, Brandon?”

He grinned and kissed Faith on the cheek. “Right. No sense ruining your perfect record.”

“That’s what makes her so formidable,” Luke said. “She’s never failed at anything
she set her mind to, and I’ll forever be thankful.”

“So will I, although we didn’t think that way when we first met,” Catherine said.
“But look at us now.”

Faith grinned. “I was floored, but over the moon.”

Phoenix looked at Morgan through a sweep of her lashes. “I had to outbid another woman
at the auction for Morgan. Good thing Sierra was there to give her an incentive to
sit down.”

Mrs. Grayson’s lips twitched. “Sierra definitely has her moments.”

“Wow,” Skylar said, glancing around the table. “Someday, I hope you’ll tell me more.”

“Who knows, one day you might know someone close to you with their own story to tell,”
Mrs. Grayson said with a smile.

Skylar blinked. Brandon shook his head. Morgan and Luke just stared. Their wives smiled.

“Just seeing if you were listening.” Mrs. Grayson picked up her utensils. “Now, Skylar,
tell me about the latest pieces you’ve received.”

While Skylar quickly composed herself and told Mrs. Grayson about the shipments, Rio
watched the older woman. Luke was right: She was intelligent and determined. She was
so confident in her victory that she’d announced it.
I’m on to you,
he thought, and hoped she got the message and gave up.

As if aware he was watching her, her gaze momentarily caught his. She wasn’t intimidated
by him or anyone else. She was going to do as she pleased. It wouldn’t do her any
good. This time she was doomed to failure.

He’d accepted long ago that he’d never marry, never have a family. It was foolish
to start something that was doomed to end badly. Her perfect record was about to end.


Chapter 9

It was nearly six when Rio pulled up in front of the castle. After dinner the men
had watched a ball game while Mrs. Grayson showed her prized flower garden to the
women before they returned inside. He’d been on the small sofa with Brandon, but he’d
immediately gotten up and given Skylar his seat.

He wouldn’t have dared look at Mrs. Grayson as the men shifted to make room for their
wives. Brandon pulled Faith down in his lap. She squealed, admonished him, then leaned
back against his wide shoulders. Rio kept his gaze on the wide screen of the television.
Thankfully, Skylar wasn’t in one of her playful moods and kept her hands and lips
to herself.

The problem was, she had remained quiet. He glanced at her, but she was already getting
out of the car. She hadn’t said one word since they’d left the Graysons. Closing his
door, he followed her inside the castle.

Wordlessly, she started toward the stairs. He should let her go. She’d finally stopped
hugging, kissing, tempting him. Even as the thought came, he remembered the softness
of her touch, the alluring sweetness of her mouth, her scent that he’d remember a

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. ’Night.”

Rio put his hands on his hips, watching the easy, enticing sway of hers in the black
dress that he’d wanted to peel from her trim body ever since his first glimpse of
her that morning. The shoes were as wickedly sexy as she’d intended, the one strap
taunting him to slip it and the thin black hose off. His body hardened. He cursed
under his breath and bounded up the stairs after her.

Her door closed seconds before he reached it. The red light blinked.

He ran his hand through his hair, encountered the silver hair clasp he always wore.
He was relatively certain she wasn’t sick. He should just leave well enough alone.

He went to his room, jerked off his jacket and hung it up. No matter how irritated
he was, his military training and his own penchant for neatness wouldn’t let him throw
his clothes down. His scalp felt tight. He reached for the buttons of his shirt.

Muttering, he yanked open his door and went down the hallway to Skylar’s room. He
rapped on the door. Hard.

“Who is it?”

Who did she think it was? “Rio.”

There was a long pause. “I’m resting.”

His eyes narrowed in irritation that just as quickly disappeared as concern took its
place. “Skylar, are you sick?”

“No. I—I just want to rest.”

Were there tears in her voice? “Open this door.”


“I know the code, remember, but I’d rather you open it voluntarily,” he said, aware
he was splitting hairs.

Several seconds passed before the light went off. The door opened a fraction. Misery
stared back at him. She’d pulled off her shoes, but she still wore the black dress.
“I really am tired.”

“I’m coming in.” He didn’t give her a chance to argue. He gently pushed open the door
so it wouldn’t hit her. He’d seen her scared, angry, pissed, playful, but only one
other time had he seen her miserable. He closed the door behind him, curling his hands
into fists to keep from pulling her into his arms.

A tear formed on her lash. He felt panic for the first time in his life. He grabbed
her. “Are you sick? Do we need to call a doctor?” He picked her up and put her on
the bed, kneeling down and holding her hand. “Why didn’t you—”

“I’m not sick.” She gulped.

His heart slowed from a gallop to a fast walk. “Then why are you crying?”

“Because Mrs. Grayson has some big-chested woman all picked out for you,” she sniffed.
“You heard her—someone close to me will have their own story.” She swallowed hard.
“And I thought she liked me.”

Rio’s heart finally settled to a normal pace. “So you’re going to hand me over to
some big-chested woman who’d bore me in two seconds?”

Skylar’s head came up and with it the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen. “No way!”
She launched herself at him.

Laughing, he caught her and let himself fall backward, keeping her on top. He stopped
laughing when he felt her breasts against his chest, her thighs against his, her hungry
mouth on his.

A second later he was lost in the sensation of the kiss, her tongue dancing with his,
this woman in his arms, the thrill of her body pressed against his. He felt protective
and carnal at the same time. Strange new emotions shook him.

His hands threaded though her thick, silky hair to lift her head. He’d often thought
of her hair on his pillow, gliding over his body. “Don’t scare me like that again.”

She frowned down at him, her fingers worrying the button of his shirt. “I’m going
back to Tucson next Monday. Blade and Sierra plan to be here, and that means you’ll
be here.” Her beautiful hazel eyes flashed. “And that woman, whoever she is!”

“And I’m so gullible, I’ll fall into her and Mrs. Grayson’s plans?”

She finally smiled. “Nope. You’re as slippery as an eel. I should know.” She sighed
and rested her head on his chest. “I guess the prospect of losing you before we really
got to know each other better scared me so much, I couldn’t think clearly.”

His arms tightened. Yet she’d been followed in her car and had remained calm. No matter
what she said about a no-strings affair, he knew that wasn’t all she wanted. He could
tell by the way she looked at him, smiled at him, that it went much deeper. So why
wasn’t he running? His mind and his feet couldn’t agree.

He wondered if she’d feel better or worse if he told her of his suspicion about Mrs.
Grayson trying to match them up. For them, there would be no marriage. “Do you know
Felicia Falcon?”


He’d been so sure.

Her head lifted. “Not personally, but I’ve met her several times. She’s a sorority
sister of my mother’s. Mother and Father went to Daniel and Madelyn’s wedding, and
Trent and Dominique’s, too. Why?”

The hairs on the back of Rio’s neck stood up. “It’s a long way from Boston to Tucson.
Any particular reason?”

She placed her folded arms on his chest and put her chin on top. “Like I said in the
application, I wanted to work for a Fortune 500 company, and I thought I had the experience,
connections, and drive to plan the best events in the country.”

“But why Navarone?” he persisted.

She arched a brow. “Is this going anyplace?”

He gently tugged on a curl, glad she was back to her outspoken self. “Yes.”

“Mrs. Falcon was in town for a sorority event and picked up Mother. I’d dropped by.
When Mother went to answer the phone, Mrs. Falcon mentioned she’d heard I wasn’t going
back to law school, asked about my plans. I told her I was looking for something that
might interest me. They left.

“A month later she called and told me about the position at Navarone. Of course I’d
heard a lot about Blade, and thought it might be exciting. And it would be far enough
away from Mother and Father that I wouldn’t feel guilty about talking to one or the
other of them.” She traced his lower lip. “Looks like I was right.”

Two years
. Coincidence. Rio didn’t believe in them. Even then Mrs. Grayson had been planning
to marry her children off, and Felicia was her willing accomplice.

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