All That I Desire (2 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

BOOK: All That I Desire
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“It won’t be any trouble,” Skylar finally said. “I don’t mind the trip.”

“We won’t take no for an answer,” Blade told her.

“You’re staying and that’s final,” Sierra said firmly as if the matter was settled.

“Please.” Ruth leaned forward in her seat. “What you’re doing is to help my Music
Department. We’ll benefit from your hard work. I’ll always be thankful. You could
have passed when I asked if you had any ideas on how to raise funds. You didn’t. You
even offered to take vacation time to help.”

“I appreciated the professionalism, but as I said then when you mentioned what you
would be doing, using your vacation time won’t be necessary,” Blade said, his gaze

Sierra patted his knee. “He’s even gotten over being a little miffed that you thought
you had to ask. He forgot all men are not as wonderful as he is.”

Blade smiled at his wife, then Skylar, and she breathed a bit easier. She well remembered
the harsh look on his face that day in his office. She hoped never again to see it
directed at her and remained silent.

“Stay,” Blade said. “It would make up for my poor behavior.”

Blade wasn’t above apologizing. He just seldom had to. Shane had a grin on his face
as he held Paige’s hand. No one had to tell Skylar that Blade’s love for Sierra and
hers for her mother were the reasons behind the apology.

Skylar recalled Ruth’s words,
No man should walk alone.
Her gaze went to Ruth again as she wondered if she was trying to give Skylar a gentle
push in Rio’s direction.

But as Blade’s bodyguard, he went with him everywhere or was at least nearby. Was
he staying this time? She had her answer seconds later.

“To ensure the auction pieces remain safe, Rio is staying,” Blade told her.

“I should be going with you.” Rio unfolded his arms, his attention on Blade and Sierra.

Sierra lifted both hands in a fighter’s stance. “Don’t worry, Rio. I promise to take
down anyone who looks suspicious.”

Shane was the only one who laughed. He ignored his wife’s nudge.

“You checked out the island; the men there were trained by you or Shane. You and Shane
made sure my name is buried so no one outside the company knows we own the property,”
Blade reminded him. “From the vantage point on the island you can see a boat miles
away. We’ll be safe.”

“That’s why I should be there—to make sure.”

“I want you here.” Blade rose to his feet and went to Rio. “This is important to Mrs.
Grayson. There’s some valuable merchandise coming. I trust you to ensure it’s kept

Rio remained silent. Skylar’s eyes and everyone else’s were on Rio and Blade. No one,
absolutely no one—outside of Sierra—went against Blade’s orders. She sensed Rio might
be the second. Protecting Blade and Sierra was more than a job to him.

Shane went to the two men. “I’ll fly down with them and check it out.”

Rio’s gaze slowly tracked to Shane’s and stayed there for a long moment before returning
to Blade. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll begin checking on the list.”

Skylar blew out a breath as Rio’s long strides took him from the room and up the stairs
to the command center on the second floor of the castle’s front wing.

“You shouldn’t tease him,” Ruth said to Sierra.

“Who said I was teasing?” Sierra lifted innocent eyes to her mother.

Ruth shook her head once, then stood and pulled a set of keys from the pocket of her
denim skirt. “Come on, Skylar. I’ll drive you to your hotel to get your things.”

Sierra stood, her arm going around her mother’s waist. “Since I’ve seen how Skylar
packs, I’ll send a driver with the SUV.”

Ruth smiled at Sierra, then Skylar. “She likes clothes as much as you do.”

“You never know what you might need.” Sierra spoke to Skylar. “We’ll wait dinner for

Skylar smiled. Sierra and her mother weren’t taking no for an answer. “I graciously
accept. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

*   *   *

In less than fifteen minutes Skylar had checked out of the Casa de Serenidad Hotel.
Thank goodness she had been so anxious to get to the castle that she hadn’t begun
to unpack. Outside, she climbed into the SUV, and they headed back to Navarone Castle.

Skylar wasn’t the impatient type, but she was anxious to get back. She wondered if
Rio ate with his men or Blade and Sierra. Everyone had someone, except him. But he
didn’t seem to need anyone. He certainly wasn’t afraid to speak his mind—to anyone.

“Back again,” the driver said, startling Skylar out of her deep thoughts.

“Thank you.” She got out of the vehicle and walked to the back. She almost winced
at the amount of luggage being unloaded. Besides the large trunk, she’d brought five
large suitcases. It had taken her weeks to decide what to wear in the hope that Rio
would stop looking through her and be just a little bit interested. With him staying
and checking in the merchandise with her daily, it might just happen.

“Mrs. Navarone instructed me where to place your luggage. Please, go on in.”

“Thank you again, Jefferson.” Skylar picked up her overnight kit.

“I can take that as well.” The driver closed the back. “Don’t worry, Eli is sending
someone to help. Besides, we’re both used to helping Mrs. Navarone load and unload
for trips.”

Skylar placed the case on the stone driveway and laughed. “That’s very kind of you.
Thank you.”

The driver tipped his hat. “No problem.”

Skylar went up the steps and rang the doorbell. There was a key pad for a code, but
she didn’t know it.

The door opened. Eli Patterson, the house manager, stood there in his black suit,
freshly starched white shirt, and shiny leather shoes. Of medium height, he had a
lined, fatherly face and a balding head.

“Hello, Mr. Patterson,” Skylar greeted.

“Hello, Ms. Dupree. I’ll assist with your luggage,” he told her. “Mr. Navarone asked
that you see him in his office as soon as you returned. This way.”

Unsure of what was going on, she followed the house manager past the wide foyer, then
left to an arched door at least fifteen feet tall. Opening the door, he stepped aside.

Thanking him, she entered the office, an immense room lined with bookshelves, a fireplace,
and tall windows with silk burgundy draperies. On the slate floor were handwoven area
rugs. Blade sat behind an antique mahogany desk with ball-and-claw feet. Her eyes
narrowed on seeing Shane and Rio standing on either side of him.

“Thank you for coming, Skylar. Please have a seat.” Blade indicated the chair in front
of his desk.

Skylar sat down in the straight-back chair, upholstered in a deeper shade of burgundy
than the curtains, demurely crossed her legs, and placed her clutch in her lap. She’d
learned not to jump to conclusions just because she was summoned by Blade, and not
to ask questions.

“One of the men on the list you gave Rio is Sherman Tennyson, a venture capitalist.
Several months ago, Tennyson used my name to entice backers into buying property.
The deal folded.” Blade’s black eyes hardened. “A lot of good men lost money. Tennyson
put the word out that it was my fault.”

“No.” Skylar’s voice was barely above a whisper as she placed her hand on her galloping
heart. People who made huge mistakes at Navarone were out the door.

Shane picked up the story. “Blade has been able to overcome the lies, but Tennyson
lost a lot of his credibility, along with money he could ill afford to let go.”

Blade’s fist clenched on top of his desk. “Tennyson hates my guts, and the feeling
is mutual.”

Skylar came to her feet. “Mr. Navarone, I just checked to ensure he had the funds
to purchase if he chose. I apologize.”

Blade waved her apology aside. “There’s no need. You foiled Tennyson’s plan.” He leaned
back in his chair, the sides of his mouth kicking up. “You didn’t just okay the names
as he probably expected because the auction is in two weeks and he has money. Instead
you had the foresight to give Rio the list of names before committing. You did well.”

“I agree,” Shane said. “Good thinking.”

From Rio there was nothing. Trying to keep from looking at him, she retook her seat.
“Should I call Mr. Hampton, the man who had asked if Tennyson could attend?”

Blade’s smile was like the sharp edge of a knife. “I’ll take care of it. That’s all.”

Eternally thankful she wasn’t the unfortunate man, Skylar came to her feet. “I’ll
go change for dinner. Good-bye.”

“Good-bye,” Blade and Shane said.

She told herself not to turn, but a force stronger than her will had her glancing
over her shoulder at Rio to see if there might be a spark of admiration. She saw nothing
but eyes devoid of warmth. Unconsciously she narrowed hers before turning to leave
the room.

Stubborn man! He might not know it, but he’d only made her more determined!


Chapter 2

A little after six Sunday evening, Rio debated going downstairs to dinner. If he did,
he’d be subjected to Skylar’s haunting hazel eyes following him everywhere. He’d never
run from anything. The idea that he was considering it now, and because of a woman
he could pick up with one hand, set his teeth on edge. The problem was, she also made
his body hard.

Cursing under his breath, he stepped from a cold shower. What was it about her that
he couldn’t dismiss, couldn’t ignore?

Absently, he ran the large bath towel over his body. He’d better find his answer.
Being around each other for the next two weeks would be unavoidable. He planned to
be there for the deliveries as well. They were expecting more than one and a half
million dollars in paintings, jewelry, and other donated items. He wanted no doubts,
no questions if something expected didn’t arrive or arrived damaged. Each item would
be documented and verified in multiple ways. Cameras would be on, but film could be

He knew this was important to Mrs. Grayson and her students and, as Blade said, there
was no way to sneak onto the island. Even at night the sound of an engine carried.
They’d be safe. He wasn’t sure about himself. He reached for his black boxers. The
threat of physical injury had never bothered him, and it didn’t now. There was something
much more dangerous here.

Snatching his shirt from the hanger, he pulled it on then stepped into his slacks.
There was nothing to do now but see it through. The day had never arrived that he
couldn’t outthink a woman. He slipped on his Italian loafers.

Opening the bedroom door, Rio quickly bounded down the stairs and into the small dining
room. Blade and Sierra sat at the head and foot of the table. Next to Sierra was Skylar.
On the other side was Shane, between Paige and Mrs. Grayson.

Rio almost faltered when Skylar’s hungry gaze collided with his. He wished she’d stop

“Good evening,” he said, his steps slowing on seeing that the only seat left was the
one next to Skylar. The place for the third chair had been moved, and a serving cart
was there in its place.

“About time,” Shane said. “Paige is starving.”

His pretty wife simply looked at him. He kissed her on the cheek and grinned. She
shook her head and smiled back. Skylar had watched the exchange. Paige loved and respected
him too much to correct him about teasing Rio.

“Martin outdid himself as usual for Sierra,” Blade said. “He would have left long
ago if it wasn’t for her.”

“He’s irreplaceable and we all benefit,” Sierra said. “Especially since I can’t cook.”

Laughter came from around the table as Rio took his seat and stared across at Ruth
Grayson, another woman who made him uneasy, but for an entirely different reason.
He pulled his napkin into his lap as she said grace.

He lifted his head and stared into her eyes when she finished. She stared back. You
never knew what the woman was thinking. She was ruled by love, and that made her unpredictable.
When he’d helped save Sierra’s life when she was kidnapped, he’d gotten on Mrs. Grayson’s
marriage hit list. She had married off all five children, just as she’d predicted.
To this day Sierra believed she’d picked Blade by herself. Rio wasn’t sure if Blade
knew the truth, but Rio and Shane did.

If that wasn’t enough, she’d turned her attention to Shane. He’d caved like the rest
before him. There were others as well, but she could take Rio’s name off the list.

Murmurs of appreciation and compliments went around the table as the chef and his
two helpers served them prime rib roast, red potatoes, and broccoli with hollandaise
sauce on fine china. Homemade yeast rolls were passed around the table as Martin looked
on with pride. He’d been the executive chef at the Mansion in Dallas until Blade had
hired him away from the famous five-star hotel.

“You never cease to amaze and delight,” Sierra murmured after tasting the beef. “We’d
be lost and starving without you.”

“Thank you, Sierra.” Martin bowed his head and withdrew.

Rio picked up his fork and hoped Mrs. Grayson wasn’t planning anything. As he’d told
Shane, home and hearth wasn’t for them. Shane hadn’t listened. But Shane knew where
he came from. Rio didn’t. Skylar could send out signals until all that beautiful hair
on her head turned gray; it wouldn’t do her any good. He wasn’t looking back.

*   *   *

It was all Skylar could do to eat and carry on a sensible conversation with Rio sitting
next to her. They’d never been this close for any length of time. She thought of the
movie scenes she’d seen where women took off a shoe and rubbed a foot against the
side of a man’s leg. Or other parts of his body. She blushed. She wasn’t that brave.

She leaned forward to pick up her water glass and swayed the tiniest bit toward Rio.
He smelled delicious, like man and soap. She wanted to lean closer to his hard, lean
body. Heat shot through her.

She bobbled her water glass, took a hasty gulp, and choked. That would teach her to
lust after a man while drinking.

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