All That I Desire (22 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

BOOK: All That I Desire
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He put his head in his hands. “We were drinking. There were women there, but I swear
I don’t remember being in a bedroom with one. I love my wife. Tennyson has pictures
of me and this woman. He’s threatened to send them to the newspaper unless I get him
an invitation.”

Hampton’s head lifted. “My daughter is getting married in December to Senator Williams’s
son. My wife is not in good health. The board of directors aren’t pleased with me
as it is. The scandal would be financially and emotionally devastating for my family.”
He looked at Skylar. “I was desperate. If he doesn’t get the invitation he’ll release
the photos.”

“Why is it so important to him?” Rio asked.

“I don’t know. I swear I don’t know.” Hampton put his head in his head again. “He’ll
ruin me.”

“If you don’t grow a backbone, he will,” Rio snapped. “Go to the police. In Chicago,
your name carries more weight than his. Tell them what happened and Tennyson’s attempt
to blackmail you.”

“I can’t. My family—”

“If they care about you, they’ll believe you. If you don’t go to the police, Tennyson
will always hold those photos over your head,” Rio told the frightened man.

“You don’t understand. Some women aren’t as strong as others,” Hampton murmured.

“That’s where you’re wrong. If Skylar wasn’t strong, you’d be in a lot more trouble
and pain by now.”

The man’s head snapped up. He swallowed.

Rio pulled out his cell phone and went to its photos. “Do you recognize this man?”

Hampton leaned forward to look at the picture, then shook his dark head and sat back.

“You’re free to leave. One of my men will drive you to the airport,” Rio told him.
“When you get back, tell Tennyson you talked to me and the answer is still no. Don’t
mention Ms. Dupree’s name in any way.”

“I can go?”

Rio leaned down to within inches of the man’s face. “I want you to think—who poses
the biggest threat to you, Tennyson or me? Mess this up, involve Ms. Dupree, and there’ll
be no place, not even hell, where you can hide. You won’t see me coming until it’s
too late.”

Hampton’s hand went to his throat. Perspiration beaded on his forehead.

Rio straightened and stepped back. “Jason, take Hampton to the airport. Make sure
you return his wallet and cell phone before he boards his plane. Got it?”

“Got it,” Jason answered.

Hampton slowly rose to his feet as if expecting Rio to change his mind or attack him.
He carefully edged around Rio. Almost to the door, he stopped and looked at Skylar.
“I’m sorry.”

“Me, too. Why don’t you take your wife on a surprise holiday until the auction is
over? Somewhere you both could relax,” Skylar suggested.

“I might just do that,” he said.

Jason opened the door and followed Hampton out, closing the door behind them.

“We’ll talk later, Conner.” Rio stared at Skylar. “And thanks for the phone call.”

Conner left quietly.

Skylar sat demurely in her chair. She wasn’t sure how much trouble she was in. Rio
had his unreadable face on.

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you this quiet for this length of time before,” Rio

“I’m trying not to dig myself into a deeper hole,” she said truthfully.

Rio crossed the room to her. “Take his wife on a holiday after he attacked you.”

“He was scared and I did knee him, so we’re more than even,” she reasoned.

“Only you would think that way.” He stopped with his boot touching the toe of her
four-inch heels. “When I received Conner’s initial call my cell was on vibrate, so
he sent me a text about you meeting Hampton. I wanted to shake you. I instructed him
to take you back inside and heard him curse.” His eyes narrowed to slits. “Those five
seconds before he came back on the line were the longest of my life, only for him
to tell me you’d been attacked.”

Skylar didn’t know what to say except, “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have you worried about
me for anything.”

“I finally figured as much. Once my mind cleared, I realized you’d handled the situation

She smiled, pleased beyond words.

“But don’t do it again,” he warned, his face hard.

“Anything you say.” She was forgiven. She’d try her best to stay out of trouble.

“I wish I could believe that. You fight for those you care about. You’ll always put
their well-being ahead of your own.” His hands around her forearms, he tenderly lifted
her to her feet. “You have strength and courage. You just need to temper it with caution
and thought.”

“I was concerned you’d scare him.” She played with the button of his shirt. “I wanted
to help.”

“You did, although you might have given me another gray hair.” He finally smiled.

She pretended to inspect his hair. “Nope. Not a one.”

“The day isn’t over yet,” he countered, and they both laughed.

“What was the photo you showed Hampton?” she asked.

“Stu Ryan, the man in your room,” Rio answered. “I went to town for his bail hearing.
It was denied. There’s a warrant out for his arrest in Chicago. His lawyer is trying
to fight extradition, but he’ll lose.”

“Another connection to Tennyson and Chicago,” she murmured.

“Exactly. Tennyson is tied to this in some way.” Rio frowned. “I just can’t figure
out how.”

“You will.” She palmed his cheek. “What time are Sierra and Blade due back?”

“In a couple of hours, but they’re going straight to Mrs. Grayson’s house.”

She tucked her head. His strong fingers beneath her chin lifted it. “What?”

“I don’t think you’re going to like it.” In fact, she was sure of it.

His dark brow arched. “What did you do this time?”

“Your hair clip. I wore it today and Mrs. Grayson mentioned how beautiful it was in
my hair.” His heart thudded beneath her hand. “I don’t think it was an idle comment.”

“Neither do I.”

“I’m not ready to get married and you’re not, either,” she quickly said, praying she
was convincing. She’d marry Rio in a nanosecond. “Brandon is right about her perfect
record being broken. We’re just enjoying each other.” She brushed her lips across
his, ran the tip of her tongue over the seam of his mouth, hoping to convince him.

His mouth opened, deepening the kiss. His hand held her head as he slowly drove her
to the edge of reason. The man certainly knew how to kiss.

“What kind of dress are you wearing for the auction?” he asked.

Skylar blinked and tried to clear her fuzzy head. She slid both arms around his neck.
“It’s a secret, but it’s sinfully seductive.”

“That’s everything you wear,” was his comeback.

“Glad you noticed.” She ran her finger over the shell of his ear. “A woman has to
use all the weapons at her disposal.”

He grunted. “During your defense training, did you learn how to use a gun?”

She realized there was a reason behind Rio’s questions. “Tracy wanted to learn, so
I learned with her. I probably can’t break down one as fast, but I still should be
pretty good with a handgun and a rifle.”

Rio glanced down at the V-neck violet-colored dress and sexy spiked heels. “Please
go change into something more appropriate for the shooting range. I want to see how
good you are.”

*   *   *

“Take your pick.” Rio shoved his hands toward an arsenal of pistols and revolvers.
She’d never seen so many guns in person at one time except at the gun store. He was
testing her again. It didn’t help that Conner, Jason, Henderson, and a few of Rio’s
other men were at the shooting range as well.

Skylar folded her arms. “To do what?”

His expression didn’t change. “Defend yourself.”

She matched him look for look. “Against what?”

“The person trying to harm you.”

“In what situation?” she asked, then continued when his arms uncrossed. “Did he catch
me unaware? Is the gun in my pocket? My purse? How many shots might I need to bring
him down? The distance? Lighting?”

“Your gun is in an ankle holster. Lighting unknown. Distance close. If you’re good,
only one shoot is needed,” he replied in a flat voice.

She snatched her arms to her sides. “Ankle holster? I can’t wear an ankle holster.
My red strapless gown, created by one of the top designers in the country, I might
add, stops just above my knees then cascades down in the back. An ankle holster is
definitely out. It has to be on my thigh.”

“Which can be felt. And obvious when you’re lifting your dress—which you’re not going
to do,” he said, his voice tight. “It also takes too much time. Whereas the ankle
holster is undetectable. You can fake dropping something to reach for your weapon
or pretend to faint. Even if your hands are bound you can still go for your gun.”

“It took me weeks to decide on a dress,” she told him.

Rio crossed his arms again.

He wouldn’t budge. The stubborn man. In the movies, it always looked easy, but this
was real life. How many times had her uncle pointed out inconsistencies with actors
firing weapons and the weapons themselves? “If I can’t find another dress I like,
you’re in trouble.”

Rio didn’t seem the least bothered. She was caught between kicking him and laughing.
Before she could get her foot up, he’d stop her. Her mouth twitched. “Good thing I
kind of like you,” she whispered and turned to the guns.

“The SIG and Beretta are out. So is the Glock 17, although I kind of like the thirty-three-round
expandable magazine—but where would I hide it.” She glanced over her shoulder and
couldn’t tell if she’d impressed Rio or not. “No to the Heckler and Koch 795 semiautomatic
that holds nine rounds, although it’s small enough at just five point four inches
with a four-inch barrel. But I think I’ll go for the Guardian with the pearl handle.
It’s smaller than the H and K, has a nice balance, no problems with misfiring.” She
checked the chamber and placed the gun in front of her. “Safety goggles and earmuffs.”

“Drawer beneath the table,” Rio said.

“Thanks.” She put them on and picked up her pistol. “Let it rip.” The targets, male
and female shapes, were moving. She hadn’t expected it to be easy. “Where should I
put the bullets?”

“Anywhere you can,” Rio answered.

“I think the men deserve it right between their stubborn eyes.” In quick succession
she placed the bullets dead center. “I’ll be lenient with the women since we have
to put up with so much, er, crap.” They received shoulder wounds. Finished, she pulled
off the goggles and earmuffs. “Uncle Joshua always required that we clean our weapons
after shooting them. If you show me where, I’d be happy to do it. That is, unless
you want me to shoot at something else?”

There was complete silence as they stared at each other. Finally, Rio took the weapon
from her. “That won’t be necessary.”

“Is there any other demonstration you’d like?”

There were a few coughs from the men. Rio’s eyes narrowed just before he leaned over
and whispered, “It’s a good thing I kind of like you, too.” Out loud he said, “I guess
we all know who won this round.” He lifted Skylar’s hand. “The little warrior.”

His men cheered loudly. Skylar beamed.

*   *   *

“You’re full of surprises,” Rio said when they returned to the castle. “All good.”

“I’d thank you if I didn’t have to try to find another dress.” She sighed. “It really
was beautiful.”

He stared at her. “Where is this designer?”

“Boston,” she answered.

“If you can reach him or her and they can meet us, I can fly you there in the small
jet. You can sleep on the way back.”

“Rio.” Her lips trembled.

“You’ve been through a lot since you’ve been here.” His hand swept down her face.
“You should least be able to wear a dress you like.”

“I have a better idea.” She glanced at her watch. “The dress was for you. Since Blade
and Sierra aren’t returning until later, why don’t we have a cozy dinner in my room
and I can wear the dress. You, of course, can keep on your jeans.”

“What about a dress for the auction?” he asked.

She stuck her tongue in the side of her cheek. “I was teasing you a bit. I brought
three just in case one didn’t feel or look right. One is an emerald strapless ball
gown that should meet with your approval.”

“You never cease to amaze me,” he said.

“That’s the idea.” She looped her arms around his neck. “I kind of figured you wouldn’t
want a wimp for a girlfriend, so whenever I went home or got a chance, I tried to
keep up my skills.”

He dropped a kiss on her nose. “You have skills all right, and not just in self-defense
or with a gun.”

“Why, thank you.” She pulled her hands free. “Go do whatever it is you do. Dinner
in one hour in my room. If you’re running late, just call.”

“I won’t be late.” With a short wave, he left the house with Skylar staring after

*   *   *

She stunned him with her beauty. He didn’t know how long he stood in the doorway just
staring at her. Her shoulders were bare, her waist was cinched, and the gown showed
off her great legs. “I’m kind of glad I’ll be the only one to see you in that dress.”

She ran to him, her long legs flashing. “Then all those weeks of searching were worth

He lifted the box in his hand. “For you.”

Her eyes widened. She pulled the brown ribbon off the distinctively wrapped box and
stared inside. “Truffle lollipops. I love truffles.”

He shrugged wide shoulders. “I saw them and thought about you always trying to feed

“We’ll have them for our dessert.” She took his hand. “I had to decide between the
table in front of the love seat or the chest at the foot of the bed and discovered
that the chest top opens out.”

The desk chair and side chair were in front of the makeshift table set with crystal
glasses, silver dome-covered plates, heavy flatware, the yellow rose, and five-arm

“You went to a lot of trouble.”

“I enjoyed every second, just knowing we’d be together.” She motioned to a seat, then
briefly tucked her head. “If I sat in your lap, I don’t think we’d finish the meal,
and I’d really like this cleaned up before Sierra and Blade return.”

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