All That I Desire (21 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

BOOK: All That I Desire
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Rio briefly touched her shoulder. “You can just slide over.” When she complied, he
looked into the computer screen and told them everything. “Sierra, Mrs. Grayson was
never in any danger and Luke is going to be with her.”

Luke moved into view of the screen. “He’s right. He’s good at what he does.”

“I’m coming back.” Sierra was on her feet.

Blade caught her hand. “We’re coming back. If Shane can tear himself away. I’ll pick
him up on the way. Together, we’ll figure out what’s going on.”

“There’s one more thing.” Rio stepped in front of the monitor. “I think we should
cancel the auction.”

“No!” The loud protest came from Skylar. “We are not doing that. What reason would
Blade and Mrs. Grayson give?”

“I don’t want you paying for my ineptness,” Rio said.

She went to him. “What did I tell you about talking nonsense? I’m alive because of
you. Even if you cancel, there’s no way to tell if some other creep won’t come after

“Then you’ll go back to Tucson.”

“Where I’ll be even more vulnerable because you won’t be there to protect me. Wouldn’t
it be better if you find the person behind this while I’m here?” She touched his stiff
arm. “With you, I’m as safe as I can be.”

There was complete silence for several seconds until Blade spoke. “She’s right, Rio.”

Rio hated that she was stubborn and right, but it knotted his guts to know that someone
wanted her dead. If the person was determined enough, devious enough, it could happen.

“I have faith in you. Please have a little in me.”

“Skylar.” He swallowed.

“I won’t move unless I’m with you or Conner.” She held up her right hand.

“All right.”

“Now, if there is nothing else, I have work to do.” Skylar turned to Mrs. Grayson.
“I’d like to show you and your lovely and gracious daughters-in-law the collection.
It’s quite amazing.”

“I’d love to see it.” Mrs. Grayson spoke to the monitor. “Good-bye, Blade and Sierra.
Safe travel.”

“Good-bye,” they bid.

Skylar led the women from the room. As she did Mrs. Grayson commented on the beautiful
clip in her hair. Skylar barely kept from blushing. “Thank you. This way.” The clip
belonged to Rio, and she had a sneaky suspicion that Mrs. Grayson knew it.

Luke whistled as the door closed behind the women. “That’s one brave woman.”

“Bravery won’t keep her safe,” Rio muttered.

“But you will,” Sierra said.

“She’s right.” Blade agreed. “Now, what’s the plan?”

*   *   *

An hour later Rio found Skylar in the auction room, working at a large French-inspired
desk. Around the room were elegant chairs and a laptop if bidders didn’t want to use
their cell phones to bid. Stationed at the door would be one of Mrs. Grayson’s senior
students with a list of names to recheck anyone entering the room. Jason would be
there with the student if problems arose. Rio’s men would also be in the room dressed
as guests.

Skylar glanced up when Rio was several feet away. She crossed her arms. She wasn’t
pleased with him.

“It was for your own safety.”

“Good thing I don’t have a complex since you’re always trying to send me away,” she

He knelt by her chair and took her hand. “A day without you in my life would be like
a thousand, but knowing you were safe would help me greet the day with joy.”

She hugged him. “That’s beautiful. You’re forgiven.”

He kissed her on the lips. “Don’t thank me too soon. Your safety will always come

“Since I feel the same way about you, you’re still forgiven.”

Holding her hand, he came to his feet and leaned a hip against the edge of the desk.
“We’re checking the ten people I told you about this morning. Have you thought of
anything else? Anyone who sticks out in your mind?”

“Matt Hampton,” she said. “He sent me four e-mails yesterday. I kind of feel sorry
for him.”

Rio’s gaze sharpened. “He say anything about Tennyson?”

“No. Rio, he was almost begging to be allowed to attend. And I understand a little
bit. He’s trying to follow in his famous father’s footsteps in the oil industry and
not being very successful.” Skylar’s other hand covered Rio’s. “I know what it’s like
to try to live up to your parents’ image.”

“Your heart is too soft. Besides, you’d never take some of the asinine risks Hampton
has taken or associate with a devious person like Tennyson,” Rio told her.

“Maybe he didn’t know,” Skylar defended. “You said yourself that some of Blade’s associates
believed in Tennyson. He might have been duped like the others.”

“And one of them might still believe Tennyson over Blade.” He got to his feet. “I
need to check a few things out and go into town.” The bail hearing for the man who’d
intended to kill Skylar was that day, and Rio planned to be there.

“Should I wait on you for lunch?” she asked.

“No. I’m not sure what time I’ll get back. You need anything?”

“A good-bye kiss.”

He needed one as well. His head lowered, his lips moved against hers, exploring the
infinite pleasure of her mouth with greedy hunger and endless need. After a long time
his head lifted. Her lids fluttered open to reveal dazed eyes.

“My. My. I’m glad I’m sitting down,” she said slowly.

“Behave while I’m gone, and don’t give Conner any trouble,” he told her.

“I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“Somehow I doubt that.” Because he couldn’t resist, he kissed her again quickly and
then was gone.

*   *   *

Shortly after lunch, Skylar was working in the auction room when her phone rang. She
looked at the readout. Unknown. Aware that many people didn’t want their phone number
made public, she answered. “Skylar Dupree, event manager for Navarone Resorts and

“Ms. Dupree, this is Matt Hampton. I wonder if I might have a moment of your time.
Please, I beg of you.”

Her hand flexed on the phone. She should just hang up.


She really was a wimp at times. “Mr. Hamp—”

“I’ve flown down on my jet. I’m near the Navarone Castle. I can be there in five minutes.
Please,” he begged.

Another thought hit. She might be able to find out if Tennyson was behind the request.
She didn’t think Blade or Rio would want the man in the house. She also didn’t think
Conner would drive her to meet Hampton without telling Rio. Rio would insist he come
and scare the spit out of the man.

“Ms. Dupree?”

“I’ll clear you through security and meet you out front.” That was the best compromise
she could think of.

“Out front?”

“It’s that or nothing.” Where others were concerned, she could be firm.

“Thank you. I’ll be there shortly.”

Skylar disconnected the call, then called the front gate to tell them of Hampton’s
pending arrival. Finished, she waited a few minutes to tell Conner of her guest. He’d
call Rio and spoil everything.

*   *   *

“Rio know about this?” Conner asked, following her out the front door. He was a big
man with yard-wide shoulders and roped muscles. He was a good-looking sandy-haired
man who topped six feet. He kidded with her a lot, but at the moment he wasn’t smiling.

“Rio and I talked about Hampton this morning,” Skylar evaded. The car had been checked
and cleared through the security checkpoint.

“That doesn’t answer my question, Skylar,” Conner said.

She gave her best smile. “He’ll be here and gone in five minutes.”

Conner pulled out his phone just as the car pulled up. Skylar wrinkled her nose. He
was calling Rio. She didn’t have much time. She quickly went to the bottom of the
steps to greet Mr. Hampton as his driver jumped out and opened the door to the limousine.
From the corner of her eyes, she saw Jason come from the direction of the garage.
They’d spoil everything.

She extended her hand. “Good afternoon, Mr. Hampton.” He was at least six feet tall
and weighed about 210. His stomach bulged over his black crocodile Gucci belt. His
expensive suit was wrinkled. He looked as if he’d slept in it. And he hadn’t slept
well if the dark smudges beneath his eyes were any indication.

His questioning gaze went behind her, then to the front of the car where Jason stood.
Both he and Conner had guns. Hampton ignored her hand and began to perspire.

“Jason. Conner. Please give us a moment,” she asked.

Jason took one step back. She didn’t have to look at Conner to know he wasn’t moving
much farther—if at all.

She smiled at the nervous man, took his arm, and started walking. “Security for the
auction, and this is Mr. Navarone’s home. How can I help you?”

Hampton mopped his forehead with a white handkerchief. “I—I’ve come to plead with
you to change your mind.”

“Mr. Navarone’s decision is final.”

“He has to change his mind.” His eyes flashed with desperation. “You don’t understand.
He’ll—” He put his handkerchief to his mouth.


Fear widened his blue eyes. “I—I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“You’re lying. Tennyson is behind this.” She took a chance. “I wonder what he’ll say
when Blade contacts him about your visit.”

“You can’t. You don’t know what he’s like,” Hampton wailed.

“Suppose you tell me.”

“No. No. Forget I came here.” He turned to leave.

“I can’t do that.”

He turned back around. “You have to.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing.” He lunged for her.

She heard Conner’s curse. Jason yell.

Skylar blocked the man’s hands, and this time she didn’t hesitate to slap both of
his ears as hard as she could. When he grabbed them, she kneed him in the groin. He
dropped like a stone, moaning and clutching between his legs.

Conner and Jason were there before the man hit the ground. Conner eyed her and then
the man. “You ever see Rio really mad?”

She wisely kept her mouth shut. That was one image she didn’t want to think about.


Chapter 14

The front door slammed so loudly she jumped. She didn’t dare look at Jason or Conner.
At least Hampton had stopped moaning and asking for a doctor. He hadn’t wanted the
ice pack she’d offered. She took heart that they were in Blade’s office and not in
the room across from the command center. She didn’t like to remember the men converging
on her and Hampton, swarming the car. She’d thought the driver of the rented limo
would faint.

Blade’s office door opened and slammed. Rio stood there, vibrating with anger. He
went straight to her. “Why?” he snapped out.

She looked past the eelskin boots, sinfully tight blue jeans, chambray blue shirt
stretched over a toned and muscled chest, square chin, slightly bent nose, and high
cheekbones to piercing black eyes snapping her with rage. She made herself unclamp
her hands. “I thought I could get information from him more easily, and I was right.
His requests are connected to Tennyson.”

Rio’s hands fisted. “At what expense?”

“He never touched—”

He struck so fast she didn’t see him reach for her. One second she was in her seat.
The next her feet were dangling off the floor and she was eye level with Rio. “I’m
saying this once. Don’t you ever put yourself in harm’s way again. Understand?”

She tried to think of some witty comeback, but it was difficult when nerves were jumping
in her stomach. “Yes.”

For a long moment, he just stared at her as if trying to decide whether he should
shake her or turn her over his knee. “I’ll let you handle it from now on.”

If anything, his gaze intensified. He didn’t believe her. His eyes shut. He clasped
her tightly in his arms. She felt him trembling. She’d frightened him. Despite his
men being there, she hugged him, swept her hand over his head, his back. “I was never
in any danger. Conner and Jason were there in seconds. You know he wouldn’t have passed
through security with a weapon. I—”


She shut her mouth and just held him until the trembling lessened. She hadn’t meant
to scare him.

He pushed her away from him and sat her gently on the seat. After taking a few breaths,
he pinned Conner and then Jason with a look. She was sure they would talk later. She’d
have to do something to make it up to them—if possible.

Rio walked to Hampton, his steps slow and predatory. The picture of a large cat stalking
its pray leaped into her mind. He didn’t have to hurry; the intended target knew he
couldn’t get away.

Apparently Hampton had the same impression. He leaned back in the chair, his eyes
bugging. The poor man was terrified.


His gaze pinned Skylar to the chair. She snapped her mouth shut. She’d pushed Rio
as far as he was going to let her. She crossed her legs and clasped her hands in her
lap. Hampton was on his own.

“Try to harm her again, and I’ll come after you. Hard.”

Hampton gulped, mopped his perspiring forehead. “I wasn’t going to hurt her. I have
a daughter her age. I—I just wanted her to listen and understand that she couldn’t…”
His voice trailed off. His head lowered.

“Couldn’t what?”

Hampton shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

“Not good enough.” Rio struck, lifting the man by his shirt collar with one hand.
“You talk, or we’re going to go someplace and have a private conversation and you’ll
beg to tell me everything I want to know.”

The man clawed at his throat. Rio released him. He fell back in the chair, almost
toppling it. He gasped for breath.

“I’m not a patient man, Hampton. You have three seconds to tell me all you know about
Tennyson and why it’s so important for him to attend the auction or you and I are
going to take a little walk,” Rio told him.

“I don’t know.” Hampton looked near tears. “I barely know Tennyson. I was at the club
about a month ago and it was mentioned that I’d received an invitation to the Navarone
auction benefiting the Music Department of St. John’s College. He was there and asked
if he might come with me.” He looked wildly at Rio. “I told him it wasn’t possible.
He seemed to take it well and invited me to his home the next night. My wife was out
of town, so I went.”

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