All That I Desire (18 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

BOOK: All That I Desire
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With her arms resting casually over her head, one leg flexed, she watched him watching
her. His groin pulsed, moved with hunger and need.

She sat up and reached for the buttons of his shirt. “My turn.”

He could have done it faster, but he wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as her soft
fingers brushing against his naked skin, seeing the annoyance on her beautiful face
because of a stubborn button’s refusal to slip free or the triumph when it did. His
hands fisted at the brush of her firm breast against his chest as she drew the shirt
away and tossed it aside.

“I’ve got the rest.” He toed off his loafers, shucked off his briefs and jeans with
one smooth motion. Straightening, her gaze met his, then lowered.

She sucked in a surprised and appreciative breath, then reached an unsteady hand out
to touch him. He gritted his teeth and was rewarded by the softest touch he’d ever
felt as it glided over the hard length of him, the glistening tip.

He inhaled sharply. She jerked her hand back. Her eyes were huge.

“I did something wrong again?”

“Too right.”

Unable to wait a second longer, he climbed on the bed and took her in his arms, once
again tasting the seductive innocence of her mouth and body, his hands roaming freely.
There was no place that was forbidden to him, no place that he didn’t taste or touch,
and with each touch, he wanted more.

She was just as greedy and insatiable. She felt cherished by the tenderness of his
touch loving her so completely, his hot mouth suckling at her aching nipples. His
callused hands turned to velvet on her heated skin.

He burned to possess her. His searching fingers found her hot and wet and ready. She
twisted restlessly beneath him, her nails digging into his shoulder.

He rose up on his knees and sheathed himself. “Trust me.”

“With all that I am.” She reached for him.

He slid his hands beneath her hips and began to fill her, all the time watching her.
The fit was tight, the building pleasure like nothing he’d experienced before.

Her lashes fluttered closed. She sucked in her breath. He started to stop until he
heard a deep moan of pleasure, felt her hips move against his.

His hips flexed, slow and gentle against her. He withdrew slightly before increasing
the depth of his penetration again and again, slowly allowing her to adjust to him.
He needed all of his control to do so. He’d never felt anything so good or that he
needed so much.

She began to move against him, shyly at first as if unsure, then with increased urgency
and need, meeting him thrust for thrust. Her murmurs of pleasure filled his ears and
tested his control.

His heart raced; his breath shuddered out.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressed her lips to the side of his neck—and
he was lost. His pace quickened, taking both of them higher, the pleasure and ecstasy
building until release caught them both up, taking them over and under together.

For a long time he just held her. Then he moved off her to his side, pulling her naked
warmth against him. He’d never felt this content or this happy. “Are you all right?”

He frowned and lifted up his head when there was only silence. “Skylar?”

She crawled on top of him, crossed her arms on his wide chest, placed her chin on
top, and smiled smugly. “
All right
doesn’t seem to encompass what I’m feeling. If I had known it would be this good,
I would have seduced you sooner.”

Rio chuckled. “You have a mouth on you.”

Her brow shot up. “I don’t recall you complaining earlier.”

“Point well taken.” He kissed her bare shoulder and scooped her up. “Take a soak while
I go reheat the food. I’ll fix a tray and bring it back up.”

“Then one of us would have to take the tray back down before morning.” She bit his
earlobe. “I’ll meet you downstairs in ten minutes and we can eat in the dining room
as planned. Then we can come back up here. I’m not finished with you.”

He placed her on her feet in the bathroom and pulled her into his arms for a hot kiss.
“You read my mind.”

Skylar’s eyes went hot with desire. “Maybe we can wait to eat later.”

“Stop tempting me.” Moving her gently into the bathroom, he closed the door. Smiling,
he dressed and went to the kitchen.

*   *   *

Rio had the food on the table, the candles lit, when Skylar arrived in a loose soft
blue sweater and slacks. As expected, she sat in his lap and they fed each other and
talked about nothing in particular. Soon food ceased to hold either of their interest.
Together they cleaned up the kitchen and then hurried back to Skylar’s room.

Rio had barely closed the door before she was reaching for the buttons of his shirt,
he for her sweater. He was faster getting her undressed.

She was giggling until his mouth closed over the turgid peak of her breast. She sucked
in air, her hand holding his head as sensations rocked her body. “We’re going to make
up for lost time,” she said.

“Count on it.” His dark head dipped.

*   *   *

A noise woke Rio. Instantly alert, he tensed on hearing the lock disengage on Skylar’s
door. The lock had been on when he’d gone to sleep.

He covered Skylar’s mouth with his hand and whispered in her ear, “Quiet. Someone’s
in the room.”

She shivered once, then nodded. Quietly Rio got out of bed. He snapped on the bedside
lamp with one hand; with the other he picked up the heavy crystal clock on the nightstand
and threw it at the man. Dressed in black, he held a .45 with a silencer. The heavy
clock hit the intruder squarely in the forehead.

He howled and dropped the gun to grab his head. Rio ripped the night-vision goggles
from the man’s face, slammed the heel of his palm against his nose, and quickly followed
with a karate chop to the man’s throat. The intruder slid unconscious to the floor.

Rio turned to see a naked Skylar with a fireplace poker in her hands. “I could have
handled another man. Don’t you dare think of trying to help me again.”

Calmly she replaced the poker and tossed him his pants. “Never said you couldn’t.
I just wanted to do a little payback for coming at me.” She turned toward her closet
and pulled out the first thing her hand touched, a loose-fitting black dress. “I contacted
the command center and told them to call the police. I suggest you put on some pants
before they get here. I’ll take your shirt with me. I kicked your shoes under the

“I heard something and came to investigate. Got it.”

“He’s not the man from the restaurant. I’ve never seen him before.” She opened her
bathroom door. “Thank you.” The door closed.

Rio heard running footsteps and jammed his legs into his pants. Rage made his hands
shake. Someone wanted Skylar dead.


Chapter 12

Four men rushed into Skylar’s room with guns drawn. Two went to stand by the unconscious
man. One moved to Skylar. The fourth stood by Rio for orders.

“I want this place checked from top to bottom. If there is anyone else in this house
I want them found and bought to me. We’re on high alert until we have some answers.
Jason, stay with Skylar.”

“I’m going with you,” she said quietly.

She had on the black dress and flats. Her hair was a tousled mass of curls. He remembered
too clearly running his fingers though it earlier. He swung toward the unconscious
man and jerked him up by his shirt.

“Rio, don’t!” Her hands caught his raised fist.

Rage poured though him. He kept thinking what might have happened if he hadn’t been

“Please.” Her voice and hands trembled.

Rio shoved the man back to the floor. If he hit him again, he wasn’t sure if anyone
could stop him. “Get his gun and take him to the room across from the command center.”

Conner and Matthews dragged the unconscious man away. Rio took Skylar’s arm and felt
her shudder once; then she squared her shoulders.

“I’m all right, and your men are waiting,” she said, her voice and gaze steady.

“Nothing is going to happen to you,” he gritted out.

“I never doubted.” Gently, she touched his cheek.

“Come on.” They quickly reached the room. The man lay on his back with his arms outstretched.
He had a rough, clean-shaven face with a two-inch scar on the left cheek. He appeared
to be in his later thirties.

“No ID,” Conner said.

“Stay here,” Rio instructed Skylar and knelt by the man. He slapped his face. Hard.
“Wake up. Wake up,” he repeated, finally getting a low moan. “Who sent you?”

The man shook his head from side to side as if trying to orient himself, then lunged
for Rio. A sharp jab to his nose had him howling, grabbing his nose, and trying to
scoot away. He didn’t get far before Rio grabbed him again.

“Conner, take Skylar outside,” Rio said.

“Rio—” she began, but was cut off.


“Why don’t we just step out for a moment?” The door closed behind Conner.

Rio squatted before the man, his forearms on his thighs and his hands dangling down.
He looked relaxed until you looked in his deadly eyes. “Who sent you?”

The man shook his head, his gaze flickering over Rio’s shoulder to Matthews, standing
with his hand on the butt of his Glock.

Rio leaned closer. “You’ve just begun to feel pain.”

Matthews’s radio beeped. “The big man just passed security.”

Rio had minutes. He caught one of the man’s hands. “There are twenty-seven bones in
the hand. A snapping bone has a distinct sound.” Rio caught the man’s fourth finger.
“Who sent you?”

The man’s eyes widened. He tried to scoot back.

Rio bent the finger back. The intruder whimpered. The door behind them swung open.

“Rio, I believe you have my prisoner,” Dakota said.

“All I need is five seconds.” Rio’s voice was deadly quiet.

“And I wish I could give them to you.” Dakota walked over and squatted beside Rio
to read the man his rights. “Do you understand what I just said?”

The man just stared. Dakota glanced at Rio, then back at the man. “I can always go
out and come back in—I’m a generous man—let’s say in ten seconds.”

The man’s lips curled. “Yeah, I understood. I want a lawyer.”

“You’ll get one—in time.” Dakota got to his feet and motioned for Rio to follow him.
“What happened?”

Rio was ready for the lie and looked Dakota straight in the eye. “My room is down
the hall from Skylar’s. I thought I heard something and went into the hallway. I saw
him entering Skylar’s room. He has to be a professional to bypass the lock on her

Dakota glanced from Rio’s bare chest to his bare feet. “Good thing you’re a light
sleeper. She recognize him?”

“No, and he has no ID.” Rio glared at the man on the floor. “He’s hired. Give Dakota
the gun.”

Matthews stepped forward and handed the police chief the .45 in a plastic bag. Dakota’s
eyes hardened. He whirled back to the man. “Get up and sit on that bench.”

The man struggled up and sat on the bench.

“Who hired you?”

The man glared at the policeman, then Rio, his dark eyes filled with rage and hate.

“Mr. Tough Guy.” Dakota stepped behind him and cuffed the man. “We’ll see how long
that attitude lasts when you don’t get bail.”

“I’ll make bail.” His head swerved to Rio. “We’ll meet again.”

“Count on it.”

Two more policemen entered the room. Dakota handed the gun to one of the officers.
“Take this scum in and book him for attempted murder of Skylar Dupree.”

Dakota pulled the man to his feet. His nose was bruised and bloody. He had a large
knot on his forehead. “I guess you better run him by the ER before you book him. I’ll
be along shortly.”

“Yes, sir,” the one with the gun answered.

“How did you get here so fast?” Rio asked the policemen as the intruder was led from
the room.

“On my way home after a long day, and it just got longer.” He cocked his head. “Looks
like I got here just in time. I would have had a hell of a time trying to arrest you
for assault no matter the provocation.”

Rio’s expression didn’t change. “I believe the car incident and tonight are connected.
I don’t like coincidences.”

“Neither do I, but nothing popped.” Dakota rubbed the back of his neck. “Like you
said, she’s as clean as a whistle, comes from a wealthy family of lawyers. And that
jerk thinks he’s going to walk.”

“Not to mention she’s here on behalf of Mrs. Grayson, and her son-in-law is Blade,”
Rio added.

“Some people are stupid. I just hate it landed on her doorstep.”

There was a commotion outside, and Rio and Dakota went to investigate. Eli Patterson
was there with two of Rio’s men.

“The house manager is the only one we found,” Jason reported. “He was asleep in his

Patterson’s thin hair was spiked over his head. His light blue silk pajama legs stuck
out from under his matching silk robe. His hands trembled. “Is it true, Ms. Dupree,
that someone tried to attack you?”

“I’m afraid so,” Skylar answered.

He swayed. Skylar and Jason steadied the older man. “Thank God you’re all right. I …
nothing like this has ever happened.”

Her arm curved around the older man’s trembling shoulders. “I’m fine. Rio arrived
in time.”

He nodded, wiping his sweaty face with his hand. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“You didn’t hear or see anything?” Dakota asked.

The man jumped. “No. No. If I had, I would have sounded the alarm.” He turned to Skylar
again. “Are you sure you’re all right? Mr. and Mrs. Navarone left their home in my

“You couldn’t possibly be held responsible for what some crazy man did.” Skylar smiled
at him. “Why don’t I fix you a hot toddy? I’m sure everyone will understand if you
want to sleep in tomorrow.”

“You’re so kind.”

“I’ll be back.” Skylar and the man left the room.

Rio signaled Jason to go with them. From now on, everywhere she went she’d have eyes
on her.

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