All You'll Ever Need (17 page)

Read All You'll Ever Need Online

Authors: Sharon C. Cooper

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

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“Hey! What about my phone?” the man yelled as they escorted him out of the main dining room.

Jada normally enjoyed being the center of attention, but with the anger seeping through Zack’s pores, all she wanted to do was get out of there. She had to admit, a stranger taking pictures of them was a little creepy. The last thing she needed or wanted was for someone to post pictures of them on the internet.

With the cell phone still in his hand, Zack tossed enough money on the table to cover the meals and a sizeable tip. They headed to the lobby, and she could tell by the grip he had on her hand and his clenched jaw that he was still mad.

“Zack, I’m sorry about all of that.” Randy stopped him in the lobby, near the hostess stand, his hand on Zack’s shoulder. He directed them to the far corner of the large space for privacy. “I feel bad about what happened. At least let me take care of your dinner.”

“It’s not your fault.” He handed Randy the cell phone he’d taken from the other patron.”

“Yeah, it is my fault. Anyone who steps foot in my restaurant should be able to have a nice dinner without being harassed by some misguided fan.”

“Shit like this happens more times than I can count.” Zack released Jada’s hand and wrapped his arm around her, his hand resting on her hip. “I’m sure I could have handled it differently and maybe I would have if it were just me here.” He glanced at Jada. Normally when he looked at her he was smiling. This time she couldn’t read his expression. “I won’t tolerate that type of disrespect when she’s with me,” he said to Randy. “By the way, the food and the service were excellent. All the best to you, man.”

They said their goodbyes and Zack quickly texted the driver, but still hadn’t said anything to Jada. Normally he seemed totally in control, but witnessing the way he sprang into action moments ago, surprised her. Maybe this incident was why he hadn’t taken her to places like Zydeco for their dates. If this was what he went through whenever he was around people, she could see why he would shy away from public appearances.

With his hand at the small of her back, he guided her outside. Hundreds of people were lined up to enter the nightclub, which had a separate entrance. Jada was curious about the club, but not enough to talk Zack into checking it out with her.

“Zack Anderson!” someone yelled and Jada groaned.

“Nice game last week, Zack!”

She felt him stiffen next to her, not understanding why people calling out his name and expressing their love for him bothered him so much.

Suddenly a bright light flashed, temporarily blinding her and then another. She lifted her hands to block the lights and leaned into Zack, who had a tight hold on her, moving her quickly along the sidewalk.

“Zack, who’s the new woman?”

“Are the retirement rumors true?”

Questions came from all directions. Jada felt as if they were on the red carpet for an award’s show instead of hanging out at a restaurant.

An aggressive paparazzo stepped in front of them. Zack cursed under his breath. He winced in pain when he turned suddenly, taking her in a different direction, keeping her close by his side.

“Zack, your ex, Leslie Dunkin, just announced her engagement to Yuko Arizu.” Someone shoved a microphone in his face, close to Jada’s head, and she stumbled. “What do you think about–”

Zack grabbed the guy’s wrist and shoved him. “Back the hell up!” he growled, holding Jada tighter, shielding her from the people blocking their path and the assault of camera flashes. That didn’t stop the onslaught of questions. Jada kept her head burrowed into Zack’s chest until he whispered. “There’s Frank.”

The driver parked a few feet away and jumped out of the car. Rounding the vehicle, he yanked the back door open. As soon as Jada breathed a sigh of relief, someone grabbed Zack’s arm.

“Hey, how about an autograph?” Zack shook the guy off and released Jada.

“Get her in the car!”

Frank hustled her into the backseat and then jumped to Zack’s defense just before Zack’s fist made contact with a reporter’s face, who had shoved the microphone at them earlier. “Let’s go!” Frank yelled, pulling Zack back and shoving him into the vehicle.

“Dammit!” Zack pounded his fist against the interior of the car door. “That shit gets on my nerve!”

Adrenaline soared through Jada as she tried to catch her breath. Normally something like that scene would excite her but seeing the effect it had on Zack, made her wary. She couldn’t imagine going through this every time she went out.

“Are you okay?” He cupped her chin with one hand, looking at her with concerned eyes. The tension radiating from him was freaking her out a little. Never had she seen him so riled up, yet the way he took charge was a serious turn on.

She nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” She heard the quiver in her own voice and was sure he hadn’t missed it.

“I’m cool. I just don’t like them getting in our face like that, especially in your face. I’m used to their aggression, but I never wanted you to have to experience it. Some of the media are not as considerate as the others and will stop at nothing, to get an answer or a reaction out of you.”

“Like making you take a swing at them,” Jada cracked. She watched him almost punch someone, which seemed so out of character for him.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that, but I won’t apologize for wanting to knock the crap out of him.” Snuggling up to Zack, she looped her arm through his and kissed him on the cheek. “He was too damn close to you with his microphone. I couldn’t tell if he’d bumped you with it or not.”

“He didn’t and I’m fine. Thank you for taking care of me back there.”

He placed a kiss on her forehead and slipped his arm out of her grasp, wrapping it around her shoulders. “I will always take care of you.”

Frank cleared his throat. He had been driving, but Jada realized that they hadn’t told him where to go.

“I’m sorry, Frank. We’re going to call it a night. Drop us off at my place.” Jada’s shoulders drooped. She couldn’t believe they were skipping the theater. When her gaze met Zack’s, his eyes searched hers as if making sure she was okay with his decision.

Jada didn’t say anything. She knew he’d had enough for one night and as long as they were together, it really didn’t matter where they went next.

Zack lowered his head to her ear. “Are you okay with this?”

She nodded slowly.

“I’ll reimburse you for the tickets and I promise I’ll make this up to you.” He placed a soft kiss against her lips. “And I really am sorry about all of that back there. I try never to lose my temper, but...” His voice trailed off as if he couldn’t come up with a good reason for losing his temper.

“How do you think they knew we were there?” Jada straightened in her seat so that she could look at him better.

Zack moved his arm from around her shoulder and released an exhausted breath, running his hand over his short, spiked hair. “I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Randy called them.”

“What? Why?” Randy seemed like a nice guy. Jada couldn’t see him doing anything so underhanded.

“Randy is trying to put his restaurant and night club on the map. If he can get some free publicity, I’m sure he’ll do whatever it takes. What better way to draw more people out than to show them the professional athletes, actors, and models who patronize his establishment? Lines of people wrapped around the block waiting to get into the nightclub doesn’t hurt either.” Zack shrugged. “The commotion tonight will draw the grocery store tabloids, and people love drama. People will be clamoring to check out his spot. More money in his pocket.”

“But you guys are friends. He’d do something like that to you?”

he did make a call, I know it’s not personal. It’s business … for him.”

Jada mulled over their conversation and decided that she couldn’t see putting one of her friends through some mess like that.

The magic of Alex Bugnon’s talented fingers skimming over piano keys flowed through the speakers and Jada rested her head against Zack’s shoulder and shut her eyes. Tonight felt like a real first date with him, despite the drama.


The next morning, Zack kissed Jada on the top of her head, and peeled himself out of her grasp. He climbed out of bed and stumbled into the master bathroom. He loved when she stayed the night, but leaving her in his bed sleeping was getting harder and harder. He wanted nothing more than to stay snuggled beside her, but duty called. The Cougars were scheduled to meet earlier than usual to lift weights.

Zack grabbed his toothbrush and the remote control to the television mounted in the corner near the second sink. His mother thought it a little excessive to have a television in the bathroom. He wasn’t a big TV watcher, but he liked to watch one of the national sports stations to catch up on the latest in sports, while he got ready.

“Damn,” Zack said when he saw the photo plastered across the television screen of him and Jada leaving the restaurant the night before. Brushing his teeth, he turned up the volume.

“Now here’s someone we don’t see in the news often. Last night Cincinnati Cougars’ running back, Zack Anderson, was spotted leaving the popular restaurant and nightclub, Zydeco,”
the first announcer said.

“Terry, I think the last time we saw him in the news was over six months ago when his fiancée at the time, accused him of domestic violence. Granted it turned out to be untrue, but last night he was with an unidentified woman. It appears Anderson got a little hot under the collar with a paparazzo. Do we have a clip?”

Zack groaned when he watched himself on television lunging at a reporter.
Damn that was close
. Frank had grabbed his arm mid-swing and shoved Zack into the car. Whenever he needed a driver, he always requested Frank. As a former Marine, he was good at detecting problems before they happened. The last thing Zack wanted was his name attached to some nonsense, especially before he retired from the league.

Zack hoped none of his teammates saw the clip, but he knew that was wishful thinking.

An hour later, he strolled into the locker room. It seemed everyone had arrived before him, which was unusual.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Photogenic,” one of the defensive linemen said as Zack walked passed him to get to his locker. “All I want to know is who was the cutie pie you were with last night?”

“Rumor has it you’re pretty serious about this woman.”

“I heard she’s a construction worker,” someone across the room added.

“No way she works construction,” another teammate said.

Everyone added their two cents, but Zack kept walking, shaking off those who shoved him playfully. He dropped his duffle bag on the floor next to his locker and slipped out of his jacket. With all of the talk about Jada, his mind immediately backtracked to the previous night.

His lips tilted into a smile. She had stripped for him, and all thoughts of Zydeco, pushy fans, and aggressive paparazzi slid from his mind. Her love for sexy underwear showed in the numerous styles and colors she wore and the night before was no different. The look of the red satin and lace bra with the matching string-bikini would be forever embedded in his mind.

“You know what they say man,” Becker, one of the team’s offensive lineman interrupted his thoughts and pounded him on the shoulder, “once you go black, you never go back.” Everyone burst out laughing. Zack shook his head and chuckled.

He turned his back to his teammates, who were still laughing and cracking jokes. Had it been anyone else, or a different group of men, he might have had a problem with the comment. Except these guys were the best. Closer than brothers, it wasn’t uncommon for them to joke good-naturedly.

“I see my man still knows how to pick them.”

“Does she have a sister,” someone else asked.

This is going to be a long morning


Chapter Fourteen


Days later, Zack stood at the wall-to-wall windows of his sunroom, looking out over his massive yard finding peace in the stillness of the night. Snow flurries blew around, but no accumulation was expected despite it being the first week of December. Cincinnati hadn’t seen but a light dusting of snow the week prior, but Zack knew the flurries would soon turn to outright snow soon enough.

“You do realize this birthday party is for you don’t you?” Carol Anderson, Zack’s mother, asked from behind him.

He turned from the window to find her standing in the middle of the room holding a glass of wine. In her early sixties, his mother was still as young and vibrant as he remembered her to be during his childhood. Zack always appreciated her love for life despite all that she had experienced over the years. Somewhat eccentric in everything she did, she pushed the envelope, especially with her style of dress, even tonight. Her long reddish hair was the perfect accessory to her red rim glasses and red pinstripe suit with matching shoes.   

“Why are you hanging out here by yourself? Is something wrong?”

“Everything is fine, Mom. I just came out for a little breather. It looks like you and Jada invited everyone and their mother.”

“Is that what this is about? You’re upset because we threw you a birthday party?” Her hand landed on her hip, and she shifted her weight to one leg. “Do you know how many people didn’t live to see their thirty-third birthday? Every year is a gift from God.”

“I know, Mom, and it’s not that I don’t appreciate the party. I love you and Jada for doing this for me.”

“Life is too short. You have to celebrate every moment.”

“Is that why you’re marrying Haverty?”

“I thought you said you were okay with that.”

Zack shoved his hands into his front pants pockets. “I never said I was okay with my mother committing immigration fraud. I get that you’re trying to help your friend stay in the country, but marriage seems a little extreme. I want you to remarry, but I’d hoped you’d marry someone you loved, and someone who loves you.”

“I don’t think love is in the cards for me.” She sipped her wine. “Although, I am glad you found love. The more time I spend with Jada, the more time I want to spend with her. She’s such a sweetheart. She reminds me a little of myself.”

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