All You'll Ever Need (16 page)

Read All You'll Ever Need Online

Authors: Sharon C. Cooper

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

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“Zack Anderson! How ya doin’, man?” A fan extended his hand and Zack shook it, nodded his head at the guy, and kept moving toward the hostess stand. The last thing he wanted was to bring attention to himself. He gripped Jada’s hand when it seemed as if there were more people huddled together as he neared the hostess.

“Hey, Zack Anderson! Can I get a photo with you?”

After a moment, Zack half-heartedly agreed to a photo with the fan and his family, deciding that was the only one he’d agree to. All the attention reminded him of why he tried to stay out of the public’s eye. The moment they finished taking the photo, he pulled Jada to his side and whispered in her ear. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” She rubbed his lower back, her other hand on his chest.

“Good evening,” the petite hostess, with a short curly afro greeted. “Welcome to Zydeco. Do you have a reservation?”

Zack gave his name to the hostess and glanced around the trendy spot. To their right, people crowded around a large circular bar or sat at tables lacing the perimeter of the sectioned off space. On the opposite side of the restaurant sat a platform holding six semi-circular booths with high back velvet benches. It was clear the restaurant had good business. The tables and smaller booths in the center of the huge space were occupied.

“All right Mr. Anderson, if you’ll step over here,” she pointed to a spot to her right where another couple was waiting, “we’ll show you to your table shortly.”

“Well, if it isn’t
Zachary Anderson, Cincinnati’s king of the football field. What’s up with you boy?”

Zack turned to the gruff voice that could only belong to one person. He grinned at his college friend, Randy Mills, owner of Zydeco restaurant and nightclub. Zack reluctantly released Jada’s hand to shake Randy’s and pulled him in for a one-arm hug, pounding him on his back.

“What’s up, man?” Zack was glad to see his longtime friend. “You a greeter now? I thought you’d be in the back bossing people around or something.”

They both laughed. “Nah, I saw your name on the list earlier and figured I’d come out and see you.” He turned to Jada. “Zack, I see you still have good taste when it comes to women.”

Zack put a possessive arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his side. “This is my lady, Jada Jenkins. Jada meet Randy Mills one of the smartest and loudest guys I know. He’s also the owner of Zydeco.”

“Nice to meet you.” He shook Jada’s hand, holding on to it a little too long as far as Zack was concerned.

“Nice to meet you too. You have a beautiful place here.” Jada waved her hand at their surroundings.

“Thank you. I’ve been trying to get your man here to stop by. So I assume I have you to thank for his presence.”

Jada wrapped her arm around Zack’s waist. She smiled up at him. There was something special and sexy in her gaze that made him feel as if he could leap a building in a single bound. He couldn’t ever remember a woman looking at him with such … he wasn’t sure what he saw. Admiration? Respect? Love? He wasn’t sure, but it stirred the lust that was already building within him.

She returned her attention to Randy. “I might have had a little,” she held her thumb and index finger close together, “bit of influence in getting him here.” They all laughed.

Randy grabbed a couple of menus. “All right, let me see if my staff and I can show you a good time. Then maybe you’ll come back again,” he said to Zack. “I saved the best table in the house for you.”

When they arrived at their table, in a quiet corner at the back of the restaurant, Zack pulled out Jada’s chair before sitting in his own. He had to admit that the ambiance of the room, the dimmed lights, candlelit centerpieces on the tables, and the smooth sound of jazz flowing through the speakers was making a good impression. He wouldn’t expect anything less from Randy though. His college friend always did do everything with style and finesse.

“Are you going to serve our meal too?” Zack asked when Randy handed them menus.

“Ha, ha, I see you have jokes.” He shoved his hands into the pants pocket of his tan, tailored suit. “Your server will be here shortly, but I have to ask what I know everyone is dying to know, Zack. What’s this I hear about you retiring at the end of the season?”

Zack shook his head. When he renewed his contract with Cincinnati for only one year, speculations about him leaving the game spread like a wild fire. Yes, he was thinking about retiring, but he hadn’t made a definite decision yet.

Before Zack could respond, Randy said, “Don’t do it, man. Cincinnati needs you. Besides, you’re still somewhat young. Why give up the game now when you’re in your prime?”

Glad that the dining tables were spread far apart enough for others not to hear their conversation, Zack explained. “Between us Randy, I haven’t made any definite decisions. I won’t lie and say I haven’t been thinking about retirement. When I leave the game, I want to leave while I still have my faculties and the ability to walk off the field on my own.” He rubbed his jaw and chin. “You know how it is, man. I’ve been at this ten years. As a running back, my body won’t be able to continue to take the pounding that it gets every week out on that field.” Zack stopped speaking and looked at Jada, who was studying him carefully. He rapped his larger hand around her smaller one that rested on the table. “Besides, I have to start thinking about my future. Getting married and starting a family.”

Chapter Thirteen


Jada almost fell out of her chair and puddled to the floor at Zack’s words. His crystal blue eyes didn’t stray from hers, and she had no doubt he was serious about what he said. Sure, he had asked her to move in, but he hadn’t said anything about the possibility of marriage.

Zack removed his hand from hers, and she immediately missed the warmth that his touch always radiated through her body.

“With all that said, I haven’t made any definite decisions,” he said to his friend.

Randy gripped Zack’s shoulder. “I have mad respect for you, man. Whether you stay on with Cincinnati or leave, you’ve had one helluva career.”

The server came over, and Randy said his goodbyes, promising to see them before they left. The server left the table after taking their drink orders.

Zack reached for Jada’s hand again and leaned in close. “I hope I didn’t embarrass you a few minutes ago. I shouldn’t assume that we want the same thing.”

For the first time in a long time, Jada didn’t know what to say. How many times had she imagined a man including her in his plans that possibly led to marriage?

She squeezed his hand. “I think we do want the same thing.”

Those dimples of his that always made her heart flutter appeared, and he moved even closer to her. “Is that right?”

She grinned and nodded. He lowered his head and captured her lips in a kiss that made her toes curl. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to his sweetness and the touch of his mouth against hers.

Once the server took their order and left them with warm bread, Zack shared stories of him and Randy from when they were back in college. Jada couldn’t believe some of the pranks they’d pulled and the type of trouble they got into their freshman year. Zack explained that when the school administrator threatened that Zack would lose his scholarship if he didn’t straighten up, he and Randy didn’t hang out as much. Zack put most of his energy into his schoolwork and left the rest out on the football field.

“So what did you major in?”

He laid the slice of bread that he had just bitten into on a small plate and wiped his mouth. “Finance for my undergrad and I have my MBA.”

“Wow. That’s wonderful.” Jada thought of Zack as just a pro football player, forgetting he had a college education. “How or when did you get your MBA since you started playing pro football right after you graduated with your bachelors?”

“I did an accelerated MBA program, completing some of the courses online and attending classes during the off season. It was supposed to be accelerated, but it took me about two and a half years because of my football schedule.”

“I’m impressed.”

Jada pushed down the anxiety churning in her stomach. Over the years, she had had plenty of time to continue her education, but hadn’t. Going to college wasn’t one of her life goals, but now she wondered if she should rethink her goals. Would Zack one day feel the same as Dion had – claiming that all she had to bring to the table were her good looks and a tight body? Granted the two men were very different people, but she couldn’t help but wonder.

“Growing up in one of the roughest neighborhoods in Columbus, I had vowed that I was going to make something of myself. I knew I wanted to play professional football, but I also knew there were plenty of other guys that were just as talented. The competition was steep. So I had to get an education or take up a trade. I—”

He stopped speaking when the server brought their food to the table. Jada wasn’t very hungry, but her mouth watered when the steaming hot plate was set before her. Crab stuffed shrimp and one of her weaknesses, mashed potatoes. Glancing at Zack’s plate of bourbon glaze salmon, she was tempted to dig her fork into the fish for a taste.

“Is there anything else I can get either of you?” the server asked, looking from Jada to Zack.

“Everything looks amazing.”

“This looks great.”

Zack and Jada spoke at the same time, eliciting a laugh from the server.

“Well, enjoy your meals and let me know if you need anything else.”

Jada dug into her mashed potatoes. She felt like such an underachiever compared to Zack. As the youngest in her family and the only girl, her parents supplied her with whatever she wanted. She hadn’t really thought much about her future. It was not until she decided that she didn’t want to go to college did things change in their household. Her parents gave her an ultimatum. Either go to college or find a job. She couldn’t live under their roof without one or the other. Becoming a sheet metal worker wasn’t in her plans. It was not until she found out how much money construction workers made did she decide to pursue a career in the trades.

They ate and talked, enjoying each other’s company. This was what Jada had been missing with their previous dates. She had longed to get dressed up and go out on the town with Zack. Not just to be seen with a handsome man, but needing to have what she referred to as a real date. Their conversation flowed easily, and it was refreshing to be with a man who didn’t talk about himself the whole time.

“What made you pick this restaurant?” Zack cut into his salmon. “Have you been here before?”

Jada shook her head, having just bit into one of the shrimps. “No, I’ve wanted to come since it opened. So when I thought about us going out for a nice dinner,” she shrugged, “this was the first place I thought about. What’s your excuse for not coming here sooner, especially since you know the owner?”

“No special reason. Only that I’m not a big fan of large crowds or popular, hotspots. This place has been getting rave reviews and is listed as one of the top ten places to be on the weekend in Cincinnati.” He plopped a piece of the fish into his mouth and moaned. “Damn, this is good.” He wiped his mouth. “You’ve been eying my plate ever since the server sat the dish in front of me. Do you want some?” He held his fork, loaded with salmon, in front of her.

Jada couldn’t resist. She opened her mouth and the moment the succulent fish touched her tongue, she closed her eyes and moaned. The women in her family were excellent cooks, but this had to be the best salmon she had ever tasted.

“Oh my goodness, you’re right.” She opened her eyes, still chewing, only to find Zack staring at her, his eyes glittered with desire. She swallowed hard as he moved his chair closer to hers.

“Sweetheart, you can not moan like that and not expect to have an effect on me. Come here,” he said, his voice raspy.

No more words were spoken. With his hand at the back of her head, he gently pulled her to him and covered her mouth with his. Jada didn’t ever think she’d get tired of kissing him. Each time his lips touched hers, everything in her yearned for more. His tongue tangled with hers, and she placed her hand on his chest, his hard muscles contracting beneath her touch. When he increased the pressure of their kiss, longing shot through her like a rocket launching into interplanetary space. She squeezed her thighs together to control the sweet, torturous throb between her legs. She wanted him like she’d never wanted any other man and tonight she couldn’t wait to get him home.

Jada saw a flash and lifted her head. When she and Zack pulled apart, they both noticed a man standing about ten feet from their table, his cell phone in his hand. He snapped another picture.

“What the fu…” Zack bolted from his seat, knocking over his chair before Jada could stop him. He grabbed the man by the front of his shirt. “What the hell are you doing?” Zack snatched the cell phone out of the guy’s hand and held it out of his reach.

“Hey, give me that back!” The man flailed his arms trying to reach his phone as Zack maintained a death grip on the guy’s shirt, keeping him at arm’s length.

“Zack, you’re making a scene,” Jada whispered, trying to get him to calm down. “Just give the phone back to him. It’s not that serious.”

“The hell it isn’t,” Zack growl. “You’re going to delete every damn picture you took of us.”

“It’s a free country—”

“What’s going on here?” Randy and someone from his security team came up to them, separating the two men. Security held the other patron, while Zack backed away until he was near their table.

“Zack, let’s just go.” Jada grabbed hold of his muscular arm while he pushed buttons on the man’s cell phone, apparently deleting the photos himself. “Zack.”

“Give me a minute,” he said distractedly.

“What happened?” Randy asked Jada, who was still holding onto Zack’s muscular bicep, trying to ignore all of the stares. “What did the guy do?”

“He took photos of us kissing,” Jada explained, glad to see that Zack was finished.

“Get him out of here,” Randy said to security and followed behind them.

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