Alpha Billionaire Obsession (5 page)

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Authors: Katrina Ivory

Tags: #contemporary romance, #alpha, #romance short stories, #comtemporary romance, #billionaire romance, #alpha billionaire, #alpha male erotic romance, #alpha male romance, #alpha romance, #billionaire obsession

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“I don’t want to spend another day
apart,” continued Brian. “Anna, let’s work on this relationship
together. I’ll make sure that every day, you trust me a little
more. I want you to know that you have nothing to be afraid of. I’m
all yours, and I’m hoping you’ll still be mine.”

Anna smiled for real now and nodded.
Her heart soared with joy. Brian walked over to her and they
embraced and kissed. Everyone in the restaurant cheered.

Anna and Brian held true to what Brian
had asked: they worked on their relationship together. Anna began
to trust Brian more, and Brian was patient and didn’t get upset
when little problems came along.

Anna was spending so much time at
Brian’s house that a few months later, he asked her to move in with
him. She did, and it was wonderful. Anna loved the feeling of
getting into bed with Brian at night and waking up to him next to
her every morning. They were so in love and it was beginning to
feel real and permanent.

It wasn’t long before Anna finally got
to meet Joey. It turned out that he was a cute, energetic Golden
Retriever, and he was a great running buddy. She met Melissa too,
but it didn’t bother her or make her jealous at all. She was
confident in her relationship with Brian, and knew that he loved
her with all his heart.

Brian became a totally different
person at work. “You’re such a good influence!” he joked with Anna,
saying that her positivity must have rubbed off on him. Instead of
being stressed and distant and rude to their coworkers, Brian
started going into the office more, and chatting with everyone who
worked there. He got to know everyone personally and wasn’t all
business anymore. Even Chuck admitted that Brian had changed, and
was “cool” now. Brian’s behavior in turn seemed to motivate
everyone else further, and the business was doing better than it
ever had been before. Brian was able to hire more people so that he
didn’t have to work as much.

This gave Anna and Brian more time
together, and they used it to travel the world, staying of course
in luxury hotels that Anna couldn’t have even dreamed of. And it
was in Italy, where Anna had said on their first night together
back in Chicago that she’d always wanted to go, that Brian proposed
to her. They were walking around Venice at night when Brian got
down on one knee and asked Anna to marry him. It was the happiest
moment of her life so far.

The following summer, Anna took a
break from planning their wedding to reflect on the past year. She
couldn’t believe that only a year had gone by since she first met
Brian, yet everything had changed. They were to be married that
fall. It was going to be a big, joyful wedding, with both of their
families, friends, and coworkers attending. Macy was Anna’s maid of
honor, of course.

A year ago, Anna had been so unsure of
herself and of what she wanted out of a relationship. Her past
relationships had been nice, but lacking, and she’d found herself
starting fresh, which was exciting yet terrifying at the same time.
But through building her own self-confidence, she’d found out
exactly who she was, and who she wanted to be with. Needless to
say, Brian had changed for the better because of their relationship
too. And they’d both learned not to give up. What they had was
special and definitely worth fighting for. Yes, their relationship
had had its rocky moments, but by sticking together and building up
trust and respect, they’d gotten through it all.

Best of all, the passion in their
romance still grew stronger and stronger with each day that passed.
Anna and Brian loved each other wholly and unconditionally. They
were always on each other’s minds, and so they aimed to make every
moment together count, both emotionally and physically. Not a day
went by where they didn’t kiss each other good morning and good

The year had been a whirlwind of
emotions, and all for the best, Anna concluded. She was thankful
that her life had led her to this very moment. She had never been
so happy before, and the best was still yet to come.

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Preview Of

The Billionaire Rock
’ by Katrina

Chapter One

towels, spotless carpet, and fresh sheets and bedspreads; ten
suites down and ten more still to go until I could take a break
from my repetitive work schedule and get a nice cup of coffee.
Caffeine was needed on Sundays like this. Saturdays at the hotel
were always slammed with high paying guests who believed that their
hefty wallets gave them the right to do what they wanted in their
rooms, which meant on Sunday morning I was cleaning up their messes
after they checked out. I had worked at the hotel for two years and
the pay was decent, but sometimes when I was cleaning up upside
down pizzas from the carpet or spilled liquor on the mattresses, I
wondered why I hadn’t found a better job. As much as it irked me I
still reminded myself that I worked at the hotel not only because I
needed the money, but also because I hoped to move up the ladder to
a better position. My degree was hardly being used with my cleaning
position, but I was promised a management promotion after college
graduation and since I finished college a year ago, that promotion
was long overdue.

It was
not just an ordinary hotel either; it was a high end, luxurious,
remote hotel that was frequented by very wealthy guest and often
famous celebrities, profession athletes, and musicians. So there
was potential for a promising career in management within the

“Do you
guys ever make it in the toilet?” Ella said as I walked out into
the hall to my supply cart. “I swear we should put a bull’s-eye in
there to get them to aim.”

shook her head as she reached into her cart for more cleaning
supplies. She had been working there for almost a year and we had
become really close friends.

“I am so
sick of grown men not picking up after themselves.” I told her.
“They are worse than children.”

wealthy men at the hotel loved to abuse their status. They acted as
though since they had paid a high amount to stay there, then they
could trash the rooms as they pleased. There were woman with the
same thoughts and I cleaned up my fair share of spilled wine and
bathroom counters smeared with makeup, but it seemed as though men
did it way more often.

“Are you
still coming to my birthday party on Saturday?” Ella

course.” I smiled.

My manager yelled my name from down the hall. Tim was the manager
of the cleaning department at the hotel. He was also a jerk on a
power trip. “I need you to go to the penthouse suite 7D and clean
up Jacuzzi. Apparently the guess is complaining that he can’t bathe
because it’s a mess.”

I nodded and made my way to the elevator. The penthouses were
exclusive and the most expensive suites in the hotel, which meant I
had to be all smiles and over polite when I spoke to the guess,
even if they were complete jerks.

elevator opened and I reluctantly walked to suite 7D. I could hear
the party from the elevator. Rock music was blaring and loud voices
were yelling and laughing hysterically. The sound of glass breaking
shattered through the hall as I stomped my way to the door. I
didn’t have to knock because the door was open and a man and woman
were leaning against the doorway talking. The woman, wearing only a
red bikini top and black shorts was smoking a cigarette and blowing
the smoke towards the man’s face as he used his best come on lines
in an attempt to get laid.

sorry, but this is a non-smoking floor.” I told the red lipped

me?” She blew the smoke towards me.

smoking is allowed here.” I repeated.

bad,” She grinned sarcastically before putting the cigarette out
right on the white wall in front of me. “I guess you can clean that
up later.”

Her dark
lined eyes watched me, waiting for a reaction, hoping she had
burned me inside while extinguishing the cigarette out on the wall
for me to clean. I wanted to react by kicking her butt up and down
the hallway, but instead I smiled and brushed it off, reminding
myself that I needed the job at the hotel.

“I am
here to clean the Jacuzzi.” I just wanted to do my job and get out
of there.

course you are.” She rolled her eyes and swung he short fire engine
red hair away from her face. “Follow me.”

the strong urge to push her down, I followed behind her, stepping
over liquor bottles and empty beer cans. There were people dancing
on top of the beds and two huge dogs dressed in leather eating a
pizza off the floor. I shook my head at the thought of cleaning up
the mess after they all left.

isn’t here right now, he just ran down to the lobby. But he wants
this Jacuzzi cleaned. It is disgusting. I mean how are we supposed
to take a bath with this mess?” She opened the bathroom

happened in here?” I asked as I walked in and saw a normally
pristine white Jacuzzi tub stained red. As I walked over to the tub
I saw a layer of thick gel like substance caking the surface. My
eyes shot around the large bathroom. The same red substance was
caked on the tiled floor, mirror and even the toilet.

yeah.” She giggled. “We had a jello fight last night. I

My eyes
closed for a moment. Be nice. Be patient. Keep your job. I counted
to five before opening my eyes and speaking.

ma’am.” I said. “I will get to cleaning right away.”

She smirked. “And also, that is my bag right there, if anything
goes missing I will know it was you that stole from me.”

Maybe cleaning up after men wasn’t so bad.

I began
trying to clean the red film of jello from the tub. Each time I
scrubbed it only seemed to make it worse. The fact that grown
adults made the unnecessary mess just infuriated me even more. In
an attempt to clear my head and gather myself before making a mess
out of my own job, I threw down my yellow rubber gloves and headed
out of the penthouse to find some better cleaning supplies. The
walk to the maintenance room would give me a breather and a much
needed break from the loud music, rude guest and forbidden smoke.
It was only eleven in the morning and these people were party hard,
I’d hate to see what they were at night.

As I
walked past the vending machine area I decided that maybe a cold
drink might cool down my nerves. But as with everything else in my
day, the vending machine did not work properly. I kicked it as it
took my dollar.

really shouldn’t do that.” A man said from beside me.

I turned
to see a very handsome man. His dark black hair hung down just past
his ears and was chopped in edgy layers. The color of his eyes were
blue, like the sky on a clear July 4th day, and they had an
excitement in them like fireworks. He was wearing black pants and
an unzipped black hoodie, open for all the see his hard muscular
abs. He was gorgeous and sexy, but the best part about him was his
smile that was half way up.

“I know,
kicking the machine is against hotel rules.” I smiled back at him.
“Don’t tell my boss.”

“Well I
was more worried about you hurting yourself.” He walked towards me
and pulled out his wallet from his pocket. “Let me try.”

he inserted the money into the machine.

your poison?” He asked, his half smile dangling on his

“Surprise me.” I said, not taking my eyes away from his deep
blue eyes.

His eyes
stayed focused on mine as though we didn’t want to take the chance
of looking away and losing the sight of one another. He reached for
the machine and pushed a button, but nothing happened. Smiling that
half curved grin, he pushed another button, and another. I laughed
as we finally broke eye contact.

“It took
my money too.” His voice was friendly and playful. “You know
someone that works here should really fix that.”

I’ll get right on that after I finish cleaning the suite from
hell.” I ran my hands down my bland gray maid’s uniform as I
remembered that I needed to get back to work. “Well thank you for
trying for me. I’m sorry it took your money. I think I have another
dollar on me to pay you back.”

As I
reached for my pocket he stopped me and shook his head.

don’t worry about it, really.” He said.

“No, I
need to pay you back.” I hated mooching off of people of feeling
like I was taking advantage of someone.

insist.” There was his crooked smiled again and his intense

Thank you.” My heart was fluttering as I looked over his gorgeous
body. I regretted having to leave his sight. “Well, I have to get
back to work, but I will make sure that our top employees get to
work on that vending machine.”

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