Always (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Always
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Chapter Thirteen



Liam called to say he was going to be late picking her up. He was helping LJ pack for his overnighter with Dylan and then had a special stop to make for the surprise evening he’d planned for the two of them. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she thought of the possibilities. One thing she knew for sure: she’d probably never forget tonight, and from what she could remember, Liam’s surprises didn’t disappoint. So she was in the bathroom, taking extra care to look extra good for him tonight.

Her cell phone rang in the other room, so she put down her hair straightener to answer. As she picked it up, an unknown name and number flashed across the screen, indicating the caller had blocked the number.


A dial tone met her greeting.

Figuring she must have missed whoever was calling, she shrugged and went back to the bathroom to continue getting ready.

A few minutes later, the house phone rang, and Susan came down to the guest room, now officially Teegan’s room until she found a place of her own, to hand her the phone. “It’s for you, Teeg. I don’t recognize the voice.”

Her eyebrows scrunched together. “Since when have I been so popular?” she mumbled. “Can’t a girl try and look her best without any interruptions? Damn phones keep ringing off the hook.”

Susan laughed. “You look beautiful, honey. Now go on and don’t keep the guy waiting any longer.”

“Guy?” Teegan tensed. “Did he give you a name?” Without waiting for an answer, she reached for the phone. “Hello.” She was met by silence, so she tried again. “Hello, is anyone there?”

There was nothing but heavy breathing before she was met with a dial tone again.

“Is everything all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Susan pried the phone from her white-fingered grip.

“It’s probably nothing, Susan. Thanks for your concern.”

“Well, did he at least answer you? What’s probably nothing?”

“Um, no, but it was probably just a wrong number.”

“No way. That just wouldn’t make sense when the guy asked for you specifically.” Susan shook her head. “You have a suspicion who it was, don’t you? Look, Teeg, if you’re in some kind of trouble, you need to tell us about it, okay?”

“I will, Suzy Q. I promise. I’m just a little jumpy since Oliver, that’s all. It was a prank call. No harm done. I mean, there are people in this small town that aren’t happy with me being here. It could have been Cindy bribing a buddy to call me up and breathe heavily into the phone to try and spook me. Who knows? It happens all the time.”

“Not in this town.”

“Please, Susan, let’s just keep this between us for now. I don’t want to worry James any more than he already is. Lord knows I don’t need him harassing every guy in town to figure out who it was. Not to mention Liam. We’ve just gotten back together, and things are going so wonderfully. I don’t want to ruin it or scare him off by adding some unneeded drama in his life. I just want to be happy again, please.”

Susan snorted. “Liam wouldn’t leave you because of something as silly as this. Geez, Teeg, he’s waited for you all of these years, and I know he’ll be holding on to you tight. Can’t you see the love in that man’s eyes for you? But this phone call will stay between the two of us for now. Just promise me you’ll tell me if they continue or get any worse. I’m watching you.”

“I promise.” She held up her hand before giving her sister-in-law a hug. “You’re the best, Suzy Q. I really mean it. You’re the sister I’ve always wanted. I’m so glad my brother married you.”

“And I love you too, Teeg.” Susan chuckled. “Now get your pretty butt upstairs. Liam should be here any second.”

“Yes, ma’am!” She saluted at Susan and laughed to take the edge off her sister-in-law’s worried expression.

Tegan understood that Susan couldn’t help being motherly. That was just the kind of person she was, but it was also fun to tease her sometimes.




“Teegan!” Carter ran to her and wrapped himself around her leg.

“Hey, little man.” She picked him up and gave him a raspberry on his cheek to make him giggle. “What can Auntie Teegan do for you tonight?”

He sucked on his thumb and snuggled closer.

“I think he wants you to put him to bed.” James chuckled. “That’s what you get for spoiling the kids rotten.” He sat back on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table.

She sat down in the living room glider. “Shut it, James.” She stuck out her tongue. “I don’t mind putting this gorgeous guy to bed. Liam’s not here yet anyway, and it’s my job as their aunt to give them all the love I can. It’s not like I have kids of my own to spoil, so why not devote everything I can to yours and Liam’s? Dylan, Carter, and LJ are amazing. How can anyone not want to shower them with love? You’re one lucky man, brother. You’ve got a beautiful wife, house, and children.” She sighed before giving Carter a kiss as she rocked him, hoping he’d fall asleep for her.

“Damn straight he is.” Susan made herself comfortable beside James. “Thanks, Teeg.” She winked before smiling. “Motherhood would sure look good on you too, one of these days. You’re a natural, and Lord knows we could use some girls in this family.” They were surrounded by all kinds of testosterone.

“Well thank you, Suzy Q. I appreciate it.” Teegan laughed.

Carter was soon snoring, and Susan took over to tuck him in. Minutes later, Liam and LJ came through the door, and Teegan noticed him before he noticed her.

His light brown hair was starting to curl at his nape. These days, he was wearing it longer than he used to, but it looked good on him. It gave him a rugged, bad-boy kind of look that was the exact opposite of what he was like. There were faint lines at the edges of his beautiful baby-blues as he laughed at something LJ and Dylan said. His succulent lips pulled into a smirk when he walked into the room and noticed her looking at him.

He wore a snug, black shirt that accentuated his muscular arms and pecs, and his lickable washboard abs. An impressive package bulged inside perfect-fitting BB jeans. She covered her mouth to hide her smile.
Yep, those jeans sure give a great view of his butt and
bulge. They mold to him like they were made for him. Okay, Teeg, wipe the drool off
your face and move your ass. The date hasn’t even started and already you want to jump
his bones. Get a hold of yourself, damn it.

She stood just as LJ and Dylan ran by to get settled. “Well?” She twirled around to give Liam a better view. She’d gone shopping earlier to pick out the short, slim-fitting, and strapless little black dress, attempting to go for a sexy-but-casual look. Black strappy sandals and a small handbag finished her look, and she patiently waited as Liam took all of her in.

“You’re gorgeous.” He pulled her into his embrace and pressed his lips against her ear so no one else could hear him finish what he needed to say. “Damn, Teegan, you’re so sexy in that little thing, it’s taking all the strength I have not to throw you over my shoulder so I can take you someplace and peel it off you. You’re so delectable, I want to savor every part of you as I taste you with my mouth, feel you with my hands, and love you with…”

His crotch pressed against her stomach, and she bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning. He wanted her just as much as she wanted him, and it would be interesting to see how long they’d last until they did just as he’d suggested. Just the thought of it made moisture pool between her legs.

“Damn, you two, get a room,” James called out, looking amused. “There are children present, and you look like you’re about to devour each other right here and now.”

Liam laughed as she blushed. When Liam was near, she could get lost in him and forget everything and everyone around her.

“Well then, I think we’d better get going. Are you ready, Sunshine?”

“I sure am.” She nodded, blowing both James and Susan a kiss good-bye, eager to find out what he had planned for the night.




The large fishing boat calmly rocked in the water where it sat docked. On the side was a logo that read
Bates Tours
in bold letters with a picture of a bright yellow sun next to it. A large cabin dominated the middle of the boat with a blanket and picnic basket beside it, while the flat back contained benches.

“Are you taking me fishing tonight? It’s been years since I’ve done that, but I’d be willing to give it a shot.”

“I’ll file that information away for a later date, Sunshine. LJ loves to fish, so I may take you up on that offer, but tonight I have other plans for us. Ten years ago, I promised a very beautiful girl I’d take her out on the water, and I intend to fulfill that promise and so much more. We had our first date over there. Do you remember?”

He pointed off to the side of the docks and across to the sand, and the memories came flooding back. She felt as if she were eighteen again and had just become infatuated with the love of her life. “Of course I remember. I was totally into you, and knew I wanted you right from the beginning. I still love it here just as much as I did back then. The scenery is still so beautiful and always will be. This is home, and this spot is all the more special thanks to you and our memories together.” She held her arms out and twirled around just like she had all those years ago. “Do you want to test the waters again?” She smiled wide.

“I think I’ll take a rain check. Don’t you remember how cold the water is?” He chuckled. “Besides, I believe I promised to take you whale-watching and never got around to it. What do you say, how about a little boat ride first?”

“Oh yeah, it was freezing, and I’d love to take a ride. But you know what I remember most from that night? It was when we had our first kiss. It was also the night you gave me my nickname.” She smiled and placed her fingers against her mouth as she remembered it.


He stepped up to where she stood, right at the edge of the water.

“Well—” she beckoned “—I’m awfully lonely over here.”

“Really?” He hopped on one foot and then the other as he removed his shoes and socks. “I’d hate for you to be lonely, Sunshine.” He pulled her into his embrace, wrapped his arms around her midsection, and kissed her forehead.

“Sunshine? I’m not sure I like that nickname.”

“Why not? You’ve certainly brightened my day, but I can think of a new one if you don’t like it.” He took a strand of her long, blonde hair between his fingers and twirled it. “Your hair has gold highlights in it. ‘Sunshine’ suits you, Teegan.”

“Well, when you put it that way—” Her heartbeat quickened, her face flushed, and she held her breath as he moved his face closer. “Liam.”

“Yes?” His lips stopped short of touching hers.

“Please kiss me,” she whispered. She raised her hand and brushed her fingers through his hair to pull him the last inch in for their first kiss. Their lips touched, they opened their mouths, and their tongues met with equal desire.


“It was a great kiss.” She smirked. “Hell, it was even adorable when you slipped and got me all wet as you tried to sweep me off my feet. I certainly loved how you warmed me up afterward. I got a great view of you without your shirt and a few more stolen kisses before the night ended. What was not to love? I’ve cherished the memory, just like I have with all the memories we’ve had together.”

“As have I, Sunshine.” Liam barked out a laugh before pulling her closer. “I think I may have been trying to impress you, but it backfired on me. I can’t say I regret the way things turned out, though. As I recall, that was the first time I caught a glimpse of you without your shirt on as well, and I remember thinking how lucky I was that you were there with me when you could have had anyone you wanted. You were so tempting. I swear I fell in love with you that night. You were the total package and had a way of surprising me. There was never a dull moment with you, and now here we are…”

He caressed the side of her face as though she was the most precious thing in the world to him, then leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. He moved to her forehead, then down her nose until he reached her lips.

His lips tenderly grazed the tops of hers before he pushed against them further. They took their time with the kiss, enjoying the memories, the moment, and just being together again. It was heaven, but Teegan’s need for him came out as she moaned and inched her body as close to his as possible. That was his cue to turn up the heat. He traced her lower lip with his tongue before probing to meet the silky, wet smoothness of her tongue against his. Their tongues entangled in a never-ending, passionate need for a taste that would never be enough, even though they weren’t ready to admit it yet. They moaned in unison.

Teegan pulled back to kiss along his jaw and up to his earlobe. “And you still taste as good as you did back then too. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone I liked kissing as much as I do you.” She smiled, then exhaled before looking him in the eye. “But as much as I like tasting you, I am a little curious about your plans for the night. Nice boat, by the way.”

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