Always (9 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Always
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Chapter Eleven



“Thanks for lunch, Claire. I felt bad about the other night. Leaving with Liam cut our girl time short, so I thought we could catch up a little this afternoon,” Teegan said as she sat down at the patio table Claire had grabbed for them at the restaurant.

“No worries, Teeg. Now you’re back for good, we can catch up anytime. So tell me, how was the other night?” Claire giggled and lifted her eyebrows up and down repeatedly.

“It was great.” Teegan stared dreamily ahead as if she was in her own world. “I’m afraid I’m not the type of girl to kiss and tell, but I will tell you the chemistry is still there. The things that man does to me.” She fanned herself. “I wouldn’t mind several repeat performances in the near future, let me tell you.”

“Lucky girl. I wish Aaron and I still had that chemistry.”

“So you married Aaron Simons, huh? He was a stud back in the day.” Teegan winked. “I find it hard to believe you’d have problems keeping the chemistry alive with that guy.”

Aaron had been one of the more popular high school jocks. He played football, soccer, basketball, and hockey, which covered just about every season. He wasn’t necessarily a ladies’ man like his friends seemed to be, but his social life was certainly a busy one.

“Is anything wrong?” Teegan asked.

“Well, no, it’s nothing like that. It’s just not as fun as it used to be, that’s all.” She looked around as if to make sure no one was listening to their conversation and leaned forward a little. “We’ve been married for five years now, and I love him to pieces,” she said, lowering her voice. “The thing is, we’ve been trying to get pregnant for the last two years. After the first unsuccessful year, we went to the doctor to make sure everything was okay, but, well—oh hell, Teeg, Aaron has a low sperm count, so our sex life just seems too routine. I’m tired of only having sex at certain times, tired of taking my temperature and counting the days of ovulation. I miss the spontaneity, and the fireworks we used to create, the raw hunger and desire we once had.”

She sighed. “I guess I’m just afraid he feels the same way I do. What if I don’t make him happy anymore? What if he goes somewhere else?”

“That’s ridiculous. You’re an amazing woman, Claire, and I’m sure Aaron knows it. Have you both tried other methods? What about in vitro fertilization? Or maybe adoption. There are a ton of amazing children that need a good home. You’d be an incredible mom, Claire. I really hope this all works out for the two of you.”

She took Claire’s hand. “I’d love to be a mom myself one day. It’s highly unlikely—hell, I’m single and almost thirty—but hey, a girl can dream.”

Claire smiled. “Thanks, Teeg. In vitro is really expensive, so we’re saving up, and I’ve tried to talk to him about adoption options, but he wants a child of his own, his own flesh and blood. I’m all out of ideas here.”

“Do you love him?”


“I said, do you love him?”

“Yes, Teegan, of course I do. That has nothing to do with—”

“You’re wrong, Claire. Loving him has everything to do with it. I think you should just throw caution to the wind and show him how much he means to you. Make him feel sexy. Here’s what I propose: treat yourself. Go buy something sexy to wear for him tonight. Some jaw-dropping lingerie that you know will drive him mad with lust. Think romantic—massage oils and candlelight. On second thought, you should also think kinky.”

Teegan smiled wide and rubbed her hands together, enjoying the plotting. “Edible body paints, strawberries, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream. Hmm, shall I go any further?” She raised a brow, daring Claire to allow her to continue. “Because I tell you, hon, this is one subject I can spend all day discussing with you.”

“No, I get the point.” She laughed. “And I think that’s a great idea, Teeg. You’ve got me excited now.”

“Why, Claire, I had no idea I made you feel that way.” Teegan placed a hand over her heart and batted her eyelashes.

“Oh whatever. You know damn well I didn’t mean it like that.”

They both chuckled.

“I’ve got so many things to do now before Aaron gets home. I’ll let you know how everything turns out.”

“I’m glad I could help, Claire, but just one more thing, and then I promise I’ll leave it alone.”

“Sure thing, what’s up?”

“Promise me you’ll also talk to him. I know if you do, you’ll feel so much better. It might get him to open up about how he’s feeling as well, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“You think so? Aaron is not the touchy-feely type. He usually just keeps things to himself, but I’ll give it a shot.” She shrugged. “I’ll butter him up first, though.”

“That a girl. You go and get those juices flowing again.”

Claire rose and gave her a big hug. “Thanks, Teeg!”

“Hey, you mind if I cut in on a little of that action?” Colby chuckled and pulled a chair up to the opposite side of where they sat at the table. “There’s nothing more arousing than seeing two very beautiful women pressed together. That is, unless I’m in the middle.”

Teegan grimaced. “You’re not very funny, Colby. In fact, I’d say that statement was a downright turnoff. Those thoughts should be kept to yourself, hon. You need to learn a thing or two about women.”
Typical male!

“Sorry, Teeg, Claire. I was just kidding. I didn’t mean any offense.” He held up his hands. “I honestly came over to see how you were and apologize for my sister’s behavior the other night. I don’t know why she has it in her head that her and Liam were anything more than casual. Hell, she was seeing other people the whole time. My guess is that he ended it before she could and her pride is hurt. Plus, she was always a poor sport when it came to her competition. The self-absorbed little—” He cleared his throat. “Um, sorry. Anyway, I noticed you both over here and thought I’d do that and maybe grab some coffee while I was here. I really am sorry for everything. Is it okay if I join you?”

“Actually…” Claire stood. “I really should get going. I have a ton of things to do before Aaron gets home.” She winked. “Colby, it’s good seeing you again. Sorry to rush off so fast. Teeg, I will talk to you soon with updates.”

“Sure thing, Claire. Good luck tonight, and make it good.”

And then she and Colby were alone.

“Your sister isn’t around, is she?” Teegan looked around the patio before turning her gaze back to Colby.

“Nah, thank God. I’m not sure where she is today. Would you like me to relay a message for ya?”

She smiled at him before taking a sip of water. “No thanks. If I have to say something, I prefer to do it myself. I was just wondering so I could prepare myself for a full-blown assault. It seems she has taken a dislike to me, and I’m getting sick and tired of her rudeness. I’ve done nothing wrong, and despite what she may believe, I really don’t have anything to do with Liam’s decision to end things with her.”

“I know, Teeg. Hang in there. She’ll get over it soon enough.” He reached across the table to give her hand a little squeeze and genuinely looked sorry for her.

“Thanks, Colby, but I can take care of myself. There’s no reason to feel sorry when you haven’t done anything to be sorry for.” She pulled her hand away, wanting a subject change. “So tell me about yourself. It’s been years. How have you been?”

“I’m good, but what do you want to know? Name it and I’ll tell ya.”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “What do you do? Did you end up leaving here and then coming back, like me? You got a wife, kids? I don’t know—anything. I’m just trying to spark a conversation here that doesn’t involve your sister. She’s not my favorite subject lately.”

“I get it.” He smiled. “Well, in answer to all of those questions, I help fish the scallops. I work on the docks like James. Go out in the Fundy every day, working my butt off. Same ol’, same ol’, and no, I stayed behind instead of going to college and began fishing right out of high school. No wife and kids yet, either. How about you?”

“It’s complicated, but long story short, I left, went to college, became an artist, opened my own online gallery, and I do all right. No husband or kids yet, either. I moved back as a way of giving myself a fresh start. Turns out I should never have left.”

“Oh yeah, and why is that?”

“Like I said, it’s a long story. Boring and a little sad, so I’ll spare you the details.”

“Okay, we’ll leave it at that. It’s none of my business, anyway. I like you, though, Teegan. Can I take you out sometime?”

She blushed, hating that she had to reject him, but she couldn’t lead him on, either. “I’m really flattered, Colby, but I’m not interested in anything more than a friendship with you right now. I’m sorry, I just have a lot going on and—”

“It’s okay, Teeg.”


“Speak of the devil,” Colby muttered, then pointed behind her.

“It’s not your sister, is it?” She turned around to look and sighed in relief at seeing Liam approach.

“No, it’s the man you two seem to be fighting over. He’s one lucky guy.”

“Am I?” Liam leaned over to give Teegan a kiss on the cheek, then stood straight and extended his hand to Colby in greeting. “Colby, it’s good to see you again.” He made a point of putting his arm around her as though she was a part of some sort of territorial battle, and Colby smiled.

“I see. I was actually saying that you were a lucky guy because I asked Teegan here out, and she turned me down, but I somehow have the feeling it would have been an acceptance had you been the one who asked. Sorry, man. I didn’t know.”

“No problem.”

“Excuse me…” Teegan stood and stepped away from Liam. “Please don’t discuss me like I’m some sort of object. Liam, you and I are great friends, but we haven’t made any official declarations, either.” She sighed and turned to Colby. “Look, Colby, it was great to see you again, and I’m sorry if I’ve been rude. Maybe we’ll do coffee again some other time as friends to catch up. Now if you both don’t mind…” She left some money on the table, turned, and left.

“Hey, wait up.” Liam quickly caught up to her. “What did I do wrong?”

“What was with all that territorial bull back there—the kiss and the possessive arm around my shoulder? Colby’s not a bad guy, and in case you didn’t hear, I handled him just fine on my own.”

“I know. I guess I just didn’t like seeing you with him, and I panicked.”

“So you were jealous?”

“I just didn’t like it.”

She laughed humorlessly. “Oh, and I liked seeing you with Cindy so much, huh? Not to mention having to put up with all her crap. To hear that she knows how you taste and that you were good together.” She shivered. “I was managed for years, Liam, and I can’t have that happen again. Do you understand that?”

“She said what?”

Teegan stiffened at his tone. “It doesn’t matter, does it? She only said that to make me angry, and I refused to give in. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I have no say in who you decide to date, or bed, just as you have no say with me.”

“Bullshit. What about the other night?” He stepped forward to close the distance between them and hooked her chin with his thumb to force her to look at him.

“The other night was great.” Her answer came out breathless. “I don’t understand, Liam, what do you want from me?”

“Well, Sunshine, if you haven’t figured it out by now, I might just have to show you until you do.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, slowly at first as if to savor the moment, before his tongue met with hers. Their passion picked up, and the kiss came out aggressive and hungry. Both were breathless by the time they remembered they were out in public and pulled away.

He leaned his forehead against hers and whispered, “I don’t want anything from you, except for you to want me. I need you, Teeg. I want to be with you, to love and to protect you. I don’t want anyone else. Hell, I don’t want you with anyone else, either. What do you say? Will you give us another shot?”

“Oh, Liam.” She nodded and tried hard not to cry. “I’d love to try again.” She kissed him quickly on the lips before leaning into his embrace. “Do you think LJ will be okay with this?”

“See, that’s one of the things I love about you. I love that you think about my kid. I have a feeling LJ will be fine with it, but we’ll find out soon enough. Have dinner with us.”

“All right.” Her heart beat faster with excitement, and she couldn’t believe good things were finally happening to her. Coming home was one of the best decisions she’d ever made, and having Liam wanting to be with her again was just the icing on the cake. She was tired of fighting her feelings and decided to take some old advice. She was just going to go with the flow and take things one day at a time.









Chapter Twelve



“Hmm, something smells good.”

Two heads snapped up and smiled at her.

“Teegan!” LJ yelled and ran to give her a hug.

Liam chuckled as he watched them. “It’s great to see you, Sunshine. I didn’t even hear you come in.”

“The back door was open, so I wandered in. I’m sorry, I guess I should have knocked first, but I was lured in by the deliciousness in this room.” She winked to emphasize the double meaning behind her words. “It really does smell great. What are we having for dinner tonight?”

“Surf ’n’ turf.”

“Yummy. So, then, what can I do to help?”

“Nothing, Teegan, you’re our guest in this house. So sit back, relax, and let LJ and me pamper you.”

“Well, it has been a long time since I was pampered.” She smiled, took a seat at the kitchen table, and watched as LJ helped Liam make their meal. It really had been years since anyone had done something so nice for her, but she itched to make herself useful anyway. “But no dice. At least let me help you set the table.”

“Fine.” Liam sighed, giving in. “Dinner will be ready in just a sec, and everything you need is over there.” He pointed toward the counter where the dishes and silverware were stacked and waiting to be placed.

“My, my, how organized,” she teased and went to set the table. “Is there somewhere specific you’d like me to sit?” Some families had special seating arrangements, and the last thing she wanted to do was sit beside Liam and take LJ’s spot or vice versa. Okay, she was a little nervous being in such an intimate setting. Liam had invited her into his little family, and she was afraid she’d screw up somehow. Everything good in her life never seemed to last, but she was willing to fight for this. She loved them both.

“We normally just sit wherever, and I’d like you right beside me, of course.” Liam winked and then turned to LJ. “Son, are you sitting on my other side or beside Teegan tonight?”

“Wherever.” LJ blushed when Teegan winked at him, and it made her smile.

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll just place your plate on your dad’s other side, and that way it’ll be easier for me to look at and talk to you both.”

The lobster with garlic butter was succulent, the steak seasoned and grilled to medium rare just the way she liked it, and the salad with a vinaigrette dressing hit the spot. Dinner was delicious with a capital
. She ate so much the button on her pants felt as though it was going to pop. “Wow, that was amazing, gentlemen. I haven’t eaten like this in a long time. I can’t even remember the last time I had lobster. Thank you!”

“We don’t normally eat this good, either,” LJ blurted. “I mean, we do eat good. It’s just Dad and me normally eat the simple stuff. Like steak and potatoes, soup and sandwiches, spaghetti, stuff like that.”

Teegan and Liam laughed at the same time as LJ tried to explain.

“Well, I feel really special. Thank you for making me such a great meal, LJ. Maybe next time I can cook you something. What’s your favorite thing to eat?”


“All right, then next time I’ll make you that, or better yet, we can make it together. We could each have our own special pizza. We can make the dough and get a bunch of toppings. You can even help me shop at the grocery store if you’d like to. What do you say, is it a pizza date?”

“Sounds like a date to me,” Liam interrupted. He smiled wide, and his beautiful blue eyes seemed to sparkle every time he looked at her. “Doesn’t it, LJ?”

“Uh-huh, can Dylan come too? He loves pizza just as much as I do.”

“Definitely.” She grinned. “I’d love for Dylan to join us. I can never get enough of the two of you. It’ll be fun, just the four of us.”

“Cool, when can we do this?”

“How about the same time next week? That is, if your dad is okay with that. What do you say, Liam? Are you up for a pizza date with me and the two boys?”

“Next week sounds good, but I was also wondering what you were doing tomorrow night and the night after that. LJ and I got to talking, and we’ve both decided we like having you around.”

“Do you?” She looked from Liam to LJ. “Thank you both, because I love being here. You happen to be two of my favorite men, and I plan to be around for a while, so I hope the novelty doesn’t wear off.”

“Don’t be silly, Teeg. Nothing’s gonna wear off, but I’m glad you like being here.”

“Thanks.” She got up to clear the dishes when LJ excused himself to call Dylan to tell him about next week’s pizza-making adventure. She couldn’t wait for it.




“Alone at last.” Teegan turned and wrapped her arms around Liam’s waist before looking up at him. Dinner was over a few hours ago, and LJ was now snug as a bug in his bed, sound asleep. “LJ’s terrific, but I miss this…” She moved onto her tippy toes to kiss him. One peck led to two, and two pecks led to so much more. Their tongues met and moved in synchronization. He pulled her closer, and she couldn’t prevent the whimper that escaped her lips. God, she wanted this man. He was too good to be true.

He caught her off guard as he lifted her and headed for the hallway. She pulled back from the kiss to look at him, breathless. “Where are we going?” she whispered. “Liam, we can’t possibly do this with LJ right in the next room.”

“You’re absolutely right, Sunshine, but we aren’t going upstairs this time. This time, we’re going to christen the guest bedroom. Hell, Teeg, I’d like to christen this whole house with you. I may have to send LJ over for another sleepover with Dylan so we can.”

His devilish smile made her eyes widen. “But what if he hears us, Liam? I’m not sure I can be quiet when I’m with you.”

“I love what you do to my ego, Sunshine.” He chuckled. “Hell, I wouldn’t want you to be quiet. In fact, I think I’d be downright insulted if you were. I love to hear the noises you make when I leave you breathless and wanting more of me. I love when your body writhes and arches for mine, silently demanding your satisfaction. I love it when my name comes out of that delectable mouth as you scream and cry out in pleasure, and I love the way you taste in my mouth and fit so nicely around my cock. Jesus, Teeg, I want you so bad, I think you’ve ruined me for anyone else. Plus, it takes a lot to wake up LJ, and this is an old house, love. The walls are practically soundproof. So don’t you dare hold anything back on me.”

“I like the sound of that, but tonight I want to devote myself to pleasuring you. Are you ready for me, Liam? Are you ready for me to leave you breathless and wanting more? Tonight I’m going to make it my duty to hear you make some noise for me.” She didn’t wait for him to answer before she tightened her embrace around him and crushed her mouth against his in a heated kiss.

When they finally arrived in the privacy of the guest bedroom, she slid down his body and quickly started undressing him. She licked down his chest and circled one nipple, then the other before scraping at them with her teeth and laving them again to sooth the sting.

“Damn, Teegan!” Liam moaned and reached out to pull her up to his mouth again, but she wasn’t having it. She needed to do this her way, needed to make him feel as good as he made her feel, especially when he was touching her. She wanted to show him her love, and she was turned on knowing he liked what she was doing to him and watching her loving him.

She pushed him back against the door and trailed her lips and tongue down his chest and abs. When she was on her knees before him, she fumbled with the button and fly on his jeans while still kissing, licking, and tasting every new inch of exposed skin. She wasn’t a timid, inexperienced girl anymore and felt as if she were on fire for him. His salty-sweet taste made her moan, and she smiled when his dick sprang forward and tapped her cheek as if it had a mind of its own. She forced his pants and boxer-briefs to his ankles and licked her way back up his calf and thigh, teasing him. His breath came out in pants, and he shut his eyes tightly as he leaned back and enjoyed her work.

Precum glistened and dripped from his head, and she looked forward to cleaning him off, but Liam closing his eyes just would not do. She wanted to look into to those deep baby-blues as she closed her lips around him, wanted to see them as she let him fuck her mouth. So she pulled back, causing him to finally open them in question.

“Look at me, Liam. I want you to watch me taste you.”

She licked the sensitive slit at the tip of his head, then swirled her tongue to lick him clean while maintaining eye contact. “Oh Liam, let me take care of you and please you.”
Let me love you while you love me
back. Love me again, Liam.
She’d been a goner from the first time she laid eyes on him again. She’d tried to fight her feelings, afraid of being hurt again, but one look had completely wiped any rational thought from her mind, and she was now putty in his hands. Ten years ago, she’d fallen hard for him and had never stopped wanting him. Today, she felt the same, if not more for him, and needed to show him. She was willing to fight to make their relationship work.

Could he see the love in her eyes?

His hips flexed as the wet heat of her mouth wrapped around him, and she took his full length back and forth while sucking him with enthusiasm.

“Shit, baby, oh God that feels—God, that feels so…” He moaned, and she glided her hand over her torso and into her pants. She was dripping with need and teased herself for a moment to get a couple of her fingers nice and lubed with her own juices. Meanwhile, Liam threaded his fingers through her hair and pumped into her more forcefully, lost in his own little trance. He tensed as her lubricated fingers met the crack of his ass, and she stopped what she was doing momentarily to look at him again. Liam guided himself back onto her fingers and began to fuck her mouth again at a more leisurely pace while looking curiously at her, as though he was unsure about what she planned to do.

Teegan moaned, and the vibration seemed to please him. Liam looked so close to completion, and she wanted to take him there, to taste his unique flavor at the base of her throat and hear him make some noise for her with every squirt he released.

He allowed her to continue her pursuit as her juice-covered fingers circled his puckered hole. As she worked one finger in and out to ready him to take two, Liam let out a strangled moan. His eyes fluttered shut again, and he looked as if he were about to explode.

“Please, Teeg, oh God you feel so good—oh God, yes, yesssss!” And she knew it was time. She sought out his prostate and began to stroke, taking him over the edge. Hot liquid spurted against the back of her throat, and she sucked and gulped harder, taking every last drop she could from him.

Completely spent, he fell back, making her proud. “That good, huh? Well, I was aiming to please.”

“Pleased, shocked, and rocked my world, Sunshine. That was—shit, that was just…wow.”

She blushed and wasn’t sure how to reply to that except to smile. “Now I’ll just have to figure out how to excite you again so I can feel you here as well.” She pointed to her lower half and slowly took off her clothes, watching as he devoured every part of her with his gaze.

Liam licked his lips and then stood.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered. His semi-erect cock wanted to stand proud but couldn’t just yet, so she stroked him.

“And so are you.”

He groaned and flexed his hips. “God, if I’m dreaming, please don’t wake me up.” He pulled her to him to kiss her senseless as he backed her toward the bed before lowering her onto it for some loving of her own. It was his turn to please, and boy did he ever.

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