Always (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Always
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Present Day


Now, ten years later, she sat crying in front of a beer. Seeing Liam again had brought back so many memories, and she was afraid of being hurt again.

“Come on, Teeg.”

Drunk and drowning in self-pity, she wasn’t sure how James had found her, but she didn’t care at that moment.

“Hi, James.” She smiled, leaning into him as he helped her up from her barstool. “Can you believe I still love him?” She sighed, knowing she might regret that admission in the morning. “Take me home, please.”

Teegan figured fate had deemed her unworthy of happiness. Oliver had been testament to that. He’d broken her, both literally and figuratively, and that alone made her believe she wasn’t worth it. To top it all off, seeing Liam again proved her point, as old pain came to surface again.









Chapter Five



Ten Years Earlier


She was eighteen again, lying in bed at two in the morning, and she could see herself sleeping peacefully. Something hit the window, and the constant rapping caused her to stir and awaken. She sat up, turned on the light on her bedside table, and got up to look out the window. Liam was standing in the yard, throwing small twigs up at it.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered after opening her window.

“Can I come up?”

She nodded, and the butterflies in her stomach stirred back to life every time he was near. Putting a finger to her lips to make sure he’d be silent, she pointed downward to let him know she’d be there in a minute.
Oh my gosh, Liam’s here!

She raced downstairs and let him in, and by the time they reached her room, her heart felt as if it were going to explode from the high of possibly getting caught.

Teegan plopped on the bed, took a deep breath, and exhaled to try to steady her nerves while Liam watched her, laughing quietly. “Don’t worry, Sunshine. I don’t think anyone saw us.”

She propped herself up on her elbows so she could look at him and smiled. “It’s not that I don’t love seeing you, but what are you doing here?”

He crawled onto the bed and sat beside her. “I haven’t seen you all day, and I can’t get last night out of my head. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see you, so here I am.”

“I missed you too.” She smiled smugly and leaned in to kiss him. Liam slid them to the floor, and it turned out to be another night of busy hands, insatiable lust, and an introduction to a whole world of new pleasures. She loved him while he loved her.

Sneaking around became almost a nightly ritual from then on. Their relationship couldn’t have more blissful, and she couldn’t imagine anything going wrong—until Lucy.




School was almost finished for the year, and their final exams were only a week away. Teegan had been busy studying, wanting to stay on the honor roll. Because of that, she hadn’t spent as much time as she would have liked with Liam or her friends. She missed him. It was a beautiful day, and the weather was so warm now that all she could think about was the amazing little beach Liam had taken her to.

Instead of calling him, she drove over to his house on impulse. When she arrived, she was relieved to see his car out front. A girl answered when she knocked on the door, and Teegan assumed immediately that she was the sister he’d mentioned.

“Um, is Liam home?” she asked.

After giving Teegan a look from head to toe that made her uncomfortable, the girl seemed satisfied. “Yes, he is, actually, but he’s indisposed at the moment. Bathroom,” she added in a whisper.

“Okay, well, could you just tell him Teegan stopped by?”

“Right. Hey, you wouldn’t be James’ sister, would you?” The girl laughed.

“I am.” Teegan nodded, curious about the person she was speaking to. “And you are?”

“Tell him Lucy says hi, and I hope to run into him before I leave.” She winked. “James, Liam, and me, we go way back.”

“So then you’re not Liam’s sister, I gather?” Teegan narrowed her eyes. It was a gut feeling, and she needed to know just who this “Lucy” was to Liam and James. And why the hell was she in Liam’s house?

“Heck no!” The girl laughed again. “But I am a really good friend.” She wiggled her brows, and the sight made Teegan nauseated. She’d heard enough and began to back away.

“Just forget I stopped by,” she mumbled while fumbling down the stairs. Had Liam actually betrayed her with this chick? Who knew. At the moment she just wanted to get the hell out of there.

As she stood at the crosswalk just a few feet away, waiting for the light to change, she heard Liam call her name. She turned to see him leap down the stairs and run toward her.

“What are you doing here?”

“What do you think?” she snapped. “I’ve never needed a reason before. But you’re obviously preoccupied with your good
.” She made quotes around the word with her fingers. “And I’m sorry I even bothered.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Why don’t you ask Lucy?” She narrowed her eyes and crossed the street.

“I will,” he snapped, following her. “Look, Teegan, now obviously isn’t a very good time. Can I see you later?”

“Whatever!” She pushed him away as soon as they both reached the other side. “That is, if you’re not too busy with Lucy.”

“This isn’t what it looks like.”

She started to walk away again, trying to save what little pride she had left.

This time he didn’t follow.




Teegan had just spent hours with Claire, one of her best friends, and as soon as she walked in the door, her mother announced Liam was downstairs with James.

“He’s been waiting here awhile now to see you, actually,” she said.

Teegan groaned, eyeing the stairs to see if she could run up them before her mother told them she was home. “Actually, Mom, I’m kind of tired.”

“What about Liam?”

“He’s with James. I’m sure he’ll understand—”

The basement door opened, and she heard James’ laughter.

“Speak of the devil.” Her mom smiled. “Here come Liam and James now.”

She gasped and ran up the stairs, only to trip over her own feet. “Damn it!”

“Teeg?” Liam stepped closer. “Are you all right?”

She nodded as she turned to face him. They obviously needed to talk, but she’d hoped for a little more time to process her feelings first. But that wasn’t going to happen. “Walk with me,” she said, so at least they could have some privacy. He nodded and followed her outside.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as soon as the coast was clear.

“I’ve never needed a reason before.” He chuckled, trying to be cute by repeating what she’d said to him earlier.

Teegan smiled unwillingly, then was mad at herself for letting him get to her. “Are you going to tell me who she is, or do I have to find out through James?”

He sighed before sitting down on the curb and took her hand so he could drag her with him. “I want to tell you she’s a part of my family to make things so much easier, but that would be a lie. Lucy is a friend of my sister’s, kind of like what Claire is to you. They have been best friends since I can remember. She’s got family problems and visits a few times a year to take a break, sometimes only for a couple of days, and sometimes for weeks at a time.”

“A friend of your sister’s?”

He nodded and then winced. “But also my ex-girlfriend.”

“Well, isn’t that just lovely.” She rolled her eyes and looked away.
Shit, why did she have to be an ex? That’s just my kind of luck.
“You slept with her?”

He nodded again. “But it was way before I met you, and nothing’s happened since we’ve been together. She tried a few nights ago, but I refused her. I know I’m probably digging myself in deeper here, but I want to be completely honest with you, Teeg. I don’t want any secrets between us. Lucy was my past, and I want you to be my future. I love you!”

Her eyes widened, and she started to cry. Although she didn’t like the circumstances under which he’d said it, this was the first time he’d said he loved her. Turning her face away, she asked, “Why should I believe you?”

“I can’t give you that answer, but I hope you can. I really do love you. I’ve been wanting to say it for weeks, but I was afraid you wouldn’t return the sentiment. I guess I’m telling you now because I’m afraid it may be too late otherwise.”

“Tell me something.” She’d wondered about this all day and had to know before she could return the words she felt and knew he wanted to hear. “Why were you so busy earlier?”

“Honestly, I wasn’t, really.” He looked ashamed. “I would have come to see you, but I thought you might be busy studying again. I swear I didn’t hear you come by. I came down to get something to drink as Lucy was shutting the door, only I didn’t know it was you right away. When I asked who it was, she wouldn’t answer. She just stood there with a smile on her face. So I looked out the window, and that’s when I noticed you walking away. I panicked, Teeg. I wasn’t sure how to explain the situation to you. So I told you it wasn’t a good time, hoping I would get a little more time to figure out how to explain now that you’d actually met her.”

“Wow,” she said, shocked. It wasn’t the answer she expected or a very good excuse.


She shook her head. “Nothing, Liam.”

He sighed. “I left after you did, you know. Lucy got me mad. She watched you walk away from me and thought it was funny.” He shook his head too. “I drove around for a bit, thinking about some things, then I came to your house, hoping you’d be there. You weren’t, so I waited.”

“I went to Claire’s. I’m surprised you didn’t figure that out. If I wasn’t home or with you, where else would I be?”

“I should have known.” He shrugged.

“Yeah, you should have.” She finally smiled, too tired to fight with him and not really wanting to. At least he was being honest with her. Right then, he seemed to know the worst part was over. So he apparently decided he might as well push his luck by kissing her, and she didn’t fight him. His lips were soft, plump, and familiar. She moaned, wanting nothing more at that moment than having him and loving him. The need to trust him overpowered her, because not doing so hurt too much.

When the kiss finished, she leaned her head against his. Smiling, she then kissed him quickly once more. “I want to believe you, Liam, because I love you too. I truly do.”




“Why didn’t you tell me she was back?” Susan hissed, and James looked flushed. She, James, Liam, and Teegan had just arrived at the abandoned waterfront, hoping for a day of relaxation and fun when they noticed they had company.

“Yeah, James, I know what Lucy is to Liam, but what exactly is she to you?” Teegan’s curiosity had gotten the best of her.

“Oh, I can answer that,” Susan snapped. “She’s the slut he slept with when we began dating.”

“James,” Lucy called from the other side of the beach. She ran toward them and rudely walked into Susan, pushing her to the side. “It’s so good to see you again. Did you get my message?”

Liam, Susan, and James all spoke at once, “What message?”

“Must have slipped my mind,” Teegan butted in. “Lucy here apparently was hoping to see you again before she left.” She narrowed her eyes and could hear Susan grinding her teeth.

When Lucy tried to get closer to him, James sidestepped her and wrapped his arms around Susan. “The message was unnecessary, Lucy. I love Susan and have no interest in what you have to offer me now, or ever again, for that matter.”

“Is that right?” She laughed. “Isn’t that too bad.”

“Listen you—” Susan lunged for her, but James caught her in time and hauled her back.

Lucy turned to Liam and laughed as he mimicked James and moved behind Teegan. He wrapped his arms around her the same way James had done with Susan.

“Liam, don’t be like that, lover—”

“Cut the shit, Lucy. We haven’t been anything for over a year, so don’t start with me. I’m with Teegan now, so back the fuck off.”

Lucy laughed again before narrowing her eyes. “Oh, is that how it’s going to be?” she said, laughing again. Eyeing Teegan over her shoulder, Lucy began to walk away. “It’s over when I say it is, got it?”

“Whatever,” Liam muttered before turning to look at his girlfriend again. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know she’d be here today. Are you okay?”

Teegan nodded. “I really don’t like that girl, but I’ll be all right.” After sighing, she forced herself to smile for him. “Thanks for putting her in her place, though.”

“Anytime, Sunshine. Have I told you how much I love you today?”

“Why, I don’t believe that you have.” She smiled as she moved closer into his embrace. “Tell me again. I never get tired of hearing it.”

“I love you, Teegan Hallowell. Only you.” He leaned down to nip and taste her mouth. Their tongues touched and moved with an equal passion until James interrupted them.

“Hey, man, ease off my sister. Lucy’s finally gone, and thank God for that.”

“It’s a good thing too,” Susan grumbled. “Someone needs to teach that girl a lesson, and next time I might not let you drag me away.”

“Is that right?” James laughed. “I think our two ladies need a cool down.” He winked, making Liam laugh.

“I agree. Ready?” Liam slung Teegan over his shoulder and made a run for the water as James did the same with Susan. Both girls squealed, laughed, and splashed at each other, dragging the guys with them for an afternoon of fun.

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