Always (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Always
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“Make what?”

“A touchdown? I’m pretty sure I made it past where you tossed the ball from.” She shrugged, and the boys laughed.

“Not even close, Aunt Teegan. We didn’t set the perimeters for the goal lines. We just thought it’d be fun to tackle you.”

“You did, did you? Well, for that, I think I need to give you the same punishment I gave Carter. I’m not sure I can lift the two of you, but I sure can kiss you.” She caught Dylan before he could run off and planted a big smooch on his cheek. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw LJ squirm. “Oh come here, handsome. You may not be my nephew, but you’re still a part of this family.” She planted a big one on his forehead. “Thanks for the laughs, boys, but I think we should wrap it up before it gets too dark out here.”

They groaned but obliged.

Someone walked out of the back door shortly after James went inside again. The boys were just about finished putting their outdoor toys away in the shed, and she assumed it was James until LJ squealed, “Dad!” in delight and ran toward the person.

LJ is a lucky boy.
Teegan smiled as she listened to him tell his dad about their games in the yard and turned only to have her smile falter.
Oh my God!

“Liam?” she gasped. Knowing she was bound to run into him sooner or later, she was hoping more for later. Looking back and forth between LJ and Liam, she felt stupid for not noticing the resemblance earlier. Trying her best to compose herself as a ton of memories and emotions flooded back, she extended her hand. “It’s good to see you. Here I spent the whole day with Dylan and LJ and didn’t realize he belonged to you.” She smiled shyly. “You’ve got a pretty great kid.”

“I do.” He nodded, clearing his throat. He didn’t take his eyes off her. “You look great. Have you been back long? Are you staying? I mean—Christ!” He ran his hands through his hair. “I missed you, Teeg. It’s been way too long, and there’s so much that’s been left unsaid. Can we grab coffee sometime or maybe some dinner?”

“I’m sorry, Liam.” She shook her head. “I just don’t think I can do this right now.” She backed away as she began to choke up. “Please tell James I’ll be back later and give Lucy my regards. On second thought, don’t bother.” She turned around to make a hasty exit.

“Teegan, please, just wait and hear me out.”

Ignoring his pleas, she decided it would be best to leave before she crumbled. Seeing him again was harder than she thought it would be, but what sucked the most was knowing instantly as their eyes met that she still loved him. Even after all those years apart she’d never stopped.









Chapter Four



Ten Years Earlier


“Do you come here often?” Teegan teased. She’d noticed him as soon as she entered the diner and decided a little role play might be fun.

“I do sometimes. How about you?”

She shook her head. “It’s my first time, actually, but James comes here a lot. You mind if I join you, handsome?” Teegan slid into the booth he occupied and smirked. Once settled, she continued the charade. “You see, I met this guy the other night, and you look an awful lot like him. We had such a great time, but I’ve been out of the dating scene for a little while, and I’m wondering if that guy will help me out of my slump.”

“Lucky guy.” Liam chuckled. “I bet he was pretty terrific too.”

She laughed loudly, making the other patrons in the diner stop to stare. “Well, I’m not sure I’d say it like that. I don’t know him well enough yet, but I’d like to.” She reached across the table and placed her hands on top of his. “He was a great kisser, though, and I’m certainly glad he asked me out again.”

“So am I, Sunshine.” Liam leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips across hers. He nipped at her bottom lip and then pecked her again for one last taste before pulling back.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“For the other night, for tonight…it’s been a lot of fun.” He was about to say something until she put her finger across his lips. “Shh,” she whispered. She leaned forward and pressed her lips gently against his again. Kissing him was a lot of fun. She liked it, and she was really beginning to like him.

“Damn!” he grunted, making her laugh again.

“So I’m assuming that means you like kissing me.”

“I’ve never met anyone like you.” Liam sounded surprised at himself. “You’re extremely innocent in every way, but I like your aggressive side. You’re beautiful inside and out, Teegan, and I’m just glad it’s me you’re with right now. I like spending time with you. Hell, I like you, period.”

“Good, because I like you too!”




“Would you like me to take you back home?”

“Only if you come with me. Seriously, it’s still early, and my parents won’t be home for a while, so we could do something else…Or if you’re that eager to hang with James again, that’s cool.” They’d finished their dinner and were sitting in his car, trying to figure out what to do next. Neither seemed to be done being with the other, though.

“Hmmm, James or you? Let’s see.” Liam pretended to think about it. “I know this great spot. Care to join me?” He started the car and took off before she could answer.

They had been driving for about twenty minutes when Teegan’s curiosity became overwhelming. “So where are we going?” she asked.

He continued to look at the road as he answered, “You’ll see.” A smile lit up his face as she sighed.

It was pretty dark now, and she could barely make out the scenery zooming by. The only plus was the sky. “Wow,” she whispered, looking up.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He pulled off the main road and pointed straight ahead. “See that over there?”

Teegan squinted, trying to focus. It was hard to make out because of the dark, but she could see just enough with the light of the moon to tell there was a hill ahead. Liam parked the car, went to the trunk and grabbed a blanket, then took her hand to help her out and led her up the hill over to the other side. Behind it was a small beach that looked as though it had been vacant for a while. He looked at her amazed expression and set the blanket down.

“Do you like it?”

She couldn’t believe where she was. This was the type of scene you saw in the movies, not in reality. The sky had about a million brightly lit stars. The light of the full moon reflected off the water, and the sand was smooth and cool between her fingers when she picked some up. “It’s beautiful. How did you know this was here?”

“My father used to bring me here as a kid. In fact, we used to go fishing right over there.” He pointed off to the right at a fallen tree trunk in front of the water.

“Sounds like a great time. James’ dad used to take us camping when we were younger, and I loved it.” Sharing this special spot felt intimate, so she wanted to share some memories with him as well. “This place is amazing, by the way.” She gestured to their surroundings and smiled. “Thank you for sharing it with me.”

She pulled him down to join her on the blanket. Swept away by the romantic setting, his company, and the moment itself, she kissed him eagerly, aggressively, and whimpered when he pulled away.

They were both panting and out of breath with need when he said, “Teegan, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think we should stop right here while I can still pull away. I don’t want you to regret this later. I like you too much for that to happen.”

“I’m a big girl, Liam,” she groaned. Then again, did she really want to lose her virginity in the sand? No, not really! “But maybe you’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Why? I’m not.” He smiled and grazed her bottom lip with his thumb before leaning in to kiss her again. “You’re something special, Sunshine. Like I said, no regrets.”




Three weeks later, she stood on her front porch fuming. Liam was an hour late for their date, and she was beginning to think he’d stood her up. Just as she was ready to give up and go inside, his car pulled into the driveway.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said as he hopped out. “I had to help my dad with a few things, and it ran later than I thought.” He pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back as a peace offering.

She sighed in disappointment, knowing she couldn’t get upset with him now that he had a legitimate excuse. “It’s okay, but we missed the movie. What do you want to do now?”

“I was late was because I was helping my parents load the truck. They’re going away for a few days, leaving me and my older sister with the house to ourselves. Do you want to go there?”

He caught Teegan off guard. Alone with Liam, no supervision, and a chance to see where he lived. She wasn’t about to pass up that opportunity.

“Sorry,” he whispered, mistaking her silence for a rejection. “It was just a thought. We don’t have to go if you’re not comfortable.”

“Actually, your house sounds like fun.” With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, she headed to his car. She stopped just as she reached the passenger-side door and turned around to look at him. Smiling, she then pointed her finger back and forth between them and gestured for him to follow. “You coming?”

He nearly tripped over his feet in his haste to reach the car, making her laugh as she got comfortable.
This is going to be a night to remember. Screw James and his teasing.
Her night was going to be perfect. Liam didn’t know it yet, but he was about to get lucky.

Soon they arrived at his house. He shut off the ignition, then stepped out to open the door for her. They held hands up the walkway, and he called out to his sister, but she wasn’t home.

“Want to watch a movie?”

“No.” Teegan cleared her throat. “I’m not really in the mood for a movie all of a sudden.” She moved closer.

“So then, what would you like to do?”

“How about a tour? The last time we were together, you said you didn’t want me to have any regrets. Well, I now know I won’t. I’m really beginning to care for you, Liam, and I’ve realized I don’t want to overthink being with you. So I’ve decided that maybe we should just go with the flow tonight.”

“Explain ‘go with the flow’ for me, please?” he asked, looking worried, as if he may have wrongly interpreted what she said.

She stepped closer and unfastened one of the buttons on his shirt. “What I mean is I don’t think we should stop tonight,” she whispered, too nervous to let the words come out any louder.

He moved his face closer to hers and kissed her softly. “Are you sure about this?”

She nodded and entwined their fingers before leading the way out of the living room. Not sure where she was going, she was about to ask where his room was, when he lifted her off her feet and dashed up the stairs.

His room wasn’t what she expected it to be—definitely not like James’ room. It was tidy, with not one article of clothing on the floor.

Liam gently laid her on the bed, then stood at the edge and looked nervous, as though she’d change her mind. Smiling, she sat up and went to her knees before closing the distance between them. She unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and glided her hands across his chest to his arms so the garment slid to the floor. Liam’s cut chest and arms made her mouth water, and she wanted to taste him. “Very sexy,” she whispered before nipping his chest. She licked over the bite to soothe the sting, then trailed her tongue over his abs to his waist. “And you taste yummy.”

His breathing turned rapid, and he groaned as she worked at getting his pants off. After she unbuckled him, he held her hands still. “God, Teegan, I want you so bad. But I’m afraid if I let you take my pants off right now, I won’t be able to take this slow.”

“How do you know I want to go slow? I want you, Liam.”

“And by God, I want you too, Sunshine. But this is your first time, and I want to get you ready for me so it won’t hurt as much.”

“Is it that obvious I’m a virgin? Geez.” She blushed, feeling a little self-conscious.

“No, not obvious, but James may have mentioned it a time or two.” He shrugged and knelt in front of her. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, and it’s not too late to change your mind. You just have to say no, and I’ll stop at any time. No pressure.”

“I want you, Liam, please—” The minute she touched her lips to his, he kissed her hard and allowed his passion for her to ignite. She was able to get her shirt off before he left her mouth and worked his way down. Her perky breasts and erect nipples awaited him. She threaded her hands through Liam’s hair and held him in place as she moaned and writhed against him. She didn’t quite know what she wanted or needed in the moment, aside from him to keep doing the delicious things he was doing to her now.

“Liam, please—” She was breathless.

“Please what?”

“I don’t know, just don’t stop.” Teegan moaned again.

“My pleasure.” He chuckled. “But as much as I love your beautiful breasts, I want you completely naked and spread before me.” He trailed his lips down her stomach and lingered at the waist of her pants, teasing her as he traced his tongue around the fly. “You’re so beautiful.” He stood momentarily to discard the obstacles between them. He started by removing her shoes and socks. Her pants and underwear hit the floor next, and he surprised her by spreading her legs to get a better view. “Are you wet for me, Sunshine?”

She nodded while biting her lip. “Liam.” She spread wider, reaching for him. “I need you. Please…”

Dropping to his knees, he whispered, “Let me enjoy you first.” He kissed from her ankle up past her thighs and then concentrated on her center, starting with the outer lips of her most private area. Her hips bucked, and her breathing turned rapid as she gasped at the new sensations of a moist mouth meeting the even moister lips of her pussy.

Teegan was breathless and in need of release. Liam took one long lick down her center, moving his tongue around her nub in slow, deliberate circles, taunting her with sweet torture and sending sparks of desire through her entire body. She threaded her hands through his hair and held on tight, unsure where to guide him but knowing she needed something to relieve her of this delicious torment. Her head thrashed back and forth, and she moaned as he applied pressure against her clit with a few more swipes of the tip of his tongue. He sucked on it, and that was all she needed to take her over the edge. Her hips rocked as the first orgasm enveloped her, and she exploded as she rode it out, leaking cum on his face and sheets.

She was ready for him now.

He rushed to get his pants off and the condom on. “I need you so bad right now, I ache, Teegan.” He spread her wide as he climbed on top of her and slowly penetrated her opening, inch by incredible inch.

“Are you all right?” she asked. He looked strained, so she stroked the side of his face and kissed him tenderly.

“God, yes.” He smiled. “You’re just so friggin’ tight, and you feel so damn good. I don’t want to hurt you.” He stopped pushing himself in when he met her virginal barrier. “It’ll hurt for a second, Teegan, but I’ll push in fast so it won’t be for long. I swear it’ll get better. I’m sorry.” He thrust in quickly, then stopped moving when she tensed up with pain evident in her expression and began breathing through her discomfort.

“Are you all right?” It was his turn to ask. “It’ll begin to feel good, Sunshine, I promise.” He smiled when she nodded and started to pump slowly in and out. He kissed her senseless, and soon she started to relax and enjoy herself. Not long after, he found his own bliss, whispering sweet sentiments and calling out her name as he filled the condom.

It was on that night she realized she loved him and always would.

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