Always (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Always
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Chapter Nine





The layers of her long, blonde hair accentuated her heart-shaped face. She wore it down, and he had to force his hands to his sides to keep from touching it.

Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with excitement, and her lush, plump lips were so delectable that her taste lingered for days after she kissed him. He wanted to do it again. She wore tight jeans and a backless halter top that showed off her petite, curvy build to perfection. It also revealed creamy, smooth skin with just enough cleavage to tease him, and her ass was perfect for grabbing. His mouth watered as he pictured all the fun but inappropriate things he’d like to do to that body again. He remembered how good they were together and just knew the sex would be even better now they were both more practiced.

Liam shifted in his seat to ease the ache. His jeans tightened in the crotch just from watching her descend the stairs into the living room. Hell, she hadn’t even noticed him yet because Susan was gabbing her ear off on the way down.

Only Teegan!
She was the only woman who could make him pant. He’d never craved anyone the way he did her, and if he had any say about it, she’d be his again. He just had to take his time and not scare her off. She was skittish after the way that bastard Oliver had treated her. Liam didn’t know the whole story, and wasn’t sure he wanted to, but he knew he wouldn’t like it from the little he’d heard.

“They’re beauties, aren’t they?” James chuckled before patting Liam on the back. “Be good to her, man. She’s my sister, and I don’t want her hurting anymore.”

Liam nodded and gulped. She took his breath away without even realizing it. “I’m going to try if she’ll let me, man. I’d give anything if she’d just give me another shot.”

James laughed louder this time. “I hear ya, but she’s probably a little more cautious than she used to be. As she damn well should be. No offense.” James shrugged. “But will you be able to close your mouth and stop drooling long enough to at least compliment her before they leave? She could probably use the hint that you’re interested after Cindy hung all over you yesterday.” James shook his head.

“Please don’t remind me,” Liam groaned. Cindy’s rudeness made him uncomfortable.

If he could have taken Teegan with them, he would have picked her any day. LJ loved her—hell, so did he—but Teegan hadn’t given him a choice in the matter.

“I should have said something.”

James nodded, got up from the couch, and headed over to give his wife a kiss. He whistled as he turned both women around to get a better look at them. “What the heck are you wearing?” He eyed Susan’s short skirt, four-inch heels, and the slim-fitting shirt that draped off her shoulder.

“Teegan lent me some stuff. Do you like it?” Susan turned around again, showing the outfit off.

“You’re one hot momma,” Teegan teased, chuckling at James’ obvious shock and lust from looking at his wife.

“I love it. Now go on upstairs and change.”

“Excuse me,” Susan huffed. “Don’t you start with me, James Howard—”

Shaking her head, Teegan seemed to decide it was best to let the lovers have their quarrel in peace and backed away. Liam wrapped his arms around her from behind, and she tensed until he spoke in her ear as he fought the urge to pull her close. “You’re so beautiful.” He moved his hand to her bare back and let his fingers linger just inside the hem of her halter top. “And way too tempting at the moment.”

“Really?” She turned to face him. “Perhaps we should take this conversation someplace a little quieter. Care to walk me out?” She smiled, taking his hand, and before he could answer, she led him outside.

The night was seasonably warm for Digby, but she shivered despite the heat, and her nipples puckered beneath her shirt. He suppressed a moan. All he wanted to do was kiss her senseless until she begged him to take her to his bed.

“Cold?” He smirked, knowing damn well she wasn’t.

She shook her head. “So what are you doing here? It’s not that it’s not great to see you, but—”

“It’s great to see you too.” He smiled. “I just dropped LJ off. He’s spending the night.

I’m actually surprised you didn’t hear the boys run up to your—I mean Dylan’s room. When James told me he was staying in for a night with the boys, I thought I’d keep him company for a while.”

“What, no Cindy tonight?”

“Actually, I let her know last night during her pizza tag along that I wasn’t interested. She’s been pursuing me for quite some time. We went out a couple times. I gave it a shot, but she isn’t for me.” He shrugged and reached for her hand to tug her closer. “I’ll spare you any further details, Teeg, and I’m sorry we upset you yesterday. I should have said something as soon as she started to be rude. I wished you would have come with us instead.”

“And be the fifth wheel? Uh-uh, no thanks.”

“It tore me up to see you crying over it, Sunshine. It’s you—”

“Wait a minute. What?” She looked shocked and stepped back, and then her expression turned angry.

He wondered what he’d said to make her react that way and didn’t have to wait long for an answer. “Son of a bitch! I can’t believe your head is that big. I wasn’t crying over Cindy, or you, for that matter. Susan and I were talking about personal matters in my life. Very painful, scary matters I’d prefer not to relive or talk about with you.” She held up a hand and took a step back. “In fact, we’re done with this conversation right now. God! As much as I hate to admit that it bothers me, I have no say in who you choose to take out, or bed, just as you have no say about whom I choose to do the same with. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going out with some friends, and I plan to get nice and drunk.” She pushed past him to go back into the house, only to come back out again a minute later dragging Susan with her.

James joined him on the porch with lipstick all over his face while he tucked in his shirt. “What’d you do to piss her off this time?”

“Hell if I know,” Liam huffed. “I’ve got to go after her.” But as he went to step off the porch, James held his hand out to stop him.

“I’d wait just a little longer. If I know my sister, she’ll need a few minutes to calm down. I’m thinking you’re on to something, though. Those two look way too good tonight to be out without protection.”

“You’re telling me.” Liam smiled. “I’m thinking we should try to get a sitter after all and surprise them. You know where they’re headed?”

“I think Susan said Club 98, why?”

Liam groaned. “Why do you think? And we’d better hurry. That place is bound to have a ton of horny guys gawking at them, or worse.”

That set James in motion as they both walked back into the house to figure things out. Liam hated having Teegan mad at him and was determined to make her listen to reason, but would she believe he still loved her? That he always had and always would?






“Oh my God!” Claire came running up to her and gave her a hug. “It’s been way too long, Teeg, and look at you.” She stepped away from the embrace and held her arms wide as she got a better look. “You’re still as gorgeous as you were right out of high school. What’s your secret?”

“There’s no secret, hon, I assure you. I’m single, childless, and living with my brother at the moment. Life could be better.” She chuckled. “No offense, Suzy Q. I love you, James, and the boys to pieces, but I just feel like a failure. It’s not easy having Liam around all the time, either. The things that man still does to me.” She fanned herself. “It kind of scares me, you know?”

“Oh yeah,” Both Susan and Claire answered in unison and laughed.

“You two had amazing chemistry, and I guess the spark is still there, huh?” Claire chuckled some more. “I’d kill to have something like that. You have to work for it once you’re married like Susan and me here.”

“Hey speak for yourself. I’ll have you know James and I still lust for each other just as bad as we did when we met. In fact, it’s only gotten better.”

“Lucky girl.” Claire hugged Susan this time. “It’s great to see you too, Suzy Q. Doesn’t it feel like old times with the three of us together again?”

“It sure does, hon. Now, I don’t know about the two of you, but I can sure use a drink. Liam and his big head got to me before coming here, and I’d like to get my drunk on. Why don’t you two sexy ladies grab a table, and I’ll buy the first round. We’ll talk about the men in our lives, or in my case the lack thereof, then dish the dirt and check out the merchandise in this club.”

Teegan bit her bottom lip as a gorgeous man walked by. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she winked at her friends and then headed toward the crowded bar.




“Teegan Hallowell, my Lord, is it really you?”

She’d just turned to leave the bar with three beers in hand when the deep baritone voice startled her. The source stood right in front of her.

“In the flesh.” She smiled. “Colby Foster, I can’t believe it. Shy, timid, little Colby all grown up now. I would have never have recognized you.”

“Well, do you like what you see?” He smirked. “You were beautiful ten years ago, but now, my God, Teeg, you’re a fox.”

She blushed, not sure what to say to that. Compliments were still hard for her to believe. “You look great. In fact, I saw your sister yesterday with Liam, and I didn’t recognize her, either. Go figure.”


“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Cindy marched up with a flock of followers behind her, looking as though she was ready to brawl. “Colby, you can do so much better.”

“Excuse me!”

“Aw, did blondie not hear me properly?” Cindy mocked with a pout.

“Listen, you—”

Colby placed a hand on Teegan’s arm to keep her from making matters worse. “Look, Teeg, I’m sorry. Cindy, I think you’ve had enough to drink here. Maybe you should apologize and go sleep it off.”

“Sleep it off?” Cindy shrieked. “Listen, all I know is that Liam and I were good together until she came along and screwed it up for us. Did Liam tell you how good it was, how close we were? I tasted every inch of that body of his. Had every inch of him inside me and wanting more.”

“Wanting more, you say?” Teegan tried to laugh it off even though she was seething with hatred for the woman in front of her. She wasn’t sure what she’d done to deserve this treatment, but she wasn’t going to put up with it, especially not from the likes of Cindy. “Clearly it wasn’t that great, and the novelty has worn off, because I’m pretty sure Liam has made it clear he’s done with you. At least that’s the way he tells it.”

“Is everything all right over here?” Susan and Claire stood at either side of her, ready to back her up if things got any uglier. “We were wondering where our beers were,” Susan continued and wrapped an arm around Teegan’s shoulders.

“Hold them for me, please.” Teegan handed all three to Claire. She hated violence but wanted her hands free to defend herself if she needed too.

“Colby, stop!” Cindy squirmed as she tried to get past him. “Colby, let me go.”

“Not until you calm down.”

“It seems Cindy here has staked her claim on Liam,” Teegan said. “Can you believe it?”

Susan snorted and Claire gasped.

“I think you should take your brother’s advice and sleep it off,” Teegan continued. “You’re obviously not thinking clearly at the moment. Do you not remember? Liam and I were together way before you came in and out of the picture. Look, Cindy, I really don’t want to fight with you, and I hope this rude behavior discontinues when you’re sober. I have nothing to do with Liam’s decisions, and my relationship with him is really none of your business.”

“Bitch!” Cindy lunged, but Colby caught her again and dragged her away. He glanced over his shoulder and gave them an apologetic look. He was clearly embarrassed by the scene his sister was creating.

“Well, that was interesting,” Claire blurted, and they all burst out laughing.

“Okay, I think I really need that beer right now.” Teegan grabbed her glass from Claire and downed half of it in one chug. “Looks like I need another.”

They grabbed a table upstairs that overlooked the dance floor. Below them, the music blared, heated bodies danced, and drinks were distributed for a good time.

“So spill the deets. What’s up with you and Liam now you’re finally back?” Claire asked.

Teegan took a sip of her beer to hold back a snort. “It’s so complicated. Gah! I don’t even know where to start. I just got out of a horrible relationship with a man who liked to use me as his punching bag. I came back home because it was somewhere I’ve always felt safe, and of course I missed you guys. Then there’s Liam. Seeing him again brought everything back to me. I feel like I’m living in the past sometimes, in happier times when we were together. He’s sweet, loving, and an amazing dad, and he makes me feel so safe and beautiful. But then, he’s also infuriating sometimes, conceited, and he can be so full of himself.”

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