Always Me (22 page)

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Authors: Jo-Anna Walker

BOOK: Always Me
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He knew Sebastian would call that FBI prick, Garrith, and his girlfriend would probably be with him too. Jose barked a laugh. “I’m going to get your mama and your auntie, my son. Two for the price of one.”

Antonio looked up at him and smiled. “Mama.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Mama.” And Tori would be all his. As soon as he heard from his fucker of a partner that was working with him now. The asshole was so unreliable.

Jose heard some muffled noises coming from the kitchen where he had left Tori’s mom. He frowned and placed Antonio in the playpen that he had moved into a spare bedroom. “I’ll come back for you, my boy.”

Jose left the room to him banging his truck around. Walking down the short hallway, his eyes roamed over the family pictures on the walls. There weren’t any men in the pictures, so he had assumed Tori’s father wasn’t around. Good, less men he’d have to deal with.

He walked into the kitchen and frowned, anger boiling through him for a moment at the sight. Jose leaned against the wall, crossing his arms under his chest as he watched Tori’s mother talking on her cell phone. Probably to the cops. He didn’t care if they came, knowing he had someone on the inside helping him out. He would have Antonio and be out of there in no time.

“You can tell whoever that is to hurry up and get here. I hear there’s a crazed psychopath on the loose.” He laughed when the older woman’s head popped up, her eyes wide with fear at being caught. Oh, he loved being him.




“Please don’t kill me.”

Jose reveled in the fact that the woman could beg. He watched her beg for her life while she lay tied down to the bed. After finding out she was talking to Tori on the phone, he cold-clocked the old woman, knocking her out instantly. He had grabbed the phone hoping to talk to his little
, but the line had disconnected before he had the chance, and that pissed him off more.

“You know, I’m not too happy that you called Tori. I should have called her. She should have been talking to me,” Jose explained.

“Why? What the hell do you want with my daughter?” The older woman wheezed as she bit out the words.

He watched her chest rise and fall, and if she wasn’t so old, he probably would have had his way with her. She was attractive for an older woman, but he was saving that right moment for his
. And a
she was.

“Please let me go. I promise I won’t tell them you were here,” she begged…again.

He had tied her down with rope that he found in the shed. Scratching his gun against his temple, he thought what he should do with the woman since he wasn’t going to use her for sex. Maybe just leave her?

A cell phone rang from the kitchen, interrupting his thoughts. “You don’t go anywhere now.”

“Fuck you.”

He laughed and then walked up to her and slapped her across the face. “Watch your mouth, bitch.”

She spat in his direction, making him laugh harder.

Walking to the kitchen, he grabbed the phone and flipped it open. “Ms. McLeod’s residence.”

“Jose, I swear if you fucking touch her or my son…”

Jose smirked. “Well, well, well, it’s about time you got the balls to talk to me,
.” The sound of Tori’s husky voice washed over him. She had been crying, and that made his dick throb for her.

“Please, Jose. Just bring him back to me. I…” Her voice broke on a sob.

“You know I can’t do that, Tori. Not until I have you in my arms.” Jose rubbed at the erection that was growing in his pants. God, he needed to see her.

“I hope you rot in hell. If you touch a hair on either of their heads, I will chop off your dick and shove it down your throat.”

Jose laughed. “You are definitely your mother’s child. She pretty much said the same thing to me, except hers was more vivid.”

“Fuck you, Jose.” The line disconnected.

Grabbing his own cell phone, he dialed his new partner in crime. He chuckled to himself. “It’s time.”


Chapter 24

I screamed as I threw the phone against the wall, shattering it to bits. Falling to my knees, I cradled my head in my hands and sobbed. Warm arms enveloped me, crushing me to a hard body. “Garrith’s on his way, and Gordon and Lector are aware of the situation.”

I pushed myself off of Sebastian. “They need to do something.” I walked to the door and pulled it open.

“Baby, they can’t. They have to stay here until Garrith gets here.”

“No, Antonio is more important.” I ran down the steps yelling for Gordon and Lector. They both got out of the car just as Sebastian grabbed me.

“Tori, Jose could have people working for him. It’s not safe for you to be out here.”

“Stop, let me go. I need…my baby…I need our son.” Tears spilled down my cheeks, and I felt like they would never stop. The pain of possibly never seeing my son again tore into my soul, breaking me and ripping me apart.

Sebastian lifted me in his arms and brought me back into the house just as a car pulled up. Gordon and Lector followed behind us.

Fisting Sebastian’s shirt in my hands, I cried against his chest. “Don’t leave me.”

“I won’t, baby. I’m here. I’m always here. I’ve always been here.” He lifted my hands and kissed my knuckles and my face, raining soft touches all over. “I’m so sorry.”

“Oh my gosh.” My heart broke with guilt.

His eyes widened. “What?”

“I’m the one that should be apologizing.” My voice felt raw from crying and my throat burned from overuse.

“Why are you sorry?”

“Because I never asked how you are doing,” I said quietly.

He thought a moment and then placed a hard kiss on my lips. “God, I love you.”

I threw my hands around his neck when I realized that we were sitting on the couch and that people were now in my living room. I didn’t notice Garrith, Keisha, and Brett arrive. My cheeks heated when I saw Brett. Not sure if Sebastian had seen him yet or not, I didn’t bother mentioning him.

“I’ll follow Lector and Gordon to Tori’s mom’s place,” Garrith explained. He was probably talking to me too, but at that moment I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than my son. I needed him in my arms again. To kiss his little chubby face. I sat curled in Sebastian’s lap while they discussed what to do with Jose and how to get my son back.

“Please stay here. Don’t go with them.” I saw Keisha grab onto Garrith’s arm as he headed down the hall. Tears welled in my eyes at the soft words. If something happened to Garrith because of this, I’d never forgive myself.

“Sebastian, what if something happens? What if…what if Jose comes back here?” I asked him.

“Garrith has the cops watching your house also, baby. It’ll be fine. You’ll be safe.” He ran a hand down my arm and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

“Wait.” I pushed him back. “Are you leaving too?”

He looked away.

I shoved myself off of his lap and spun on him. “No, you can’t go.”

Sebastian’s eyes narrowed at being told what to do. I didn’t care if it pissed him off. If I lost him again because of that asshole, I didn’t know what I would do. “Tori, I’m going.”

I could feel Brett’s scrutiny at our little fight. I walked past him in search of Garrith. He and Keisha were standing outside on the porch with her crying in his arms. God, my heart practically tore in two with guilt. I cleared my throat and stepped up behind them. Jose was not someone to be taken lightly.

Both of their heads turned to me at the unexpected interruption. “I’m so sorry for interrupting you two, but Garrith, Sebastian can’t go with you.”

“Like hell I can’t.” Sebastian came up behind me. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and grabbed my arm, tugging me back inside the house.

I tried shrugging him off but he wouldn’t let go. “You can’t.”

“Come inside, Tori,” Sebastian said firmly. It wasn’t a request.

Not having any energy to argue I shoved out of his grip and headed back inside feeling the eyes of my friends bore into the back of my skull.

“He shouldn’t go,” I heard Keisha say.

“He has to. Antonio’s his son. I’d do the same fucking thing,” Garrith replied.

“I pray that never happens to us. I couldn’t even imagine what they’re going through.” Keisha’s voice broke on a sob.

“I know, love,” Garrith said quietly.

Before I could hear any more, Sebastian pulled me into my office and shut the door behind us. “Sebastian.”

He didn’t respond. He pushed me up against the back of the door and crashed his mouth to mine, shoving his tongue between my lips.

I moaned and grabbed the waist band of his jeans, pulling him against me.

Our tongues danced and dueled frantically, roughly moving against the other. His hands massaged my body, kneading, pressing into me hard and fast. He released my mouth, kissed along my jaw and down my neck. Lifting his head, he rested it against my forehead, breathing deeply.

“What was that for?” I asked quietly, panting.

He smiled and cupped my cheek, running his thumb over my lips. “I was trying to distract you, even if it was just for a moment.”

I sighed and leaned against his hand. “I’m sorry for freaking out.”

He kissed my forehead and pulled me against him. “You have every right to freak out. Our son…” Sebastian swallowed. “He won’t hurt him.”

I leaned back, looking up into his dark eyes. “How can you be so sure?”

Sebastian ran his hands up and down my arms, trying to soothe me. “As sadistic as Jose is, he would never hurt a kid.”

I was about to ask him how he knew that, but then I remembered that Jose had brought Sebastian into his care when he was a child. A flutter of relief floated through me, knowing that my baby boy wouldn’t be harmed by him, but until he was back in my arms, an inkling of doubt poked at me.

“Sebastian, I need him…”

He pulled me against him, squeezing me, like he thought I would disappear. If only he knew how much I loved him. There was no way he was getting rid of me that easily. Not then. Not ever.

“I know, baby. I need him too. I’m so fucking sorry. For everything. For keeping secrets from you. For lying to you. For deserting you. I’m sorry for it all. I’m sorry for bringing Jose into your life, but there’s one thing I’m not fucking sorry about.”

A hard lump formed in my throat at the deep emotion coating his voice. “Wha…what?”

He pinched my chin and tilted my head to meet his dark glossy gaze. Cupping my cheeks with both hands, he placed a light kiss on my lips. It was the softest kiss he’d ever given me. His kisses were usually hard, demanding but that one poured love and passion.

“I’m not sorry for meeting you.” He kissed my tears that had fallen freely.

“I’m not sorry for kissing you.” Sebastian kissed my nose. “I’m not sorry for making love to you.”

My eyes fluttered closed as he kissed my chin.

I grabbed onto his wrists, gripping him tight like he was lifeline. If it wasn’t for him, I would lose it. Antonio needed me to stay strong. For him.

“That’s more than one thing.”

“I’m not sorry for falling in love with you,” he said, ignoring my comment.

A sob escaped my lips.

“I’m not sorry for protecting you or for giving you a son. My son. Our son.”

“Ours,” I whispered and opened my eyes, meeting his dark stare.

He smiled. “I love you, Tori, and I love Antonio. You will get him back.”

“We will get him back.”

A knock sounded, making me jump.

“Sebastian, we have to go,” Garrith said from the other side of the closed door.

Placing a firm kiss on my lips, Sebastian pulled me in for another hug. “Please know that I never meant for any of this shit to happen.”

“Of course I know that. I would never blame you,” I said against his shirt.

His tense body relaxed under my words. Here I was feeling sorry for myself when he was hurting just as bad as me. “I’m so sorry.”

Sebastian squeezed harder. “I love you.”

“I love you, Sebastian.” I felt more relaxed, but my nerves were still frazzled. I wouldn’t feel perfect until my baby boy was back in my arms.

We left the office hand in hand as Garrith came up to us. Sympathy filled his deep blue gaze as he looked between us both.

Fresh tears welled in my eyes, and I walked back into the living room, leaving Garrith and Sebastian to talk.

I had never seen Sebastian so sweet and tender. I wanted to cherish that moment and have more of them. Please God, let him bring home our son safely.

“Hey, Tori.”

I turned to the sound of Brett’s voice. He was sitting at the kitchen table, his face full of concern and...guilt? I sat across from him. “Hi, Brett,” I said quietly.

He reached across the table and grabbed my hands, rubbing a thumb back and forth over my skin. “I am so sorry.”

Tears welled in my eyes, threatening to spill over. “Brett, I...”

“Baby girl, I am so fucking sorry for the horrible things I said. I...I guess I’m just jealous.”

My gaze snapped up to his, shocked as his admission tore through me. It must have taken a lot for him to tell me that he was jealous of Sebastian. I also wanted to rip him a new one for the shit he said to him. All of the lies he fed him. I almost lost him because of Brett, and now I might lose him again because of Jose. But I couldn’t deal with that now. “Brett, that’s not important. Right now I just want my boy back.”

A warm hand landed on the back of my neck, running a thumb up and down the side. Brett’s features hardened and then he released me like he got caught doing something wrong.

“Everything okay?” Sebastian asked from behind me. His tone was accusatory and aimed directly at Brett.

“Yes, everything is fine.” I looked up at him when he didn’t respond. “Sebastian.”

His gaze finally met mine and I silently pleaded with him to be nice. His lips turned up at the sides.

I huffed, crossing my arms under my chest.

“I was just apologizing to Tori,” Brett explained.

Sebastian’s thumb stopped moving. “Apologizing for—”

“Don’t you guys have to go?” Brett asked, interrupting him.

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