Authors: H.L. Mencken
hw, 351
hyak, 151
hyar, 360
Hyde, 483
hygiologist, 179
-hym, 500
Hyman, 508
Hynek, 511
hyperfirmatious, 145
hyphenated-American, 173
i, 339, 340, 341, 346, 353, 368, 377, 382, 389, 401, 402, 405, 451, 469; -i, 548
I, 447, 455, 458
-ia, 548
iad, 451
-ian, 548
Iantha, 522
-iat, 180
ice, 577; -berg, 557; -box, 580; -cream soda, 85, 228; -engineer, 290; -house, 579; -tong doctors, 579; -water, 165
Icel, 521
Icsylf, 459
Icy Victorious, 522
Idahoan, 548
ide, 401
idea, 325
idea-engineer, 290
idealer, 463
idolatries, 303
I don’t think, 566
ie, 381, 402
Ignač, 511
Ignacio, 508, 509
Ignát, 511
Ignatius, 511
Ignâs, 509
ignoramus, 339
I is, 363
Ila, 522
iland, 384, 406
ile, 346, 401
Ill, 505
ill, 62, 127, 251
illegitimate child, 293
illegitimate mother, 293
ill-gotten, 432
Illinois, 541
I’ll say so, 566
illustrate, 325
illy, 15,467
Ilmari, 510
Iloah, 522
imagin, 403
imagine, 384
imkeeled, 16
immabloodymaterial, 316
immigrate, to, 118
imperturbe, to, 75
imprecriptible, 118
improper assault, 311
impurities, 303
Inabeth, 522
in a certain condition, 311
in-and-in, 576
in back of, 252
in bad, 202
Inc., 244
inch, 462
incidence, 462
incident, 6, 462
inclement, 325
incog, 558
incohonee, 106
income-engineer, 290
incommunicado, 221
incorporated, 244
indegoddampendent, 315
Indiana, 526
Indian corn, 122, 234
Indian-file, 106
Indian-giver, 106
Indianians, 548
Indian meal, 234
Indian-Summer, 106, 229
india-rubber, 239
indices, 412
indifferent, 465
indignation-meeting, 231
individual, 184
indorsation, 390
indorsee, 118, 390
indorser, 118
indorst, 402, 403
induced, 345
ine, 401
-ine, 180, 347
in embryo, 303
inexhaustiveness, 166
inexpressibles, 302, 303
Inez, 514
infanticipating, 561
infantorium, 179
infants’-school, 235, 241
infinit, 399, 403
infirmary, 293
inflexion, 392
influent, 120
influential, 120, 223
infract, to, 118 -ing, 192, 315, 348, 352
Ingeborg, 510
Ingerval, 510
-ingwell, 315
in husband trouble, 561
initial-sack, 562
initiative and referendum, 245
injunct, to, 167
ink-slinger, 101
inland, 239
inland revenue, 239
inn, 123
inner-mission, 220
inning, 248
innovate, to, 192
-ino, 176
inquire, 390
inquiry, 325; -office, 238
insane, 325, 360; -asylum, 293
insect, 310
insignia, 412
insignias, 413
inspector, 243
instal, 392, 393
install, 393
instalment-plan, 235
instead, 340, 384
insted, 384, 403
instruct a barrister, to, 246
instructor, 242
insubordination, 118
insurance-adjuster, 239
insure, to, 393
insurge, to, 192
insurrecto, 221
intelligentlemen, 561
intelligentsia, 462
interduce, 353
interest, 328
interesting condition, 304
interfere with, to, 311
interiour, 380
intermission, 237
intern, 411
intern, to, 194
internal revenue, 239
interne, 411
interstitial glands, 307
interval, 235, 237
interval-land, 99
interview, to, 192
in the belly, 303
intransigeant, 409
intransigent, 409
int’res’, 353
intuition, 614
inure, to, 75
invalid-coach, 288
invite, 129
invoist, 403
involv, 401
in writing, 252
Ioan, 509
Iodine, 524
iodine, 341
Ionescu, 494
Iowa, 526, 541
I.Q., 588
Irby, 522
ire, to, 199
Irene, 507, 520
Irish turkey, 583
iron-horse, 147
iron-jawed, 137
Ironmonger, 503
ironmonger, 85
ironmongery, 234
iron out, to, 227
Ironroad, 514
Irving, 506, 507
is, 375, 427
Isaac, 506, 507
Isaiah, 515
-isation, 389
I say!, 252
ise, 401
-ise, 389
Isennock, 484
is going to, 201
ish ka bibble, 217
I should worry, 217
Isidor, 506
island, 383, 384, 406, 605
isle, 183
is not, 428, 445
isn’t, 445
isolate, 341
Isom, 524
Isophene, 522
isquontersquash, 105
Israel, 506
Israelite, 298
iss, 375
issue, 352
-ist, 178
-ista, 221
is to go, 201
I swan, 259
Iszatso, 546
it, 448
Italian, 296, 299
ite, 401; -ite, 178, 549
itemize, to, 93, 141, 167, 232
it gets me, 197
Ithamer, 522
-itis, 178, 179, 347
it is me, 51, 422, 455, 457, 458
it is to laugh, 159
it listens well, 220
its, 448
itself, 459
it’s her, 455
it’s him, 455
it’s me, 51, 422, 455, 457, 458
it’s up to you, 191
it’s us, 455
Itzik, 506
Ivan, 511, 513
Ivanhoe, 537
Ivason, 523
ive, 401
I.X.L., 209
Izabel, 509
ize, 402; -ize, 192
j, 375, 404
Jaakko, 493, 510
jabon, 373
Jace, 519
Jack, 498, 507, 509, 510
jack, 302, 308, 585
jackass, 302
Jackass Flat, 536
Jack Johnson, 573
jack-pot, 191
jack-rabbit, 167
Jackson, 489, 493, 498, 514, 517, 529
Jacob, 498, 506
Jacobovitch, 498
Jacobovsky, 498
Jacobson, 498
Jacques, 507, 508
jag 150
Jaggers, 569
jail, 292, 293, 383, 386, 389, 390, 393 396
jailer, 389
Jaimé, 508
Jake, 498
Jakša, 489
Jakšič, 489
jam, 167
jambalaya, 214
jam-buster, 583
James, 505, 506, 507, 511, 513,515,524,527,531
Jameson, 486
Jamestown, 527
Jamestown weed, 114
Jamgotvhain, 497
Jamison, 497
jamoca, 580
Jan, 511
jan, to, 192, 196
janders, 360
Jane, 506
janit, to, 196
janitor, to, 196, 235
Janke, 110
Jansen, 477, 481
Jap, 183
japalac, 172, 173
Japanee, 461
Japan jack, 373
Jap Chief, 183
jardinière, 347
Jared, 516
Jaroscz, 488
Jarvi, 492
Järvi, 493
Jarvis, 481, 493
Jasha, 508
Jason, 519
jaundice, 335, 344, 346
jawbone, 573
jawfest, 218
Jayhawk, 552
jay-walker, 186, 227
jazz, 155, 188, 189, 191, 604
jeans, 128, 263
jedge, 346
Jedliěka, 488
Jedlicker, 488
Jeff, 519
Jefferson, 498, 513, 515, 517,519,529
jell, to, 93, 191
jelly, 375
Jem, 519
Jeneal, 522
Jennie, 507
Jennings, 513, 516
Jens, 510
jeopard, to, 165
jeopardize, to, 121, 141, 165
jeopardy, 126
jerked-beef, 112
jerk-water, 146, 582
Jerome, 507, 520
Jerris, 488
Jerry, 573
jerry, 583
Jerseyman, 552
Jesse -James- and -Frank, 523
jest, 346
Jesus, 305, 313, 316, 318, 508
Jesús, 509
Jesus Christ, 308, 316
Jesus H. Christ, 316
Jesus H. Particular Christ, 316
Jew, 249, 297, 298, 305
jew, to, 122, 124, 297, 299
jew down, to, 297
jeweler, 383, 388
jeweller, 383
jewellery, 391, 392
jewelry, 391
Jewish boy, 299
Jewish cooking, 299
Jewish religion, 299
jibe, to, 252
jick, 216
jickie, 216
jig 296
jigabo, 296
jigaboo, 296
jigger, 152, 211
jig-saw, 167
jig’s up, 101
jilt, 126
Jim, 508, 512, 513
jiminy, 316
Jim-Jam, 536
Jimmie, 512
Jimson weed, 114, 115
jine, 161, 346
jiner, 346
jinerll, 379
Jingo, 537
jint, 136
jist, 346
jit, 169, 296
jitney, 86, 93, 188, 189, 191, 263
João, 509
Jobber, 488
jobbernoll, 577
job-holder, 243
jocker, 582
jockey, 155, 587
jockungage, 577
Joe, 508, 509, 519
Joey, 584
Johann, 505
Johannes, 482
Johannsen, 483
Johannson, 477, 491, 492
John, 482, 505, 506, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 515, 516, 524, 573
John-Collins, 85, 149
Johnnie, 512
Johnny-cake, 115
Johnny-jump-up, 115
Johnson, 477, 478, 483, 485,492,497,514
Johnstown, 529
join, 346
joiner, 85
joint, 167, 235, 576, 584
joist, 346
joke-smith, 565
Joki, 492
jolly, 253, 264, 270
Jonas, 506
Jonase, 479
Jonathan, 302
Jones, 477, 478, 479, 494, 498, 514
Jones Gulch, 535
Jones of William, 504
Jonsson, 491
jonteel, 411
Joosh, 561
Jordãn, 494, 535
Jordao, 494
Jorge, 494, 508
Jornada, 153
José, 508, 509
Joseph, 506, 509, 513, 515
Josephine, 507
Josh, 515, 519
Joshua, 515
joss, 162
josshouse, 162
journalese, 570
joyfulest, 420
joy-ridden, 439
joy-ride, 62, 186, 227, 565
joy-ride, to, 439
joy-rided, 439
joy-rider, 579
joy-rode, 439
Juan, 508
Juba, 524
juba, 113
Judean, 298
judge, 257, 274, 279, 346
judgement, 389
judgmatical, 120
judgment, 392
jug, 235, 566
Juhana, 510
julep, 85
Jules, 507
Julina, 524
Julius, 507, 508, 510
July, 496
jump, to, 142, 232
jumper, 145
jumping-off place, 145
Jump-Off, 536
jump on with both feet, to 143
jump the rails, to, 147
junction, 539
June-bug, 114
Jung, 483
jungle, 582
jungle-buzzard, 582
Junior, 520
junior, 242
junior school, 241
junk, 229, 235
junker, 579
junta, 221
Jupiter, 523
Jurjus, 512
Jussi, 510
just, 253, 346
just how many?, 253
just in time, 253
just lovely, 253
just what do you mean?, 253
juve, 586
juvenile, 184
juzgado, 221
k, 368, 375, 382, 383, 394, 406, 484
Kaarlo, 510
Kaatersill Clove, 532
Kabotchnick, 499
kaddish, 217
Kaduggan, 503
kafateria, 177
Kahler, 484
kaif, 177, 347
kake, 407
Kalamazoo, 528, 553
kalfeteria, 177
Kállay, 496
Kalle, 510
Kalomeris, 479
Kaltenberg, 483
Kamariotis, 486
Kamp Takitezy, 546
kanaapie, 110
Kanorado, 537
Kansas Citian, 548
Kansas Nebraska, 517
kant-leek, 407
kar, 407
Kara, 497
karacter, 382
Karageozian, 497
Karen, 506, 510
Karfunkel, 501
Karin, 510
Karl, 510
Karlsson, 491, 492
katchina, 151
Katel, 524
Kathryn, 520
Katie, 509
katy-did, 114
Katzenberger, 487
Katzenellenbogen, 485
katzenjammer, 155
Kauchee, 524
kaukau, 373
Kay, 507
Kayla, 496
Kayler, 496
kayo, 210, 562
Kazimierz, 510
K.C., 246
Keams Canyon, 535
Kearny, 542
kedge, 24
kee, 381
keek, 296
Keeley, 483
keen-kutter, 407
keep, to, 433, 604
keep a stiff upper lip, to, 142, 232
keep one’s eye peeled, to, 232
keep tab, to, 142
keer, 339
keg, 340, 383, 384
Keller, 487
Kelly, 478, 493, 496
Kemp, 483
Kempf, 483
Kenesaw Mountain, 517
Kenjockety, 514
Kennebec, 528
Kenneth, 512
Keokuk, 553
kep, 352, 433
kept, 433
ker-, 146; -bang, 146; -bim, 146; -chunk, 146; -flop, 146; -flummux, 146; -plunk, 146; -slam, 146; -slap, 146; -souse, 146; -splash, 146; -swash, 146; -swosh, 146; -thump, 146; -whut, 483
kerb, 390, 394
kerbstone, 394
kerbstone broker, 390
Kerekes, 496
Kerngood, 483
Kerngut, 483
Kershaw, 503