Authors: H.L. Mencken
municipial, 353.
munnawhattecug, 105
Munsing Underwear, 525
Muqabba’a, 496
Murdena, 522
Murphy, 477, 478, 504, 520
murphy, 566
Murray, 507, 508
mus, 104
Musallem, 496
muscato, 112
muscle in, to, 198, 580
mush, 116
music, 380, 603
music hall, 237
muskeito, 112
musketa, 112
muskmelon, 360
Muskogeean, 549
Muskrat, 552
muskrat, 114, 360
muslim, 409
musqueto, 112
muss, 99, 128, 346
muss, to, 142
must, 443
musta, 443
mustache, 325, 394
mustang, 152
mutt, 169
mutual, 168
mutual-society, 239
my, 447, 449
my dear, 311
My Lady’s Manor, 537
Mylonas, 485
My Lord, 279
Myra, 507
Myron, 511
Myroslava, 511
myself, 459
Myšička, 488
Myčka, 488
my word, 269
n, 335, 375, 397, 405, 425, 445, 451; -n, 549; ñ, 543
na, 469
nab, to, 199
nabisco, 172, 173
nabor, 383, 406
naborhood, 406
Nadia, 511
næfth, 469
naht, 469
naïve, 410
naïveté, 409, 410
name, to, 109
nameable, 101
nance, 305
Naneta, 524
nanitch, 150
-naper, 180
naphtha, 352, 407, 408
Napoli, 493
Nappy, 520
narcissis, 413
narcissuses, 413
narrator, 325
narrow, 359
nary, 129, 470
Nash, 490
Nassau, 533
nasty, 268, 464, 467
Nat, 519
nat, 469
Nathan, 506, 512
Nathaniel, 506
nation, 614
nativ, 403
natur, 345
nature-faker, 174
naturelogues, 171
naught, 393
naughty, 467
Nauwagesic, 514
naval-yard, 239
Na villa, 522
navvy, 239
navy-yard, 239
Nazarene, 524
Nazary, 503
na zdar, 216
Nazi, 183, 209
Nazro, 525
nch, 446
nd, 438
ne, 469
near, 93, 384, 466
near-, 180, 181; -accident, 103, 181; -antique, 181; -beer, 181; -champion, 181; -finish, 181; -leather, 181; -mahogany, 181; -porcelain, 181; -seal, 181; -silk, 181; -silver, 181
nearby, 229
Neary, 496
neat, 466
Nebraska, 532
necessarily, 267
necessary, 325
neck, 115
neck, to, 199, 309, 564, 565
necktie, 235
née, 347
Needa, 521
needle, to, 580
needless, 401
neer, 381, 384
negative, to, 118, 232
neger, 385
négligé, 287, 347
negligée, 409
Negolia, 524
Negress, 300
Negro, 299, 385
ne-hæfth, 469
neighbour, 383, 395
neither, 341, 472
neither don’t, 471
Nell, 511
Nelly, 511
Nelson, 477
neolin, 173
N.E.P., 209
nephew, 352
Nephi, 516, 518
nerts, 226, 309, 572
nerve, 367
nervous, 126
nerz, 367
ne singan, 469
-ness, 178
nestes, 360
net, 390, 396
net, to, 199
nether-garments, 302
netop, 106
nett, 389, 390
Neuta, 522
Nevada, 339
New, 529
New Amsterdam, 532
Newberlin, 539
New Boston, 528
Newbranch, 491
New Dorp, 532
Newer, 487
Newhouse, 485
ne-wiste, 469
Newlake, 492
New London, 528
Newman, 485, 487, 499
Newmann, 485
ne-wolde, 469
New Orleans, 531, 541
Newport, 528
Newport News, 537
newspaperdom, 178
newspaper men, 228
Newt, 519
New Thought, to, 196
Newton, 492, 519
New York, 532; -er, 549
Ney, 499
ng, 348
N.G., 92, 205, 208
’ngombo, 113
Niagara, 527, 531
Nias, 523
nib, 239
nice, 71, 210, 464, 557
Nicholas, 486, 511, 515
nichts kommt heraus, 157
Nick, 511
Nicolo, 509
Niemi, 492
Nieuwhuis, 485
nifty, 581
nigger, 296, 299, 305
night-rider, 102
nigmenog, 577
Nikolaou, 486
Nils, 510
nine-pins, 237, 248
Nineveh, 530
nip, 35
nipple, 303
Nira, 209
nit, 157
nite, 406
niter, 394
nitsky, 157
nix, 157, 573
nix come erous, 157
nixie, 157
nixy, 157
N.M., 206
no, 469
no-account, 114, 117
Noble, 484
nobody home, 561
no-end, 269
no flies on, 232
no-how, 114, 117, 470
noise, 367
noive, 367
no kerry, 376
nolde, 469
Nolte, 487
nominated, 245
non-committal, 143, 231
non-committalism, 143
non-committally, 143
nonconformist, 248, 249
nonconformist conscience, 250
none, 451, 469, 471
Non Intervention, 536
nonpareil, 250
Noodle, 536
noodle, 112, 155
noodle-hook, 359
nook, 344
nope, 229, 354
Nopie, 522
no place, 204
Norfolk-Howard, 310
Norlina, 537
Norman, 507
Norse, 183
Norsworthy, 503
North, 529
north and south, 578
North Clove, 532
north-east corner, 247
Norwich, 540
nose-paint, 568
no-siree, 161
no slouch, 232
Nosodak, 537
not, 343, 445, 446, 469
notaseme, 407
notch, 115
note, 233
note-case, 239
not has, 469
nothin’ doin, 95
nothing, 469, 470
nothing doing, 227
notice, to, 7
notify, to, 6, 122
notions, 254
not my funeral, 232
not nothing, 424
no (t) -one, 451
Notre Dame, 525
not so hot, 585
not to sing, 469
no two ways about it, 99, 232
nought, 392, 393
nourish, to, 303
Novák, 487
novel, 343
noways, 468
nowheres, 22
nowheres else, 204
N.R.A., 209
nt, 446; n’t, 445
nucleuses, 412
nuf sed, 407
null, to, 199
number-dummy, 583
Number Four, 536
number-grabber, 583
numbers, 222
Nunes, 495
Nunez, 495
Nurse, 240
nurse, 240
nurse, to, 303
nurse a constituency, to, 245
nursery, 235
nursery-school, 235
nursing-home, 240, 266
nursing sister, 240
nut, 263, 557
nuts, 301, 566
nut-splitter, 583
nut-sundae, 228
nuttery, 176
nutty, 464
ny, 543
nyam, 113
Nygren, 491
Nyiri, 496
nyste, 469
Nyzovych, 490
o, 343, 344, 346, 401, 402, 484, 490; -o, 548; ö, 490; ò, 382
Oakhurst, 534
Oarly, 522
oatmeal, 235
Oberkuchen, 484
Oberkugen, 484
obflisticate, to, 568
obituarize, to, 194
objurgate, to, 325
O’Black, 489
obleek, 382
obligate, to, 40, 99, 118, 231
obligation, 614
obligoddamnation, 316
oblique, 382
Oblong, 536
O’Brien, 487
obscene, 309
obstetricate, to, 197
obtained, 604
O.C., 573
occlusion, 15
oceanography, 155
ocelot, 106
Očenášek, 487
ock, 402
Octavia, 519
od, 403
odditorium, 179
odd jobs, 234
odds and ends, 235
-ode, 438
Oder, 522
odeur, 384
odor, 384
odorous, 395
odour, 395
odsblood, 315
oe, 401, 484
Oehler, 484
Oehm, 483
œsophagus, 411
of, 443, 471
ofay, 214, 296
offal, 128
offence, 394
offense, 386, 388, 394
offensive, 394
off from, 471
office-holder, 95, 101, 102, 243
officerette, 178
office-seeker, 148
off’n, 471
off of, 471
offset, 98
of late, 467
often, 348
-ogist, 178, 179
Ogpu, 209
O’Green, 489
Ogrin, 489
oh, 404, 490
Oha, 522
Ohanesian, 497
O’Hare, 487
Ohio, 526
Ohiowa, 537
Ohler, 484
Ohman, 490
oh, oh!, 252
Ohslund, 490
oh-yeah, 40, 566
oi, 345, 367, 368
oil, 346
Oil City, 536
oiled, 568
oil-plan, 237
oinest, 367
oi-yoi, 217
O.K., 92, 205, 226, 230, 466, 565
okay, 207, 208
okeh, 206
Okerberg, 490
okey, 207
Oklahoman, 548
okra, 113
Olabelle, 521
Olaf, 510
old, 352
old-boy, 243
old dear, 269
Old Dominion, 552
Old Hickory, 101
oldsmobile, 173
ole, 352
-olis, 549
-olitan, 549
Ollie, 522, 523
Olof, 510
Olouise, 521
Olseen, 491
Olsen, 510
Olsie, 521
Olson, 491, 510
Olsson, 491, 492
Omahog, 552
OMaolcathaigh, 504
Ombra, 521
omelet, 390
ommigenous, 75
omnibus-bill, 101, 148
OMurchadha, 504
on, 343; -on, 548
on a bust, 429
on an avenue, 247
on a street, 247
once, 352, 353
once-over, 263
oncet, 161
one, 451, 464, 612
one-he, 203
one-horse, 117
100% American, 174
onery, 95, 161, 353
onesome, 562
one-step, 155
on fire, 561
on his legs, to be, 245
Onlak, 489
onliest, 463
onnozel, 109
Ono, 534
Onola, 522
on point duty, 243
onry, 353
on the bench, 191
on the bum, 156
on the fence, 143, 148, 228
on the job, 265
on the merge, 561
on the Q.T., 208
on the side, 227
on the verge, 561
ontil, 360
on time, 232, 238
on to his curves, 191
Onza, 521
oo, 344, 345, 383
oof, 184
oona, 113
ooze, 404, 602
opassom, 104
open up, to, 165, 198
operate, to, 31, 196
operating-room, 287
operative, 325
Opferkuchen, 484
opinion, to, 25
opossum, 100, 104
oppose, to, 117, 120
opposit, 403
opuses, 413
Oquossoc, 531
-or, 178, 179, 192, 285, 383, 384, 386, 389, 390, 395
Oral, 522
Orange, 505
orangeade, 173
orate, to, 192
orator, 242
oratory, 24
Orba, 521
Orcellia, 524
orchestra, 237
ordinary, 353
orf, 350
organization, 225
organlog, 171
Oriel, 522
oriole, 124
-orium, 178, 179
Orleenian, 548
ornate, 128
orphanest, 463
orse, 377
orta, 471
orter, 350
Orvetta, 521 -ory, 325
Osborn, 490
Oscar, 507, 510
Osey, 522
O’Shaunnessy, 487
Oshkosh, 553
Osie, 522
oslerize, to, 193
ossified, 568
ostent, 75
ostermoor, 564
ostler, 393
OSuilleohhain, 504
O’Sullivan, 504
otchock, 105
Otella, 521
other, 349
O’Tracy, 487
Otřáska, 487
O’Tresaigh, 504
otter, 536
Otto, 505, 506
ou, 402
ouch, 158
ough, 402
oughta, 445
oughten, 445
oughter, 445
oughtna, 445
ought not, 445
ought to, 445
our, 402, 447, 456
-our, 380, 381, 383, 386, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 399
ouren, 448
ourn, 425, 447, 456
oust, to, 199
outa, 443, 471
outfit, 573
out for the coin, 559
Outhouse, 505
out-house, 62, 231
outlandishest, 463
out of wedlock, 293
out of window, 251
outstander, 586
outstanding, 210, 211, 220, 588
outstandingly, 211
Oven, 489
Oven Fork, 536
over all, 350
Overflow, 524
overhall, 353
overhead-expenses, 86
over his signature, 165, 252
overseas, 239
overshoes, 235
over the left, 566
over the top, 573
ow, 353, 382, 383, 484
-ow, 437
Owens, 489
Owl Wahneeta, 514
own, 459
oyster, 367; -stew, 247; -supper, 144, 247
p, 354, 368, 439, 493
pa, 170
Paatalo, 492
paccan, 105
pack, 236
package, 235
package-engineer, 290
packing, 261
packing-engineer, 290
Pacoman, 538
pact, 182
Paddy, 511
Padraic, 513
padre, 152, 573
pad-room, 584
pageant-engineer, 290
Pagger-Wagger, 569
pahea oe, 377
paid, 433, 436
paint-engineer, 290
painting-engineer, 290