American Language (149 page)

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Authors: H.L. Mencken

BOOK: American Language
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Magnus, 510

Mahala, 522

Mahmoud, 513

Máhoney, 504

Mahonri, 516

maid, 266

maiden, 308

Maija, 510

mail, 238, 256; -bag, 238; -box, 238; -car, 238; -carrier, 238; -clerk, 147; -order, 238; -man, 238; -matter, 238; -train, 238; -van, 238

Main street, 547

maiz, 122, 384

maize, 3, 106, 122, 234, 384

major, 242, 274, 283

makai-ewa, 377

make, to, 433, 604

make a get away, to, 198

make a kick, to, 143

make good, to, 227, 229

make out, to, 229

make the fur fly, to, 142

make the grade, to,

make tracks, to, 142

make whoopee, to, 561

Maki, 492

Mäki, 492

Makláry, 496

Makohon, 489

malafee, 113

malaise, 409

Malcolm, 497, 507

malease, 409

male-cow, 301

male-hog, 302

Malen, 523

male-sheep, 302

mama, 585

mama-san, 373

Mamie, 519

Mamie Taylor, 149

mamma, 325

managing director, 244

manaña, 221

man-and-woman it, to, 561

mangelwurzel, 246

mangle, 261

Manhattan, 532

manhattanize, to, 193

manicure, 178

manicurist, 178

manifest, 582

manitee, 106

Mann, 484

männerchor, 157, 347

Manney, 479

Manoel, 509

mansions, 247, 414

Månsson, 491

Manuel, 508, 509

map, to, 199

marathon, 180

March, 493

march, 614

marcy, 339, 340

Mar-Del, 537

mare, 302

Mareda, 524

Marenisco, 538

Marg, 519

Margaret, 509, 519, 520

Margarida, 509

Margorilla, 524

Maréa, 509

Maréa, 508

Marian, 509

Mariano, 509

Marie, 511, 513

Marilyn, 511, 512

Marin, 509

Marinaccio, 493

Marinace, 493

Marion, 537

Marjette, 521

Marjoribanks, 503

Mark, 506, 507

marketeria, 177

marketing-expert, 291

Marks, 494

Marlborough, 503

Marques, 494

marriage-certificate, 235

marriage-lines, 235

marrid, 402

marsh, 246, 339

Marshall, 515, 517

Marshbanks, 503

Marston, 487

mart, 183

Marth, 519

Martha, 519

Martin, 494, 507, 509

martin, 536

Martinez, 514

Martini-cocktail, 85

Martins, 494

Marttinen, 479

marvelous, 388

Marvin, 507, 516

Mary, 183, 506, 507, 509, 510, 513, 519

Maryland, 540

Marysville, 529

Masculine, 505

ma’sh, 246, 350

masheen, 382, 384

Mason, 486, 498

mass, 249, 334

massa, 271

masseur, 347

massive, 334

mass-meeting, 98,144,148, 231

Masten, 487

master, 241, 242, 268, 281, 334, 583; -maniac, 583; -mind, 583; of ceremonies, 586; of properties, 289

masterpiece, 155

Master (s), 485

masticate, 334

mastiff, 386

mat, 261, 614

match, to, 256

mater, 338

Matha, 524

Mathias, 507

Mathushek, 487

Matilda, 519

matineé, 409

matins, 268

Matoka, 524

Matoušek, 487

matrimonial-engineer, 290

Matrimony, 536

mat-roller, 261

matron, 289

Mattagomonsis, 531

Mattawamkeag, 531

matter, 336, 349

Matthew, 506, 510

Matthews, 487

Matti, 510

mattins, 249

mattress-engineer, 289

Matuscheck, 487

matzoth, 216, 217

Mauch Chunk, 532

mauka, 377

Mauna Loa, 522

Maurice, 503

Maury, 516

mauvaises terres, 108

Mauwauwaming, 532

maverick, 144, 188, 189

maw, 328, 349

Mawlbra, 503

Max, 507

Maximilian, 507

Maxwell, 507

may, 420

Maybeth, 521

Maynard, 497

mayorality, 353

mazuma, 216, 217, 263

mazzaltov, 217

mb, 402

McClautz, 489

McCleary, 496

McCoy, 580

McDonald, 514

McKaba, 496

McKeesport, 529

McLane, 479

McLoud, 487

McShane, 477

McSweeney, 504

M.D., 272

me, 447, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458; -me, 390, 391

meal, to, 196

Mealy, 524

mean, 25, 384, 466

mean, to, 433

measure up, to, 256

measure up to the standard, to, 229

meat, 373, 614

mecanic, 401

mecca, 183

media, 412

mediæval, 393

medic, 170

medical lady, 272

medical man, 272

medical woman, 272

medicine-man, 106

medieval, 391, 401

mediocer, 402

Meek, 523

meen, 381, 384

meeou, 184

meet, to, 433

megaphonia, 175

Meier, 500

Meilach, 498

Meilachson, 498

Meister, 485

melancholy, 267, 325

mêlée, 409

Melkonian, 497

Melrose Abbey, 522

melt, to, 436

melted, 436

Melvin, 508, 516

member, 242

memo, 170

memorandum-book, 247

memorial-park, 288

Memphian, 549

mendery, 176

Mendes, 506

menhaden, 104, 105

ment, 381, 433

mental-hygiene, 588

menu, 347

merchantor, 179

Mercy, 516

mercy, 339, 340

merged, 561

Merl, 522

Merrimac, 527

mes, 401

mesa, 152,153

mescal, 152

Mesdames, 412

Meshach, 515

meshuggah, 216, 217, 580

meshummad, 217

mesquite, 152

mess, 346

Messiah, 524

Messieurs, 412

Messrs., 282

Mészáros, 496

met, 433

metals, 147

metaphor, 395

Metella, 522

meteorological-office, 239

meter, 402

Methodist, 462

Methodist New Connexion, 249

meticulous, 211

Metsa, 492

Meyer, 477

mezzo-brow, 186

Miamian, 548

Michael, 507, 511, 512, 518

Michaelis, 483

Michaels, 483

Michal, 511

Michayil, 510

Michel, 498

Michigan, 532; -der, 552

michigouen, 106

mick, 295

middle-aisled, 561

middle-aisle it, to, 259

Middlemarch, 537

middle-neck, 236

middle-rump, 236

Middletown, 536

midsommarfest, 215

Miechyslawa, 510

Mielnik, 488

might, 99

mightily, 467

mighty, 467

Miguel, 514

Mihai, 509

mijn, 379

Mike, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513

Mikha’il, 512

Miklavec, 489

Mikul´š, 511

mil, 403

Mila, 524

Milavič, 489

Mildred, 510, 519

mile, 462

mileage, 120, 147, 231, 389

mileage-book, 147

Miles, 524

Miley, 524

militaire, 75

militia-armory, 239

milk-churn, 260

milk-engineer, 290

mill, 116

Millar, 477

millenial, 16

Miller, 477, 478, 484, 485, 486, 488, 494, 520

milliard, 255

Millicent, 519

Millie, 519

milligram, 391

Millin, 499

millinteria, 177

mills, 539

Milton, 505, 506, 515, 516

min, 449

Minas, 524

mince, 260

mince-pie, 578

Minda, 524

mind-set, 588

mine, 379, 447, 449

Miner, 482

minerals, 86, 149, 237

minestrone, 222

Mingo, 524

minim, 250

minima, 250

minion, 250

minion-nonpareil, 250

minister, 245, 249

ministry, 245

Minnesota, 526

minni, 353

minnow, 353

minor-leaguer, 191

minster, 248

minum, 449

mirage, 338

Miriam, 507

Mirnada, 521

Mirrle, 522

mirror, 395

mis, 401

Mis’, 124

mischievious, 353

mischievous, 325

misdemeanour, 396

miserable, 465

Misha, 508

misogynist, 341

mistaken, to, 193

Miss, 124

missil, 406

missile, 406

missionary, 24

missionate, to, 98, 140,150

mission-festival, 220

mission-stiff, 582

Mississippi, 526, 528

Missouri, 525, 532, 541

Missouri Compromise, 517

misstep, 231

Missus, 412

Mister, 273, 274, 280, 412

mistook, 442

Mitchell, 490, 498, 507, 512

mit-joint, 584

MiXail, 490

mixer, 227

mixologist, 179

mizzen-brow, 186

Mile., 348

Mlynář, 486

mob, 126, 169, 182, 368, 558

-mobile, 180

mobile police, 226

mobster, 178

moccasin, 101, 102, 105

mocho, 153

model, to, 194

moderately, 253

Modjeska, 489

Modjeski, 489

modren, 353

Modrzejewski, 489

mods, 243

Moe, 507

mohel, 217

Möhr, 477

Mohr, 477

Moiseyev, 498

Moishe, 506

moke, 296

molasses, 62, 128, 235, 462

mold, 386, 402

moldering, 388

mollagausauger, 568

Möller, 477

Mollie, 519

mollusc, 390

mollusk, 394

molt, 436

momentum, to, 194

momzer, 218

monarc, 401

monarchy, 401

monastery, 325

Monat, 482

mon cher, 75

Monday-man, 585

moneybund, 219

money-to-burn, 227

moniker, 582

Monimea, 524

monitor, 268

monkey-doodle, 176

monkey-house, 583

monkey with, to, 232

monkey-wrench, 235

monolog, 394

monologuist, 178

Monongahela, 526

monoxide, to, 196

Monroe, 506

monsignori, 412

monsignors, 412

Montagu-Stuart-Wort-ley-Mackenzie, 502

Montana, 339

Montereyan, 549

Monte Vista, 534

Montréalais, 550

Montrealer, 549

Monumental City, 101, 553

mony, 402; -mony, 325

Mood, 524

moom-pitcher, 561

moonshine, 576

Moor, 477

moor, 115

Mooradian, 497

Moore, 477, 497

Moosa, 524

moose, 104, 536

moosu, 104

Mop, 582

mop, 368

Morais, 494

moral, 341

Móran, 504

Morariu, 494

Mord, 522

More, 477

more, 328, 349, 463, 538

more better, 420, 463

more looser’n, 464

more queerer, 463

more ultra, 463

more uniquer, 463

more worse, 463

Morgan, 499

morgen, 110 Morgenthau, 500

morgue, 563

Mork, 490

Mormon, 57

moron, 174, 570

Moroni, 516

moronize, to, 193

morphician, 289

morphine, 155

morphology, 155

Morris, 494, 506

mortgage-shark, 144

mortician, 86, 178, 284, 287

Mortimer, 507

Morton, 506, 507

moscheto, 112

Moscowite, 549

mose, 104

Moses, 506, 507, 513, 535

Mosetta, 522

mosey, to, 152

Mosie, 507

moslem, 409

Mosnička, 486

mosquito, 112

moss-back, 116, 145

most, 463, 468

most Almighty God, 463

Most Hon., 277

most principal, 463

Most Rev., 282

mote, 347

Motel, 506

mother, 349

motorcade, 179

motor-car, 233, 247

motoritis, 179

motortorium, 179

mototeria, 177

mought, 347

mould, 386, 390, 393

mouldering, 388

moult, 393

mound mainstay, 570

mountain-dew, 568

mountainious, 353

Mountbatten, 500

Mount Ohio, 530

mourners’ bench, 150, 250

moustache, 392, 393

mouth-organ, 120

mouthpiece, 576

moveable, 380

movey-star, 108

movie, 95, 169, 170, 187;

-cathedral, 188, 292;

-filling-station, 188;

-house, 237; -mosque, 188; -parlor, 188; -synagogue, 188

moviedom, 178

mow, to, 433

mowed, 433

mown, 433

moyder a skoyt, to, 263

Mozingo, 524

mozo, 153

M.P., 573

Mr., 275, 278, 281, 413

Mraáčk, 487

Mr. Chief Justice, 279

Mr. Justice, 279

Mrs., 124

Mrs. ex-Senator, 274

Mrs. Major, 283

Mrs. Professor, 274

Mt. Rainier, 532

Muccia, 494

much, 110, 374

mucilage, 235

mud, 582; -guard, 236;

-hen, 114; -scow, 116;

-show, 585; -splasher, 573

mudhop, 583

Mueller, 484

muffler, 237

mug-joint, 584

mugquomp, 106

mugwump, 106, 107, 148, 231

Mühler, 477

Muir, 477

Mulcahy, 504

mule-skinner, 167

muletress, 168

Muller, 484

Müller, 477

mulligan, 582

multiple-shop, 234

Mummy, 269

muncheon, 171

Munger, 503

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