Amish Circle Letters II: The Second Circle of Letters (9 page)

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Authors: Sarah Price

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Christian Denominations & Sects, #Amish, #Literature & Fiction, #Amish & Mennonite, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction

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Her fingers got to the end of her Bible and there was no sign of the note. She frowned and flipped back through the Bible. No note. The color drained from her face and she lifted the book, shaking it gently in the hopes that the slip of paper would flutter out. But it didn

Where was it?

A moment of panic washed over her. What if her
had found it? What would she think of this? Katie jumped up from her bed and knelt down beside it, peering under the frame. Nothing was there except a few clusters of dust.

Lifting her right hand to her lips, she tried to think about what to do. For a moment, she tried to convince herself that she had not put the piece of paper in the Bible. She glanced around the rest of the room, trying to remember if she had put it somewhere else. But she knew that she didn
’t. Why would anyone take Melvin’s note to her? And, if they did, why hadn’t anyone spoken to her about it?



It was almost eight o
’clock when Mary Ruth opened up the outside door, her shawl tightly wrapped around herself as she stepped outside on the porch. The snow had stopped falling so hard but there was enough covering the ground that everything reflected light, despite the sky being so dark. Still, there was no sign of Menno.

Earlier, she had made certain to fix up the bedroom, putting extra care into cleaning the lantern
’s glass hurricane by the bed and fluffing the pillows. When she was finished, she tucked the two pieces of paper under his pillow so that, this time, there would be no risk of them fluttering to the ground. He’d find them and he’d realize the truth. She could barely contain her excitement, even though she was nervous as well.

Glancing at the barn, Mary Ruth realized that there was still a faint light glowing from inside. She hadn
’t noticed it earlier with so much snow falling down, shielding the light from reaching the kitchen window. Mary Ruth shook her head in annoyance when she realized that Melvin had not blown out all of the lanterns despite having been asked to just do so earlier.
What ails him
, she wondered, as she hurried into the darkness, heading for the barn. Not seeing any light emanating from the barn, she reasoned, would please Melvin as he would understand that the evening chores had already been completed. And she wanted him to come home, knowing that after his long day he would not have to go back out for some more work. That would set a positive tone to their upcoming evening together.

The snow crunched under her feet and, despite the fact that she did not like the cold weather, she couldn
’t help but admit that the scenery was beautiful. Everything looked uniform and peaceful, covered in a blanket of white. Fresh snow made everything seem so pure and untouched! For a moment, she stood still in the driveway and looked around, feeling her heart surge with anticipation and love. With the children in bed, the evening chores completed and the house warm and quiet, she could barely wait for Menno to return home. If only she knew when that might be!

Once inside the barn, she stomped her feet to free them from the snow. Despite the animals
’ body heat that warmed up the air inside of the structure, it was still colder inside the barn than outside. The thick stonewalls that made up the lower level of the building retained the cold air. In the summer, it had been cooler in the building. But in the winter, it was downright freezing.

The cows
’ coats had grown in to accommodate the change in weather. Most of the animals sported fuzzy white and black fur and didn’t seem overly bothered by the temperature. Mary Ruth stood there for a moment, listening to the cows as they ate their hay. It was a peaceful sound, one that reminded her of her

She looked over at the small lantern, across the building and sighed, wondering why Melvin was so distracted. It was hanging near the back door, near the room where the milking equipment was kept. She walked toward it, her hand raised to pull the lantern down in order to extinguish it when her foot stepped on something springy.

The pitchfork.

A startled cry escaped her throat as she felt herself losing her balance. Almost immediately something long and narrow hit her across the face. Pain shot through her right cheek and forehead. Time seemed to stand still for a moment and her mind tried to understand what was happening. She had stepped on the tines of the pitchfork, causing its handle to spring up and hit her; but now she was falling. For a short second, it felt as if she was floating through the air. She tried to grab for something…anything…so that she wouldn
’t get hurt. Instead, her hand hit the side of the lantern and the motion caused it to break free from the hook. As Mary Ruth’s head hit the floor, she heard the lantern shatter and saw a quick flash of light.


And then everything went black around her.





Dear Family,

I finally found a few moments to write my letter. Best be doing it now to mail tomorrow for Jonah is quite concerned that letter writing will take me away from my chores. Too much to do these days, it seems.

Seems awful quiet, now that we are on slow time. It gets dark way too early. And the cold! Even tonight, I was surprised to see the snowfall accumulate this early in the season.

The kinner are doing well. Baby Jacob has finally started to crawl. I spend much time with him, working on picking up objects and trying to move. His development seems to flourish with each passing day. Yet, I still recognize that there is a delay in his learning compared to the other kinner.

Looking forward to Mary Ruth
’s quilting at Mamm and Daed’s farm. Will be a right gut way to spend a few cold Saturdays this winter. I’m sure Rachel and I will ride over together, if Elijah’s feeling well enough for her to leave for a few hours.

Well, I best be going. I hear some commotion outside. Something about a barn on fire nearby. Reckon I
’ll be needed to help the women folk while the men fight it. Jonah is calling me sharply now. Must be urgent. Until next time.




Chapter 4: The Budget Letter

Menno pulled into the driveway, his eyes wide and his hands shaking as he tightened his grip on the reins. Noticing Menno
’s nervousness and apprehension, his horse began to prance and stomp, reluctant to get close to its familiar surroundings, surroundings that were suddenly looking and smelling like anything but familiar. The buggy finally came to a stop behind the two large fire trucks and four buggies that clogged the turnaround. Menno wedged his horse between the other buggies, quickly tying it to the hitching post. The bright flames of the burning barn contrasted sharply with the white snow and gray sky. He could hardly believe his eyes and could barely comprehend that it was his barn, his dairy building, that was consumed by the flames, despite the firemen dousing it with water.


It was Jonah who greeted him as Menno stood by the buggy, staring at the burning building.

“What has happened?” Menno asked, the color draining from his face and his voice cracking. He tried to take in the situation but none of it seemed real. A fire? The dairy? A surreal feeling floated over him and, for a moment, he felt as though he were dreaming. Only it wasn
’t a dream…it was a nightmare.

You best come inside,” Jonah said solemnly.

Menno snapped his gaze from the burning barn to his brother-in-law. “Is everyone all right?” When Jonah averted his eyes, Menno grabbed him by the shoulders. “The

, the
are inside with Rachel and Leah. They were sleeping,” Jonah admitted slowly.

“Then who?” Menno turned his head and stared back at the burning building, too afraid to hear the answer. The firemen were still spraying the burning wood and two of Menno
’s other neighbors were helping to corral the cows that had managed to escape. “Mary Ruth?” he whispered, returning his eyes to Jonah. “Such tragedy cannot happen twice to a man,” he managed to choke out.

Jonah hesitated, trying to avoid Menno
’s look. It was clear that something was wrong but his brother-in-law didn’t want to tell him. It took a long thirty seconds before Jonah finally cleared his throat and lifted his eyes to stare directly at Menno. “We can’t find her,” he said.

The words were like a blow to Menno. He felt the wind knocked from his lungs and his knees felt weak. “What do you mean you can
’t find her?” he asked, his voice barely audible.

Jonah took a deep breath. “I saw the fire from my own farm and used the barn phone to call for help. By the time that we got here, the Millers were already dealing with the fire. I left Leah here and went to fetch Rachel. When I returned, Leah said that she had searched the house and there was no sign of either one of you.”

“I was at the farm auction,” Menno whispered. “I was helping my
with his new purchases when the snow came. I couldn’t get back here. Wanted to wait out the storm.”

We don’t know where Mary Ruth was at the time of the fire,” Jonah said, placing a hand on Menno’s shoulders. “God willing, she wasn’t here at all.”

A chill went through Menno. How would it be possible that Mary Ruth would be anywhere else? Where would she have gone at nighttime? He felt his heart start to palpitate. Of course Mary Ruth had been at home. Where else would she have been?

“Mein Gott!” he said softly, the realization of what had happened hitting him. “She
must have
been in the barn!”

“Now, we don
’t know that,” Jonah said, but his voice faltered and gave away the fact that, indeed, everyone believed Mary Ruth was still in that barn. And if she was in the barn, she was, undoubtedly, not alive.

Menno felt weak and leaned against the side of the buggy to steady himself. He lifted his hand to his head and tried to think of any scenario that would have kept his wife out of that barn. But he could think of none. Was he a widower already? Would the good Lord have taken Mary Ruth so quickly after their wedding and well before they had experienced life together?

“I can’t go through this again,” he whispered, more to himself than to Jonah. “I just can’t.”

’s get you inside, Menno. Rachel and Leah are there and will help you,” Jonah said, putting his arm around Menno’s shoulders and guiding him toward the house.

But, to his surprise, Menno resisted.

“Nee!” He shouted, shoving Jonah’s arm from him and turning back to the burning blaze. “If my wife is in there, I want to be here when they find her.” Without another word, Menno hurried over to where the two neighbors were using shovels to combat smaller flames near the front while the firefighters concentrated on the more severe fire: the hayloft over the back door.

Jonah shook his head, watching as the large man began to help fight the fire, using wet sacks to beat back the flames. Thrusting his hands into his pockets, Jonah walked back to the house, his shoulders slumped and his face drawn. What had been such a beautiful night, with the first snowfall of the season, had now turned into a nightmare.

Jonah hadn’t known that it was the Yoder farm when he had noticed the orange glow, all too telling of a fire, in the distance. He had called his wife to go with him so that they could help. But, as he had driven down the road and crossed the hill, it was Leah who had gasped aloud when she realized that the fire was at the Yoder farm. With no one moving to extinguish the flames, Jonah had known there was a larger problem looming in the near future. He just hadn’t realized that it would be Mary Ruth.

’s Menno?” Rachel demanded when Jonah walked into the kitchen. “I heard a buggy and saw him out there. Where is he?”

Jonah shrugged. “Won
’t come in. Wants to help.”

“Help with what?”

He glanced toward the window. “Fighting the fire, I reckon. Maybe saving Mary Ruth if she’s in there.”

At his words, Rachel caught her breath and sat down in the nearest chair. “Don
’t say such a thing,” she hissed.

The stairs creaked and they both looked up in time to see Leah walking downstairs, her face ashen and void of color. She hesitated at the bottom step, quickly looking first at her husband and then her sister. “Don
’t say what, Rachel?”

Rachel bit her lower lip, not wanting to repeat Jonah
’s words, for fear of upsetting Leah.

’s face it,” Jonah responded for Rachel. “She’s nowhere to be found and would never have left those
alone, especially not at night!”

Leah turned her gaze back to her husband. Her heart still stung from his scolding earlier that morning. All day, she had spent cleaning that kitchen and basically ignoring Caleb. Fortunately, he remained content to play with his toys in the playpen, something that Jonah had commented on when he returned to the house to inspect her work. That, too, had pierced Leah
’s heart.

’t you steal hope from us, Jonah,” Rachel whispered.

Leah lifted her chin defiantly but said nothing in response to Rachel
’s words. She was not about to defend Jonah, not after the way he had treated her of late.

“We should pray!” Rachel said and, without another word, fell to her knees and pressed her face against the seat of the chair where she had just been sitting. Reluctantly, Leah followed her older sister
’s example while Jonah watched. He stood there, frowning for a moment and then, with a sigh, knelt to pray with his wife and sister-in-law.

“What on earth?”

The three of them looked up as the kitchen door opened and more people filed into the room: Miriam, Isaac, Steve, and Elias along with the bishop and two deacons. Rachel, Leah, and Jonah scrambled to their feet as the Miriam removed her wrap and handed it to Elias to hang on the peg by the door.

Miriam hustled over to Rachel. “Where
’s Mary Ruth? Where’s Menno?”

Rachel averted her eyes, not being able to look at her mother. Leah tried to open her mouth but the words wouldn
’t come out. To both daughters’ shame, their mother looked from one to the other, expecting an answer but receiving none.

It was Jonah who cleared his throat and answered. “Menno
’s fighting the fire. Mary Ruth is missing.”

A sharp cry escaped Miriam
’s lips and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand as if trying to suppress anything else from escaping.

Elias glanced at the bishop. “We best be helping outside then,” he said glumly. “Not doing anything useful inside.”

It was almost two in the morning before the fire was contained. Rachel and Miriam continued to make fresh coffee and brought it to the men outside while Leah kept checking on the children. No one spoke, they just moved through the motions. When the men finally came inside, all of them except Menno, no one knew what to say. An uncomfortable silence befell the kitchen where everyone was gathered.

“Menno?” Miriam asked, choking back her grief.

Elias shook his head and looked away. Menno had refused to leave the burnt-out shell of his barn. He simply stood there, his eyes glazed over and his arms hanging by his sides. He stared into the remains of the building, a vacant look on his face. He was not about to leave Mary Ruth in that barn and had told her
that much. But Elias didn’t want to share that information with his wife. They had never lost a child before and Mary Ruth was so young to be called back to God that Elias wasn’t certain how to express the grief that he was feeling.

“Is there any sign of…?”
Miriam’s words trailed off. She was unable to finish the question.

No one responded. Their silence gave the answer that no one wanted to hear.

Miriam sank into the sofa against the far kitchen wall, the tears falling freely from her eyes. Rachel sat next to her, trying her best to comfort her mother but, as she felt the same pain in her heart, she was also crying.

The bishop cleared his throat and asked that everyone kneel for a prayer. He spoke in Pennsylvania Dutch as he prayed aloud, asking for the blessing on the newly departed soul of Mary Ruth Yoder. Afterwards, no one spoke. The silence fell heavy on the room and, without Menno there, no one was certain how to proceed.

Typically, the undertaker would be called to remove the body and prepare it for the funeral. The relatives would sit to discuss the wake and funeral service. Yet, there was no body to prepare and no husband to consult. It was an unusual circumstance and one that no one knew how to address.



Menno watched as the police consulted with the firemen. For the past hour, the firemen had been shifting through burnt wood and debris, trying to locate the source of the fire. Four of them were crowded around the lights of the fire truck, staring at something in one of the fireman
’s hands. They glanced over their shoulders at Menno before bending their heads together one more time.

He didn
’t care. His heart was heavy and he knew that she was gone. So was his second chance at happiness. He had let it slip away, his pride getting in the way of expressing himself to Mary Ruth, that feisty young woman that had honored him with her hand in marriage only to rebuff him on their wedding night. Still, he should not have shut her out. Perhaps she had just been nervous and scared. Indeed, in hindsight, Menno knew that he should have continued courting her until she was ready to be his true wife.

“Mr. Yoder,” one of the police officers said as he approached Menno. “A moment of your time?”

Menno frowned and nodded. A moment of his time? That was all he had now. Time. “

“The men found this near that back door, the area that seemed the hardest hit,” he said and held up an object, using a special glove to hold it. “Appears to be a piece of a broken lantern.”

Menno stared at it.

“There was nothing else around it except the remains of some hay bales and the burnt metal from a pitchfork, I reckon. Must have caught fire and taken off from there. That
’s why the back area was so badly damaged and why so many of the cows managed to get out.”

Menno continued to stare at the lantern. Had Mary Ruth been there and managed to get the cows freed? If so, where was she now? “I reckon so,” Menno answered slowly. “Has there been any sign…” His voice faltered. “Sign of my wife?”

“Well, that’s just the thing,” the officer said. He removed his hat and scratched at his head. “You lost a few cows but they seemed to have died of smoke inhalation, not from being burned.” He paused and looked up at Menno. “There are no human remains in the barn, Mr. Yoder.”

At first, that news caused Menno
’s heart to soar. There was still a chance! If they hadn’t found her body, she must not have been in the barn. Yet, as soon as he understood what the officer was telling him, a different thought crossed his mind. If Mary Ruth were alive and well, she would not remain hidden. So where was she? He wondered, for just the briefest of moments, if she had left him.

The officer took a deep breath. “Come daylight, maybe some more evidence will turn up but for now, the consensus is that she was not in the barn, Mr. Yoder.”

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