An Angel Among Vampires (17 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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A smile spreads across my face.
I will need the perfect outfit.

I run to my closet, looking for the perfect seduction, but functional, outfit. I want to make sure Christien is unable to take his eyes off me so I’ll be able to knock him unconscious, chain him up in my custom made, spelled, silver shackles then deliver him to the warehouse before he wakes up and kicks my ass.

I look through my dresses and I don’t really see anything that suits all my needs.

Something red in a dry cleaning bag in the back of my closet catches my eye. I take the dress out of the bag and think,

The dress is a red, sleeveless Jersey dress by Michael Kors. I combine the dress with my Martinez Valero ‘Demu’ boots. The boots are comfortable, yet oh so cute.

After much consideration, I decide to wear my hair down. My long, thick, straight dark hair resembles my mothers. I put a few large rollers randomly in my hair. The curls add movement and volume. I regularly wax everything that can be waxed on my body so I lotion my smooth arms and legs. I dust gold flecks all over my body, giving my skin a shimmering look, which looks great with my darker, reddish brown skin tone and whiskey colored eyes. I dust some of my hair with the gold dust to give the illusion of highlights. I paint my finger and toe nails the same color red as the dress. I find a matching red satin with lace bra and g-string panty set. I put on knee length stockings that the knee-high boots will hide. My makeup includes a smoky eye and red lipstick to emphasize my full lips even more. I remove the rollers, fluff my hair and stop to admire myself in the mirror. I pull some hair from each side of my face and make an intricate knot with it near the back of my head. I secure the knot with my twin silver stakes. I slide the two daggers into my boots before completing the look with a bracelet containing mini silver knives then turn in the mirror to admire myself.

Wow! I look fantastic if I say so myself, which I do.

I grin, completely satisfied by my transformation. I grab a classic black Coach purse. I finish loading my extra knives, shackles and a baby desert eagle into the purse and grab three more bags of blood.

I do not want to have the blood thirst coming over me again tonight
. I think to myself as I down all three bags as fast as possible.

I check myself in the mirror one last time before heading out the door. It is 2:00 pm when I walk outside.

I lock up, turn around and stare at the black stretch limousine waiting in front of my house. A chauffeur wearing a tuxedo is holding the back door of the limo open. I look around thinking the neighbors called a limo and it is at the wrong house.

My theory is shattered when Christien steps out of the limo holding a bouquet of white lilies.

My heart stutters and I fight the tears threatening to ruin my makeup. Slowly, I walk towards Christien, swaying my hips, giving him a good view of my voluptuous body in the form fitting dress. His eyes never leave my body and neither does the smile on his face. The look he gives me says more than words ever could. Standing directly in front of him, I motion towards the flowers he is holding. “Are those for me?”

Speechless, he nods and extends the arm holding the flowers out to me.

“They are beautiful. Thank you.” I smile flirtatiously, taking a moment to sniff the beautiful flowers that have my mother’s name.

“They pale in comparison to your beauty
ma chatte petite
. You are a vision. You look absolutely stunning.”

I smile at his compliments. “What are you doing here? What is all of this?” I motion to the flowers and limo.

“I have been waiting for you for some time. I came by to ask you out to lunch. Seeing that you are dressed to perfection, I must now swallow my pride and ask if you have other plans?”

“How long have you been waiting out here? Did you knock at the door? I did not hear anything.” My interest is piqued.
“I have only been here for a short time. I did not knock, yet.” He admits.
“So, you were just waiting outside for me to show up, hoping I didn’t have any plans?” I give him a non-believing stare.

“Not everyone is as confident as you seem to be. Are you meeting someone?” He asks, allowing me to see a slight hint of jealousy peek through his armor.

I make him wait several moments before answering. “Let’s go.”

His smile widens even more, making his emerald green eyes twinkle in the midday sun. He reaches out to me.

I grab his hand but before I can slide into the limo, he brings my hand to his lips, kissing it gently. “You look absolutely incredible,
ma chatte petite

We climb into the limo with a fully stocked bar, flat screen TV, the works. The gold trim makes the inside of the limo gleam and shine. Once settled and on our way to an unknown destination, he begins questioning me.

“I do not mean to pry, but it would be a blow to my ego if I did not ask. Why are you so dolled up,
? Is there another suitor I am in contention with?” He is unable to hide his insecurity with his question.

I decide to say nothing and only smile back at him.

Watching his face, I could have sworn I saw his jaw clench and his eyes flash with anger. On the other hand, could it be jealousy? Unwilling to let the opportunity to tease him pass, I respond.

“Are you jealous Christien? I am a beautiful woman. That is presumptuous of you to think that no one except you would be interested in dating me.” I lie, hoping to get under his skin.

“If you continue to goad me into revealing my intentions towards you, I may need to begin using my natural charm in order to seduce you.” He threatens seductively.

Is it hot in here? I had better make my move soon before I get in over my head with this vampire.

Changing the subject, I look out the window. “Where are we going?”

“It is a surprise. Only knowing you for a short time, I am well aware that you probably do not like surprises. Since you have willingly agreed to go to lunch with me without negotiations, I am pleased to inform you that we are going to
Le Chateau de Pas
.” He eyes me with suspicion as thoughts flow through his mind. “Why is that,
ma chatte petite
? Why have you agreed to join me so willingly without an argument?”

I shrug. “Maybe I’m tired of fighting the inevitable.”

“Hmm, maybe. I do not believe
ma petite
has lost her claws.” He is still eyeing me warily.

“Oh, I still have them. They’re just retracted, for now.” I respond with a mischievous grin on my face.
“So, you have changed your mind about me?” He asks curiously.
I reach into my purse as if searching for something and pull out the baby desert eagle, pointing it at his chest.



Chapter 21




The triumphant look on his face disappears instantly. “What is this about? Now what game are you playing?”
“This is no game Christien.” I reply without inflection.
“You will not harm me. We have already been through this. Now what is this about?” A touch of anger creeps into his voice.
“I have no idea, but it’s not my job to know why.” I throw him the spelled, silver shackles and tell him to put them on.
He lets the anger show in his face and eyes before snapping the shackles into place on his wrists.

I breathe a sigh of relief once the shackles are in place. The spelled, silver shackles prevent all types of others, except the fey, from using any otherworldly abilities and they siphon the strength of the wearer so they are unable to break them. They can run, but only at human speed.

“How much are they paying you?” He asks, breaking our strained silence.
“I will double their offer if you release me.” He counters.

“Right, like that’ll go over well. What am I supposed to say to my client? ‘Sorry, I changed my mind. Oops, my bad. Here is your money back. No harm, no foul.’ Do you truly expect me to live another 24 hours beyond that after reneging on the job? Please Christien, save your breath and don’t bother.” I grab the phone that allows the people in the back of the limo to speak to the driver without lowering the window and shove it into Christien’s chest. “Tell the driver that plans have changed and we are going somewhere else. No games.”

He repeats the changes to the driver. I hand the address to the warehouse to Christien and request that he relay the address to the driver.

He looks at the address before reading it aloud to the driver. He bows his head then sighs, handing me back the phone.
I hang it up, still pointing the gun at him as a precaution. I can never be too cautious with this vampire.
He watches me as I am watching him.
Regret and doubt are flooding my emotions, but I hold firm.
“You do not want to do this, so why are you?” He asks, strain beginning to show on his face from his strength draining.

“It doesn’t matter what I want. I am just doing my job. Once I take a contract, I no longer have a choice but to complete it.” I admit, despite my own conflicting emotions.

“You always have a choice,
ma chatte petite
.” He replies softly.

Doubts plaguing my mind, I snap at him. “Says the man willing to double my fee and end my life to escape a fate that he, himself caused.”

“You are correct. Who am I to ask you to sacrifice your life for mine over a little squabble? I do apologize,
ma chatte petite
. Not another word will be said.” He stretches out on the limo seat.

“A squabble? What do you mean?” I ask, curious about why the client hired me for this job.
He closes his eyes, his face taut. “It is a family matter.”
“And that means?”

“Do not worry
ma chatte petite
. You are correct to complete this job. I would… regret it if anything happens to you because of my dilemma.”

I chance a quick glance out the window and see we are already in the warehouse district. We must be getting close to our destination. Seeing this could be my last chance to ask questions, I fire off another question. “Do you know what is going to happen to you?”

“I cannot be certain, but yes. I have a good idea of what to expect.” He smirks in slight amusement.
“Well? Are you going to tell me or do we have to play 20 questions?”
“I would prefer not to say. Save some of your innocence.” He chuckles.
“This is not a game Christien.”

“Oh of that, I am very much aware,
.” He replies angrily.

I can feel the car begin to slow down. I can hear gravel crunching under the tires and undercarriage. “We are running out of time Christien. Just tell me what I need to know!” I demand, tears welling up into my eyes.

His eyes soften and he reaches up to my face, brushing a tear that has fallen down my cheek. “Shh,
ma chatte petite
. All is as it should be.” He leans forward and kisses my cheeks where more tears have now begun to fall. He cups my face gently and kisses me ever so softly on my lips.

My soul shatters. My heart feels as if someone has ripped it from my chest, leaving a gaping chasm in its place. My lungs cannot seem to get enough air, and tears are falling so fast that I can’t see anything but a blur.

The limo door opens and a strange looking man is standing in the doorway. Two big and burly men flank him with guns on display resting in the shoulder holsters they are wearing.

Christien blocks my face from their view and discretely hands me a handkerchief.
I fix my face quickly, using the shiny gold trim inside the limo as a mirror, then follow Christien out of the limo.
The men gawk at me first, but gather their composure quickly.

Now that we are outside of the car, I am able to get a look at our surroundings and the man I can only describe as ugly. The homely, pasty, white skinned man is maybe a couple of inches taller than I am. His hair is a short, spiked, blonde and grey mess that apparently has not seen a brush or shampoo in months. His teeth, the ones he still has, are yellow and rotting from decay. I cannot imagine the stench that would come from his mouth. His face is full of scars and craters as if he has had horrible acne all his life.

“Demetri.” Christien says without interest or inflection.
“My dear brother. Well, well, well. It is so good to see you.” Demetri replies.
“What do you want Demetri?” Christien asks irritably.

“Now, now dear brother. It is not me wishing to see you this time. I told you to return when he first called for you but you did not listen to me.”

Christien’s eyes widen in surprise before turning stormy. “He is here?”
“He is inside. And I hope you have a good reason lined up because he is not very pleased with you Christien.”
I have many questions I want to ask, but only one question I really need Demetri to answer. “What’s going to happen to him?”

Demetri turns his attention towards me. As if he is seeing me for the first time, he eyes me up and down appreciatively. “Who are you? You look familiar. Have we met?”

Christien jumps in before I can respond. “You have done your job. What happens to me is not your concern.”

“Ah, you must be the mercenary I hired. I do not see a scratch on him. Either, you are extremely good or my poor brother here did not put up a fight at all. So which is it?” Demetri taunts Christien while checking me out.

Demetri walks over and stands in front of me. He raises his hand to touch my face.

Before he touches my face, I raise my chin in defiance. “If you want to keep it attached, it better not touch me.” I stare into Demetri’s eyes, letting him see how serious I am.

He lowers his hand and laughs a full throat laugh. “I like her. Maybe I should cut out her tongue and hang it around my neck.” He calls out to his sycophants behind him and they laugh along with him.

I roll my eyes, showing my boredom in my face. “What’s going to happen to him?”

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