An Angel Among Vampires (7 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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Austin lies on his back and rolls to his side. “Come, join me in bed.”

A million erotic thoughts cross my mind. I may not have any sexual experience, but that doesn’t stop me from realizing Austin is very handsome.

“I … I should get going.” I stutter. As I am turning towards the door, Austin seems to disappear from where he was sitting on the bed and reappear in front of the bedroom door, blocking my escape.

“What! How did you…?” I stumble backwards in surprise and trip over an ottoman. Never have I seen anyone move like that.

“There are many things you need to learn about vampires, Olivia. Things that your sire should have told you before you were allowed to become a lone vampire.”

Austin pushes away from the door and offers me his hand to help me to my feet.
“Thank you.” I mumble as he easily lifts me up.
“Relax Olivia. You do not need to be afraid of me.”
I take a deep, calming breath, and smile weakly. “I am not a very trusting person.”
“You have questions, I have answers. It is worth the risk, is it not?”
“That is why I am still here.” I hedge.
He guides me to his bed and sits down gracefully, whereas I just flop down.
“Would you like to feed first, or talk?” He asks quietly.
I shrug.

“It will be easier for you to focus on what I am saying if you feed first. If you would like to feed from me, I will allow it. Otherwise, I can call for a human donor.”

“I don’t want to hurt any of your humans. If it’s okay with you, I’d rather feed from you. At least you can heal if I get carried away.” I am curious what it would be like to feed from a vampire, but I don’t tell him that.

I wonder if vampire blood will sustain me like human blood.

Austin stands, removes his shirt and tosses it on the floor.

Unable to resist, I watch him remove his shirt and gawk at his sexy chest.

Not quite nineteen, I have never had the opportunity to date since I escaped my Aunt’s house. Honestly, I have never even had a real kiss. I’ve seen naked men on TV, but to be this close to a half-naked, gorgeous vampire, I cannot deny that I am curious about what it might feel like to experience some of the things I have seen on TV. Warning bells go off in my head, but I push them to the back of my mind to focus on the half-naked man in front of me.

Sensuously, Austin steps between my legs. My head is at his chest height. Knowing how sensitive a vampire’s senses are, I am sure he can smell my excitement.

His right hand grazes my left cheek. I turn my head to allow my cheek to follow his fingertips.

He watches me through the slits of his eyes as I rub my cheek against his palm like a cat. He lowers his head to mine in attempt to kiss me. Snapping out of my daze, I lean back away from him, my nerves overwhelming me.

He gives me a perplexed look. “Have you changed your mind about feeding?”
“No, I don’t know, maybe.” I pull my legs to my chest and wrap my arms around them.
Austin crawls on to the bed beside me. He lies on his side and props his arm under his head.
“I think it would be better if I just fed, without the sex.” I whisper, barely audible.
“That’s too bad. You are quite beautiful. Very well.” He lies on his back and exposes his neck to me.
Awkwardly, I maneuver myself next to his body and lick his pulse to entice my fangs to extend.
His eyes close as I place my lips over the vein on his neck.

My bite is quick and painless. He gasps from the intrusion only to begin moaning in pleasure the next breath. Taking a deep drink, my blood thirst roars to life. I can feel his hand stroking my thigh. My blood thirst changes into lust as I continue to drink, tasting his lust through his blood. His fingers wriggle between my thighs and he begins stroking me over my jeans. My hips involuntarily rock against his hands, forcing my heartbeat to race. He continues his machinations as I am feeding. I reach my climax and pull away from his neck as I scream in pleasure. His blood is spilling out of my mouth and down my neck as my body hums from the release. He grabs my arm and pulls me underneath him, stripping off our pants and my weapons during the process. He is moving so fast, I barely realize my back is on the bed before he has his manhood between my bare legs.

I scream in horror as I realize what is happening. “Wait!”
Startled by my protest, Austin pauses right before entering me. “We both want this. Why do you still hesitate?”
“I … I want you to wear a condom.” I blush furiously at my bold request.

“We are vampires. We do not need to worry about pregnancy or diseases. We do not need a condom.” He informs me while pushing my legs apart.

You may not need to, but I do.
I think to myself.

“I can’t do this!” I shout, pushing him off me roughly and grabbing my pants and weapons off the floor next to the bed.
He exhales loudly in frustration.
In seconds, my pants are back on and I am reaching for the door.

“Stop!” Austin calls to me. “I should not have pressured you for sex when you explicitly told me that you only wanted to feed. I apologize.”

I stare at him, looking for any deception in his words. Not sensing any, I calm down but remain guarded.
“You should clean up and we can talk before sunrise. Now that you have fed, you should be feeling better.”
Austin points out the en suite bathroom.

Thinking it might not be a good idea to walk through a house of vampires with his blood on me, I agree to clean myself up. When I turn on the light and look in the mirror, I am horrified to see my chin and neck covered in Austin’s blood. I quickly remove my weapons and clothes while turning on the shower. I rinse the blood from my shirt in the sink and hang it on the towel rack to dry. As I am showering, I hear a knock at the bathroom door. I look around in alarm before the door begins to swing open. Thinking quickly, I grab a dagger and wrap a towel around my body.

Austin sticks his head inside. “Olivia, I brought you a t-shirt to sleep in. I’ll just leave it on the sink for you.”

I finish my shower after he leaves, locking the door behind him, and dress in the shirt he left me.

Pay attention Jess! You are making too many mistakes around this vampire.
I scold myself.
You may not be used to anyone getting the drop on you, but you need to be more vigilant until you can find a way out of here!

Clutching my daggers, I return to the bedroom to find Austin waiting for me in bed. He is bare from the waist up from what I can see. He pulls back the covers on one side of the king size bed, patting the mattress.

“Get in. I promise to behave myself.” He says amusingly.

I am alert now, but decide to get into his bed so I don’t draw more attention to myself than I already have. I put a dagger between the mattresses on my side of the bed, out of his reach and put the other dagger under my pillow before climbing into bed.

He chuckles. “You amuse me Olivia.”

“Is that so? I don’t think I am that interesting. I am just a girl trying to stay alive.”

“We should spend some time getting to know each other better. Maybe you will learn to trust me more. For now, we can stick to your questions.”

“Why are you so willing to answer my questions? I can’t imagine all vampires are so forthcoming.” I ask in distrust.

“I was once a fledgling. I remember what it was like when I was turned. I remember all the questions and uncertainty flooding my mind. I was lucky. I had a patient sire that was willing to explain life as a vampire. Many are not as lucky. Plus, I have a soft spot for young, beautiful women.”

I laugh. “You are lousy at hiding your motives.”

“I will not deny that I want to sleep with you. However, I am more interested in your vampire status so I can resist the urge. Contrary to what you may think, I do not have a problem finding a woman to sleep with me.”

“What do you really want from me then?”
“If you answer my questions, I will answer yours.” He replies craftily.
“Wait a minute! That was not what you agreed to before.” I complain.

“I will still answer your questions, but I have questions of my own. We do not have much time before dawn so we should get started. I will go first. What is your name?”

“Huh? You know my name.” I give him a perplexed look.
“What is your real name? I know it is not Olivia.”
“Why would you think that?” I ask evasively.

Austin sighs. “The questioning is going to take a long time if you continue to answer my questions with another question. I am taking a risk by having you in my bed, in my home. I do not know who your master is or whether you are trustworthy. The only thing I am sure of is that you are a fledgling with a very strong mind and that makes me curious. I will answer your last question then I expect answers to mine. Vampires can tell when someone is lying. We can hear their heart rate or breathing change. Just as I can smell strong emotions, I can
when you are lying. Now, I know your name is not Olivia. For the sake of arguments, could you please answer my simpler questions honestly?”

“My name is Jessica. Some people call me Jess.” I confess.
“Thank you Jessica.”
“Okay, my turn. How did you do that disappearing thing?” I blurt out curiously.

“What you saw me do is move extremely fast. It may have looked like I disappeared and reappeared, but I did not. Teleporting occurs when a vampire disappears from one location and appears in another location, using the power of their mind. Teleporting is a very rare ability. It takes a lot of accumulated power to be able to move by thought. Only the eldest and most powerful vampires may obtain that ability. I am a Master vampire almost 400 years old and I cannot do it.” Austin admits.

“Impressive. How old do you have to be to get that ability?”

He ponders the question. “I am not sure. I have only heard of only one, a very old vampire over two thousand years old, being able to teleport. I know it requires a lot more power than I have accumulated. Now it is time for my next question. Who was your sire?”

I cringe, knowing that I can’t answer his question honestly. Instead of bluffing, I tell him the truth. “I can’t answer your question.”

“Why not?” He asks curiously.

“I have my reasons. It would seriously endanger my well-being if anyone knew my history. He is dead. About that, I am not lying to you.”

Austin studies me carefully before nodding his head. “I am only concerned because of my intent to bring you into my household. Taking another vampire’s fledgling would be grounds for a war. I believe your sire is dead. I do not smell a lie, but I am still curious about you. What can you tell me about yourself?”

“I can tell you about my personality and what I have learned on my own about being a vampire. I have had minimal contact with vampires and I grew up sheltered. I have done well for myself considering my circumstances and I am only looking for information to survive.”

“Hmm, I see. You have a very strong mind for a fledgling. I cannot control you. Were you a witch or some other magical being before you were turned?” He asks, studying me in fascination.

Witches are real?
“I guess you could say that.” My response is deliberately vague.

“I thought we discussed being honest with each other.” He growls in disappointment.

I sigh. “I’m trying, but the answers you’re looking for, I can’t give you. I have some secrets I have to keep for my own safety.”

“If you will not answer my questions, I have no reason to answer yours.” He pouts.

“What happened to all that talk about helping me because I’m a fledgling with questions? Was all that bullshit?”

“I am getting none of the answers I seek out of this arrangement. I should force my way into your mind and extract the answers I want to know.” He states angrily, losing his temper.

I cross my arms defiantly. “You could try, but if you do, I will leave and you will never have your answers.”

Austin looks into my eyes and sees my indignation. He grumbles to himself incoherently for a few seconds before turning to face me. “There are not many people that I find intriguing so I will play your games for now. You should know that I am not known for my patience.”

My lips twitch. “Duly noted.”
Austin rolls his eyes and smiles at me. “Dawn is approaching and I still have a couple of questions before we rest.”
“Okay, I’m listening, but I can’t promise I’ll answer.” I repeat stubbornly.
“Are you hiding from someone?”

I hesitate before answering. “I have many enemies, but they are all mortal. They are not a problem for me so I don’t expect you to be very concerned about them. I am not running from anyone, but that does not mean that people aren’t looking for me.”

Austin laughs, his whole body shaking in amusement. His eyes are still twinkling in humor when he calms enough to speak. “You are going to be a thorn in my side. Every answer is a riddle or has a twist. I will enjoy getting to know you better Jessica.”

I pout at his wayward comment. “I am not trying to be difficult.”

“I know. That is what intrigues me so much. As for my last question before dawn, I must know. Will you try to kill me?” He asks, all humor gone.

“I will not kill you unless you attack me first.” I reply confidently.

“I will not attack you or try to harm you. I sense no lies in your answer. It is time for bed.” Austin lowers himself to his pillow and closes his eyes.

In no way do I believe he is not fully aware of my presence.

I pull one of the sheets off the bed, grab my pillow and daggers then walk into his bathroom. Shutting and locking the door behind me, I make a bed inside the large tub with my daggers resting across my chest before I dare close my eyes. A soft chuckle from the bedroom is all I hear before I feel dawn break over the horizon, forcing vampires to fall asleep during the day according to what I’ve read about vampires and learned from my mother’s visits to me when I was younger. Finally feeling safe enough to relax, I fall asleep.

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