An Angel Among Vampires (9 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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I turn into his grip, drawing my dagger with lightning speed and point the tip at his neck, tearing part of my clothes in the process.

Jalik stills.
“Let go of my arm or die.” I command.
He releases me and swallows, allowing my blade to nick his neck. “I have no intention of harming you.”

I lower my dagger and tuck it back into my pants so I don’t draw anyone’s attention. “I don’t like to be touched or manhandled. It would be a good idea for you to remember that.”

He nods. “You are very fast for such a young vampire.”

“You should know that looks can be deceiving. What is the message he sent you to deliver? Deliver it and be gone.” I don’t really care about the message, but I figure the best way to get him to leave me alone would be to hear him out.

“My master wants to see you.”
“No.” I reply without any consideration.
“You will be safe. All of us have been warned not to harm you.” Jalik admits.

“I will be safe because I can protect myself, not because of Austin’s declaration.” I reply stubbornly, lifting my chin in confidence.

Jalik’s lips twitch in effort not to smile. “I can see why my master is so interested in you. Your tongue is as sharp as your dagger.” He wipes the drop of blood from his neck where my dagger nicked him then licks his finger clean.

“I told you. I do not want answers enough to risk my life. There is no need for me to return. Thanks, but no thanks.”
“My master also demands that I ask you one question if you refused to come.”
“What would that question be?” I ask irritably.

“How were you able to leave the house undetected?” Jalik asks full of curiosity. “I must admit, that is a question I would like to know the answer to myself.”

I smile widely. “A girl has her ways.”

Jalik does not bother containing his laughter. “I must admit, you leaving undetected was impressive. I am also becoming just as intrigued with you as my master. You have an open invitation to visit the master anytime you choose. Thank you for your time Miss Jessica.” Jalik bows slightly in respect before leaving Blixen.

After Jalik leaves, I return to the bar to refill my drink and Blixen approaches me from the side.

“Problems?” Blixen asks, eyeing me curiously. “I saw you pull your weapon on the vampire. I thought I told you I don’t want you fighting in my bar.”

“I didn’t start it. He grabbed me and I don’t like being grabbed.” I complain defensively.

“Well, if I catch you pulling out weapons in my bar again, I’m going to make you check them at the door before allowing you to come into my bar.” She replies sternly.

Too angry to respond, I only nod to acknowledge that I heard her threat.
I like the place, but there is no way I will go anywhere without my weapons. If she tries to take my weapons, I’ll just look for another place to hang out.

“I like you kid.” Blixen begins, trying to diffuse the tension between us. “My tiger likes you too, but I have a business to run. I can’t have you pulling weapons on the patrons. If you have a problem with someone, just let me know and I’ll make sure no one bothers you again.”

“I got it.” I mumble with attitude. “I have to get going anyway. I didn’t mean to cause you any problems.”

“We’re okay kid. Don’t take what I said to heart. It’s just bad business if I allow you or anyone else to get away with that kind of shit in my club. Anyway, have a drink on me. We’ll talk later.”

Ego bruised, I reject her drink offer and half-heartedly wave goodbye to her and Henri. No longer in a good mood, I leave the bar after settling my tab and go home.



Chapter 10




Out of defiance, I wait a week before showing up at Austin’s home unannounced. The insatiable urge for knowledge overrides my stubbornness and circumspection. Heavily armed and prepared for anything, I knock at his door and wait for a response. Seconds later, the door opens and Jalik’s lighter skinned counterpart bodyguard answers the door. Recognizing me, he moves aside to invite me in.

I step inside, keeping the bodyguard in my sight.

“Good evening Miss. I have already let the master know that you are here. He has requested that you wait in his home office. My name is Uri. Please follow me.”

I cautiously follow him into a large room, two stories high with books covering nearly every wall. The sight is impressive. I use my keen vision to scan a few of the titles. The books that I can see clearly look like old historical records, biographies and all types of other literary works. Austin’s collection of books intrigues me and it is hard to hide my fascination with the treasure trove of knowledge stored in this room. There is a small fireplace against the only wall without any books. There are two sitting chairs and a small couch in front of the fireplace. The small fire gives the room a cozy and inviting feel.

Uri watches me browse the bookshelves while he stands guard by the door.

“So Uri is your name short for something?” I ask him, hoping a conversation will prevent me from pulling books off the shelf without Austin’s permission.

He grinds his teeth in annoyance. “Yes, it does.”
“Well?” I ask, impatient with his evasive response.
Rolling his eyes, he answers. “It is short for Uranus.”
I gawk at him in disbelief. “Are you kidding me?”
He crosses his arms, cocks his head to the side, and replies defensively. “My mother was into astrology.”
I burst out laughing. I cover my mouth immediately to stifle the laugh, but I am unable to hide the humor in my eyes.
“Yeah, I know. Laugh it up.” He smiles a little.

“I don’t mean to laugh. I am being very rude. It’s just … Uranus? I see why you go by Uri. She should have named you Tinkerbell. It would have saved you from some ass jokes.”

He laughs and relaxes against the wall. “I have no idea what she was thinking. There were plenty of planets to choose from back then. She could have had a little mercy on me. I cannot help but wonder if she wanted to torture me for life or not. Oh, I would appreciate it if you did not mention my full name in front of the others.”

“No problem. Not even I am that cruel.” I snicker.

From that moment on, Uri and I decide to be friendly towards each other. We are talking idly about nothing in particular when Austin walks in. Uri excuses himself and leaves the two of us alone.

“Good evening Jessica.” Austin greets me formally.
“Hi.” I respond equally informally.
“I am pleased you have returned. We should sit in front of the fire and talk.”

We are sitting close to each other on the couch talking in front of the fireplace when I feel Austin’s hand tangling in my hair. Gently, he begins massaging my neck as our conversation concludes.

“What are you doing?” My voice cracks from nerves.
“You seem tense. You need to relax. Perhaps I could interest you in a drink?”
Not wanting to add alcohol to an increasingly tense situation, I decline his offer.

Unperturbed by my refusal, Austin pushes my hair away from my face. “You are a beautiful woman. Tell me, have you ever had sex with a vampire?”

My mouth dries from his brazen question. “No.”

“I would enjoy being the first vampire to give you pleasure like you have never known. Sex with a vampire is different from sex with a human.” He leans close to me and kisses my cheek.

Blushing furiously, I take a shallow breath so I can respond. “I wouldn’t know about that either.”
His hand stops caressing my neck. “Are you saying you have not been with a human or you have never had a lover?”
Embarrassed, I turn my head away from him.

A few moments of stunned silence fills the room. He drops his hand from my neck and entwines our fingers together. “Come with me.”

We stand in front of the couch, my hand still in his.
“Where are we going?” My eyes narrow suspiciously while tugging on his hand in resistance.
He rests his arm on my shoulder, guiding me out of his study. His vampires say nothing as we pass them in the hallway.
“We are going upstairs to my bedroom where we can be more comfortable.” He replies, not even pausing when he reaches the stairs.

Austin projects vivid images of us in bed together into my mind. I close my eyes to hide the silver streaks in my whisky brown eyes that make them shine when I experience any strong emotions, including lust.

He pulls me up the stairs and into his bedroom. Inside his bedroom, the tension in my stomach intensifies.

Dipping his head slightly, our lips meet. His lips are soft against mine. The kiss starts innocent enough. I can feel Austin release my hand so he can wrap one arm around my waist while his other hand pulls me closer. A brush of his tongue against my lips startles me. The feeling causes my stomach to tighten with a stronger stirring of lust. My mouth opens a little in surprise and Austin takes that opportunity to slip his tongue inside. The velvet feel from the swipe of his tongue against mine makes me feel strange, in a good way, so I don’t push him away. As I relax against him, a groan of desire rumbles from Austin’s chest.

He breaks our kiss and smiles. “Let us make ourselves comfortable on the bed.”
I sit down next to him on the bed, gasping from anxiety.
“Relax Jessica. It is only you and me here.” He tries to soothe my nerves by rubbing on my back.

Trying my best not to flinch from his touch, I concentrate on taking deep breaths. Austin slowly removes his shirt, allowing my eyes to feast on his slim body. The muscles in his arms and chest bulge as he removes his pants. He lets his pants drop to the floor and casually steps out of them. Stalking towards me in his boxer briefs, he proudly displays his evident erection. My heart is racing when he reaches for my hand and places it on his chest. His creamy white skin is soft under my fingertips. I stare at my hand on his chest in fascination as he repeats the process with my other hand.

Slowly, my hands begin to stroke his chest. My fingers gently sift through the small patches of smooth hair scattered over his upper body. A low growl escapes his lips, as his bright blue eyes turn stormy with lust. Austin lowers his head and captures my lips with his. I relax into his kiss as he pushes me on to my back.

Panic overriding my lust, I break our kiss. “No biting or bloodletting of any kind.”

Austin stares at me dubiously. “You are joking, right? The biggest difference between sex with vampires and the human way is the fact that we like blood with sex. It enhances our pleasure.”

“You can’t draw my blood.” I move to get up, staying firm in my request.
He steadies me on the bed. “I promise you will not be harmed. I will take great caution to remove any pain my bite will cause.”
“You don’t understand. I can’t let you take my blood. I have my reasons.” I demand stubbornly.

“Are these the same reasons you will not have sex without a condom, even though vampires do not have to worry about pregnancy or diseases?”

“I can see this isn’t going to work.” I sigh disappointingly and move from underneath his body.
Austin blows out an aggravated breath. “You are quite infuriating. Why are these trivial things so important to you?”
I look away and shield my thoughts just in case he can read them. “I can’t tell you. I can only say that they are.”

He lies across the bed on his side. “That does not make any sense to me.” He looks down at his fading erection and meets my eyes. “The pleasure can still be shared if you feed on me during our climax.”

I stare at him aghast. “You still want to sleep with me? Even after hearing all of my conditions?”

His eyes rake over my body. “It is not often that a vampire can have sex with such a beautiful vampire virgin. I will concede to your wishes if it gets me closer to having you in my bed.”

“Is it just sex for you?” I ask a little hurt to hear him treat me as his conquest.
Austin laughs when he sees the look of dejection on my face. “You do not think you are in love with me, do you Jessica?”
“No, of course not! We hardly know each other.” I exclaim.

“Yet, a few minutes before, you were more than willing to sleep with me if I respected your rules. Am I correct?” He asks smugly.

I don’t answer. I just stare at him.

“Sex between vampires is rarely about love. It is about pleasure and sexual prowess. We are too long-lived to adopt the human’s mentality on love and happiness forever.” He waves his hand, dismissing the thought as if it were nonsense. “Forever is a very long time to a vampire.”

“So you are saying that it is impossible for a vampire to fall in love?” I ask, staring at him, awaiting his answer.

“It is not impossible, just unlikely that it will last a vampire’s lifetime. For a vampire to be faithful to another for eternity means that the vampire has found their mate. With so many beings in the world to choose from, it is nearly impossible to find that other half of our soul that completes us. In the meantime, vampires use sex for the gratification and entertainment.” He sighs wistfully. “Enough talk of things that cannot be obtained.” Austin moves on top of me so fast, I gasp in shock. “Allow me to show you what a vampire can do to please a woman.”

The force of his kiss nearly bruises me, but the desire he awakens inside me makes me forget his rowdiness.

Austin’s hand slides under my tank top and squeezes my right breast hard. The action should be painful and will probably leave a bruise, but it causes my breath to catch in excitement. He pulls his lips off mine and buries his face between my breasts. Trailing kisses from my breast bone to my nipples, my superheated skin seems to melt under his touch. I can only watch as he nibbles on the tips of my nipples, careful not to nick me with his fangs. He unbuttons my jeans and his mouth follows his hands down my body to just below my belly button. He spends some time using his tongue on my navel. His hands feel like they are all over my body. My jeans disappear and my tank top soon follows. I watch as Austin lowers his head and kisses me between my legs. My body arches on its own accord as I moan in pleasure. He slides my panties off and touches me gently. He caresses that special spot down below until I can hardly breathe. The muscles inside me are clenching so tight, it feels as if I am turning inside out.

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