An Angel Among Vampires (23 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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“Hello my daughter.” Lily says with a smile.
I look back at Christien, hoping he does not wake to her voice.
She sees my concerns and answers my unspoken question. “He will not wake up. I am a vision in your mind. We can speak freely.”

I take a good look at her. I look so much like her. I want to hug her, tell her how sorry I am about her death and how much I miss her, but I do not move or say anything.

She smiles at me proudly. “It is time for you to learn what it is to be an angel.”

I stare at her with a confused look.

“You are receiving your full angelic powers and I am returning to you, as I have promised I would, to teach you how to shift your shape.”

My mind brings up the memory of our last conversation and I nod in acknowledgment.

“You probably notice that your vampire powers and blood thirst are somewhat erratic lately. This is because your body and mind are changing to accommodate the new powers that are going to be available to you.”

“Oh. Is that why I’ve been unable to control the blood thirst?” I ask.

“Yes, that is one of the reasons your blood thirst has been more difficult to control. Another reason may have to do with the vampire lying beside you.”

I glance at Christien still snuggling next to my body. “What do you mean?”

She smiles suggestively. “I was besotted by your father just as you are by him. I had already gained my full powers before I met Jacob. I can remember how crazy and out of control I felt whenever he entered the room. I fell in love with Jacob the moment I saw him. I knew it was dangerous. He was a vampire. Regardless of what my mind was trying to tell me, my body, heart, and soul kept convincing me otherwise. I tried to stay away from him, but it seemed like fate kept putting us in each other’s path. Eventually my mind started to feel the same way as my heart. Within weeks of us meeting, I became pregnant with you. Jacob was completely thrilled when he found out I was pregnant. Me, I was completely terrified. I knew others would hunt and kill us if anyone found out about you, who I was, or who the father of my baby was. We fled and went into hiding. We knew his sire would be looking for us, but we chose to be very cautious and stay together. We had heard rumors of men in town asking questions about us, but I had hoped that the one asking questions had moved on. We never went out together and secluded ourselves indoors whenever possible. When it was time for you to be born, I was frantic with worry for you. I never had a child while in human form before, and I was just so scared. Jacob insisted that we could deliver you at home and you would be fine, but I would not listen to him. I demanded, begged, and pleaded with him to take me to a hospital to deliver you. Jacob finally gave in and took me to the nearest hospital. Everything was fine at the hospital, at first. The doctors took us to the delivery area and you were born, healthy and beautiful as you could be. It was still dark when we arrived so we were still on alert for any vampire attacks in our vulnerable state. Once the sun rose, we relaxed, feeling much safer, and let our guard down. That was our biggest mistake. Your father was still too young to move freely in the daytime for long periods so we had to wait until sundown before we could leave. Although I was healing faster than humanly possible, I was still weak from childbirth. The nurse had just taken you back to the nursery less than an hour before. I was resting with Jacob by my side. The sun was almost down and Jacob was anxious to leave. I kept telling him we were safe and to wait a little while longer. I wanted the doctor to look you over one last time before we left. I must have fallen asleep because one minute Jacob was sitting next to me, the next, he was being thrown across the room and a vampire had stabbed him through the heart with a sword.” She pauses and closes her eyes as if reliving the event, the pain evident on her face.

She must have loved my father very much.

Lily continues as if she did not pause. “There was a vampire on top of me before I could even move to get out of bed. He taunted me and threatened your life before he sank his fangs into my neck. The other two vampires with him sank their fangs into my arms. I remembered pleading for your life, but I was unable to move. I used the last of my strength to send a psychic message to the nurse caring for you to get you out of the hospital and take you to my human sister, Maddy.” She finishes.

All of the pieces to the puzzle begin to come together and complete the puzzle that has become my life.
I finally know what happened to my parents. I learned how I ended up with my aunt. I now know who attacked my parents and why the monster that killed them is coming after me now. Hassan would know about me because he knew who my parents were and what my mother was. That explains the boost of power Hassan, Demetri, and Jacques received around the time of my mother’s death. It also explains why Christien believes they will figure out the mercenary they hired to capture Christien is the same girl they have been looking for over the past 25 years. Since the attack 7 years ago, I never wondered much about the crazy man that caused me to kill my aunt once I escaped my aunt’s house. I truly believed my aunt when she said my mother died in childbirth. Why would I not believe her? She had no reason to lie about their deaths. I could not have done anything about their deaths as a teenager anyway. I was young when Hassan attacked me and I was barely able to keep them from killing me then. Since no more attacks followed, I figured he was just another crazy vampire. I can only be lucky that Demetri and Jacques had never seen me before. If they had, they might have recognized me. If Hassan was outside when Christien and I arrived, I am sure he would have recognized me. My looks have not changed that much in the past seven years.

Lily breaks my reflection into my past and present with a question. “Are you ready to begin?”

I look back at her to see her standing back away from the bed so I stand up. “What do I do?”

She gives me a proud smile and starts my shape shifting training. First, she explains to me how shape shifting works. For angels, shape shifting is part illusion, part magical. She explains how much concentration it requires and emphasizes the benefits and disadvantages of shifting. After what seems like hours of explanations, questions, concerns, and meditation, she challenges me to shift for the first time.

I clear my mind and think of a dog. I feel a tingling sensation but nothing happens.
“What were you thinking about?” She asks me curiously.
“I was thinking about a dog.” I respond.

“When you pick an animal to shape shift into that has many different forms, shapes and sizes, you need to be specific in your thoughts. For example, instead of thinking about a vague, four-legged animal with fur, think about the dog you want to become. Try a Saint Bernard or Doberman. Maybe something small and dainty, like a Chihuahua. All you have to do is believe you are the animal and you will be. Now, try shifting again sweetheart.” She says lovingly.

I beam at her. I think about the dog I have in mind, what it looks like, the size, hair, feel, and then begin to believe…
I am a poodle

I feel a quick buzzing sensation and I am on all fours on the floor. I try to move, but I fall flat on my face. I mean snout.

My mother giggles. “Well done honey! You shifted into a poodle. It does take a little time and coordination to learn how to move as an animal. First, try moving slowly. Once you get used to being on four legs, it is pretty much the same for all four legged animals. The same goes for birds, fish, snakes, etc. You only need to master one shape of each species; the other forms with the same logistics will fall into place too.”

I finally get my bearings and walk oddly around the room. After a few minutes, I no longer trip over my paws.

“You should also notice some senses are heightened, others are dulled. Your senses usually take on the characteristics of the animal you are. If they see in infrared that is what you will see in as you are that animal. Taking on an animal’s characteristics can be very useful. You can blend in with surroundings better, track someone unnoticed, or even breathe underwater, as a fish.” She informs me.

I ponder that information, thinking about the possibilities. Wanting to talk and ask more questions, I think,
I want to be human again
. I feel the buzz in my head and my body reforms to myself. I am on my hands and feet.

Lily smiles proudly and claps her hands in delight. “Wonderful, you found out how to change back on your own. I always knew you were going to be a smart and resourceful child.” She compliments me.

I am surprised at how much her compliments mean to me. I guess children have this internal desire to please their parents. Then I notice that I did not lose my gown during the shift and frown in confusion. I’ve seen Roman shift while wearing clothing and his clothes rarely survive intact.

She answers my question as if she is reading my mind. “It is the difference between being an angelic shape-shifter and a were-animal. Because our body does not truly change its shape, we retain our clothing and all our belongings that are on our body when we return to human form. When an angel shifts, it is a true illusion to our bodies and senses. That is what makes us truly magical. For a were-animal, the change is a violent thing and they often cannot keep their offspring or possessions after they shift. An angel can shift while she is pregnant with no harm to her child. A gift from God I suppose for being one of his chosen creatures. I have heard that is why our color is always white. It is one way for God to distinguish his chosen ones from his other creations.” She concludes.

Spending what seems like hours shifting shapes from animal to human and back again, and asking questions in-between, I climb back into my body next to Christien with my mother’s promise to return for more training and fall asleep.



Chapter 28




I wake up around noon the following day. My body aches and I am starving. Christien must already be awake because he is no longer beside me in bed. I fall out of bed and drag myself into the bathroom for a long, hot shower. My muscles seem to relax for a little under the hot water. I put my still damp hair into a high ponytail and return to the bedroom after securing a towel around my body. That is when I notice a note taped on the closed bedroom door. The note reads:


Good afternoon
Ma Chatte Petite,


I hope you had a good rest. Someone will bring you breakfast, along with bagged blood once my servants hear you wake. There are fresh clothes and shoes in the closet for you. Undergarments are in the top drawer of the armoire. Please make yourself comfortable. My servants are at your disposal. Roman and I have gone to follow up on leads to Hassan’s whereabouts. Do not be angry or worry. We will return as soon as we can. Please stay inside where you are safe.




I read the beautifully handwritten note several times, breathing deep to keep from losing my temper. My mother did explain to me last night that any strong emotion could trigger my blood thirst so I need to work on my control until my powers have completely matured. I put the note on top of the dresser; open the drawer full of sexy, expensive lingerie all in my size, and grab a matching set. I close the drawer and walk into the closet. I am dumfounded. The closet is the size of a large bedroom. The entire closet, except for a small section, is full of clothes for me. There are two shelves of shoes, two rows deep along the entire closet underneath the clothes. My heart leaps with excitement. It is like having all of my favorite fashion and shoe designers each make a collection of clothes and shoes for me. I squeal and run through the closet like a little child waking up to a bunch of presents on Christmas morning. I pull out several of outfits to find everything in the closet is in my size. It is the same for the shoes. At the back of the closet, I notice there is a wall lined with designer purses.

“I think this is Heaven.” I whisper to myself.

When did he have time to shop for all this stuff?

I grab a pair of Seven jeans and a silk button up dress shirt. Cotton socks and Nike shoes complete my outfit. When I return to the bedroom to get dressed, I see that someone has rolled a cart into the room and placed it in front of the couch.

I didn’t even hear anyone come in.

I walk to the couch. My stomach rumbles with hunger as I remove the chrome dome from the serving platter. The spread is fantastic. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, fruit of all kinds, toast and muffins cover the platter. I remove the chrome dome from another platter and find it stacked with blood on a plate warmer. I satisfy my hunger first. I eat most of the food on the tray to replenish my body’s fuel and finish off five bags of blood. I brush my teeth and return to the bedroom. I think about my mother’s visit last night and all the shape shifting I had done. Initially, I was a little nervous shifting my shape. Worried something would go wrong, I never gave myself a chance to enjoy or experiment with my new forms. I lock the bedroom door and change shape into a Labrador.

Even though my white fur is too bright for a Labrador, it strangely suits me.

I trot in circles in front of the mirror admiring my new form.

I change shape back to human form and then change into a seagull. My mother tells me that I should be able to switch from animal to animal without switching back to human form, but I do not feel confident in my shape shifting abilities yet to try. As a bird, I hop around the room, flapping my wings up and down trying to fly. We tried last night but I couldn’t get the hang of it. Being a bird is not as easy as it sounds. I keep flapping my wings, occasionally lifting off the ground but not getting much flight.
Flap, flap, flap, flap
. The sound of my wings flapping fills the room. When I finally do get air under my wings, my landings are not desirable. After landing on my head so much, I am surprised I am not brain damaged by now. I am not sure how long I have been trying to fly around, but on one of my landings, I hear someone coming up the stairs. I quickly change shape, look around the room, and see white feathers everywhere. I sprint around the room using vampire speed, picking feathers up. When the bedroom door opens, Christien and Roman are standing in the doorway staring at me.

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