An Angel Among Vampires (25 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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“Enough.” I groan. He looks up at me and grins.

“Okay, enough games then.” He agrees with his voice strained.

He pushes my jeans to the floor, taking my shoes and socks with them. Since the pants are no longer restricting the movements of my legs, I settle them around his waist. Christien sits up abruptly, grabs my panties and rips them off my body.

I yelp in excitement as he unbuttons his pants, releasing his straining erection.

A sigh escapes his lips. He moves back to stand, breaking my legs’ hold on him. I whimper in dissatisfaction. As he is removing his shoes, socks, pants and underwear, I sit up in bed to watch him. His body is sculptured perfection.

The muscle tone and smooth skin resembles a perfectly molded statue. As he comes forward, I take his well-endowed manhood into my hand and stroke him gently. He runs his fingers around the edges of my face, pushing my hair back so he can watch me study his body. I use the tip of my tongue to circle the head. His grip on my hair tightens briefly then relaxes again. I place a kiss on the hole on the tip of his penis. Licking just underneath the hole, I move to the base placing kisses all the way down and back up to the head. I run my tongue up and down the length of his shaft, twisting and turning my head so I do not impede his view as he watches me. When I take him into my mouth, I look up demanding his eyes meet mine.

A look of possession fills his face and my body tenses with excitement. Before I can bring him to his release, he raises me up to my knees and pulls me against his chest. His face comes towards mine and our lips meet.

He whispers into my mouth. “
Ma chatte petite
, I want to show you what it feels like to be truly loved and very well sated.”

“Yes.” I respond in a strangled voice.

Christien lays me down in the middle of the bed. My hair fans out over the pillow and sheets beneath me. His fingertips leave a burning path of desire everywhere on my body they touch. Starting from my lips, his fingers roam all over me. When I feel his fingers brush my swollen arousal, I scream my pleasure as it sends what feels like lightning bolts inside me, forcing my flesh down below to swell more and throb.

I rock my hips trying to create more friction for my body that is now begging me for a release. My hands squeeze my breasts almost painfully, pinching and pulling at my aching nipples.

Christien watches me pleasure myself for a moment then moves my hands away from my breasts, allowing his mouth, tongue and teeth to continue where my fingers leave off. At the same time, he plunges a finger inside of me, rubbing my swollen arousal at the same time. It doesn’t take me long before I am bucking and screaming. He strokes my body gently, leaving his finger inside of me while I recover. I hear a sound and Christien says, “Get out! She is fine.”

Who is that?
The thought is quickly lost when he begins stroking me again. This time, his mouth joins in teasing me down below. I am teetering on the edge within minutes. He puts another finger inside of me. Mouth, tongue, and teeth all working together in rhythm with my swaying hips. He pulls his fingers from me and removes his mouth from me, just as I am at the brink. I scream out in frustration. My hands move towards my womanhood and he stops me before I reach it. I whine, growl, and pitch a fit. He chuckles, releases my wrists then thumps my swollen flesh.

The orgasm slams through me. I can hardly breathe. The little air I manage to take in comes out in rasps. Before I can recover, my legs are moving apart. I can hear a crackling sound and then Christien is inside me.

I can’t think and I’m not sure if I even want to. It is as if my brain can’t take any new sensations, that is, until Christien begins to move inside me. His thrusts don’t just fill me; it completely sates all my desires.

Now, I understand what he meant by ‘truly loved and very well sated.’

Our bodies never lose their rhythm. His speed increases hitting my g-spot repetitively. He brings me screaming again. His fangs extend and his rhythm falters. The brush of his fangs on my neck excites me, sending me over the top again. I squeeze him tight inside of me. He licks the artery on my neck and rides me harder. His rhythm is erratic, but it does not stop me from reaching ecstasy again.

I hear him moan in anguish. It is common for vampires to feed during sex. It is a sensual act and extremely erotic. In the heat of the moment of sexual arousal, I grab his neck, extend my fangs and bite him. The action sends him over the edge. I release him with blood on my lips and he kisses me deeply. His orgasm, intensified by my actions, gives him a little more strength and he brings me to my peak a final time. I arch my back, exposing my neck and his fangs plunge into me. Our orgasms continue to bounce off each other as he feeds. That is when I snap back into myself.

“Oh God, Christien, no!” I yell.

Apparently hearing the fear in my voice, he retracts his fangs and jumps off me.

I hold my hands to my neck, covering the bite marks as Roman storms into the bedroom. He sees me on the bed, holding my neck. Then he sees Christien with blood on his lips standing by the bathroom door.

Roman spins on Christien and yells at him. “I told you what would happen if you hurt her! You keep assuring me you can control yourself and that you don’t need to bite her.”

Christien looks at me, tears filling his eyes. “I am truly, deeply sorry,
. I misunderstood your signals. When you bit me, then exposed your neck to me, I just thought…”

“She did what?” Roman interrupts Christien before turning to me. “You fed from him?” He asks me disbelievingly.
“Yes, but…” I say, but Roman interrupts again.
“After you bit him, you exposed your neck to him? Were his fangs extended when you displayed your neck?” He asks stubbornly.
“Yes.” I reply weakly.
Roman looks at me then Christien. “When you did say ‘no’, did you have to push or pry him off you?”

“He released me immediately and moved away from me. I didn’t…” I begin to explain, but don’t get to finish my explanation because Roman turns around and walks out the door, slamming it shut behind him. I can hear Roman mumbling something as he is walking down the hall, but my head is still a little fuzzy from all the orgasms so I am unable to make out what he says.

Apparently, Christien heard him because he chuckles softly. Christien speaks quietly at the door. “Thank you,

I smile back at him. “Sorry for freaking out on you. Instinctively I knew what I was doing. I think I wanted you to bite me.” I admit to him, cheeks heating in embarrassment.

He climbs into bed, puts an arm around me and kisses my ear. “We were caught in the moment. It was foolish of me to bite you, but it is good to know that even with me caught up in the moment; I know I have the strength to walk away from feeding on you without draining you dry. We actually have a bigger problem now.”

“What? You’re addicted to my blood?” I ask worriedly.
“Actually, no I am not addicted to your blood.” He smiles warmly. “You do taste exquisite, but I can refrain.”
I give him a puzzled look. “If that’s not it, what’s the problem?”
“Upon my hasty retreat, the condom broke.” He says in a serious tone.



Chapter 30




Neither of us speaks for several minutes. After some discussion about the condom breaking, we both decide to just wait and see. Minutes later, we are asleep in each other’s arms.

Two hours later, I wake up in Christien’s arms when there is a soft knock at the bedroom door.
“Who is it?” I call out softly.
“My name is Kayle.” The voice behind the door replies. “I need to speak to my master.”
“He’s asleep.” I announce.

“Of that I am quite aware. Could you please wake him? It is very important that I speak to him immediately.” Kayle responds in annoyance.

I gently shake the sleeping vampire cuddling beside me. “Christien, someone named Kayle needs to speak to you.”

Christien mutters something in French and Kayle opens the door.

I pull the covers up to my neck, making sure I cover everything as a teenage, blonde vampire with bright blue eyes enters the room to stand close to the bed on Christien’s side. He looks well over six feet in height, even from my compromising position on the bed. He is thin, but toned. The muscles on his body seem to make up the fact that he doesn’t look like he is long out of high school.

I wonder how old this vampire is. It should be against Christien’s moral code to turn someone this young.

The teen’s bright blue eyes flick to me with disdain before returning to Christien’s still form beside me.

Christien’s eyes are still closed but I can sense that he is awake. He snuggles against me and I let him. Kayle is staring at Christien but neither vampire is speaking and Christien’s eyes are still closed. Thinking Christien fell back asleep, I nudge him gently.

Kayle nods to Christien, tosses me another look, this time irritation, before he goes out the door, shutting it behind him.

Christien squeezes closer to me and kisses my neck. I giggle from the tickling sensation from his hair on my cheek. “Who was that and what did he want?”

“He is my second in command. His name is Kayle. He has come to give me a report on the whereabouts of Hassan.”
I perk up and turn to face him. He kisses my nose.
I lean into him eagerly. “Well, what did he say?”

“He says that they have not found him. They recovered your weapons and laptop computer the police found in your home. He and my other vampires have wiped all of the human police and neighbors of the reported incident at your home. They also have removed the warrant for your arrest and missing person report from the police computer systems. The police are no longer looking for you or know of your existence.” Christien informs me proudly.

“Thank you for that. I would have just changed my identity. I know that could not have been an easy task for your vampires.”

“Anything for you,
ma chatte petite
.” He replies softly.

We lay in bed for a little while longer, snuggling and making out. We decide to take a shower together. After another bout of lovemaking in the shower and a couple of vampire kisses later, we dress and join Roman for dinner in the dining area.

“It’s about time you two made it out of bed. We still have things we need to talk about before we go out tonight.” Roman says grumpily.

I smile brightly and kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you Roman.” I say into his ear.
He grunts.
As I am sitting down, I see his lips twitch as if he is holding back a smile.

Christien informs Roman of the progress Kayle has made as I pile a large salad onto my plate. I fill my mug with blood from a decanter and chomp down noisily on the salad. I look up to see both men staring at me. I shove the rest of the salad from my fork into my mouth.

“What? I’m hungry.” I try explaining through the mouthful of food.

“Jess, don’t take this the wrong way, but you have been acting strange since I got back. I mean, even strange for you.” Roman says.

“I admit to not knowing much about your behavior and mannerisms, but even I can see a change in you over the past few days.” Christien agrees with Roman.

“My appetite has picked up a little, that’s all.” I try to appear nonchalant.

“It’s more than just your appetite Jess. In addition, you said you were not feeling well yesterday. You never get sick. You told me that yourself. And you still haven’t told us what the deal with all those feathers is about.” Roman says with eyes steady on me.

“I was just feeling a little off my game. I guess I was tired, that’s all.” I shrug. “I feel fine now.”
“Okay, I’ll accept that, now what about the feathers?”
I can see Christien looking at me with concern.

I open my mouth to lie when Roman stops me. “Save it Jess. I can smell the lie coming. I can tell you what I smelled, but that will be even more confusing to explain.” He stands up to leave.

“Wait!” I call out to him. “Okay, you both should know what’s going on with me, but I would like to speak to you in a place more private.”

We finish our dinner quickly and rush into Christien’s bedroom upstairs. The men sit on the now blood-free couch waiting impatiently for me to begin. Thinking it would be better to show them than try to explain; I stand up in front of them and think…
I am a Persian kitten.

I shape shift in front of them. Their eyes watch me in disbelief. I carefully jump into Christien’s lap and purr.
Roman sniffs the air, eyes never leaving mine. “She smells like a cat.”
I climb slowly up Christien’s chest, carefully stretching my tiny body until my face is close to his. I lick his chin and meow.

ma chatte petite
. You are mine, just as I am yours.”

I jump down from his lap and shift shape back into human form. I am still on my hands and knees when I shift into a wolf. Fur sprouts from my skin, but changing shape always feels the same to me, more like an electrical charge or buzzing feeling along my skin. It is not painful by any means. After I move around the room, I shift back into human form and change shape into a poodle. I jump back on to the couch and rub myself against Christien’s chest.

I sit on his lap and switch back into my human form. I perform my final shift while sitting on Christien’s lap. Now human again, I rest my head on Christien’s chest and study Roman’s facial expressions.

Christien’s hand finds my hair, stroking it as if I am still a cat, his kitten.

Roman recovers and blurts out. “When? How? What the…?” He takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly. “Start from the beginning.”

I begin by explaining my blood thirst and appetite increase. Then, I tell them about the talk with my mother last night. Finally, I tell them about my shape-shifting training, ending with my flying lessons this afternoon.

For the first time since I’ve known him, I have shocked Roman badly enough that he can’t speak. I am not sure if his shock is from anger or awe.

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