An Angel Among Vampires (29 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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“You don’t need to hold your tongue.” I taunt him furiously. “You haven’t been doing a good job holding your tongue anyway. Let’s just get it out in the open. You see me as Christien’s whore! Is that what you want to say? You consider me just another useless whore in your master’s bed?”

Kayle gives me a look will neither confirm nor deny what I am saying. “Christien bores easily. You will be gone soon enough. When you are gone, you can take the trouble you bring with you.”

I flush with irritation. “I tried to be nice to you. Well, nicer than you have been to me, but you don’t make it easy so I’ll just forget all the niceties since we know exactly where we stand with each other. Maybe Christien gave the job to plan the attack on Hassan to us because he doesn’t trust you to get the job done!”

“It is you who he should not trust.” Kayle snarls.

“Shut up and do your job like a good little vampire. Send Roman and the blueprints in here on your way out.” I tell him in a condescending tone.

Kayle gives me a murderous look and walks out the door without another word.

Now furious, I resume my pacing until Roman enters the bedroom. I must be more upset than I realize because Roman is by my side in an instant, holding me. After my temper cools and the blueprints arrive by a human servant, Roman and I sit down on the couch and make plans on how to infiltrate the building.

We are studying our plans when Christien and Kayle join us in the bedroom. Christien comes to sit next to me, but I get up and sit next to Roman, leaving the couch empty.

Christien looks surprised, but sits next to Kayle on the opposite couch without commenting.

Kayle gives me a curious glance, but he too refrains from saying anything.

We finalize the plans and define everyone’s role in the attack we have planned for late afternoon. It is getting close to dawn. Roman and Kayle are leaving the room when I ask no one in particular, “Where is the guest room you have setup for me?”

Christien tenses and stares at me.
“Is everything okay Jess?” Roman asks with concern.
“Yes, everything is fine. I should really try to sleep before the attack, that’s all.” I reply calmly.
“I will show her to a guest room.” Kayle offers, allowing a hint of surprise into his voice.

“No!” Christien shouts, barely containing his rage. His eyes are like mercury. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Jessica, you may sleep here. I will return to my new fledgling.” He leaves the room without glancing back.

Kayle smirks at me before following Christien out of the room.
Roman looks at me sympathetically. “You wanna talk?”
I frown. “No, I’m fine. I’m going to bed.” I take off the robe and climb into bed.
Roman waits until I’m in bed, turns off the light then leaves, shutting the door gently behind him.



Chapter 36




I wake up a little over six hours later. It is close to noon before I am dressed and on my way to the kitchen for breakfast, blood, and coffee, not necessarily in that order. I grab a box of doughnuts and my coffee. When I reach the dining area, Roman, Christien and Kayle are all sitting at the table. I join them quietly. If they were talking, they’ve stopped. I ignore their stares. Sitting quietly, I reach for a doughnut from the box, keeping my eyes down.

I must be paying too much attention to my doughnuts and coffee because Roman is squatting beside me before I notice that he left his seat. “Are you okay Jess?”

“Quit asking me that, I’m fine! I am not some worthless whore who is just here for the ride. I am a highly sought after mercenary that has over 20 years of martial arts training. I have killed more people in my lifetime than you have Roman. I’m not some helpless bitch that needs you to hold her hand. I suggest all of you focus on what we need to do this afternoon and stop worrying about me!” I scream, leaving the dining room with I am sure are three pairs of eyes on my back.

I go downstairs to check on Tyler. The person watching over him tells me he is in his first coma-like sleep, as all young vampires go into when the sun rises. With everything setup in the afternoon, I figure I might as well do some training while Roman is out recruiting Weres for our attack. While on my way to retrieve my weapons, I find Christien pacing in his bedroom.

“Is everything okay? Are you nervous about later?” I ask him.
“The plan is fine. If Hassan is there, he will not be escaping again.” Christien replies confidently.
I nod in agreement.
He moves closer to me. “Are you angry with me?”
“No. I just don’t like anyone thinking I am only a piece of ass. We have other things we need to focus on.”

“You are not a piece of ass to me,
ma chatte petite
.” He smiles, moving close enough to hold me. “Who thinks you are a piece of ass? I will make them sorry for having those thoughts.”

“Never mind, forget it.” I change the subject. “How is Tyler? I went to see him but he was already down for the day.”

“He is doing better. His body will complete most of the change by the time he wakes. I believe he is through the most dangerous part of the transition.”

I sigh in relief and melt into Christien’s arms. “Thank you for taking care of him.”

He kisses me gently at first, but soon deepens the kiss. As we both give ourselves over to the kiss, we begin tearing at each other’s clothes.

Our now torn and ripped away clothes litter the floor as we make our way to the bed. Christien pushes me down on the bed and flips me over to my stomach.

I love occasional rough or rowdy sex. Having dominant bed partners has always been an enjoyment of mine

Christien’s fingers plunge inside me. His fingers wiggle, stretch, and fill me. My body rocks against his strokes, forcing his fingers further inside of me. Need overrides my patience. I reach for his thick, stiff manliness just out of my reach.

I whimper and moan in discontent as he keeps his lower body out of my reach. Abandoning my quest, I propel my lower body roughly against his fingers. Seconds later, he removes his fingers from inside me and positions me on my knees. Kissing me ardently while he enters me stifles the excited sounds spilling out my mouth. Holding on to my breasts, he drives into me hard from behind. The slapping of our bodies ramming into each other echoes around the room. He pushes me flush on the bed, holding down my hands high above my head against the mattress while he impales me. My body is taut, petitioning for its release. His rhythm falters because he is getting closer to his climax. Hands glide down my body, slick with sweat. Fingers seek the swollen flesh near the front of my body. Gasping, my body bows when I reach my release. I scream, my insides pulsing, squeezing him tight when his essence spills inside of me. We are both moaning and panting hard when our orgasms subside, allowing us to return to ourselves. He kisses me fervently trying to absorb me into him. Falling to the bed beside me, he pulls me close, touching my cheek softly with his fingertips.

“You are very special to me
ma chatte petite
. If you were lost, I would search through Heaven or Hell to find you.” He whispers in my ear then kisses me.

No one has ever said anything like that to me before and I melt from his words.

We lay together in bed for a while talking before we have to shower and get ready for the upcoming attack.

Christien and I go downstairs and meet up with everyone in the living area. Vampires and all types of Weres pack the room. We receive a final report from the vampires that have been watching the building since the fight last night.

They report seeing Demetri and Jacques in the building, but there is no sign of Hassan. With Demetri and Jacques both in the building, there is a good chance that Hassan is there too, just staying out of sight.




Chapter 37




Concerns begin to build among the group in the living room. Rumors about the size of Hassan’s get has Christien worried that even though his vampires are superior in power, the number of vampires Hassan has at his disposal may still overwhelm them, regardless of the additional twenty Weres on our side.

“What about implementing my suggestion?” I ask Christien quietly.
Roman gives Christien his attention. “Would it work? Could that tip the balance in our favor?”
Christien is vibrating in anger. “This topic should not be discussed here.”

Kayle, Roman, Christien, and I return to the sitting room upstairs next to Christien’s bedroom to talk. The moment the doors close, Christien turns and faces me. “I will not allow any of my vampires to feed on you. That is not a topic open for discussion. I do not care what advantage it will give us.”

“That is not what I am suggesting. I told you already that my blood is bagged.” I reassure him.

“I’m not saying that I like it either Christien, but there would be no harm to Jess if they fed from her bagged blood. No one needs to know that it is her blood. I spoke to her in length yesterday about the properties of her blood. I’m not sure how much blood they’ll need in order to gain enough power to tip the scales, but it won’t hurt anyone for us to try it.” Roman states reasonably. “That is, if she even has enough blood stored away to begin with. We could eliminate two birds with one stone. Since she has already said it would be nearly impossible for her to destroy her blood, why not let your vampires drink it. The blood will be out of Hassan’s reach and we will possibly have the advantage that we need.”

Knowing I have more blood stored than his vampires could consume has me avoiding their eyes.

They don’t have to know.
I lie to myself.
I can slip inside my basement vault, grab some blood, and bring it back to them. They’ll think that is all the blood I have and the topic won’t come up again.

Christien looks at me then sighs. “Roman does make a valid point.”

“Great! I’ll just go get it. I won’t be gone long.” Getting to my feet, I move towards the door and bump into Roman’s chest.

“We are not stupid Jess. There is no way in hell we are letting you leave the house without an escort.” Roman crosses his arms over his bulging chest.

“But…” I let my voice fall away, unable to come up with a valid reason to object other than the fact that I’m still lying to them about how much blood I have in storage.

Roman shakes his head. “No, the three of us will be escorting you wherever you will be going. The last thing we need is for Hassan or his vampires to intercept you.”

With Hassan’s vampires watched by Christien’s get, Roman, Christien, Kayle, and I climb in a fully loaded, black Lincoln Navigator.

Christien and Kayle take the back seat while Roman slides into the passenger’s seat, leaving me behind the wheel. I rap my thumbs on the steering column in thought while the car is idling in the driveway, trying to find a way out of this dilemma.

No one has ever seen my basement vault. Do I trust Roman with this knowledge? Sure. Can I trust Christien? Maybe. He hasn’t done anything to me that make me want to trust him less. He hasn’t earned the level of trust that Roman has, but as a vampire, he’s not bad… or is that my hormones talking.

I look into the rearview mirror to see Kayle’s watchful eyes meet mine in the mirror.

Do I trust Kayle? Hell no, but apparently Christien does.

I shake my head in indecision.

“Jess?” Roman looks over at me in question.

“I’m thinking. This is not an easy decision for me to make. You all are asking me to give up my privacy and expose my deepest secrets. If it were just you, Roman, I could deal with it, but you are asking me to give up all my secrets to a vampire that I lose my mind around and another that hates our guts. Could you make the same decision easily?” I tense my fingers around the wheel and look at Christien. “Can’t you just trust me to bring the blood back to you? Maybe just allow Roman and me to go inside and get it?”

“I understand and commend your diligence about your safety. I, too, worry about you. I admit I am curious about the warehouse you speak of, but not enough to make you doubt my sincerity towards your safety. If you do not trust us to keep your secret, we can find another way to win this battle with Hassan. I would heavily regret that I sent you out without adequate protection and something did happen to you.” Christien says quietly from the backseat. He touches my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze before releasing me.

Risking a glance, I see the astonished look on Kayle’s face before his face resumes its usual scowl. Christien opens his door to get out.

“Okay.” I announce quietly then take a deep breath, letting all the air out of my lungs loudly. “Okay.”

Ma chatte petite,
this is not a ruse to get you to change your mind. We have not known each other but a few days. In time, you will learn you can trust us.” Christien gets out of the SUV. Kayle follows Christien’s lead on the other side. Both still have their doors open.

Roman touches my right hand, easing my grip on the steering wheel gently. “He’s right Jess. We don’t want to pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do. We aren’t even sure it will work.”

“Get back in.” Giving Roman’s hand a quick squeeze first, I release him and buckle my seatbelt. “We don’t really have time to delay this any longer. Let’s go.”



Chapter 38




Christien and Kayle climb back inside and shut their doors. Despite everyone throwing looks in my direction, I stay silent the entire drive to my house. When we get to my neighborhood, Roman looks over his shoulder at Christien and exchange a look.

“Is something wrong?” I ask, doing my normal surveillance of the area before approaching my house.
“Where are we going Jess?” Roman asks quietly.
“To my house.” I state without explaining further.
Christien stiffens in the back seat. “Do you mean to tell me that you store your blood in your home?”

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