An Angel Among Vampires (20 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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“Look, I know you understand the gravity of the situation. I can’t believe you fed your blood to a vampire you barely met a few days ago and have a contract out on. Let alone go falling in love with him.” He says as he gets up and paces the living room.

I raise my chin stubbornly. “I am NOT in love with him Rome.”
He gives me a disbelieving look. “Yeah right.”
“I’m not!”
“Then why didn’t you kill him when he said you couldn’t leave?” He asks, infuriated.
I look up at Roman. I am about to say something to defend myself when I pause and frown.

Why didn’t I kill him? I had my weapons on me. My purse was in my hand and I did not even think about pulling any weapons on him. Even when Christien’s body was laying there defenseless, I just moved it out of the way and left.

“I had just killed a woman viciously and was running for my life.” I try to explain.
“That is just another reason to kill him. It’s not like you to hesitate when it comes to your safety.” He reasons with me.
“I didn’t hesitate. I escaped didn’t I?”

Roman shakes his head, staring down at me. “You did escape, but you didn’t do what you knew was necessary. What is it about this vampire that makes you forget who and what you are?”

“I don’t know.” I admit quietly.
Roman watches me stare at the ground for a few minutes. “You know what you need to do, right?”
I know what he is implying, but I am not willing to admit it. I decide to play dumb. “What?”

“He needs to die, Jess, and you know it. You know, if you need my help, I’m here for you.” He offers softly, still not understanding my hesitation.

“I’m not sure if I can do it Rome. You don’t understand. It is as if he has some kind of power over me. My brain stops functioning and I turn into this crazed sex machine.”

“Sounds like me once a month. If this is too difficult for you, I can take care of it for you.” He offers in a sympathetic tone.

“I can’t ask you to do that. I made this mess, I have to fix it.”

Roman looks at the clock and sees it is almost 11:00 pm. “Do you know where we can find him? It is still early. He’ll probably still be out.”

“Do we have to do this now?” I whine.
“Yes. Now go get dressed. Where are we going?”
Unable to deny the inevitable any longer, I tell him. “Blixen.”
“Cool. I am going home to get dressed. I’ll be back soon.” He says as he kisses me on the forehead.
I smile weakly at him.
“For what it’s worth Jess, I’m sorry.” His tone is sincere.
“What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

He stops at the front door and looks over his shoulder at me. “You have to kill the first man that makes you truly feel like a woman. I know this can’t be easy for you. If he was anything other than a vampire, I would be happy for you. I know deep down you want that picket fence with 2.5 kids.”

“You and I both know that will never be part of my future. A husband and kids are not conducive to the life of a mercenary.” I concede with a hint of disappointment.

“You don’t have to be a mercenary, you know. You never know. You may find someone that wants to be at home with the kids while you work. You should not give up on a dream just because it may not be in your cards right now. Things have a way of working out when you least expect them to.” He tells me before heading out the front door.

“That is easy for you to say.” I mutter at the door.




Chapter 24




I get up and head for the kitchen. I can feel my blood thirst rising so I put a couple of bags in the microwave to warm them. That’s when I finally notice it.

For the last few days, the blood thirst has been riding me harder than normal. I am sucking down three times as much blood as I usually do. I am also losing my control in public more often than I ever have before. Maybe my feelings for Christien are some kind of reaction to my increased blood thirst. I will have to remember to ask Roman if he has ever heard of this sort of thing happening with vampires before.

I suck down the blood quickly, grab the dress I left downstairs the other day, and head upstairs to change.

Unable to decide on an outfit to wear, I choose to keep the dress I have on and just redo my makeup and hair. Within minutes, I am downstairs and armed in the usual getup.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror by the door.

I am not sure I can do this. Maybe Rome is right. What happens if I am not strong enough to follow through with it? I don’t think I can kill Christien.

I mentally shake myself as I hear Roman coming up the walkway. After resetting the alarm and locking up, we are on our way to Blixen.

The full moon has passed, but the effects are still lingering. The club is packed and the line to get in is down the street. Sometimes it pays to be a frequent patron. Roman and I bypass the line and walk up to the vampire at the door. The vampire recognizes us and opens the door, waving us through. We ignore the complaints and groans of disapproval from the patrons in line as we walk inside. Once inside, a flock of male Weres immediately recognizes Roman and surrounds him.

Roman is a tall, handsome, in an effeminate sort of way, Italian, gay werewolf. Not many Weres decide to live that lifestyle, even if they prefer male company. Roman says it has something to do with the werewolves DNA make-up to want to have offspring. Even male Weres that prefer males will still include female sex partners.

Roman is not like that. He is a ‘solely men’ type of gay werewolf, so he is very popular with some male Weres.
I wave goodbye to him and walk to the bar.
“Hey Mack!” I call out to the bartender with his back to me.
He turns around, smiling. “Hey lady! What’ll it be?”

I order a top shelf rum and coke and search the dance floor. Mack brings me my drink and hands me a second one too. Seeing my confusion, he answers the unasked question. “Roman.”

I nod and turn to see Roman coming towards me.
Roman smiles and nods his thanks to Mack as I hand him his drink.
Roman leans into me. “Is he here?”
I shrug, looking down at my drink.
He sighs. “Are you even going to look for him? Jess, please don’t make this so hard for yourself.”

“Do we really have to do this Rome? Maybe he won’t say anything. I really believe he won’t do anything to hurt me.” I beg him softly, trying to prevent others from overhearing our conversation.

Roman gives me a stern look. “Either you point him out to me or I’ll draw him out.”
“And how are you going to do that?” I ask, stalling, hoping he’ll answer my question to give me more time to think.
“Okay, remember, you could have just pointed him out to me.” He says before leaning forward and planting a kiss on my lips.
I try to move away, but he holds me close and firm against his body. For a gay man, he is not a bad kisser.
After a few seconds, Roman pulls back and smiles at me. He puts a possessive arm around me then walks towards the dance floor.
I don’t pull away, but he does rather pull me along.

I feel Christien’s power before I see him. The tingling sensation from his power forces me to rub my arms to chase the sensation away.

Roman’s face tightens in response to Christien’s power. He pulls me closer to his side.
I feel Christien’s power spike before he appears in front of us.
Christien’s face is void of all emotion, but his eyes hold all the contempt we need to see.
His eyes leave Roman’s face long enough to glance at his arm on my shoulder. A few tense moments pass before I break the silence.

“Christien, I’m surprised to see you here.” I say cheerfully, trying to keep my tone light. I try to wiggle Roman’s arm from my shoulder unsuccessfully.

Roman acknowledges my attempt to shake him off by gently squeezing my shoulder. Then, he slowly moves his fingertips in small circles on my bare arm, drawing attention to his hand.

I have to admit, he’s good.

Christien sees Roman’s possessive display and his jaw clenches in response. He turns his attention to me. “Why would you be surprised to see me,
ma chatte petite
? We still need to have the talk we were supposed to have had this afternoon.”

I squirm a little. “We don’t have anything to talk about Christien. I told you that this afternoon.”
Christien looks at Roman, then back at me. “Who is this?”
Roman replies coolly. “I am the one on her arm. Who are you?”
“I am Christien Aleran.” He replies simply.
“What do you want?” Roman asks Christien directly.

“Nothing that I hear
are offering.” Christien responds, trying to provoke Roman.

Roman ignores the intended insult. “Then you should leave.”

“Is that what you want,
ma chatte petite
? Do you want me to leave?” He raises his hand, brushing away a stray hair from my cheek, allowing his knuckles to leave small electrifying shocks in their wake.

Christien opens his hand and I rub my cheek against his palm. He slides his hand behind my neck and gently pulls me towards his body. My feet move me a step closer to him.

Roman squeezes my shoulder and calls me. “Jess?”

I can barely hear him. All I can see and feel is Christien.

Christien takes a small step closer to me. The space between us feels as wide as the Grand Canyon. My heart is racing and my body is aching to feel the strength and comfort of Christien’s arms around me.

Christien smiles at me. “I understand why you did what you did this afternoon,
, but the situation was not what you were thinking.”

“It wasn’t?” I ask hopefully.

“Jess, don’t listen to him. He is playing you. He’s a vampire.” Roman moves to stand between Christien and me, forcing Christien to drop his hand from my cheek. “Sweetheart, I know how bad you may want this, but he is not the one for you.”

Tears form in my eyes, blurring my vision. I look up into Roman’s eyes, pleading with him to reconsider without using any words.

His eyes soften and he whispers into my hair. “I am so sorry Jess. I love you and I will do anything to protect you. Even if it means you’ll hate me forever.”

Christien steps around Roman to stand behind me. He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me against him, and away from Roman. I do nothing to stop him. My head falls back onto Christien’s shoulder. I turn my head towards his neck and take a deep breath. I smell cedar and sunshine, Christien.

Christien moves in for a kiss, but Roman stops him by putting a hand on Christien’s shoulder. “Don’t, please. Don’t make this harder for her. Look at her.”

Christien complies and looks deep into my eyes. I am not sure what Christien sees, but whatever it is, it does cause him to pause long enough to hear Roman explain.

“I’m only looking out for her. Let her find someone that can make her happy. She deserves it.” Roman pleads with Christien.
“I can make her happy.” Christien tells Roman.
“Is that before or after you drain her dry?” Roman asks sarcastically.
“Christien would never do anything to hurt me.” I blurt out in Christien’s defense as I snuggle closer into his embrace.

Roman shakes his head and sighs. “Listen to her Christien. She doesn’t know what she is saying. You know how dangerous it is for her to be with a vampire. Will you admit that at least?”

Christien nods once sharply. “For most vampires, I would agree. She would be in considerable danger if they knew what she is. It is a good thing that I am not like most vampires,
. She is in no danger while she is with me.”

“How can you be so sure? Are you saying you have not thought of tasting her again?”

Christien smiles slyly. “Not in the manner in which you are speaking.”

Roman is about to say something, but stops to think about what Christien just told him. “We need to sit down and talk, but not here.”

“I need to speak to Jessica alone, first. If you grant me this, we can talk.”
Roman eyes Christien suspiciously. “Why do you need to speak to her alone?”
“It is a private matter.” Christien states firmly, unconcerned about Roman’s suspicious glare.

I watch the men as they are talking. I can hear their words, but I have no idea what they are saying. Honestly, I really don’t care. I can stand here all night in Christien’s arms. He is so warm. His arms feel amazing around my waist. We fit each other perfectly.

“Answer this question honestly and I’ll consider your request.” Roman says to Christien. “When she was trying to leave this afternoon, why wouldn’t you let her go?”

Christien purses his lips. “She told you about this afternoon?”

“We tell each other almost everything. I’m sure she didn’t tell me all the intimate matters that might have occurred between the two of you besides the kissing, but I’m fairly certain she’s told me everything else.”

“Did she tell you about what she did to the woman?” Christien asks him, returning Roman’s suspicious glare.
Roman nods. “Yes.”
Christien eyes him thoughtfully. “We may talk, after I speak to Jess.”
“If you hurt her…” Roman begins, but Christien cuts him off.
“Let me guess, you will kill me?” He replies in mock surprise.
Roman lips twitch as he fights a smile. “I’m glad we understand each other.”

The three of us leave Blixen. We meet outside and agree to go to Christien’s house. Well, at least they did. We are moving towards Christien’s limo before I notice that we are leaving.

I look at Roman. “Where are we going?”
“Haven’t you been listening to us Jess?” Roman asks me.
Christien moves beside me. His hand caresses my hip.

My eyes flutter as a chill runs up my spine. I look back at Roman who is watching me curiously. “Huh? What? Did you just ask me something?”

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