An Angel Among Vampires (8 page)

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Authors: M. Cheykota

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: An Angel Among Vampires
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Chapter 8




The advantage of being half-angel, half-vampire is the ability to move around during the day. By noon, I am up, dressed in my clothes and creeping my way out of the bathroom. With my daggers tucked neatly in my jeans, I tiptoe by Austin in bed and cautiously open the bedroom door. I am at the bottom of the stairs when a human woman, most likely a servant, turns the corner and sees me. Her eyes widen in surprise and fear.

“You are supposed to be asleep.” She announces in a hushed tone.
“I was just leaving. Tell Austin that I will drop by the club tonight.” I say over my shoulder to her.
Without a second thought, I trot the rest of the distance to the front door and open it.
I hear her gasp from behind me at the foot of the stairs. I turn around to see what is wrong.
She is covering her mouth with one hand as she points at me with the other. Her eyes are as wide as saucers.

“What’s wrong?” I look down at my clothes and search around myself. When I see my shadow on the ground, I realize why she is in shock.

She believes that I am a fledgling vampire. I am so used to blending in with humans that I forget young vampires should not be awake during the daylight hours. Never interacting with vampires, I am making amateur mistakes. I should know better than to walk out of a vampire’s house at high noon. Better yet, I should have realized I was missing something when she looked surprised to see me up and about. I, also, should not be able to stand in the sun as I am now. My ability to walk in sunlight is a gift from my mother’s angel half.

In a panic, I use my weak mind control to capture her mind. I convince her to forget that she saw me. I make her walk into another room so she can’t see me slip out the front door.

Using the first payphone I see, I call a cab to take me back to my apartment in the city.


Later that evening when the moon takes the sun’s place high in the sky, I wake up to take a shower and change my clothes before returning to the vampire feeding building. Eager to find Austin to ask him more questions about vampires, I wait patiently in line, hoping he will be there tonight.

A short, pudgy white man in a black t-shirt and blue jeans walks down the line of people waiting to get into the club and stops in front of me.

“Excuse me Miss.” He calls out politely, gaining my attention.

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

“No ma’am. I was told to escort you inside.” He replies, unlatching the rope that keeps the line straight. He steps back to give me room to leave the line and join him, before reconnecting the rope line.

“Who told you to escort me?” I ask the bouncer.

“My master, Austin, told me to wait for you out here. If you showed up, I am supposed to bring you to him.” He says quietly to prevent the humans around us from overhearing.

I follow the vampire inside the feeding building. My eyes dart between him and the crowd.

After all my mistakes this afternoon, I vowed to pay closer attention to my surroundings and be more cautious around vampires.

He guides me to the back of the club where the hidden door is.
The door opens and Jalik steps out of the hallway.
“My master awaits you.” Jalik informs me between gritted teeth, stepping out of my path.

“I don’t want to cause any tension. If my presence is a problem, just say so. I am more than willing to move on and disappear. I only want answers to my questions, not trouble.” I explain, hoping to ease Jalik’s frustration.

“It doesn’t matter what I think. My master is waiting.” He waves his arm, trying to usher me inside the room.

Instead of walking inside the room, I turn around and walk back out into the club. Jalik and my escort stare at my back in disbelief.

After maneuvering my way through the crowd, I am back outside without any resistance. I am halfway down the street before Jalik catches up to me.

“Where are you going?” Jalik asks in disbelief.

“I don’t need my questions answered that badly.” I reply as I continue towards the city lights, picking up my pace. “The last thing I need is a bunch of vampires getting pissed because I’m hanging around their master.”

“You are leaving without any explanation to my master?” He asks incredulously.

I turn another corner and begin to run while responding to Jalik’s question. “He is your master, not mine. I don’t want or need any trouble from any vampires. I’ll see you around.”

I put on a burst of speed and run as fast as I can towards the brightening lights of the city. I can hear Jalik’s soft footfalls behind me as he runs after me, trying to catch up. He keeps calling out my name, but I don’t look back or slow down until I am at the edge of a large crowd on a street full of bars or other drinking establishments.

Several people glance in my direction when I appear next to them suddenly, but they are too drunk to question where I came from. Apparently, Jalik is being more cautious about hiding his nature than I am, because when I look over my shoulder to see if he’s still following me, I can see he has slowed to a human walking pace well beyond the crowd’s view, but still coming towards me. Hoping that I can get lost in the crowds of people barhopping before he gets close enough to keep track of me, I duck and weave through the patrons partying on the sidewalk until I see a door open. Inside the bar, I glimpse a thick crowd of people so I slip inside, just as the door is closing. Crouching low, I work my way to the women’s restroom in the back of the bar.

Standing over a sink, I unnecessarily wash my hands a couple of times to have an excuse to linger. I pick up a non-human scent from a small woman standing in front of the mirror next to me, primping. My nostrils flare to take in her scent as I stare at the woman through the mirror.

Her eyes catch mine. She gives me a quick once over and returns to her primping. “You look pretty young to be a vampire. Someone was a very naughty vampire for turning you at such an early age.”

My eyes must be glowing vampire silver and she knows about my kind. Her eyes flash more of a golden color before returning to a more human shade of light brown. I don’t think she is a vampire because she doesn’t have a silver glow in her eyes.

I smirk at her, using my attitude to hide my concern. “I am not as young as I look.”
She chuckles. “If you say so.”
“You are not human or a vampire. What are you?”

She raises an eyebrow at my audacity. After a moment of studying me, she decides to answer my intrusive question without hesitating. “I am a Weretiger, someone capable of shifting their shape into a tiger, and the owner of this establishment. My name is Blixen. You are?”

Weretiger? Is she serious?
“Apparently, I am probably in a lot of trouble. I should go.” I walk around her cautiously, making my way towards the door, never taking my eyes off her.

“Wait. You don’t have to leave. Beings of all kinds are welcome in my club. Anyone tell you different, you send that person to me and I will set the person straight. What’s your name?”

“Olivia.” I lie.

She shakes her head. “There’s no need to lie. I’m not going to hurt you. What’s your name fledgling?”

Grudgingly, I reply honestly, realizing her kind must also be able to detect when someone is lying.
I need to work on my poker face.
“My name is Jessica. Most people call me Jess.”

“I think I have heard about you from somewhere. If you are who I think, I don’t want you causing fights here in my club, but if you want to hang out and party, you are welcome to stick around.” Blixen turns to leave. Pausing at the open bathroom door, she looks over her shoulder at me. “Are you coming?”

“I … um …” I mumble, unsure of what I should do.

“Come on Jess. I will not let anyone bother you.” She motions me to follow her.

I reluctantly follow her out the bathroom and she guides me to the bar. A quick scan of the club reveals there is no sign of Jalik so I relax.

Blixen orders me a drink. When the bartender places it in front of me, I am shocked when I get a whiff of blood.
She looks at me expectantly. “Not the right blood type?”
“No, I mean yes. The drink is fine. I am only surprised to get a drink with blood in it.”

“Well, anytime you are here, just tell the bartender what you want. We have all blood types on tap. Just be mindful that the humans don’t find out about the blood in your drink. I am sure you know how to be discreet.” She responds in a low tone.

“Okay, thanks Blixen.”

“I have to go Jess. It was nice meeting you.” Blixen leaves me at the bar and disappears into the crowd.

I linger in the bar for a few hours, finding a sense of relief in a safe place to hide. After relaxing a bit, I even do a little dancing, before heading home.




Chapter 9




The following evening, I decide to return to the bar named Blixen, after its owner, since I had a good time the night before. Just like last night, the bar is bursting at the seams with partygoers. Unable to find a seat, I find a secluded spot in the corner of the bar. There are people waiting for the bartender, so I patiently wait for my turn to order. The bartender sees me, bypasses all of the waiting patrons and comes to take my order.

“Hey, I’m Henri. The other bartender is Mack.” He points to the other man at the end of the bar. “Blixen said to look out for ya and if ya came in again tonight, to take good care of ya. It seems she has taken a likin’ to ya. She doesn’t like many people so ya musta made quite an impression. It’s Jessica, right?”

“Yeah, or just Jess. I answer to both.”
“Nice to meet ya Jess. So, what’ll ya have?”
I lean over the bar to get closer to prevent any humans from overhearing my request. “Um, do you have anything in O positive?”
Henri gives me a big smile. “Sure kid. Ya want it straight or mixed?”
“Huh?” I ask, confused by his question.

“Tell ya what. I’ll fix something up for ya and if ya don’t like it, I’ll make ya somethin’ else.” He moves back to the middle of the bar and starts making a drink.

As I watch him, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

“Hi Jess.” Blixen says in a normal voice.

With all the loud music pounding in my ears, I am surprised I can hear her so easily. “Hi Blixen. Thanks for your hospitality. You really don’t have to single me out though. I can take care of myself.”

“I’m sure you can. I like to take care of my girls. We tough girls must stick together or these men start to believe they can tell us what to do. There is nothing wrong with me being nice. Trust me; it does not happen very often. We, tigers, are known to have a temper.”

I smile warmly at her. “Thanks.”
She nods. “So, are you still hiding from whoever you were hiding from yesterday?”
My jaw drops involuntarily.

“Yes kiddo, I know. I just don’t know why you were hiding. From your reputation on the streets, I don’t picture you running from confrontation much. Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“No, no trouble. I just don’t like to make trouble when it’s not necessary.”

“Smart girl. I’ve always had a soft spot for girls in trouble. Plus for some reason, my tiger likes you.” She winks at me. “Don’t prove my tiger wrong about you. Enjoy your night.”

I watch Blixen walk away as Henri returns with my drink.

“Vampire or not, ya still look underage so I made ya a couple of non-alcoholic drinks for ya to try. Let me know whatcha think. I’ll be right back.”

I pick up the first tumbler. I sniff the drink before taking a sip.

Orange juice, pineapple juice, soda water and O positive. Yuck. I am not a big fan of pineapples.

I put the drink down and sniff the next one.

Mmm. This has a hint of something spicy.

After a brief sip, I lick my lips. A couple more sips and I almost have all the ingredients nailed. When Henri returns, half of the drink is gone.

“Didn’t like the first one huh?” He asks as he dumps the first drink into a nearby sink.

“I don’t like pineapples, but this one is really good.” I compliment him.

Henri beams proudly. “I figured ya’d like a little spice. Maybe I will tell ya what is in it someday. For now, let’s call this drink, Spicy O.”

I chuckle. “Thanks Henri. It is very good. How much do I owe you?”

“We can settle the tab later. Go and have a good time. I gotta get back to work.” Henri takes the order of the next person in line.

I finish the rest of my drink quickly and get up to mingle.

An hour later, I am dancing with a few people when I bump into someone. I turn to apologize when I see the dark, hulking figure of Jalik beside me.

Naturally, my hands drop on the hilts of my daggers, hidden underneath my clothes at my sides. I can easily rip through the fabric to get to them.

Jalik lowers his head close to my ear. “Pardon me. May I have a word with you?”

“How did you find me?” I blurt out, walking off the dance floor, leaving my dance partner staring after me.

“My master requested his vampires in the area to keep a lookout for you. If someone saw you, they were told to inform him immediately.” He replies.

“Why is he so interested in me? I am nobody. Tell Austin that our deal is off and to stop sending vampires after me. It will not end well for him or anyone he sends after me.” I threaten sincerely.

“My master sent me to deliver a message to you.”
“Look, I already told you before…”
Jalik cuts me off before I can finish my speech. “I would like to apologize for my behavior last night.”
“Go on.” I prompt him.

“My master was extremely angry with me for upsetting you. It is in my nature to suspect everyone he meets because I am responsible for protecting him. I will not apologize for being cautious of my master’s safety, but it was not necessary for me to be rude. For that, I do apologize.”

“Okay.” I begin to walk away and he grabs my upper arm to stop me.

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