An Indecent Longing (2 page)

Read An Indecent Longing Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: An Indecent Longing
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Rolling her eyes, Dorrie stabbed her fork into her steak. “No, the one with John Cusack.”

. The one where they were apart for, like, ten years or something.”

Dorrie grimaced. “Okay, maybe not that one either. See, even in the movies it’s not all hearts and flowers.”

Risa laughed full out, something that didn’t happen often. “Oh, babe. It’s not even close.”

Over the next two hours, they finished their meal, shared a couple of really luscious desserts that would make Dorrie regret them the next time she stepped onto a scale, and polished off two bottles of wine.

Actually, Risa drank most of the wine. Dorrie made a mental note to keep an eye on that. Her sister’s stress level seemed unusually high tonight, something else to worry Dorrie. Risa only ever showed her strength to the rest of the world, never any vulnerabilities.

Being the legitimate daughter of the city’s Russian mob boss had honed Risa’s acting abilities to Oscar caliber. Just as being the illegitimate daughter had honed Dorrie’s ability to lie.

“I really hate to say this but I have to get going.” Risa shook her head as if trying to clear it. But when she rose, she didn’t wobble at all. “I’ve got an early morning. Daddy’s got businessmen flying in from Moscow, and I promised I’d keep the wives and daughters busy while the men gather to discuss world domination.”

Standing, Dorrie hugged Risa tight. “Have fun with that.”

For a second, her sister looked utterly serious, which was such a departure from her normal sarcasm that Dorrie took a second look. But Risa’s expression was gone in a flash.

“I won’t. Sometimes…” Risa sighed but didn’t continue. “But I
get the number of the sex therapist for you.”

A kiss on the cheek then Risa left through the back door, where her guard was waiting for her. That man was easily recognizable as one of Karel Antonoff’s men. Blond, blue-eyed and six feet of honed Russian muscle.

Dorrie made her way back to the gaming parlor, a bemused smile on her face.

As she stepped through the door, the noise level in the gaming parlor quickly made her grimace. She really hated places like this. They made her want to run screaming.

“You ready to leave?”

Blank bent down to speak into her ear so she could hear him, but his gaze swept over the large crowd. It was Friday night and the city’s richest men and women knew this was the place to let loose, have a few drinks, and drop a small fortune on their gambling habits.

So who’s Ian with tonight?

Damn it. Why the hell did he keep creeping back into her thoughts? It wasn’t fair.

“Yes, please.”

With Blank at her side, she refused to let her gaze stray around the room, looking for
. She didn’t want to see him.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

She wished she could tell herself to shut the hell up.

Instead, she smiled at Blank, who nodded, his sharp gaze checking her over before he turned toward the exit across the room.


Out of the corner of his eye, Ian saw Dorrie leave the private area in the back.

He told himself he hadn’t been watching for her as he held up the wall behind his client’s table. The European high-roller who’d hired him and Ben for the night had lost a shit-ton of money at the blackjack table. Much more than he’d paid Ian and Ben, and their fee hadn’t been cheap.

But the man didn’t seem to care. Probably because of the blonde in the barely-there dress who’d been pressing her breast against his arm and giving him a good view of her cleavage for the past hour.

Ian figured she was working an angle but, honestly, he didn’t give a shit. The client was an asshole, and if she screwed him out of a few hundred thousand, that wasn’t Ian’s concern.

Ian had been hired to guard the prick’s life, not his wallet. Which meant he should pay a little more attention to the overweight, bald jerkwad with the deep pockets than to the woman who’d finally emerged from the back room.

But he couldn’t tear his gaze away as she stopped beside her bodyguard to smile and nod.

What the fuck has she been doing back there for more than two hours? Who the hell is she meeting? And what the fuck is his name so I can make him quietly disappear?

His hands clenched into fists before he forced them to relax at his sides.

Damn it. Keep your head in the game.

Which apparently was a damn good call because he caught the flash of a gun being drawn out of the corner of his eye.

His training kicked in automatically, his brain identifying the threat a split second before the gunman raised his weapon and started shooting.

Grabbing the client, he shoved him toward the floor when the first shots rang out.

The guy let out a squawk of outrage as Ian slammed him to the floor and covered him with his body. But the guy’s outrage quickly turned to fear when shots blasted into the air and people started screaming.

Ian knew the difference between screams of pain and fear. Several people had been hit.

Jesus Christ, not Dorrie.

As Ian held his paycheck to the floor with his left hand, he used his right to draw and fire at the gunman, who’d already begun to move back through the exit.

He must’ve taken out his target and was laying down gunfire to cover his exit.

Since Ian’s job was to make sure his client’s ass was safe, the second the shooter had retreated from the room, Ian yanked the guy off the floor and shoved him toward the back exit, where a steady stream of people were already leaving.

Where the fuck is Dorrie?

“Ian. Are you okay?”

Ben’s voice in his ear snapped Ian back to the moment. “Yeah. You?”

“Fine. Out the back?”


There she was. In the middle of the room, her hands covered in blood as she waved frantically at someone. His heart leaped into his throat and he could barely breathe.

If she’s hurt…

“Ben. Brunette in the green dress. Don’t leave her.”

? What the fuck—”

“Stay with her and don’t leave her fucking side.”

Ian caught sight of Ben, shock plain on his face, just before he shoved their client into the hallway toward the back entrance that led into the alley.

“Get her the hell out of here, Ben.”

Right before he got their client into the hallway, he caught a glimpse of Ben running toward Dorrie.

She’ll be fine.

He kept telling himself that as he pushed the client down the hall with the rest of the frightened masses. Forced himself to bite back the question because if she was injured, he’d dump the client in the alley and go back, paycheck and new job be damned.

Jesus, please let her be okay.


Ben Shaw heard his cousin’s sharp orders through his earpiece and immediately searched for the woman Ian had indicated.

He found her kneeling on the floor across the room. “On her. But what—”

“No buts.” Ian sounded cold, controlled. “Do it.”

Ben trusted his cousin with his life but they’d been hired to do a job. Right now, Ian was hustling that job out the door and into a waiting car. A car Ben should be driving.

“Ian, what the hell’s going on?”

“Can’t explain now. I’ve got the client. I’ll take him back to the hotel. Don’t need you for that. Make sure she’s okay. Nothing happens to her.”

Since Ian was more than capable of shepherding their client back to his hotel, Ben started to make his way across the room. “Who is she?”

“Her name’s Dorrie. Tell her I sent you. No, wait. Just let me talk to her muscle. Don’t let her out of your sight until she’s safe at home.”

Now Ben was more than intrigued. “You’re the boss.” Which he wasn’t. He and Ian were equal partners, but Ben couldn’t resist the occasional jab.

He reached the woman’s side in seconds and, as he dropped to his knees at her side, his gaze narrowed at the blood covering her hands and arms.

Are you hit?”

She spared him a quick glance but immediately dismissed him. “Blank, I need my bag from the car.”

The big guy beside her shook his head. “No fucking way.”

“Now. Blank, she’s going to die. I need my bag.”

The big guy’s jaw locked and he sized up Ben, clearly trying to decide if he could trust him.

So he tried to make it easier. “Ben Shaw. Ian Keller sent me.”

The woman’s head snapped around and she stared at him through wide eyes, her mouth open for seconds before she snapped it closed. But her hands never faltered as she applied pressure to the leg of the wounded woman.

“What did you—” She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. Blank. My bag.”

Ben turned to the big man by her side, but he remained exactly where he was.

“Ian.” Ben knew his cousin hadn’t turned off their comms. “I need a reference.”

“Give your ear piece to Blank.” Ian’s voice practically bit through his link.

Ben dug out his earpiece and handed it over.

The guard stuck it close to his ear and barked, “Keller, what the fuck?” Then he fell silent for several seconds until finally he nodded and handed the ear piece back to Ben.

The big guy stood. “I’ll be back with your bag. You go nowhere without him. You.” He pointed at Ben. “Anything happens to her, you better hope you’re dead.”

Then he took off at a dead run.

“Hands,” she demanded. “Here.”

He obeyed without hesitation, replacing her hands with his on the woman’s leg.

She gave orders with the authority of someone used to having them obeyed. Ben followed every one because she obviously knew what the hell she was talking about.

Doctor, nurse, medic, EMT. Someone in the medical field.

He was betting on doctor. She had that air of earned arrogance that intrigued the hell out of him.

she? How did Ian know her? And why had his cousin been so adamant that Ben stay with her?

Still pressing on the woman’s leg, he watched Dorrie check the woman’s other injuries then move to a man propped against the wall, holding his stomach and moaning. After pressing on various places on the man’s abdomen, she moved to another woman slumped across one of the tables.

Blank hustled back into the room with her bag. She didn’t have to say a word. He’d already opened it for her and she reached inside with sure hands.

Then she went to work with single-minded focus.

She’d apparently already triaged the wounded and was working on the woman she’d found slumped against the table. Ben realized that woman must have been shot in the chest. Blood had soaked through the entire bodice of her light-colored dress.

Dorrie looked almost as bad with blood smeared all over her hands and arms.

The carnage didn’t bother Ben, not after what he’d seen in the service and, later, in the private sector.

Dorrie mesmerized him. Couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her slim fingers worked to save the woman’s life, her concentration scalpel-sharp.

In the distance, he heard sirens approaching. Thirty seconds later, bodies poured into the room. Police, fire, EMTs. Where before there’d only been the sounds of quiet moaning, now there were raised voices as the EMTs shouted at each other.

Dorrie continued to work with steady care.

Ben had been relieved by a pair of EMTs, and he gladly gave up his post to the professionals. It meant he could move closer to Dorrie, where Ian had told him to stay. And not to leave.

She and another EMT were having a rapid-fire discussion when he got within hearing distance. Something about BPs and clots and bleeds followed by a whole lot of jargon.

Stopping next to her guard, Ben leaned closer.

“Is she always like this?” He kept his voice to a level only Blank would hear.

“Yeah. Don’t get in her way. You won’t like her foot in your ass.”

Now Ben turned to the guy who stood at least three inches taller than him, which put him at six-four, at least. He reminded Ben of some film-noir tough guy. All he needed was a fedora.

He stuck out his hand. “Ben.”

The guy took it. “Blank. You and Keller gotta be related.”

Ben tried to hide his surprise but figured he didn’t do such a good job when Blank nodded, his gaze never leaving Dorrie.

“Why do you say that?”

The big guy huffed. “I’m good with faces.”

Then Blank made another sound, one that made Ben look a little more closely at him. “Hey, man. You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Ben looked even closer. And saw how pale the guy was.

“Shit.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “Were you hit?”

“No.” But now the guy was practically clenching his teeth. “Not really.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“It means I got grazed and it hurts like a mother, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”


“My side—”

“Damn it, Blank.” She sounded pissed. “When were you going to tell me?”

Dorrie had obviously finished talked to the EMTs, who were loading the woman she’d been helping onto a stretcher, and started to strip Blank’s jacket off him.

Without batting an eye, Blank took her hands and held her at a slight distance. “I’m fine. We need to leave. Now, before the cops get around to questioning you.”

“I have nothing to hide and you’re bleeding.”

“Then take me back to your office and patch me up there. But we’re not staying.”

Her jaw clenched in a way that made Ben’s lungs catch.

Damn, the woman was pretty. Made him want to—


Her voice had been low but Ben heard the fear in her tone. He turned just in time to see the big guy’s eyes flutter and his body sway.

“Okay, maybe I need to sit down for a few minutes.”

Dorrie looked at Ben. “I need to get him to my office.”

“Out the back it is then.”

Ben took a quick look around. The EMTs were still busy with the wounded and so were the cops. He counted four of those at the moment but knew there’d be more arriving in seconds.

“I assume you know the magic word to open the door.”

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