An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories) (7 page)

BOOK: An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories)
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That made him smile. God bless Em, she knew what to say every time.


MaybeGay: Can’t wait for the second date now.

EmmyBabe: Just make sure u tell me all about it, OK?

MaybeGay: You’re on… well, maybe not *all* of it. LOL


Alex signed off, shut down the laptop, switched off his bedside lamp, and pulled the cotton sheet over him. The night was far too humid for his duvet. In the darkness, his mind focused on the memory of soft, warm lips, and on the hope of more kisses to come.




date with Alex tonight?” Thomas asked with a smile.

Leo nodded. “Do you think a second date is too early to take him somewhere more romantic?”

Thomas’s smile grew exponentially. “I think that’s a great idea. Anywhere particular in mind?”

Leo thought for a moment. “Maybe Olivo’s?” The intimate bistro was not far from the club, but there was no way Leo was bringing Alex anywhere
there. “The atmosphere’s great: candles, Mediterranean food, cute foreign waiters….” He grinned at that last part. “But I think he’ll like it.”

“Do you think you’ll bring him here soon?”

“Christ, no!” Leo’s reply was swift. Thomas blinked. “Not yet,” Leo hastened to add. “I think seeing this place—and learning what I do here—would scare Alex off for good.”

There was a discreet cough from the doorway. Leo looked up and made an effort to hold back a sigh. A young man in his early twenties was standing there, his eyes fixed on Leo. Thomas might as well not have been there for all the attention the sub paid him. That pissed Leo off. Thomas deserved respect too. “Can we help you, Dorian?” Leo asked patiently.

Dorian smiled sweetly and then lowered his gaze. “Master Leo, you’re wanted in the group room.” His voice was low and musical.

Leo looked at his watch and frowned.

Thomas touched Leo’s arm lightly. “I’ll deal with this. It’s your day off, Leo. Go and enjoy your date.”

Leo gave Thomas a grateful nod and Dorian a fleeting tight smile as he passed him. Behind him, he heard Thomas speaking in a low voice with Dorian. That boy had better not still be asking if Leo would take him on. Leo shook his head. Dorian had yet to find
Dom who’d take him on. He’d done scenes with most of them at one time or another, and already had quite the reputation for being a pain slut.

Right now, though, Leo had more important things to think about.



was a totally different kind of date.

Alex glanced around, taking in the tables for two with candles flickering on each one and the unobtrusive music. The whole atmosphere was geared toward intimacy, and there were a few couples sitting around the bistro. He and Leo were the only same-sex couple there, but no one seemed to notice. Leo sat opposite him, and Alex knew without looking he was watching him. The meal had been perfect, although Alex was already regretting the wine, which had gone straight to his head. It had, however, made for a more relaxed conversation. They’d discussed films, music, books. Alex noticed they’d both steered clear of more personal topics.

He looked around once more at the intimate little bistro and had to wonder. Leo was going to all this trouble to be with him, but what did he see in him?

Not for the first time, his mind returned to that brief kiss of the previous week. Except now, Alex wanted more. Even though the thought scared the shit out him, part of him wanted Leo to get a move on and take things further. And that thought went straight to his cock.

“How was dinner?”

Alex came back to earth. Leo was speaking to him. “Dinner was delicious,” he said, trying to ignore his aching dick. He picked up his glass to finish the remaining drops of wine, aware of Leo’s amused expression. Yeah, Leo already knew what effect alcohol had on him….

Leo looked pleased with his reply.

Alex glanced at his watch. It was only 9:00 p.m. He didn’t want the evening to end.

Leo saw his glance. “Do you want to go?”

Alex raised his head, and something must have shown in his expression, because Leo’s manner changed. He appeared to be pondering something. Alex waited, unwilling to say anything.

Finally, Leo spoke. “We could always head back into Manchester and find somewhere else, if you don’t want to go home just yet. A bar, maybe?”

Was he
easy to read? No, maybe Leo was just good at reading people. Alex gave Leo a grateful look. “That would be good, yeah,” he admitted.

Leo looked across at the waiter, catching his eye. As he paid for the meal, Alex took the opportunity to observe without
observed. Leo’s white shirt showed off the creaminess of his skin, and Alex’s eyes were drawn to that luscious mouth. Christ, what he’d give to have that mouth on him….

“You’re staring at my mouth.”

Alex dropped his gaze immediately, and Leo made a small noise of discontent.

“It’s okay, Alex. I liked it.”

Alex heard the approval in his tone.
Leo likes me looking at him
. Good to know.

“Come on, let’s go.”

They left the bistro for the car park out back. Leo’s Mazda was one of only three cars in it, and no other people were around. When they reached the car, Leo pushed Alex forcefully back against it, his lean, hard body covering him.

The sudden move shocked Alex, momentarily stealing his breath, but when Leo’s lips met his, Alex found himself responding with a lot less hesitation than previously. The alcohol in his system may have had something to do with it, but all the same, his knees shook as Leo took his mouth in one leisurely kiss after another.
Fuck, more!
Alex wanted Leo to take hold of his hair and pull him in for a kiss that forced their mouths together in a collision of lips and tongues. There was no way on this planet Alex was about to ask for what he really wanted, but
, Leo’s kisses were driving him insane.

He leaned in, aching for more, whimpering as Leo pulled away. But then Leo pushed himself against Alex once more, and
my God
, that was Leo’s erect cock pressing against his hip. Alex’s lips parted, and he couldn’t hold back the noises slipping from him, noises that made Leo murmur in approval against his lips. Alex had never been so fucking hard in his whole life, and he never wanted this to end.

His world came to a shuddering stop as Leo’s hand slipped down to the waistband of his jeans, popped the button free, and slid inside, long fingers reaching his bare cock and moving over the head.
Oh my fucking God!
Why the fuck had he gone commando? Alex was reeling from the shock and started to make noises of protest, even as that hand stroked the shaft of steel pressing painfully against his zipper. Christ, if he thought he’d been hard before….

“Do you want me to stop?” Leo murmured against his mouth.

Alex didn’t know how to answer. That slow motion over his cock was robbing him of all coherent thought. He couldn’t tell Leo no, not when Leo was making low moans of pleasure. Alex’s eyes rolled back into his head.
Oh, please, God, don’t let him stop.

“Do you like it?” Leo’s voice was husky as he slid down to kiss Alex’s throat.

Alex swallowed, his eyes closing as soft lips pressed against his skin, Leo’s warm breath caressing him. “Yes,” he whispered, helpless to say more as Leo’s slim fingers wrapped around his length, sliding up and down, the motion restricted by the tightness of the denim encasing him. Alex tried to feel some shame that he was in a car park, pinned against a Mazda, his cock being expertly stroked while firm lips pressed against his neck. Oh
fuck it
, shame would have to wait. This was too fucking good.

“Do you want more?” Leo was whispering against his ear now. “Not here, though. Somewhere more private?” There was a pause. “My apartment?”

Alex hesitated and then nodded. Leo’s murmur of approval flowed through him, but Alex was unable to hold back his groan of discontent when Leo removed his hand.

“Don’t worry, boy,” Leo murmured. “We’re not done yet. Get into the car.”

Alex found himself responding to the authoritative tone in Leo’s voice without thinking. He clambered into the car, strapped himself in, and edged his hand lower to adjust his aching cock.

“Don’t.” Leo’s command stopped him in midmovement. There was a sharpness to his voice. “That’s all mine tonight, Alex.” His tone made it clear this wasn’t a request; he expected Alex to obey.

Alex’s breath caught in his throat. It was as if Leo had climbed into his head and read his thoughts. How the fuck could Leo know him so intimately, to come out with such a thing? Nevertheless, he strayed no further. Instead, he fixed on one word: boy. It should have come across as condescension, but inexplicably, it hadn’t. If anything, Alex found it incredibly hot that Leo had taken control in an instant. There was a feeling of so much power in that one little word. And Alex found himself responding to that power, that confidence. Did he like Leo calling him his boy? No… he fucking

The ten-minute journey was agony. Alex was in chaos. His thoughts raced ahead to what was in store for him once they got to the apartment. What would Leo want to do to him? Oh Christ… would he fuck him? His hole clenched as he contemplated the possibility, and he shuddered uncontrollably.

“Alex.” Leo’s deep voice rang out, and Alex stilled immediately. “Relax, boy. I’m not going to fuck you tonight.”

A wave of relief surged through Alex, and he let out a long, shuddering breath, although a tiny part of him felt a momentary stab of disappointment.

“That’s it,” Leo said, his voice brimming with approval. “Take some deep breaths.” Alex did as instructed, becoming calmer and more in control. “Good boy,” Leo murmured approvingly.

Alex shivered. That word—why did it have such an effect on him? He was at a loss to explain it. He only knew that it felt so

Leo swung the car into a parking space and switched off the engine. He turned to face Alex, and Alex caught his breath. Their eyes met, just for a second, and Alex was floored by the heat in Leo’s expression.

“Get out of the car, Alex.”

There was a sense of urgency in Leo’s voice, one which Alex found himself responding to with alacrity. Hurriedly, he slipped the seat belt free and climbed out, hardly taking in his surroundings as he followed Leo the few short steps toward the apartment block. He trembled as Leo took his hand, pulled him through the main door of the building, and propelled him into the elevator. Once the doors slid shut, Leo’s mouth was on his and Alex was pushed against the back wall, Leo’s hard shaft once more thrusting insistently against his hip, a tangible reminder of Leo’s arousal.

“Want you,” Leo murmured against his mouth, grinding his hard cock against Alex’s rock-hard shaft. Alex let out a low, plaintive cry. “Want you naked in my bed, boy.”

Fuck…. Alex had never been so horny. But now his nerves came into play. He tensed up at the thought of being naked, Leo touching him, caressing him. And yet his hole contracted even as he shivered.

The lift came to a stop, and the doors slid open. Leo held out a hand, his eyes fixed on Alex. Alex could hardly breathe, his heart started to beat faster, his breath hitched…. And still Leo held out that hand. Slowly, Alex reached out, and Leo grasped his hand tightly, pulling him inexorably toward the apartment door.

“Come with me.”

Stumbling slightly, Alex allowed himself to be pulled through the now open door, unable to tear his eyes away from the tall figure who led him through a darkened apartment into a room, which turned out to be Leo’s bedroom. Oh fuck. This was really going to happen.

Alex trembled with anticipation and nervous tension as Leo clicked on a lamp beside the wide bed. Leo walked toward him, and Alex held his breath as Leo took his mouth in an all-consuming kiss, tongue sliding between his parted lips while insistent hands moved in a leisurely manner down his back to cup his ass, pulling him tightly against Leo’s groin. Just how big was the man’s cock, anyway? Strong fingers pulled at his shirt, sliding it over his shoulders, freeing his arms. Alex reeled at the heady feeling as he was undressed for the first time. As each item of clothing was removed, Alex’s nervousness increased exponentially.

“My God, you’re beautiful,” Leo breathed, and Alex’s breath caught in his throat. Leo slowly unbuttoned his white shirt, his eyes never leaving Alex as he finally dropped it onto the floor. Alex’s eyes roamed over the expanse of creamy flesh, the firm pecs, tight nipples, and those abs that rippled as Leo moved sinuously. Leo thought
was beautiful?

Alex’s low moan caught in his throat as long hands stroked his bare chest. Leo kissed his pecs, his mouth hot against the cool of Alex’s skin. Alex was suddenly robbed of breath as Leo sucked a nipple into his hot mouth, flicking it with his tongue, even biting it gently.
… and…
…. Alex shuddered uncontrollably.

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