And I Love Her (4 page)

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Authors: Abby Reynolds

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“I am too.” She laughed at the look on my face.

I kissed her. “We’ll get through this—together.”

“I’m so lucky I found you. You’re the perfect person for me.”

What is she doing to me? She’s killing me. Stop making me fall more in love with you!
“How so?”

“No other man would agree to this if they actually wanted to get married. If you weren’t the way you were, you would have said
no because you value marriage. If you were any other way, this wouldn’t have worked.”

No, you’re totally wrong.
“I did it because I care about you—a lot.”

“I know that too.” She rubbed her nose against mine then pressed her breasts against me. I knew what that meant, and any other time, I’d gladly get it on. But we had somewhere to be.

“It’ll have to wait.”

When we arrived at the Department of Immigration, Prudence was tense. I held her hand and escorted her inside. I handled the secretary until we took our seats. I kept her hand on my thigh and rubbed her knuckles with my thumb. There were a lot of things I wanted to say to her, but I didn’t think it was appropriate for the venue.

We were finally called into a conference room. A bald man wearing a wrinkled suit sat across from us at the table. It was humid and warm, like they never aired out the place. It was dark, causing shadows in the corners. I knew the atmosphere wasn’t helping Prudence.

“Ms. Prudence Clearwater?” The man looked through his paperwork then stared at her.

“Yes,” she said in a confident voice. I knew she was terrified but she hid it well.

“Is this your lawyer?” he asked without looking at me.

“No,” I said. “I’m her fiancé.” I pulled her hand on the table so he could see the engagement ring that cost a small fortune. The rare quality diamonds cast rainbows every time you looked at it.

He stared at the ring then met my gaze. “I’m Clark. I’ll be taking care of you today.” He looked at the ring again. “I’m assuming this marriage is your last attempt to stay in the country?”

“No,” she said. “This is the man I love and I’m going to marry him.”

“What a coincidence,” he said with a laugh.

I glared at him. “Don’t talk to my fiancé like that.”

He eyed the size of my arms and shoulders, but he didn’t apologize. Instead, he sighed and looked at her. “I understand you’re intent on staying in the U. S. I can’t say I blame you. But you didn’t follow the paperwork properly and you’ve expired your visit. And this new route you’ve taken to stay here is going to crash and burn. I suggest you think it through before you commit. I’ll look the other way.” He opened his folder then skimmed through it. “If you marry an American citizen to gain residency in this country, both parties will be breaking federal law, which can result in a hefty fine, jail time, and permanent exile for the non-citizen.” He looked at Prudence. “I suggest you think this through.”

“We already have,” I said firmly. “Your pathetic attempt of intimidation means shit to me.”

“Fine,” he said with a laugh. “We’ll do it your way. I will monitor you closely, all the events prior to the marriage. If I have any reason to suspect this relationship is bogus—any reason at all—I will immediately take action against you. As a government worker, I have access to information you are unaware of. Just because your family is in London doesn’t mean I won’t interview them. Everyone you know will be questioned repeatedly.” He rested his hands on the desk and looked at both of us. “It’s a lengthy and complicated process. I’ve been doing this for a long time. If you’re hiding anything, I’ll find it. So, are you sure, Ms. Clearwater?”

I squeezed her hand, silently telling her I still wanted to go through with this. Her lips were sealed. I wasn’t sure if she’d say anything at all.

“Whether you believe our marriage is bogus or not, our love is real. If you exile me to London, he’ll just come with me. Nothing you do will keep us apart.”              She had no idea how true that statement was.

Chapter Five

Prudence Clearwater

I hated to admit it, but that guy scared the shit out of me. I didn’t want to be permanently removed from the country, and I definitely didn’t want anything bad to happen to Cash. He was being such a wonderful man by helping me out, and I’d hate myself forever if he suffered for his generosity. But I was backed into a corner at the end of that interview. There was nothing to do but press forward.

Cash made me feel better as much as he could, but the amazing man could only do so much. He gave me a few orgasms but the guilt and anxiety still returned.

Cash stepped out of the shower and saw me sitting on the bed. I plucked the strings of my guitar but didn’t speak any lyrics. Just the sound of the acoustic was all I needed. He watched me for a moment before he snatched the instrument away.

“The decision has been made, Prudence. Now stop worrying about it and move on.”

“You make it sound s
o easy.”

“Because it is. Just act like you’re desperately in love with me, and we’ll be good. No one knows about our arrangement but Jeremy, my mom, and my brother. We’ll tell them what’s going on and no one will question our story.”

“You have to act desperately in love with me too.”

He kissed my forehead. “It’ll be easy to play off.”

I wished he didn’t have to play off anything. I wished it were real.

“And don’t even think about going anywhere with any other man but me.” His voice turned angry. “If you cheat on me, they’ll know it’s bogus.”

The statement wounded me. “I’m angry you even suggested that.”

“I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “Just make sure you aren’t out with other men for work or whatever. The media will make something of nothing. They always do.”

“I have no intention of being with anyone but you and Dean.”

His eyes narrowed. “No more affection with him. I mean it.”

He was in a bipolar mood today. “Sorry?”

“He always hugs you and kisses you on the head. That shit won’t fly in this relationship. And it draws red flags.”

“The affection is only friendly.”

“He wanted to marry you. No, it’s not just friendly.” Cash’s eyes were wide and he wasn’t backing down. “Prudence, I mean it. Talk to him or I will.”

“I’ll handle it,” I said quickly.


If he got to be jealous and overprotective, then so did I. “I don’t want you spending time with any women outside of work. Nothing. I don’t even want one of your girlfriends to call you while I’m sleeping in this house.”

“One of
my girlfriends?”

“The women you sleep with.”

He shook his head. “I don’t have a line of them waiting to be called on. My relationships with women are temporary. Afterwards, we never speak again.”

“My statement still stands. I’m the only woman in your life.”

He smiled, his anger suddenly gone. “Then I’m the only one in yours.”


He hooked his arm around my shoulder and sat next to me on the bed. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. The drops fell down his chest and to his stomach. I eyed his happy trail then looked away.

“You need to get ready for the party,” he said.

“Can I stay home?”

“Well, I can’t have an engagement party by myself, unless you’re an imaginary woman. That’s what most of my friends will think.”

“Get a cardboard cutout.”

Cash laughed. “I wouldn’t be teased mercilessly—at all.”

I sighed. “I’m just nervous. These are a bunch of hotshot people. I’m nobody.”

“You’re joking, right? Your album is already generating Grammy buzz.”

‘That doesn’t mean anything…”

He grabbed my chin and directed my face to his. “It means a damn lot. Just because you’re in a room full of writers, actors, and producers doesn’t mean you are insignificant. And for what it’s worth, you’re the most important person in that room—to me.” He kissed my cheek. “I won’t leave your side, baby. Just cling to me and I’ll take care of you.”


“I’ll always be at your side. Even if you need to pee, I’ll stand guard and watch.”

I laughed. “That won’t be necessary.”

He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “I mean it. You’re the star of my sky, the light in my darkness, and the hope in my despair. I will be with you every moment. We’re a
set, and we always come in a pair.”

Cash had the food, booze, and drinks taken care of by a catering company. They took care of everything, even providing waiters for the night. The only thing Cash and I were responsible for was showing up.

Cash got me a white down with glittered trimming. It reached to my calves and was as tight as a glove. Without looking at the pric
e tag, I knew it was a fortune. But he loved it as soon as he saw me put it on. And he couldn’t keep his hands off me.

e wore a dark suit with a silver tie to match my dress. But we didn’t need to be coordinated for anyone to know we were together. Cash’s hand never left my side as we greeted everyone he worked with. Most people were shocked Cash and I were dating because he never mentioned it. We just said we were keeping it on the down-low because of the media. They seemed to buy it.

“Would you like another glass of wine?” Cash asked.

“No. There’s a lot of calories in it.”

He glared at me. “Don’t ever say that again.”

“Sorry,” I said quickly. “Dean said I should be selective with my diet.”

“Fuck Dean,” he snapped. He got directly in my face so no one else would hear our conversation. It probably looked like we were being affectionate. “I’m your husband, and I say you can eat whatever the hell you want.”

“You like the flub on my stomach?” I asked incredulously.

He gripped both of my hips and pulled me to his chest. “I love it. Now leave it alone.”

Good answer
. “Yes, sir.”

‘Yes, Husband.”

“We aren’t married yet,” I reminded him.

“Then let’s practice.” He grabbed my bottom lip with his then sucked gently. “Because that’s what you’re calling me from now on.”

“You want me to call you Husband?”

“And whenever you introduce me to new people, that’s how I want to be introduced, not as Cash.”

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked. I was actually thrilled he was being so possessive with me as his wife. But I tried to play it cool.

“I just want you to understand my expectations.”

A woman joined us then eyed us closely. I felt her look so I turned to her, wondering what was so interesting.

Cash followed my gaze. “Hello, Julia. Thank you for coming.”

“It’s a lovely party,” she said. She fidgeted with her hands while she stared at Cash. And I didn’t exist at all.

“Julia, this is my fiancé, Prudence.”

I extended my hand. “How do you do?”

Cash smirked at my comment.

Julia’s grip was weak and she barely returned the gesture. “You too.” Then she turned back to Cash immediately. “Can I have a moment with you?”

I didn’t like this. The woman was blatantly rude to me and she was only interested in Cash. Who the hell was she? Did they work together? Why am I getting so jealous right

Cash didn’t respond but I knew he was pondering how to address the situation. If she was a coworker, I knew he wouldn’t want to offend her. But I had a bad feeling about this.

I hooked my arm through his and kept him by my side. My message to him was pretty clear. I wasn’t going anywhere. He glanced at me with a smirk on his lips. Then he cleared his throat. “We can talk tomorrow at work. Just come by my office.”

So they did work together.

“It’ll only take a second.”

She was persistent.

Cash didn’t pull away. I wondered if he would uphold his promise to me. “Then go ahead.”

Julia eyed him. “I meant now.”
She was getting feisty.

“And I’m listening,” Cash said politely. He could be so charming even under the most stressful situations. When Julia glared at me then turned back to him, that charismatic attitude dropped. “Julia, if you have something to say, you can say it in front of my fiancé.”

That didn’t dim the anger in her eyes. “Fine. After we went out, you never called me. I left you messages and you just ignored me. And now you’re engaged? What the hell, Cash? You were with her when you were with me?”

Say what?
I dropped my arm from Cash.

He grabbed me. “Prudence, I’ll explain in a second.”

I was angry. Cash lied to me. That was my one rule and he broke it. I jerked away then stormed off. “Fuck you.”

“Prudence!” He chased after me through the cr
owd. I was too classy to run so I walked through the mob. Cash was close behind me but he wouldn’t be for long. I was getting off this boat and getting the hell away from him.

“Lovely party.” Clark stepped in front of me holding a glass flute.


“You don’t look too happy.” He drank from his glass. “Where’s your betrothed?”

This wasn’t good.

“Right here.” Cash hooked his arm around my
waist and held me close. I had to fight the need to run. I didn’t want his hands on me, not after he broke my trust. I loved him so much that the betrayal was a million times worse than any other. What else did he lie about?

“You two look…not too happy,” Clark said with a smirk.

Cash pulled me closer. “My fiancé is stressed over her party. She’s never thrown one before.” He pressed his face close to mine and rubbed my nose with his.

I had to pull it together. “Maybe if you helped me instead of pulling me into th
e bedroom all afternoon, I’d have prepared better.”

“Hmmm…” Cash rubbed his chin with his fingers. “Party planning or sex? What should I pick…?”

I smiled at him. “You’re a pig.”

“I’m a pig for you.”

Clark rolled his eyes. “Enjoy the rest of your evening. I know I will.” He stepped away then joined a group of mingles. I knew he was interviewing everyone about our relationship. When he wasn’t looking, I pulled away from Cash then marched inside the atrium.

“Prudence,” he said under his breath. “Stop running and let me talk.”

I walked inside then headed to one of the bedrooms on board. I remembered the landscape of the boat from the time I visited it. “Get away from me.” I opened the door and slammed it behind me. Cash put his foot in the doorway and caught it. “Cash, just go.”

opened the door then slammed it behind him. I hope no one else heard.

“Listen to me.”

“You lied to me! How could you do that?” I glared at him, all the love I had for him starting to fade behind my fury. “That was my one condition.”

“Prudence, y
ou asked if I slept with anyone while we were apart. And I didn’t.”

“It didn’t seem like it.”

“Remember what Julia just said. She said we went out—once. I didn’t lie to you. If you wanted to know my personal life specifically, you should have been more specific. Now calm down. I promised I wouldn’t lie to you and I haven’t.”

I turned around because I wanted to hide my face. Now I felt stupid. I totally jumped to the wrong conclusions.

Cash’s voice became gentle. “Prudence, I know you’ve been lied to in the past, but I’m not going to lie to you. And I’ll never hurt you.”

“I’m sorry. I just assumed.”

“I know,” he said quietly. “It’s okay. Now turn around and look at me.”

I sighed then did as he asked.

“There we go.”

“I feel stupid.”

“Don’t,” he said. “I completely understand why you acted that way. But you need to start trusting me.”

“I do,” I said automatically.

“To be honest, I’m flattered you care about my personal life when we were apart.”

Of course I cared.
I hated thinking about him being with someone else. “You are?”

“Yeah. It means you care about me. That you feel something for me….”

Shit. I was giving myself away again. I may as well write I LOVE CASH on my forehead.

“I know I would have been hurt if you were with anyone.”

“You would have?”

He nodded. “Of course, baby.”

I fidgeted with my hands, feeling my heart increase. His words were as close to a love confession I was ever going to get. And I’ll take it.

“If you want to know something more specific, just ask.”

Now that I knew he’d been out with other women, I guess there was no reason not to ask. “What happened with her?”

“Julia has worked for me for years. And she’s been into me since the day she started. I was bored and lonely so I asked her out. We had dinner then I took her home.”

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