And I Love Her (8 page)

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Authors: Abby Reynolds

BOOK: And I Love Her
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Chapter Ten

Cash Matthews

I wasn’t nervous about meeting Prudence’s dad. I was nervous how I’d act.

She seemed to strongly dislike him. His abandonment messed her up for life. Because of him, I didn’t have what I wanted. She may have fallen in love with me if her trust wasn’t shattered so much. Because of that, I didn’t care for him. I just had to keep that opinion to myself. Starting an argument wouldn’t make Prudence’s life any easier.

When we sat in the backseat of the car, Prudence gripped my hand tightly. She was
so close to me, she may as well sit on my lap. I loved her affection and didn’t mind it, but I didn’t want to make her brother uncomfortable. She clearly didn’t care.

“It’ll be alright, baby,” I whispered to her.

She nodded but didn’t speak.

When I looked at Jeremy, I saw him staring at our joined hands.

When we arrived at the house, Prudence stared at it for a long time. Jeremy was used to her hesitation. He sat back and waited for her to make the first move. I did the same. Finally, she took a deep breath and reached for the door.

I opened it for her and helped her out.

“Wait here,” Jeremy said to his driver.

“Of course, sir.”

Jeremy was becoming more intimidating the longer I knew him.  I knew he was powerful and formidable, but he seemed to always hold his cards close to his chest. There was a secret life underneath him, one I would never know.

We reached the door and Prudence knocked weakly.

“Does he know we’re coming?” I asked.

Jeremy nodded. “I called him this morning.”

“Let’s just get this over with.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

The door opened, and an older man answered. His balding head had patches of white, and wrinkles started to invade his chin. He looked too old to have a young adult daughter. The spectacles on his nose had a string that hung around his neck. I knew he was pretentious just by looking at him.

“Hello,” he said. “I’m so glad you came by.” He embraced Jeremy with a hug. Jeremy hugged him quickly then stepped back.

Then he turned to Prudence. “Hello, dear.” He widened his arm
s to hug Prudence but she stuck out her hand instead.

“It’s nice to see you too.”

He flinched before he shook it. “Please come in.”

Once we were in the parlor, I introduced myself. “I’m Cash. It’s very nice to meet you.”

He stared at my features, looking at me like I was a sculpture. “I’m Thomas, Prudence’s father.”

I waited for Prudence to take the reins and introduce me as her fiancé
. She never did. “I’m her boyfriend.”

“Oh.” His eyes narrowed as he examined me. “I didn’t realize she had a boyfriend.”

“We’ve been seeing each other for a few months,” Prudence explained.

Thomas looked upset. “You didn’t mention that to me.”

“Well, we haven’t talked.” She grabbed my hand and led me to the couch. She sat just as close to me as she did in the car. I had to scoot away from her so it wasn’t too disrespectful. Jeremy moved to a seat near us.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” her father asked.

“Water, please,” Jeremy said.

Prudence didn’t say anything.

“I’ll take a water as well,” I said.

“Coming right up.” He went into the kitchen and returned with the refreshment
s. I sipped my water because I didn’t know what else to do. The awkwardness was heavy in the room. I’ve never seen Prudence act this way. She always radiated a warmth. Now she was ice cold. 
I never wanted to piss her off.

Her father sat on the couch across from us and crossed his legs. His slacks rose to his ankle, revealing his thick socks. He looked at Prudence. “How was your vacation?”

Vacation? What vacation?

“I was working,” Prudence said. “Not

“And what did you accomplish?” The accusation was clear in his voice.

I really didn’t like this guy. As soon as I walked in the door, I was on edge. I wanted Prudence to tell him she got a record deal and she was already successful. I wanted her to rub it in this guy’s face.

“I played a lot of shows with my band, met a lot of people, and had the time of my life.”

He nodded. “Now it’s back to reality.”

I clenched my fists by my side.

“I didn’t pay for your degree for it not to be used. You need to stop being a lazybones and start being a valued member of society.”

Who the hell was this guy? Why was he lecturing
her when I was sitting right next to her? It was totally inappropriate.

“Maybe I’d use my degree if it was in something I actually liked.”

“Oh, please.” He shook his head. “All you care about is music and boys.”

If this guy were
anyone else, I’d punch him in the face.

“I care about thin
gs you’d never understand.”

Jeremy cleared his throat. “Dad, we came here today to tell you something.”

Thomas glanced at him. “My successful son, the only one who understands the value of a dollar and how to be independent.”

What a dick.

“Maybe I’d more successful if you didn’t abandon me,” Prudence snapped.

That’s my girl.

“Don’t talk to me like that! Where’s your respect?”

“You have to earn my respect.” He
r voice was deadly. Even when we fought on my yacht, she wasn’t that venomous.

“We’re getting off track here…” Jeremy tried to intercede again.

“Let me guess,” her father said. “You need money?”

“I’ve never asked for money.” Prudence glared at him.

“I paid a hundred thousand euros for your education.”

I felt her tense next to me.

“You’re going to hold that over my head for the rest of my life? You offered it, no strings attached.”

“In the expectation
you would actually use it,” her father argued.

This guy was really pissing me off. I opened my wallet and pulled out a check. I scribbled the amount then threw it on the table. “Now she doesn’t owe you a damn thing.”

Her father glanced at it but didn’t speak.

Prudence looked at me, her eyes wide. Jeremy glanced then looked away.

Thomas didn’t take it. “This money isn’t from her.”

“Yes, it is,” I said firmly. “Because she’s going to be my wife. That’s the news we wanted to share.”

His eyes widened while he processed what I said. Then he finally looked at Prudence. “Is that true?”

She held up her engagement ring.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. “When?”

“Months ago,” I answered.

He shook his head. “You never asked for my permission.”

“He doesn’t need it,” Prudenc
e snapped. “I’m marrying him no matter what. Your approval doesn’t mean anything to me. Jeremy likes him. That’s all I care about.”

Her father looked at me. “You shouldn’t throw your life savings at me.”

I tried not to laugh. “My value is set at ten million. I don’t need it. But I’m sure you do.” That was insulting but I didn’t care. He insulted my fiancé repeatedly.

Prudence picked up on the tension. “It looks like we’re done here.” She rose from the couch and I came beside her.

“Wait,” her father said. “When’s the wedding?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Prudence said. “I don’t want you there.”

“Who’s going to walk you down the aisle?”

“Jeremy, obviously,” she snapped. “He’s been the father you never were. No wonder why he’s so successful in life. He had to grow up when he was three.” She marched out the door.

He moved to the door before I could get to her, but Jeremy held him back.

“Dad, I’ve tried to make this relationship work because everyone deserves a chance to right their wrongs. But you need to stop treating Prudence like that. I won’t put up with it if it happens again.” He walked out.

I turned to her dad. “Not that you care, but I’ll take care of her.” I came behind Jeremy and walked to the car.

Her father followed us. “Wait. Where are you living?” he asked Prudence.

Why did he care?
It seemed like he hated her and only loved his son.

“I live with Cash in California.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You live with him even though you aren’t married?”

“Yes,” she snapped. “We have sex all day and all night. Get over it.” She got in the car and slammed the door.

I tried not to laugh. “Have a good one, sir.” I got into the car beside her and slammed the door again.

Jeremy moved into the other seat, a slight smile on his lips. He pressed the intercom button. “Back to the house.”

“Alright, sir.”

When we drove away, her father stayed on the sidewalk and watched us go. That visit was a total disaster. But now I understood wh
y Prudence was so fucked up. He didn’t believe in her at all. And he kept comparing her to Jeremy, Mr. Perfect. It killed me to see it.

Jeremy grabbed her hand and held it. “I’m sorry, Pru.”

She stared straight ahead.

“I told him his behavior has to change or he’ll lose both of us.”

“You did that?” she whispered.

“I know he’s our dad, but I won’t spend time with anyone that treats you like that.”

“I know…”

“And I liked that last comment you made. You should have seen his face.”

A slight laugh escaped her lips. “I hope that gives him a disturbing image.”

When we returned to the house, Prudence was silent. I thought she would vent to me about her dad but she didn’t. And she walked up the stairs to her bedroom as soon as we walked inside. I didn’t know if I should follow her. Maybe she wanted her space.

I decided to hang back with Jeremy. We went into the kitchen area and sat at the table. Jeremy made tea and poured bourbon in both cups without asking. I didn’t mind. I could use something strong.

Prudence came behind me. “Why are you down here?”

I turned to her. “I assumed you wanted to be alone.”

“No.” She returned up the flight of steps.

I looked at the cup Jeremy made me. I downed it one swallow then looked at him. He stared at me but didn’t speak. Then he opened his laptop and started typing. Then I went upstairs and walked into Prudence’s room. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, her knees pulled to her chest.

As soon as my ass touched the bed, she crawled into my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. I immediately held her and rocked her back and forth gently. I loved how much she needed me. She clung to me like it was the last thing she’d ever do. I kissed her forehead.

“I hate him,” she said into my chest.

“That makes two of us.”

“I’ll never be good enough for him…” The emotion was heavy in her voice. “I try so hard. I worked my ass off in college to get my honors, and he never congratulated me for it. He’s always been proud of Jeremy. Jeremy this, Jeremy that.”

“Your father is a dick,” I said simply. “Don’t let him bring you down.”

“Isaac was the same way…”

“And he was also a dick. Don’t let them ruin you, baby.”

She cried into my chest. “I can’t help it. I’m so sick of it.”

I pulled her face away and forced her to meet my gaze. The tears streaked down, her skin slightly red. “Listen to me. Your dad is a fucking asshole. He has no one in his life anymore, so he lives through you. He tries to control you and make you do what he says. If your defiance disappoints him, then fine. Let it be.

“But you are the most
remarkable woman I’ve ever met. You’re so damn smart, smarter than anyone I’ve ever known, you’re so fucking beautiful, you’re unbelievably talented, and you’re my dream come true.” I probably shouldn’t have said that last part but it just came out. “When I saw you in that bar, I knew I had to have you. I’ve never felt that way before. You were mine before you even knew it. And I couldn’t believe I actually convinced you to be with me. You’re my greatest fantasy, every man’s fantasy. Don’t let two idiots take away your confidence.”

Her tears stopped falling but she still breathed through her pain. “I…I just feel like I’m not good enough.”

“You’re more than good enough.”

She lowered her gaze and rested her palms on my chest.  I didn’t know what she was thinking, but at least she stopped crying. “Jeremy is the only one that accepts me for who I am. Even when he had to work all day, he still came to my shows in the evening. When I told him I wanted to be a professional musician, he didn’t laugh at me. He was the one who bought me my new guitar when my father broke mine…but you accept me too. And that’s a first.”

“Because you’re absolutely wonderful.”

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