And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance (13 page)

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“I’ve got blue balls,” he explained. “Trying to ease the tension.”

“Really? Is it painful?”

I felt Adrian shrug behind me. “Just frustrating more than anything, but what’s worse is this weird need to have
in bed with me every night. That’s what’s frustrating. It’s like I can’t fall asleep without you here.” He thrust upward a little harder and I shuddered at how he felt against me.

“And why is that worse?”

“Because I’m hornier with you around, but I can’t sleep if you’re not here.”

“Sounds miserable,” I replied, trying to keep to humor from my voice, but failed miserably. I liked his honesty a little too much.

“It is,” he said, continuing to arch his hips against me. “It sucks being friends with a girl.”

“Do you want to stop being friends with me?”

“Does that mean we can fuck?”


“Then no.
Friends it is.
I’ll deal.”

I glanced back at him through the corner of my eye. “You’ll deal by continuing to torture yourself?”

“Yes,” he replied, his thrusts becoming a little more infrequent. Finally, Adrian stopped with a huff and broke the silence.

“Jesus, I’m frustrated. Fuck me silly.”

I giggled despite the ache building within me. “You started it.”

“I know. I know,” he replied before adding, “Distract me. Tell me your dirtiest sex story,” he said.

“Um, why?”

“Because we’re practicing your sexting without texting. Now go. Tell me and don’t even mention the torture that’s going to ensue because I goddamn well know what I’m doing. So tell me.”

I bit down on my lip to repress a smile. “Well, Craig and I weren’t ever that adventurous.”

“Don’t I know it, but there has to be something you did that was kind of crazy…maybe even a little weird. Even if it was just once.”

“Well, once we had sex on the couch.”

“Lame,” Adrian said.

“Craig was very traditional.”

“Sounds like he’s gay. Are you sure he’s not banging some guy right now?”

“He’s not gay. He was just careful and unadventurous.”

“Twenty bucks he’s being adventurous with the new girl.”

I sighed, feeling sorry for myself for the first time tonight. “Yeah. It was probably just me. He probably just didn’t want to do anything crazy with me.”

“Well, that’s his loss and kind of a shame. Anytime you want to be adventurous just let me know. I’m willing to be used.”

I wasn’t willing to be used, but I didn’t say that out loud. Instead I asked, “What about your craziest sex story.”

“Oh Jesus,” he sighed. “Do you really want to know?”

“Not sure, but go ahead anyway.”

Adrian was quiet for a moment before he said, “I met a girl once and did her in the women’s bathroom.”

“Oh wow. That seems a little unsanitary. All that feces all over…”

“Jesus, Janie,” he said with a sigh. “Way to ruin the memory and yeah, I guess there might have been feces somewhere in the bathroom, but in the moment neither of us cared.”

“Sorry to ruin your memory. I just wouldn’t be able to get past that kind of stuff.”

“You will when you want someone bad enough.”

“Maybe. Anything else you did that was crazy?”

“There was also the time that I bent a girl over the hood of a car on the side of the freeway…”

“Really? Weren’t you scared you’d get caught or arrested?”

“No,” he said as he shrugged. “Because I was doing it with a cop.”

“Oh. Oooooh.”

“Yeah, pretty nuts.”

“You live a very exciting life.”

“And you live a very boring one. I’m snoring right now.”

I smirked, feeling a burst of confidence. “No, you’re hard as a rock and trying not to thrust against me.”

“Caught me. So let’s have sex then?”

I giggled, “No. No way.”

“But all this talk of sex has turned me on big time.”

“That’s your fault. You wanted to talk about sex stories.”

He grunted his frustration as he thrust once more against me.

When he stilled I asked, “So does it ever get old?”


“Does having sex with random girls ever get old?”

Adrian hesitated for a moment before replying, “Do we have to analyze this right now?”

I glanced over my shoulder. “You don’t want to?”

“Hell no, I don’t. I haven’t had sex in two weeks and I’m hornier than hell. I’d rather talk sex so I can get off.”

I turned over so I was fully facing him. “You haven’t had sex in two weeks?”

He lowered his eyes and once more, he looked shy. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him at that moment.


“Why would you do that?”

“I’m trying to cut back. It was getting a little old.”

His eyes flicked up and met mine. I smiled widely. “So it does get old! I knew it. I called it. I knew it!”

I was elated at how right I’d been about him. “Is that why it’s been so quiet over there? I was wondering if everything was okay,” I couldn’t help but gloat.

Adrian sighed loudly. “Jesus, you’re enjoying this aren’t you? You’re a sadist.”

“I’m giving you a taste of your own medicine. How do you like it?”

“It’s obnoxious, so let’s go to bed now.”

you want to sleep,” I said as he turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

“Yeah. All your talk of commitment is killing my boner. Thanks.”

I rolled my eyes before closing them. “Anytime. It’s probably good for you anyway. It’s probably not good for you to be hard all the time.”

“You only say that because you’ve never been this turned on before,” he replied grumpily. “One day you’ll get it and I’ll be nice enough to help you out. I wouldn’t leave you hanging.”

I closed my eyes, ignoring his comment. All I received was an irritated grunt from his side of the bed.

Little did he know that there was something building within me that I’d never experienced before and I had a feeling that soon…and very soon…I’d be begging him for just one taste.

Chapter Eight


My phone rang early the next morning and I groped for it, still half asleep. Adrian was wrapped around me, his strong arms restraining me from moving very much.

“Hello?” I mumbled into the receiver, part of my mouth muffled by Adrian’s bicep.

“Jane?” It was Craig and for a moment I wondered why he was calling. “Sorry I didn’t call you sooner, but I’ve been…preoccupied.”

“I didn’t even notice, actually,” I said, just wishing he’d hang up and leave me alone. He was ruining this delicious moment for me.

“Who’s that?” Adrian grumbled from beside me. He looked a little grumpy and rumpled and I wanted nothing more than to bite down on his bottom lip.

When I didn’t respond, Adrian muttered, “Tell fucking Craig to leave us the fuck alone.”

“Who’s that? Am I interrupting something?” Craig asked after coughing awkwardly into the phone.

, actually. Why are you calling so early, Craig? Is everything okay?”

“Not really. I mean, yes it is, but…I’ve been thinking…” Craig began before Adrian cut him off as he grabbed the phone.

“Craig, call back at a decent hour. We’re tired from fucking and we need to go back to sleep.”

And with that Adrian hung up the phone, throwing it onto the chair next to his bed.

“Why did you do that?” I asked, only slightly amused. I loved how protective he was of me.

“Because it’s seven AM. We’ve only slept for two hours and I’m fucking tired.”

“You sure are grumpy in the morning,” I muttered. “Still horny, I take it?”

“Yes,” he replied, thrusting his morning wood into my thigh. “Thanks for rubbing it in. Now can we go back to sleep.”

I nodded and Adrian closed his eyes with a grunt. I was pressed up against him, my head on his shoulder, my legs draped over his. I could feel his cock jutting out against my bent knee and in my grogginess I went against my better judgment and ran my hand along its hard length.

“You better be prepared to follow through with his, Janie,” Adrian muttered with closed eyes.

I didn’t respond, merely ran my hand over him again.

“If you leave me hanging I will probably strangle you. I was a chemistry major for a while. I could make you disappear, never to be found again.”

I bit my lip to hide my smile. “I’m just hoping that once you’ve been taken care of, you’ll be less of a whiny bitch.”

Adrian’s eyes shot open and he glared at me, but when I flexed my fingers on him, he arched his back.

“God that feels good,” he groaned and I felt myself growing wet. “You better not be torturing me. I’ve gone without sex for way too long for you to mess with me.”

“I don’t think friends get each other off,” I said, not moving my hand from where it lay.

“I don’t think friends make out either, but we’re making our own rules…fuck.” He pumped his hips up into my hand and I slowly released him.

Do it. Do it.

His eyes opened once more, anger moving through their depths until my fingers tugged his underwear down.

“Stop being such a baby,” I said with a small smile. But my grin disappeared when I finally held his entire length in my hand. Holy crap. I’d seen him nude, even seen his cock straining against his pants, but I’d never actually seen him fully erect before. It was an impressive sight to behold.

“I’m working on it,” I whispered, my throat suddenly dry.

As I
slowly stroked his bare length, he watched me through hooded eyelids. “So are we adding hand jobs to our list of ‘friendly’ activities?”

I shrugged, tightening my grip around him. “If I enjoy it.”

“How about we just add ‘with benefits’ to the end of our title for the sake of sanity.”

“Do you normally talk this much when you’re getting a hand job?”

“Only with you,” he replied before groaning as I quickened my pace.

“Where do we draw the line?” I asked. “We have to have lines, Adrian.”

“Fuck lines, move your damn hand faster. Are you trying to kill me?”

I smiled into his skin, moving my hand slower on purpose. When he glared at me, I resumed my normal rhythm until he was panting and thrusting into my hand.

“Fuck…feels good…don’t stop.”

And I didn’t because I loved that I was doing this to him. Loved that he was under my power. Loved the whole experience of making such a man quiver under me.

And when he came, he came powerfully, groaning loudly through clenched teeth.

“Shit,” he hissed and I pulled my hand away. “That was the best fucking hand job ever.”

I smiled shyly at him. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. Anytime you want the favor returned, just ask. And any time you want to do that to me again I’m
game. But right now…”

“Yeah?” I asked, watching as he wiped his semen from his chest with the sheets.

“Right now I’m going back to bed. I’m fucking exhausted.”

smiled as he closed his eyes and fell back asleep.

I guess he was like Craig in some ways, I thought. Apparently guys always go to sleep after sex no matter how hot they are.

Yeah, but that was still the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.

Yes, I admitted. Yes
, it was.



I’m coming over and you’re going to paint me.

The text from Adrian had me stopping my cart in the grocery store aisle. Before I could respond, he added,
And don’t even bother making excuses. You gave me a hand job. We’ve made out. We’ve officially moved from friends to friends with benefits. I think that you can paint me with my clothes off and survive.

I bit my lip and looked around, feeling incredibly nervous. As I wheeled my cart to the checkout line, I wrote back.

I’m at the grocery store. I’ll be home soon.

Good. I’m fucking starving.

When I got home, Adrian was waiting for me inside my house. He helped me in with my grocery bags and when we finally put everything away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.

“But I thought you were hungry,” I said, trailing after him helplessly.

“I am, but no more excuses. You’ve been putting this off long enough.”

He dragged me into the spare room and looked around. “So where do you want me?”

I shrugged like I hadn’t been imagining this for months.

His eyebrow arched as he watched me. “I have a feeling you know exactly where you want me, but you’re pretending you don’t have a clue.”

My cheeks flushed as he continued on, “So I’m going to undress while you pretend some more and then we can get on with this. And if you feel so obliged afterwards, you can give me another hand job.”

I pursed my lips and shot him a glare as he pulled his shirt over his head.

I turned away quickly, not wanting to get distracted and began setting my supplies up where I wanted them.

When I turned back around, Adrian was sitting on a large Victorian chair in the middle of the room watching me. I tried not to notice the fact that his legs were parted and I could see his erection straining upward.

“I know. It’s infuriating,” he said with a small smile. “I’m watching you organize your paint supplies and I’m hard enough to hammer nails. It makes no sense.”

I couldn’t help my reddening cheeks.

“I love how embarrassed you get despite everything we’ve done,” he continued as I worked on straightening my easel. “You’re a weird dichotomy, Jane Woods.”

“And you’re just weird,” I managed to get out as I finally stepped toward him. “Now, I want you to sit a little differently,” I said, slowly rearranging his limbs.

When I finally had him in position, Adrian looked up at me. “I am seriously turned on,” he said thickly.

“I can tell,” I said, deciding it was time to get back at him for being such an ass. I lightly ran my hand down his shaft and he shuddered.

“That’s not helping.”

“I know,” I said with a smirk before turning my back and walking back to my easel. Now that he was in this room naked and posed it all seemed so natural. This is what I went to college for. This is what I was trained to do. I grabbed my paint and my brush and slowly began to work on the canvas.

“So tell me about your family,” Adrian said after a few moments of silence.


“So I can get this boner to go down. It’s growing uncomfortable.”

“So you want me to bore
you with stories of my mom and dad?”

“And your childhood. I want to know what makes Jane Woods tick, what makes you so…”

“So, what?”

“So fucking tempting to me.”

My heart fluttered in my chest and I glanced back to my canvas.

“Fine,” I began. “I grew up the only child of Myrna and Herman.”

“Those are terrible names.”

“Tell me about it,” I said with a smile. “What are your parent’s names?”

“Joel and Candice, but this isn’t about me. It’s about you. So back to Myrna and Herman.”

I shrugged. “There’s not much to tell. They met, married and got divorced by the time I was six.
My dad’s remarried and my mom has a boyfriend and living life.”

“So you see them often?”

“Never, really. My mom is always traveling and my dad has a young wife and kids of his own. I’m kind of like the forgotten child,” I explained.

“I don’t know how anyone could forget you…”

“Thanks, but I don’t take it personally. They did their best. They weren’t happy together and my childhood wasn’t bad. What about you? Your parents still together?”

Adrian snorted. “Yeah. For over thirty years.”

I stopped painting and glanced at Adrian. “And do they love each other?”

“Yeah. Obnoxiously so.”

I sighed, my paintbrush dangling uselessly in my hand. “How romantic.”

“Romantic for everyone else, but let me tell you, it was damn embarrassing growing up with parents who couldn’t keep their hands off each other.”

“Better than parents who forget you even exist,” I said before adding, “So why do you have issues with commitment when your parents have set such a good example. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”

Adrian shrugged. “I just haven’t found the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“She’s out there,” I said encouragingly.

“Yeah. She is,” he replied, his tone suddenly so serious.

Silence washed over us, and when I couldn’t take it anymore I asked, “So did that kill your boner?”

I heard Adrian sigh. “Nope. Still standing at attention.”

“Unfortunate,” I said.

“Tell me about it.”

I painted him until the sun began to set in the sky, his nudity becoming nothing more than art for the time being. When my eyes began to strain, I placed my brush down and said, “Okay, I’m done for today.”

Adrian stretched his limbs as he asked, “Can I see?”

“No. Only when it’s done.”

He rolled his eyes to the ceiling before standing up. “Posing is hard work. I think I lost circulation in my left arm.”

“I know, but thank you for sacrificing yourself,” I said, taking in his lean body with a newfound appreciation. “I see your little problem is gone.”

Adrian smirked as he walked over to his clothes. “Not for long. I have a feeling it will be making an appearance soon.”

He picked up his shirt and held it in his hand. “So should I leave my clothes off or…”

I shot him a look
, even though his suggestive question had my insides clenching in anticipation.

“What did you have in mind?”

“We could break in that vibrator?”

“Not happening.”

“You could take off your clothes and we could go at it.”

I shot him a look. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, seriously,” he said, looking offended. “I’m getting hard again. You have magical hands and I can’t stop thinking about last night. I’m absolutely miserable. So are you going to end my torture or what?”

“You’re miserable? That’s sure a great way to convince a girl to jerk you off.”

“Well, this is all new for me,” Adrian said with a sigh, pulling his shirt on. “It’s usually not this hard.”

“Well, maybe it’s good for you to work for something for once in your life.”

“I’ve worked plenty hard for everything I have,” he replied now fully clothed. “It’s just that you’re a particularly stubborn female and incredibly frustrating.”

“I’m not easy.”

Adrian snorted, “You’re telling me. Now if you’re not going to suck my dick, let’s eat. I’m starving.”




Please tell me you’ve been fingered before.

I glanced down at my phone and sighed. Adrian had left that night to spend some time with August. Apparently he was having problems with something and Adrian, being his best friend, felt the need to intervene. He’d texted me earlier saying he wouldn’t be home tonight and despite being disappointed I understood.

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