And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance (12 page)

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“Do you want top…”

I waved my hand at him. “I got it. You’re serious?”

“Jesus. Déjà vu. We just had this conversation. I’m serious. You started it by kissing me back there…”

“I did not.”

“You broke the rule about friends not kissing…”

“You’re twisting my words…
or actions…or…”

He ignored
my ramblings. “So I’ll just make a decision and say we make out facing one another and then decide who can be top or bottom as we carry on…”

“Oh my god,” I groaned as he stretched out next to me like a lazy cat lying in the sun.

“Come on, Janie. I’m sure you and Craig made out a lot. Why don’t you take this as an opportunity to teach me something?”

“Teach you what? I’m not even sure I’m a good kisser.”

Adrian slanted me a look. “How about I let you know? Don’t take anything Craig said as gospel. He’s an ass, remember?”

“How did you know Craig said…”

“Because. He’s. An. Ass. Now can we stop talking about your douche of an ex? I’d rather be making out with you.”

I sighed as Adrian scooted closer to me, felt my whole body clench in anticipation.

You want this. You really, really want this.

But before his lips could hit mine, I pressed a hand to his chest, stopping his forward momentum.

“No sex.”

“Rub it in, Janie. Rub it in,” he sighed and then he kissed me before I could argue further.

It was chaste at first, almost hesitant. His lips lingered lightly on mine for the briefest of seconds as his hands rested on my hips. His tongue ran along my lips and I sighed in heady anticipation. His fingers tightened on me and because I didn’t know what else to do, I rested my hand on his shoulder.

“Janie, I’m not making out with a nun. At least, I don’t think I am…”

“I told you I suck at this.”

“Well, you suck so far, but I’m hoping it will get better.”

I rolled my eyes as his lips descended onto mine again.

When his tongue slid between my lips, I slowly moved my tongue along his. He gave an appreciative grunt, causing me to shiver as he pulled me closer to him. I could feel his strong thighs brushing mine, his hands sliding up and down my back as I gripped his shoulder.

I didn’t know why I was so nervous, but I was. I’d had sex with Craig a thousand times, kissed him more than that, but one small kiss from Adrian had me clenching up like a taut guitar string. It was like everything I’d learned was worthless. My whole worldview was shifting.

And that’s a good thing.

“You really need to loosen up,” Adrian said, his breath moving across my mouth.

“I’m nervous. I don’t normally go around making out with my friends,” I replied, squirming against him. 

He groaned. “I never make out, but you don’t see me stiff as a corpse.”

“Hey,” I said, leaning back. “There was some tongue action…”

“And it was good while it lasted before it went back into hibernation. I hope it comes out before spring.”

“You sure do know how to make a girl feel special,” I said dryly.

“You just need to let go…let loose.”

My eyes left his gaze and I stared at his ear. “I thought I was supposed to teach

“Yeah, I was a little too optimistic on that front, but hey, live and learn. Now kiss me like you mean it.”

I did a little better the second time around, my tongue gliding over his, my hands rubbing his arms, but I was pretty sure Adrian had never had someone as bad as me. I was just too nervous to do anything correctly.

You’re a total loser, Jane.

And I felt a little defeated when he broke away from me and said, “So I thought it was going to be hard to stop...”

I groaned as I buried my head in my pillow. “It was terrible!”

“No, not terrible, but I’m surprised that someone who buys skanky lingerie kisses like a virgin.”

“I know! And I promise I’m not this bad normally, but this whole thing is weird…”

“Exactly,” Adrian said, propping himself up on his elbows. “Which is why we’ll practice until we’re clawing each other’s clothes off.”

And before I could protest, he added, “And I’m not complaining because even though that was a definite work in progress, I’m still rock hard.”

My eyes widened. “You are?”

“Yeah,” he said, bringing my hand down to his crotch to prove his point. And sure enough, straining against his jeans was his cock.

“Holy crap, but you just said you didn’t like kissing me,” I said, squeezing it lightly.

Adrian inhaled sharply. “Yeah,
I never said that, but trust me…guys can get hard when they’re deciding on what type of bread they should buy at the grocery store.”

“Really? How bizarre,” I said absently, my hand rubbing over his extremely long length. Craig had never been this big, although at the time I hadn’t known any different.

Adrian sucked in a breath again. “Yeah, and you’re much hotter than a bread aisle.”

“Thank you,” I said as I pulled my hand away,
hot all over.

Adrian rolled onto his back and I couldn’t help but peek down at his crotch. There it was, straining against his pants. I itched to touch it again.

“How about a hand job?” Adrian asked, glancing over at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

Normally I would have spouted out a retort, but for the first time I actually hesitated. I actually wanted to do that for him.

“Just kidding,” Adrian added when I ceased to say anything. “I better go.” He pushed himself upright and stretched.

“See you tomorrow?” he asked before adding, “For make out session number two?”

I nodded, biting my lip as Adrian left.

You’re the biggest loser in history, Jane. Lame Jane. Lame Jane. How could you let THAT walk out the door?

I laid in bed, listening to Adrian rustle around next door before silence drifted over me. Even though I had sucked in the whole kissing department, Adrian had been wonderful. If only I had the power to let loose and conjure up my inner cavewoman. Maybe tomorrow would be better. I wanted to prove to him that I could be just as good as any of his bimbos.

This is what eight years with Craig did to you. It made you a spineless, unhappy creep.

I flipped onto my side and punched my pillow. I suddenly felt frustrated beyond measure. Why did I have to wait until tomorrow to prove I had it in me? Why not do it now? I didn’t want to be the creepy girl who couldn’t kiss worth a damn. I wanted to be uninhibited, wild, reckless. Someone worthy of Adrian.

Yes! Do it. Do it!

I pushed myself upright and almost tripped rushing to my dresser. I quickly changed into something sexier –the red corset and garter belt that Adrian had bought me for my birthday. Perhaps that would be the armor I needed to be sensual, to kiss like a sex-god.

I pulled on a sweater and sprinted down the stairs and right up to Adrian’s door. I pushed it open, surprised to find that it wasn’t locked. But I didn’t let myself think too much about it because if I started thinking, I’d clam up again.

Instead I took the stairs two at a time and rushed into his room. I skidded to a stop when I found him undressing, clad only in boxer briefs, which hugged his impressive thighs.

He turned around and smiled at me. “Janie, thought you’d change your mind about the hand…”

I crushed my lips against his before he could kill the mood. I shrugged my sweater from my shoulders and it pooled around my feet as I ran my hands through his already rumpled hair. My tongue swept into his mouth as I pressed myself against him. He seemed surprised by my onslaught, but didn’t complain. His hands were sliding roughly down my sides before cupping my ass and pulling me into his hardening cock.

I slanted my mouth into his to go deeper as I ground myself against him. I was wound tight once again, but I no longer felt like I was going to snap in half. Instead I felt like I was going to combust from the friction building within me.

Adrian was groaning now, his hips thrusting slowly against me. We were slowly spinning out of control and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I had to stop, but I just couldn’t. It felt too good to be kissed like this. Craig and I never did this. Never.

And I wanted more, even if it meant getting hurt in the end.

Adrian pulled away suddenly, his eyes smoldering, his chest heaving in uneven pants.

“Fuck,” he said, taking a step back. “If you keep that up I’m going to fuck you right here.”

His words had my heart stuttering in my chest and I swallowed nervously. “Oh.”

“Oh, is right,” he replied. “Where did that savage woman come from? I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“I guess it just needs a little coercion to come out and the outfit helped.”

Appreciation gleamed in his eyes as he took in my nightie. “You do look pretty damn hot in that.”

“I thought you said you’d prefer girls naked.”

“I do.”

We stood there in silence, eyeing each other
uncertainly. And I knew right then that I couldn’t go ahead with any of it.

Yes, you can. Come on!

Sex with Adrian would be fleeting and I’d end up being left for someone else. We had to stay just friends, even if that did include make out sessions. I could do that and still stay strong. I could.

“Well, I’m glad I wasn’t terrible the second time,” I said, glancing at Adrian and then the door. I was suddenly unsure, the inner sex-god trembling in a corner. What was happening to me?

“You’re leaving?” Adrian asked.

“Yeah, I need to get to bed.”

“You can stay here,” he replied, glancing at his bed, but I shook my head. We’d slept together before, but this would be different. Things between us
different all of a sudden.

“I should go, but thanks…”

“For what?” Adrian asked, picking up my sweater and placing it over my shoulders. I felt his fingers brush over my skin before they dropped to his sides.

“For the second chance.”

He nodded and glanced at the door. His eyes were still glowing from the fire that had ignited between us, but there was something else in the depths that I couldn’t quite identify.

And for a moment I wondered if my decision to go forth and be great had ruined things between us.

“We’re okay?” I couldn’t help but ask.

Adrian’s eyes met mine and for a moment my stomach was in my throat before he nodded.

That was all I got as I left his house.



I couldn’t fall asleep. I was worried, confused and turned on. Adrian hadn’t spouted off his playful retorts when I left his house as I’d expected him to. Instead he remained oddly quiet. Which freaked me out.

Finally my phone buzzed and I reached for it so quickly that it slid from my fingers and clattered on the floor.

“Crap, balls…” I muttered as I grasped for it.

When I finally retrieved it, Adrian’s message flashed on the screen.
So I’m horny as hell and I blame you.

My heart leapt at his comment. The old Adrian with his quips and humor was back.

I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I’m not.
I replied.

So you’re not asleep. Which means you’re having a hard time forgetting what just happened too.

Nope. I just don’t sleep well.

Liar. Come over.

I glanced at the clock. It was 4:14 AM. Holy hell.

Stop being so resistant. Just do it.

Why would I do that?

So you can give me a hand job so I can finally fall asleep.

I smiled widely.
Not giving you a hand job.

Fine. Then just come over so I can hold you.

My chest tightened at his comment.
Since when do you hold girls?

Since now. Come over.

Just friends?

Just fiends.


Goddamn auto correct. Come over NOW.

I pulled myself out of bed and nearly skipped in excitement up to his house. When I arrived in his darkened room, I saw his silhouette lying in bed beneath the covers.

“Finally,” he said. “Come on.” He pulled the covers back and I slipped beneath them, shivering at the coolness against my skin.

“Cold?” Adrian asked, his hands pulling me up against him. My back was flush against his chest and my legs were tangled up in his. I could feel his hard length pressed up against my ass, but I chose to ignore it. Or at least I chose to
to ignore it. But commenting about it would only remind the two of us what we couldn’t have.

I snuggled deeper into him and felt his hips thrusting lightly into my ass.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

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