And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance (15 page)

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My whole body was flushed at his comment and it took me an entire minute to move. Finally I managed a shrug and undressed quickly, pulling his shirt over my head and sliding into his bed.

He joined me
a minute later, wearing nothing but his boxer briefs and pulled me into him. His face nuzzled into my neck and I pushed down the affection I felt for him. Because even though we were friends and I was crossing lines by being with him like this, I knew that eventually he would break my heart. He would find someone he liked more, wanted more, and I would be left in the dust. Just like Craig had done.

Way to kill the mood.

Thankfully my anxious thoughts were stemmed by Adrian’s comment.

“I know you don’t like being fingered, but I could tell you wanted me to do it to you back there. So why didn’t you let me get you off in the park.”

“Unlike you,” I explained, “I haven’t ever masturbated in public and I don’t think I ever will.”

“I think that pretty soon you may try it. Sometimes the need gets way too overwhelming.”

“I doubt that will ever happen,” I replied. “So what was the craziest place you’ve ever masturbated?”

Adrian was quiet for a moment before he said, “Probably the time I did it in a plane.”

“Mile high club?”

“No, I was alone and desperate.”

“Pretty pathetic,” I said with a smile.

“More like exciting. You know, if you let me, I can open up a whole new world for you…sexually that is.”

“I’m sure you could,” I replied dryly. “I’ve heard those women screaming through the walls. I know you’re very skilled at what you do.”

“I can’t believe you were eavesdropping on me having sex.”

“I wasn’t eavesdropping. It couldn’t be helped. Trust me,” I said, “If I could have blocked the sound out I would have. I have the earplugs to prove it.”

Adrian ignored my comment. “So speaking of eavesdropping, you ever going to tell me who you think is hot?”

I shrugged and decided to be ambiguous. His head was big enough already. “Just some guy I saw today.”

Adrian tensed up slightly behind me. “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” I replied, peeking over at him. “Why does it matter?”

Adrian pulled me into him. “I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t.”

The way he said it had me turning in his arms and staring at him. He looked like the same old Adrian except he almost looked like he was pouting.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” he replied, forcing a smile on his face.

“Well, how about,” I began, wanting to lighten the mood, “you tell me about Creepy Clara and I’ll tell you who I think is hot.”

Adrian’s fingers brushed up and down my arm. “There’s not much to tell about Clara, except that she stalked me for months after I broke things off. She wasn’t creepy to begin with, but she ended up that way. I actually thought about filing a restraining order against her at one point.”

“Did you?” I asked, my eyes wide.

“No. It never came to that, but she did threaten suicide once if I didn’t get back together with her.”

“So that’s why you have all those rules.”


“So you took everything you did with her and made it forbidden?”

Adrian shrugged, “No, not exactly. Some things yeah, but the rest is just from years of experience. I know you think I’m a dick, but I really try not to be when it comes to the girls I’m sleeping with.”

I nodded my understanding.

“And the guys who told you all my shit rules the other night,” Adrian began as he ran a hand through my hair, “they are just as fucking weird as I am.”

“I don’t think anyone can be as weird as you,” I said
with a large grin.

“Yeah, right. Now tell me who this mystery guy was. I need to know who my competition is.”

“I don’t know why you have to know and I don’t really want to tell you…”

“Janie. You made a deal,” he said, seeming to grow more and more grumpy.

I didn’t want to ruin our night so I said, “Fine. It’s you. I was talking to Sadie, my best friend, and I said I thought you were hot.”

Relief spread across his features and he smiled widely. “You think I’m hot?’

“See, that’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you. Your head is going to explode if you get anymore conceited.”

“I’m not conceited.”

“You are too,” I said as his fingers played with the bottom of my shirt.

“I’m glad you think I’m hot. I wasn’t sure what you thought of me actually.”

I almost snorted at his comment before I realized he was being serious. “Well, now you know. I think you’re a dick most of the time, but you’re a hot dick.”

Adrian chuckled behind me as he pressed a kiss to my neck. “Hot dick, huh?”

“You know what I mean. Now let’s go to bed. I have plans tomorrow.”

Adrian sighed, but his hands did cease their upward motion.

Much to my disappointment.



I woke up in a tangle of limbs. An ache between my legs was resonating through my pelvis and into my stomach. I clenched my thighs together as a hand moved slowly up my torso. I struggled to breathe evenly as deft fingers grasped my bare breast. I could feel Adrian thrusting behind me, his cock brushing against my side.

I didn’t think he was awake and I really didn’t care. All I wanted was for him to continue. For him to clasp my hard nipples between his fingers and alleviate some of the agony I was experiencing. Instead his hands ran the opposite way, down my stomach and under my pajama bottoms.

And I spread my legs as far as I could as his fingers brushed across me.

I could hear his breathing quicken as his thrusts grew more intense. His fingers were groping and I nearly came unhinged as he slipped his finger between my slit.

Craig had attempted this with me a few times, but I
’d hated it. But with Adrian, I couldn’t get enough. And even though in the back of my mind I knew this would open up other doors, I let my sleepiness be my justification. I didn’t really know what I was doing anyway.

His finger found my entrance and he entered it slowly. He groaned behind me as his hips slapped against me. And then I felt him shudder and something wet seep through his boxers. He flopped onto his back, his finger, which had begun to penetrate me slipped out of me, as a small snore exited his mouth.

I nearly screamed in frustration. How was this possible?

I tried to go back to sleep, but the ache had only grown stronger. Being horny was terrible and relief seemed impossible.

Adrian was right.

Sometimes the need was just too overwhelming. And right then, I knew tomorrow was going to be a terrible day.

Chapter Ten


I slammed the door to the bathroom as I changed into the outfit I was going to wear on my date.

“What has gotten into you?” Adrian asked, pushing the door open, causing me to hide my bare breasts.

“Just get out,” I said as my nipples pebbled against my arms. I had predicted correctly. I was in a terrible mood, partially because I hadn’t gotten enough sleep and partially because I was so sexually frustrated I thought I was going to die.

“No way. You’ve been bitchy all morning and I don’t know what I’ve done.”

“You haven’t done anything,” I bit out, taking a deep breath. I forced myself to smile, but it came out as more of a snarl.

“You look like a feral animal. Normally
, I’d think that’s hot, but right now you look like you want to rip off my head and not my clothes.”

“I don’t want you to do either. I just want you to leave me alone.”

Adrian crossed his arms across his chest and stared at me, the playfulness in his eyes slowly being snuffed out.

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll go.”

“Fine,” I said with a snap.

Adrian turned on his heels and left me standing in my bathroom feeling like a total prick.




What’s your favorite sex position?
I typed out because Adrian was right. My date was as boring as math. And I hadn’t heard from Adrian since he’d left my house. I had a feeling he was mad at me for being such a bitch. I really needed to apologize, but I didn’t want to do that over text, so I sent him something I knew he’d respond to. And I could care less that Harrison was sitting right before me. I couldn’t focus on him at the moment anyways. All I could think about was Adrian and how I’d acted earlier.

I was relieved when Adrian texted me back almost immediately with no mention of my previous behavior.

I like them all. Why?

My dour mood evaporated almost immediately.
No, give me a specific one. I want to know.

Damn. Fine. I like the eagle.

The eagle? What’s that?

Is this because you want to try it with your date? Because if so, I’m not telling you.

I shook my head in amusement as Harrison droned on and on about nothing. I hated that Adrian had been right about Harrison and hated that Adrian was starting to become the one guy I wanted above all others.

No you love it. You love Adrian.

Fine. I’ll Google it.
I replied, shaking the horrifying thoughts away.

Don’t Google it. Why don’t I just show you when you get home?

His playful mood was back so I asked,
What if for some weird reason I decide not to come home tonight?

Adrian didn’t reply right away and I focused my attention on Harrison. He wasn’t bad looking by any means, but the words coming out of his mouth made me want to go to sleep. He reminded me a little of Craig, actually and for the first time since
Craig and I’d broken up, I wondered what I had seen in him all those years ago.

Finally Adrian texted me
Well if you don’t decide to come home will you at least tell me so I know where you are?

His worry softened my heart and my resolve. So I texted back:
Sure, but there is no way I am going anywhere with this guy. I can’t imagine he even knows what a sex position is.

Adrian replied almost immediately
I told you so.

I rolled my eyes as Harrison coughed lightly and asked me if I wanted dessert. I shook my head, eager to get home. I really wanted to get away from Harrison, but more importantly I wanted to apologize to Adrian.

As dinner came to a conclusion and I was on my way home, my whole body coiled tightly in anticipation. When I pulled up to the curb and hopped out, Adrian met me outside, wearing faded jeans and a white undershirt. I hadn’t been this excited to see someone in ages.

“Heard your old clunker pull up, so date number two was…” Adrian asked as he followed me into my house.

“Terrible as usual,” I replied, conceding quickly. “You were right. He was awful.”

“Did he bore you with stories of the water cooler and staplers?”

“Several and one about a business trip. I wasn’t paying much attention though.”

“Right, because you were too busy texting me about sex positions, which is intriguing. Why the sudden interest? Finally ready to experiment?”

I moved around him and made my way upstairs to the bathroom. A long hot bath after this evening was definitely in order.

“Because I knew if I asked you something personal you probably wouldn’t respond. You only respond to sexting and I was desperate to not die of boredom.”

“Hey, I’m an open book.”

“Yeah,” I said with a smirk. “Sure you are.”

“Better to be an open book than a closed one. Especially one with such an intriguing cover. People are bound and determined to want to find out what you’re hiding in there.”

“I’m not hiding anything, just a strong desire to get out of these clothes,” I began, gesturing to my pencil skirt and high heels.

“Now I’m listening,” he said.

“And into a bath,” I finished, walking into my bathroom. I didn’t even bat an eye when he followed me inside. Instead I adjusted the water temperature and then bent down to feel the water pouring into the tub, satisfied it wasn’t too hot or too cold.

“So are you going to give online dating another chance or are you done?” Adrian asked as I poured in my favorite bath salts and soap.

As the water foamed, I shrugged. “Maybe. Who knows? My prince charming may still be out there, lurking somewhere in cyberspace.”

“Yeah, keep wishing,” he replied as he leaned against the bathtub.

I folded my arms across my chest and slanted him an annoyed look. “Don’t be such a pessimist. It could happen.”

“Yeah,” Adrian said dryly. “Sure.”

And because I didn’t want to seem like a modest shrew,
I slid out of my skirt and underwear without any hesitation before slipping into the hot water. Adrian was silent from where he stood as I leaned my head against the cool porcelain of the bathtub. It could easily fit two people and I loved the space I had to really stretch out and relax. Not that I could fully relax when I was naked in the same room as Adrian. That telltale throb was forming between my legs once more and I clenched my core in frustration.

“You going to invite me in?” Adrian finally asked and I shook my head as I bit down on my bottom lip.

“Nope. You’re not invited.”

, you are. Come into the tub!

My words didn’t deter him however as he quickly stripped out of his clothes and sank into the opposite side of the tub. He was so large that he took up nearly all of my space. His legs stretched out on either side of me and I slapped at his exposed kneecaps.

“You are way to big for this,” I laughed as he pulled both of my feet into his lap. Before I could protest any further, I felt his thumb dig into the sole of my foot and I moaned in pure pleasure.

“Still want me out?” he asked as he continued to work magic on my sore feet.

“Not if you keep doing that,” I said, my eyes fluttering closed as he massaged his way down my insole.

“You’re pretty easy, Jane.”

I sighed heavily in response, not caring at the moment. “You have great fingers.”

“There is a lot these fingers can do. Would you like me to show you?”

I don’t know why, but I shook my head even as my body cried out for release.

Stop living in fear. Grow a pair and take what you want!

“Why are you so hesitant?”

“Because,” I said angrily, “I don’t want to end up like those thousands of girls you’ve fucked and then left.”

Whoa. I hadn’t expected to say that, to be so honest.

“I wouldn’t say it’s been thousands…”

“Oh, just shut up,” I said. “Can’t you take anything seriously?”

“Only when it’s not ridiculous.”

“So my feelings are ridiculous?” All the previous plans to apologize dissipated in a puff of smoke.

“No, but I think your reasons for staying away from me are. Just let loose a little. Let me help you out.”

“Adrian,” I began, “I know we’re friends with benefits…although you seem to be reaping all the benefits at the moment…”

“Which is your hang up…”

“But I still have feelings and I’m scared that if I let you in, like I let Craig in, that you’ll tear me to shreds.”

Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “I’m pretty offended that yo
u’d compare me to that dick, Jane.”

“Well, how are you any different?”

“First of all, I’m probably way better looking and my dick is probably twice his size. Secondly, I respect you and I’d never go out on you while we’re doing this thing. He was an ass for doing that to you, Janie.”

I waved my hand in irritation, causing some bubbles
to float in the air between us. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep spouting that BS. I know guys like you and you’re all the same. Same look, same words, same goals.”

“And what goal is that?”

“To get between a girl’s legs.”

“I haven’t gotten between your legs and I’m still here.”

“Yeah, well like we’ve established I’m not your average girl and you have to change your strategy to get between mine.”

Adrian was growing frustrated now. He ran a hand through his hair as he looked at me in disbelief. “You’re joking
, right?”

“No,” I said angrily. “I’m not.”

“You really think I’m that I’m the kind of guy who would go through all this trouble and torture just to get a taste of you?”

Adrian’s eyes had darkened as he leaned toward me. I swallowed nervously as I licked my lips. I was angry and turned on and all I wanted to do was lick him from head to toe.

“How do I know you’re not using
?” Adrian finally asked, his eyes flickering across my body.

“Yeah. That’s what’s going on here,” I managed to say. “Serial monogamist out for wild sex with obnoxious neighbor. No thanks. I could have better.” As the words left my mouth I regretted them immediately.

Adrian stared at me before he pushed himself out of the tub and began drying himself off. “You’re seriously sexually repressed. When you change your mind you know where to find me.”

“Adrian, wait,” I said, but he was already out of my room and making his way down the stairs. He didn’t even bother to get dressed. He just strode out of my house in my towel.

I slumped on the edge of the tub, the throb between my legs only intensifying.

I didn’t even bother changing into pajamas. I just walked over to the bed, still wrapped in my towel and flopped down. I was frustrated beyond all measure, holding my phone in my hands because I wanted to text Adrian, but not quite able to actually do it.

So I stared at the ceiling and counted to a thousand, hoping math would remind me of Harrison and boredom. But half way through, it only seemed to remind me of Adrian and the eagle. I ran my thumb along my phone’s screen before placing it on the pillow beside me.

What a terrible day. I’d predicted it and it came true.

Well, do something about it. Fix it!

, the front door banged open and I sat up, my breath coming in small pants as footsteps crashed up my stairwell.

A second later
, I saw a familiar silhouette in the doorway and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m not going to wait around for you to change your mind,” Adrian said, seemingly out of breath. “I’m going to get you off and then if you still want to be stubborn and shut me out then you can go right ahead.”

I exhaled in relief. “Okay.”

He stopped his forward motion and even in the dark I could see his eyebrows rising. “Okay?”

“Yes, okay,” I snapped and just like that he was on my bed, unwrapping my towel, pressing his lips to mine. And when his finger slid inside of me slowly, the two of us groaned together at how ready I was.

“How long have you been so wet?” he asked, as he licked his way down my neck.

“For days,” I replied, arching my hips and spreading my legs to give him better access.

He seemed to get the point. One of his fingers moved deliciously inside of me as his thumb brushed rhythmically over my clit until I was grabbing at his hair and pulling his lips toward mine.

“I want you,” I breathed. “I want you inside of me.”

Adrian’s groan resonated within my mouth and I could feel his hard length against my thigh. I was so close. So close. I writhed shamelessly, clawing at the sheets as he placed a second finger inside of me. This was so amazing. I’d been missing out. I’d been fucking missing out on life, I thought as I finally fell over the edge.

I arched my back as I dug my fingers into his skin. I was trembling all over as pleasure washed over me again and again. Finally, I collapsed, my limbs like noodles, my eyes suddenly heavy.

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